All things are going well, but there is one thing that Qiao Qinghe, Mo Wanshan and others keep in mind, and all those who care about Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei also keep in mind.

That is a year has passed, but Ning Ji and Jian Haixi are still not married.

Two people with nothing to do, happy every day, but a group of friends anxious.

This day, Jian Haixi went to Qiao's house to visit Qiao Qinghe, and then chatted with Yang Yaru in the garden. Unexpectedly, she was "urged to marry" again.

"Haixi, when are you going to have the wedding?" Yang Yaru touched her stomach with one hand and said with a smile, "don't wait for me to get older. I can't help you with the wedding."

"You don't have to take care of yourself and your children." Jian Haixi said with a smile: "besides, there are so many people in the family. Even if you want to help, my aunt will not agree. And George, if you let him know that I'm calling on you, I'm afraid he can't kill me."

Since Yang Yaru became pregnant, George has been as nervous as a new man.

Yang Yaru has a meal, he would like to spoon feed her mouth, if Yang Yaru accidentally knock, he can frown all day.

Thinking of George's nervous appearance, Yang Yaru also said with a smile: "I feel that the person who is pregnant with children is not me, but ah Zhi. It is said that pregnant women will be emotionally unstable, but our family is actually the opposite, I am very stable, unstable is ah Zhi. Several times I had a good night's sleep. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw him lying next to my stomach, like a ghost, frightening to death. "

"Poof ~" at the thought of George, jianhaixi couldn't help laughing and said, "what's the matter with him in the middle of the night?"

"It's a dream that the child didn't breathe and was too scared to sleep, so I watched him." Yang Yaru sighed: "every day, try to find something for me. I haven't taken care of my emotional instability, so I have to make room to comfort him."

"Ha ha, George is so funny." Jian Haixi chuckled and said for a while, "but it's OK. He has hurt himself and stabilized the mood of you and your baby."

Yang Yaru shook her head and said, "I think ah Zhi is too nervous. He used to be a cynic, but now he's a husband and a child. Maybe he hasn't changed."

"Normal, but don't worry. George's psychological endurance is much stronger than you think. He won't be really depressed because of this." Jian Haixi comforted: "it's you. Now the most important thing is you. You have to remember that as long as you are good, George will be OK. But if you are unstable or something goes wrong with your body, then he will really collapse."

"I know." With a happy smile in her eyes, Yang Yaru said, "only if you really care about me and my children, it will be the same. Haixi, I feel very happy to marry such a man who loves me. "

"Yes, you are very happy." Jane Haixi took her hand and said, "although George looks careless on the surface and doesn't care about many things, in fact, his heart is more sensitive than many people. He may not express it, but I can assure you that his love for you is much more than you think."

Thinking of the past, Yang Yaru said with a smile: "I think of the time when I first met George. At that time, I didn't know you were brothers and sisters. He always asked me about you. I thought he liked you."

Jian Haixi chuckled, "then we are against each other. I think I did something to make him bear a grudge. He treats me as an enemy."

They turned over the old almanac and were talking and laughing when George came out from behind and said, "what are you two talking about? To be honest, are you speaking ill of me? "

Jianhaixi gives him a fright. Looking at Yang Yaru again, he looks calm and used to it.

Jian Haixi sighed and said, "Yaru, I really sympathize with you."

Yang Ya Ru chuckled, clenched her hand and said, "now you know why I want you to accompany me?"

It's really hard for her to face the "neurotic" George every day.

George frowned, squinted at their hands, and said, "what are you two doing in riddles?"

"I said, cousin, can you stop being so nervous?" Jane Haixi grabbed George's arm and pressed him on the chair, saying: "I just chat with Yaru. You know pregnant women, it's always good for people to talk more."

"Is it?" George picked eyebrows and looked at Yang Yaru, "wife, why don't you tell me more?"

Yang Yaru: "yes." I just told you I was afraid!

Jianhaixi also some speechless, not from way: "cousin, a lot of girl's topic is not suitable to say with you this big man, can you give us a little space?"? Don't keep on stalking. "

"How can that be? I have to protect Yaru and the children. What if you don't take care of them? " George looks like he can't believe you.

Jian Haixi was speechless.

Originally, she came to accompany Yang Yaru to relax, but it seems that the person who really needs to relax is George.Jian Haixi can see that George is too nervous now. In the long run, Yang Yaru's mood will inevitably be affected by him.

After going back, Jian Haixi told Ning Jiwei about it.

As a result, the next day, Ning Jiwei personally came to the door and carried George up the mountain.

George, of course, didn't cooperate. All the way, he wanted to go back to guard Yang Yaru and the child. As soon as he got out of the car, Ning Jiwei said: "whatever you want, anyway, you don't really want to be good for Yaru and the child."

This sentence successfully made George stop. He turned his head and frowned at ningjiwei. "What do you mean? Of course, I take care of them for their good. "

"Is that care? Surveillance is pretty much the same. " Ning Jiwei said impolitely.

George froze and looked sad. "Is that what Yaru said? Is she tired of me? "

Ning Jiwei rolled his eyes and said, "now It's a bit annoying indeed, and you should realize that your emotions are always so excited, which will affect Yaru. "

"What about that?" George asked nervously.

Ning Jiwei pointed to the mountain and said, "the way is up there."

"Up there?" George brightened his eyes and nodded, "OK, I'll go with you."

Ning Jiwei hooked the corner of his lips and said in his heart: I hope you won't regret it in half an hour.

Half an hour later, George collapsed on the ground and scolded: "ningjiwei, is that what you said? Let me train here? "

Ning Jiwei nodded and said: "yes, you think too much because you are too tired. It's OK to exercise and spend all your extra energy."

George: -- He has a car of swearing words. I don't know if I should scold them.

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