Seeing the bug, Qiao Lei's face sank. He led Mo Xiujin and Mo Xiulin into the room, and asked someone to talk to George about it.

The children are still in the living room. No one knows that Mo Xiujin and Mo Xiulin are coming except them.

George soon learned about the eavesdropper, came out to see Mo Xiujin, and held out his hand to him.

Mo Xiujin did not resist to reach out and let George pull out the eavesdropper.

"Oh, boy, you dare to bring something when you come to our house. Do you look down on my family?"

George said deliberately.

Mo Xiujin was stunned. He soon knew what he meant and said, "no, this It's my accessory, not something dangerous. "

"Ha ha, smelly boy, are you ready to lie like others? You really learned from your Laozi. " George said, while also deliberately nausea.

Mo Xiujin drew a corner of his mouth, glared at George, and hummed.

George grinned: "our Qiao family may not have any high technology, but if we can't find out this kind of eavesdropper, it's too incompetent."

"I, we..." Mo Xiujin pretended to be very flustered. He just wanted to explain some more, but George had already interrupted him and said: "don't be nervous. We Qiao family don't have to make trouble with children. Don't we come to find Mo Xiuqian? I asked her to come out and see you

With that, George threw the bug directly into the pool next to him.

The eavesdropper got into the water, and soon it was completely destroyed.

After dropping the bug, George rubbed Mo Xiujin's head and said, "let's go."

Mo Xiujin hummed, "don't you let us in?"

"Stinky boy, you have a good temper, don't you?" George smiles. He is not familiar with Mo Xiujin, but from Jianrui and mojue, he has heard too much about Mo Xiujin and knows that these are good children, so he doesn't resent them.

Mo Xiujin has no intention to make trouble with George. Although he is proud, he still follows him.

George said, "it's OK to let you in, but it's up to you to tell Mo Sheng later."

Mo Xiujin nodded and said, "I know. I'll think of a good speech."

George looked down at him and said with a smile, "he's really a smart boy."

Just then, everyone has entered the living room. Jianrui and Gu Xiaomian are still upstairs talking with Qiao Qinghe, while Mo Xiuqian follows Yan Mei to help in the kitchen.

As soon as the people came into the room, Qiao Lei yelled at the kitchen: "Xiuqian, come out and have a look. Who's here?"

"Well?" Mo Xiuyu came out with a puzzled face and asked, "who is that?"

She didn't know many people. Besides, even if the Qiao family treated her well, because of her relationship with Mo Sheng, there would be some precautions.

Of course, those small details of defense, in order to take care of her feelings, Qiao people do is very hidden.

But Mo Xiuqian is sensitive, especially after the experience of those things in the Mo family, she is more concerned about some small actions, as well as other people's intentional or unintentional eyes and words.

So even though Qiao people pay attention, Mo Xiuqian still knows these things.

But even if she knew that, she didn't blame the Joe family.

She understood that, after all, she used to be an enemy, and now even if she was accepted, Mo Sheng's blood still flowed in her body, which was a fact that she could never change.

She won't have a problem with the Joe family because of these things. To her, the Joe family is just like her real family.

They gave her care and care, and gave her the life that a normal child should have.

She was always grateful for all this.

When she saw Mo Xiujin and Mo Xiulin, Mo Xiuqian was shocked, and then her eyes turned red.


"Second sister."

Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiujin called at the same time.

Mo Xiuqian bit her lip and held back her tears. She ran to them and took them by the hand and asked, "how did you come here? Is it safe to come here like this? Is there any danger? "

Mo Xiujin took the lower lip angle, looking at Mo Xiuqian, said: "second sister, don't worry, it's OK."

"Are you sure? Don't be so careless. In case something happens... " Mo Xiuqian is still worried.

Mo Xiujin said with a smile: "nothing will happen, because this time, our father asked us to come here, so it's very safe. Second sister doesn't have to worry."

Mo Xiuqian was stunned. Maybe the word "father" in Mo Xiujin's mouth made her hesitate for a moment, but it was only for a moment. Soon, Mo Xiuqian returned to normal again and nodded: "that's good, you're safe."

Mo Xiulin looks up and down at Mo Xiuqian, his eyes are slightly red, and his voice is a little dumb.

"Xiu Qian, how are you doing?" Mo Xiulin asked.

"Of course." Mo Xiuqian answered this question without hesitation. With a bright smile on her face, she pointed to herself and said, "brother, don't you think I'm tall?""Well..." Mo Xiulin stretched out his hand to compare with her sons, and then compared with himself. He nodded and said, "it seems to be a little higher."

"It's more than that." Mo Xiujin said with a smile: "you've gained a lot of weight. Second sister, have you been neglecting to practice martial arts recently? Look at your fat face. It's almost as good as Jianrui. "

Well, that's right. One sentence offended two people.

Mo Xiuqian immediately wanted to reach out and hit him, but before she could do it, she heard Jianrui's voice from the stairs.

"Mo Xiujin, dare you say I'm fat!"

"Yes, you dare to say that Ruirui is fat!" Gu Xiaomian follows Jianrui to help.

Mo Xiujin smiles. He is not frightened by them at all. Instead, he challenges Gu Xiaomian and says, "yes, compared with you, no one dares to say that he is fat."

"Mo Xiujin, you need to fight!" Gu Xiaomian rushed down the stairs and ran to Mo Xiujin.

Yan Mei on one side saw that he ran down in such a hurry. She couldn't help saying, "slow down, slow down, be careful not to fall."

"Ha ha!" Mo Xiujin was not afraid. Instead, he laughed and said, "Gu Ruan, don't you admit that you are fat? Look at you all the way. I can feel the ground shaking here. "

"Ah, I'm so angry!" Gu Xiaomian said angrily, "Mo Xiuqian, you have the ability to fight with me!"

Mo Xiujin snorted, turned his head and said, "why should I fight with you? You're so fat. Don't talk about fighting. You can crush me to death. "

After a pause, Mo Xiujin said with a bad smile, "if you have the ability, how about playing chess with me?"

"Here, I..." Gu Xiaomian choked and let him eat what he was good at, but he never caught a cold playing chess.

Gu Xiaomian was angry and aggrieved, but he said that Mo Xiujin couldn't do it. For a moment, his red face froze there.

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