After the funeral of Jane's father, the life of jianhaixi is gradually on the right track. She and Ning Jiwei are still not far from each other. They don't deliberately get close to each other. When they really meet, they won't avoid each other. No one has mentioned their future, but they all know each other's mind.

Just recently, there is something that makes jianhaixi feel a little puzzled. I don't know if it's her illusion. I always feel that the two children have something to hide from themselves.

Sometimes, as soon as the doorbell rings or the express phone arrives, the two children are very excited and often run outside the door to look back and forth.

But when Jian Haixi asked if they had bought anything, they both denied it.

It's just that Jianyi is so lucky to say that Jianrui's big eyes are like a yo yo. She is so guilty that she can't hide them.

Jian Haixi couldn't find out all kinds of ways, so he had to give up in the end.

Anyway, the children always worry, even if there is something to hide from themselves, when it's her turn to know, they will still tell her.

In the school, Jianrui picks her fingers and says to Jianyi: "brother, when will the appraisal result come out? I've been waiting for days. "

Jian Yi glanced at her and said calmly, "calm down. What are you panicking about?"

"Can I not panic?" Jianrui snorted: "I'm so excited to think that Shuai uncle might be our father!"

"I see it." Jian Yi said speechless: "as you look guilty, mummy probably has already seen that we have a problem."

"Ah?" On hearing this, Jianrui covered her mouth and said, "Mommy found out? What can we do then? "

"Nothing." Jian Yi said with a smile: "fortunately, Mommy is always at ease with me, so even if she finds out, she won't ask me specifically."

Jianrui sniffed. She thought she was good at acting.

"It seems that I have to learn to perform with brother JOJO."

Jian Yi raised her eyebrows, poked her forehead with her hand, and said, "come on, you are a little spirit. Do you want to deceive everyone when you learn acting again?"

"Hee hee ~" Jian Rui was stabbed by him, but she didn't get angry. Instead, she hugged Jian Yi's arm in a coquettish way and said, "you can't fool anyone anyway

"What are you fooling?"

Gu Xiaomian ran over with a small shovel and grinned at them: "brother Yi, Ruirui, come and play!"

Jian Yi looks at the shovel in his hand scornfully, and doesn't even bother to say no.

Jianrui doesn't want to play either. Her whole mind is on the result of identification. She's not in the mood to play anything else.

So she just waved to Gu Xiaomian lazily and said, "Gu Ruan, play by yourself. I'm worried."

"Ah? What are you worried about, Ruirui? Say it and I'll help you Gu Xiaomian said with a big pat on his chest.

"Pull it down ~" Jianrui said, "don't brag, can you manage air express?"

"Well, I..." Gu Xiaomian was stunned and scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I really can't manage this. Are you waiting for the express delivery?"

"Well," said Jianrui lazily.

"That's fast." Gu Xiaomian said with a smile: "my little father also bought a lot of things a few days ago, but the weather was not bad a few days ago. With more logistics on double 11, it's much faster now. If you go by air, it will be faster."

"Really?" Jianrui didn't hope at all, but she didn't expect that Gu Xiaomian would tell her something. She looked up at him and asked.

"Of course, when did I cheat you?" Gu Xiaomian once again vigorously patted the chest to guarantee.

"I'll wait and see. If I don't come today, I'll ignore you." Jianrui raised her head.

"Ah? No, Ruirui... " Gu Xiaomian didn't expect Jianrui to be so sad. If today's express really doesn't come, doesn't Ruirui ignore him?

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaomian didn't want to play any more. She sat beside Jianyi with her head drooping and her hands clasped. She kept saying, "grandfather Jesus, Great Buddha, you must protect ruiruirui's express delivery. Today, it's coming to yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya.

But I don't know if Gu Xiaomian really has such a deep sense of luck. After several days of silence, Jian Yi's hands are really recited by him.

When the telephone rings, the three children are excited.

"Brother, pick up!" Jianrui holds her small fist and stares at her mobile phone.

"If it's express, please!" Gu Xiaomian also put his hands together and prayed.

Jane Yi shakes her head and presses the answer button.

"Hello, your express..."

Jian Yi looked at Gu Xiaomian in surprise, and said with a smile, "well, you can put it in the express cabinet downstairs. I'll go back and get it myself."

After hanging up, Jianyi looks at Jianrui and says with a smile, "the result has come out. Today, let's go home and tell mommy after watching it."“yeah!” Jianrui jumped up happily, and Gu Xiaomian was relieved at last.

"Ha ha, Gu Ruanruan, you are so good!" Jianrui happily hugged Gu Xiaomian and said, "I didn't expect that express delivery really let you say it. It's so powerful for you!"

Gu Xiaomian was in a daze when he was suddenly hugged by Jianrui. The whole person rose up in a flash, and said with a small red face and a silly smile, "Hey, Ruirui, you're so polite, ha ha ~"

Jianyi was in a good mood, so she didn't beat Gu Xiaomian because of this hug. She just went to call jianhaixi with a smile and told her not to pick them up after work today. They went back by themselves.

Jian Haixi is still a little puzzled when she receives the phone call. However, when she learns that the children want to go to the bookstore on the way, she agrees. Anyway, although she worries about Jian Rui, she has all kinds of worries about Jian Yi.

After school, Jianyi and Jianrui take a taxi and go home.

To the downstairs, two people with identification results all the way back to the room, also mysteriously closed the door of the room.

"Brother..." Jianrui hands the result to Jianyi and swallows: "brother, open it, I dare not..."

Jian Yi takes the express and opens it calmly, only shaking her hand when she turns over the result.

"Brother, are you nervous too?" Jianrui asked with her head tilted.

Jane Yi gave her a white look, "you didn't infect her yet!"

Originally, he was sure of everything. He was made nervous by the little girl. Now he is also nervous, for fear that there will be some accidents.

Even if one of the accidents happens, it is estimated that Jianrui will die of grief.

"No, I'm not afraid..." Jianrui stammered and covered her eyes and said: "Ruirui believes in her brother. What her brother said will not be wrong."

So you're still covering your eyes?

Jian Yi looks at her timid sister and draws her lips, which calms her down a lot.

After taking a deep breath, Jian Yi opens the result and slowly slides to the bottom.

“…… Confirm the relationship between father and son. " A few words stand out.

Looking at the words, Jian Yi smiles.

"How are you, brother?" Jianrui asked anxiously, covering her eyes.

"Here, see for yourself." With a smile, Jian Yi breaks off her hand and shows her the result.

Jianrui blinks and stares at the words. After a while, she suddenly jumps up with Jianyi in her arms.

"Great! Brother, we have a daddy! Handsome uncle is daddy! Great

Jian Yi almost falls down when she pours. Looking at her excited sister, he helplessly reaches out and hugs her.

Forget it, just let her go crazy this time.


Hum, when Jane saw Haixi cooking, she couldn't help laughing? How can you make a meal so happy? "

"Mommy, you're back!" As soon as Jianrui saw jianhaixi, she jumped into her arms excitedly, hugged her thigh and said sweetly, "Mommy, you're great!"

"Ah? What's wrong with me? " Jian Haixi was praised inexplicably.

"Hee hee ~" Jian Rui tilted her head and said cunningly, "because Mommy gave birth to Rui Rui very well!"

Jian Haixi was speechless and said with a smile: "xiaogongju, what nerve are you making again?"

"Oh, Mommy is just fine anyway!" Jian Rui looks at Jian Yi and says, "if you don't believe me, ask my brother, do you think so?"

Jianhaixi has no choice but to smile. She holds Jianrui in her arms and looks at her son coming out of the kitchen. She smiles and asks, "you've been furtive these days. You're so excited today. You must have something to say. Let's say something. I hope you don't make me too excited."

Jian Yi raised her eyebrows, touched her nose awkwardly and said, "maybe It's a little exciting. "

"Ah?" Jianhaixi looked at the rare "mischievous" son. She was stunned and nodded with a bitter smile. She put Jianrui down. She took a deep breath and sat down on the sofa. Looking at the two children, she said, "OK, Mommy is ready, you say it."

Jian Yi looks at Jian Rui, who immediately nods with a smile and trots to the room to take out the identification results.

"Before you tell mommy the result, please believe that I have conducted a comprehensive investigation, and the result is 100% true. What you need to do is face it." Jian Yi looks at Jian Haixi road.

"So serious?" Jian Haixi laughed, but nodded.

Seeing that jianhaixi was ready, Jianyi nodded to Jianrui.

Jianrui put the identification results in front of jianhaixi and said with a smile, "Mommy, you look first."

Jian Haixi was stunned. She picked it up and opened it slowly, but the next moment she froze.

"This is..."

"This is the result of paternity test." Jianrui reminds with a smile.

Jian Haixi opened her mouth. Of course, she knew, but why? And the man above is Ning Jiwei?Jane Yi touched her nose and explained, "Mommy, in fact, I suspected a long time ago, and I probably checked what happened in those years. It's just that you didn't know your relationship with Daddy at that time. I hope I can be sure of your happiness. Now that you and daddy like each other, I think it's time to tell you the truth, so I went to identify the parent-child relationship. "

Jianhaixi stupefied looking at his son, and then look at the identification results in front of him, for a time how also can't react.

"Brother, isn't Mommy scared?" Jianrui whispers in Jianyi's ear.

"You are stupid." Jian Yi stares at her, takes her to the kitchen and leaves the living room to Jian Haixi.

This matter is more than one father to them, and may mean more past events and future choices for jianhaixi, so she needs more time to calmly accept it.

Jian Haixi looked at the identification results over and over again. She knew every word on it, but when combined, it was like a joke made by God.

The man six years ago turned out to be Ning Jiwei. Is this a turn of the road or is it nature?

When she decides to give up, tell her the result. What will she do next? What are the children going to do? What should Ning Jiwei do?

Jian Haixi just felt that she was slapped by the reality suddenly, and then everything suddenly changed its direction.

After a long time, when both Jianyi and Jianrui have finished their dinner, jianhaixi calls them out.

"Mommy..." Jianrui carefully looks at jianhaixi, and then looks at Jianyi. How can she feel that mommy is not happy in her imagination?

Although he is clever, he is only a child after all. He can't understand the complex emotions in jianhaixi's heart.

"This result..."

Jianhaixi bit his lip, looked at Jianyi and Jianrui and asked, "what do you think?"

"Mommy, do you still need to think about this?" Jianrui tilts her head and looks at jianhaixi suspiciously, "Ruirui likes uncle Shuai very much. Now she knows that uncle Shuai is daddy. Ruirui is very happy! Daddy likes Mommy again. Of course our family will be together! "

Jian Haixi was stunned. She turned her head to Jian Yi and asked, "Yi Yi, do you think so, too?"

Jian Yi was silent, nodded and said, "Mommy, I like Daddy very much, and I can only accept that daddy is our daddy."

Jian Haixi nodded slowly, but did not relax, "I know, then I Ask him to talk

She didn't say who this "he" was, but both children knew that Jian Haixi was going to tell Ning Jiwei.


at the moment, Ning Jiwei is eating with Sang Qin.

Originally, Ning Jiwei didn't want to come, but sang Qin said on the phone that she was willing to marry Ning Jikang. She just needed to have an interview with herself, so Ning Jiwei came.

It's just that sang Qin has been procrastinating all the time, and doesn't mean to talk about business at all. Ning Jiwei doesn't want to have dinner with her at all, so he just throws away his chopsticks and says coldly, "what do you have to say?"

Sang Qin bit his lip and looked at Ning Jiwei. His eyes slowly moved to the half drunk glass. His eyes were strange streamer.

"Jiwei, can't you really think about being with me?"

Ning Jiwei sneered, irritable solution button way: "if you call me out is nonsense, then I'll go."

Sang Qin Leng next, did not expect Ning Jiwei refused so simply.

Ning Jiwei looks at the mulberry celery in front of him. Somehow, the heat in his chest is more and more like fire. He can't help taking off his coat and unbuttoning his shirt.

Looking at Ning Jiwei's reaction, sang Qin knows that her medicine in the wine cup has worked in advance. She calculates the time in her heart. Sang Qin pretends to get up gently and says, "OK, Ji Wei, wait for me. I'll talk to you when I come back from the bathroom."

Then he got up and left his seat.

Ning Jiwei impatiently moves around in his seat. He wants to go, but he thinks that if sang Qin can promise to marry Ning Jikang, everything will be much smoother, so he endures.

Just looking at the table in front of him, Ning Jiwei felt more and more dizzy until he finally fell on the table.

Around the corner, sang Qin looked at Ning Jiwei lying on the table, and the corner of his mouth showed a cold light.

At the same time, Jian Haixi and her two children are on their way to the hotel.

The reason is that Jian Haixi calls Ning Jiwei and no one answers. She wanted to talk to Ning Jiwei about it another day, but Jian Rui is impatient and urges Jian Yi to investigate Ning Jiwei's position.

When she finds Ning Jiwei in the hotel, Jian Haixi is a little strange. Then she lets Jian Yi connect the camera. When she sees sang Qin through the camera, Jian Haixi's heart is shocked. Looking at Ning Jiwei on the table, she doesn't have to think about what's going on.

In a hurry, Jian Haixi takes her two children to the hotel. On the way, three people make a plan. The two children are responsible for diverting sang Qin, and Jian Haixi is responsible for rescuing Ning Jiwei. Afterwards, they gather at home.When Jian Haixi arrives at the hotel, she sees sang Qin trying to take Ning Jiwei away from the table.

Jian Yi makes a wink at Jian Rui. They don't need Jian Haixi's instructions at all. They run all the way crazy and rush past.

"Let me, auntie, let me..." Jianrui pushed aside the mulberry celery, and all kinds of splashes stood in front of her.

Jian Yi goes to the waiter and says that sang Qin has beaten his sister. The waiter quickly stops sang Qin.

There's chaos here. Jian Yi makes a gesture to Jian Haixi. Jian Haixi runs over and sets up Ning Jiwei when no one notices.

"Go Open... " Ning Jiwei said vaguely.

In his heart, he knew that he had been drugged, so he had been lying on the table.

"Jiwei, it's me. Come with me." Jian Haixi whispered in his ear.

"Haixi..." Hearing jianhaixi's voice, ningjiweidun released his hand holding the corner of the table and left the hotel with jianhaixi.

Seeing that they leave smoothly, Jianyi and Jianrui quickly find an excuse to run out.

When sang Qin reacts, there is no trace of two children in front of him, even Ning Jiwei's figure is gone.

After Jianyi and Jianrui leave the hotel, they don't rush home. Instead, they call jianhaixi and say they are going to find Lin Xiaodou to get the medicine.

Jianrui looks at Jianyi puzzledly, "brother, what medicine shall we take?"

"Idiot." Jane Yi gave her a white look, pulled her away and said, "just follow me."

On the other hand, Jian Haixi takes Ning Jiwei home, and originally wants to wait for the children to get the medicine back. However, how can Ning Jiwei let go of this opportunity? Because Jian Haixi knows the identification results, he has something strange in his heart at the moment, and as soon as he pushes it, he becomes the antidote for him.

The breath and enthusiasm in the dark seem to overlap with that of six years ago. Jian Haixi surrounds Ning Jiwei's neck. He just feels that his mood is full. Finally, he has to sigh and cling to him contentedly

Ning Jiwei, it's you.

That's good.

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