Jian Yi pulls Shazhi away, and Dou Ge calls Ning Jiwei with his mobile phone.

In fact, even if Jian Haixi doesn't say it, he will call Ning Jiwei today. He needs to tell Ning Jiwei about Jian Haixi's headphones and mojue.

Ning Jiwei received a call from Dou Ge, which was not surprising at all. He said with a smile: "I think you will call me, because of mojue."

"It's not just mojue," Douge said

"Well?" Ning Jiwei picks an eyebrow. He guesses that Dou Ge will call him, but he thinks it's because of Mo Jue. Unexpectedly, there is something else.

Dou Ge sighed and said, "but I really want to discuss with you about mojue. What's your plan?"

Speaking of this, Ning Jiwei frowned and said: "mojue's original intention is to buy time for us, and I've thought about it. In the last two days, we can't be shocked. Otherwise, not only mojue can't be saved, we can get in as many people as we go."

After a pause, Ning Jiwei said: "I want to save Mo Jue I have to wait until I get back to Xiangcheng. As long as there is chaos in Xiangcheng, Mo Sheng will turn to talilina for help. Talilina will not be able to take care of her, so it's easier for you. "

Dou Ge listened to his words without making a sound.

"What do you think?" ninjiwei asked

"I have no idea, but Haixi put forward a method. She said it's better to find someone to save mojue, and make sure that this person can save mojue 100 percent."

"The people who can save Mo Jue 100 percent..." Ji Weining asked: "let me call you?"

"Yes." Dou Ge nodded.

Ning Jiwei a little thought, also understand the meaning of jianhaixi, he said: "Haixi is looking for Mo Tong help?"

Dou Ge was not surprised to see that he guessed the meaning of Jian Haixi. The two men's hearts were very close. He had seen them for a long time and didn't know how many times.

Perhaps, the combination of extreme intelligence and deep love has made them feel the same.

Dou Ge said with a smile: "yes, Haixi said you are in a hurry. You don't have to worry about it. She just asked me to ask you what way you can find this person, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Ning Jiwei thought and said, "my father should have a way to contact Mo Tong."

Dou Ge frowned and said, "I'll ask Gu Chenyi to ask."

"Well, good." Ning Jiwei said: "but Mo Tong is an old urchin. Even if my father has a way, it will take some time to find him."

"This is the task that Dou Yixi and I will share tomorrow," she said

Thinking of two little geniuses, Ning Jiwei also smiles and says, "with Yi Yi and Shazhi, you really don't have to worry. As long as motong has left traces, they can find him wherever he is. "

After a pause, Ning Jiwei asked, "well, mojue's business has come to this. What else can you do for me?"

Dou Ge looked at Jian Haixi and hesitated: "it's Haixi. She decided to put on the earphone again. She has asked mikai to do the preparatory work."

Ning Jiwei was silent for a moment, not in a hurry to say yes or no.

It's not just in respect for Haixi, but in respect for every detail of him.

For example, at the moment, when he learned that Jian Haixi was going to wear headphones again, Ning Jiwei naturally felt bad in his heart, but he was not as eager to refuse and block as mikai and Dou Ge.

Although he was the one who wanted to stop him most, he just repressed his mood and put himself in the position of jianhaixi for the first time.

Dou Ge thought he was angry, so he quickly explained: "Haixi has her own consideration. Besides, in the current situation, we also need Haixi's help, so..."

"I understand." Ning Jiwei's voice was a little hoarse. He sighed: "I guess she won't be so obedient, but I didn't expect to be so fast."

Dou Ge said: "in fact, during the time of Haixi I've been very patient

They all know what kind of determination Jian Haixi came out with, but during this period of time, she has been suffering from physical discomfort, including the days when Jian Yi had an accident.

So in self-control and endurance, already very people can.

Ning Jiwei said with a bitter smile: "I understand that this is Haixi's decision. I won't have any opinions, just..."

After a pause, Ning Jiwei said: "Dou Ge, please take care of Haixi for me. She is easy to forget when she is busy. You should supervise her and take off the earphone when it is unnecessary. Don't put more burden on her ears."

"Don't worry, even if you don't say that, I'll keep an eye on her." Dogo.

The two ended the call after they said these things.

Ning Jiwei sighed a long time and leaned on the back of the chair.

The shadow in front of the car said with a smile: "young master, how do I think you are more tired after answering the phone?"Ning Jiwei turned to the night outside the window and said in a deep voice, "what can I do?"

Since he loves her, he must love her all.

He will respect her decision, but he will be doubly painful because of her pain.

On the other side, Dou Ge began to contact Gu Chenyi. Gu Chenyi just fell asleep. When he received Dou GE's call, he was still confused and asked, "what's the matter?"

"I need your help."

Dou Ge told the story briefly, and then said, "when you get up tomorrow, go and ask Mr. Mo to see if he has any way to contact Mo Tong. As long as there is any clue, Yiyi and Shazhi can find someone."

After listening to him, Gu Chenyi was completely awake. He rubbed his temple, sat up from the bed and asked, "mojue over there Are you sure it's ok? "

"Not sure." Dou Ge said in a deep voice, "but Mo Jue's head is flexible enough to last for a few days."

"Support is able to support, I'm afraid..." Gu Chenyi sighed: "I'm afraid he will be innocent."

Dou Ge Why did you drive all of a sudden?

Gu Chenyi asked again, "what's the matter with Haixi?"

Dou Ge said that Jian Haixi was going to wear headphones and told him that Ning Jiwei was on his way back. He told him not to worry.

After listening, Gu Chenyi nodded and said, "well, it's good for Ji Wei to come back. I don't know how long I can last."

Dou Ge was stunned and asked, "is mo Sheng looking for trouble again?"

"Not really. It's just It's time for it to end. " Gu Chenyi turned his head. The window didn't close. The cool wind of the night came in impolitely, which made others more sober. He sighed and said to Dou Ge, "brother, I can feel death has come to the door, but I don't know whether he is on our side or the other side."

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