Ning family.

The living room is filled with a heavy and oppressive atmosphere, because Qin Tian called to quit her marriage.

And Tan Tian quit marriage also did not forget to make a small bad, call over even cry with grievance, clearly and secretly pit miserable Ning Jiwei.

The two elders of the Ning family can't sit down immediately after receiving the phone call. They finally find a good marriage for Ning Jiwei, but the other party even retires. And listen to the tone of Qin Tian that wench, it is Ning Jiwei's fault obviously.

So the two elders of the Ning family immediately called Ning Jiwei back.

Ning Jiwei still thinks it's something to be anxious to find him. As a result, he hears that it's Qin Tian who calls to withdraw his marriage. He doesn't even want to explain, so he turns around and wants to leave.

He also remembered to go to jianhaixi. She should have been on the plane.

Thinking of Jian Haixi waiting for himself on the plane, Ning Jiwei couldn't stay at home any more, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

"You stop!"

Old lady Ning said angrily, "if you don't make it clear, you don't want to leave today!"

Ning Jiwei was speechless, "what can I say? I've never seen her do anything to her? "

"How did Qin Tian cry?"

Mrs. Ning obviously didn't believe his words and asked repeatedly.

"How do I know?" Ning Jiwei said impatiently.

"You didn't apologize to her. You didn't take her seriously at all." Ning old son cold voice way: "everyday mix together with that small family son woman, where still have the shadow of Qin Tian in your eyes?"? How can such a proud woman not be angry and aggrieved? "

"Yes, it must be!"

Mrs. Ning listened to Mr. Ning's words, as if she had found out Ning Jiwei's mistake. She pointed to Ning Jiwei and said, "let you contact Qin Tian and meet him. You always don't listen. Now, the marriage that we had talked about has come to an end."

"Just right." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "anyway, I didn't want to marry her."

"Who would you like to marry?" Ning old master a nu, almost a crutch hit again come over, "and that call jianhaixi woman?"? I think you are really fascinated by her. "

Ning Jiwei didn't want to talk about jianhaixi with them. It's not clear in a word or two, so he just said, "you don't have to take care of my affairs. If there's nothing else, I'll leave."

"You dare!"

Old lady Ning got up from the sofa and said, "Jiwei, we are so old that we worry about your business every day. How can you treat us like this?"

"Did I make you worry about my business?"

Ning Jiwei looked coldly at the two elders of the Ning family and said, "whether you are for me or for yourself, or for the shell of Ning Ji, you know that."

With that, Ning Jiwei didn't bother to stand here again, turned around and walked out.

"You Come back, you son of a bitch

Old lady Ning is trembling and is about to chase after her. Unexpectedly, in a hurry, she bumps into the foot of the tea table in front of the sofa and trips over. The whole person falls down.



See Ning old lady fall to the ground, Ning family instant chaos, Ning Jiwei quickly called ambulance.

But it's still late. Mrs. Ning died of cerebral vascular rupture on her way to hospital.

Ning's family is in a complete mess, and Ning Jiwei can't leave for Switzerland with Jian Haixi in this case. So he can only take out his mobile phone to make a phone call, and he wants to tell Jian Haixi to let her go back first. Don't wait for him at the airport.

As a result, the mobile phone just came out, it was snatched by Ning Jikang and fell to the ground.

"Ning Jiwei, do you still want to call at this time? How to contact your little lover? " Ning Jikang pointed to Ning Jiwei's breach and said, "are you satisfied with making your home like this? Are you satisfied with making grandma angry? "

"Ning Jikang, watch your mouth." Ning Jiwei said coldly.

"Ha! What's the matter, grandma? Is it my turn to threaten my brother? "

In the face of Ning Jiwei, Ning Jikang suddenly seems to have the backbone. Instead of flinching, he points to Ning Jiwei and says, "Ning Jiwei, don't you just earn two stinky money? I'm disrespectful to the superior and the inferior all day long. Look at this family. What's wrong with you? To tell you the truth, what do you want to make Ning's family like before you are willing? "

Ning Jiwei squinted at the domineering Ning Jikang. The cold light in his eyes was cold, and a sneer rose from the corner of his lips and said, "so?"

Ning Jikang is scared by his fierce gaze like a hawk falcon. He unconsciously takes two steps back at his feet. Just as he wants to say something, he sees Xu Hui breaking in with a group of reporters.

Sooner or later, Ning Jikang rushed to one side of the wall.

Just listen to "bang!" When Xu Hui and other reporters came near, they saw Ning Jikang standing in the corner of the wall, covering his bleeding head.

"Ji Kang!" Xu Hui was shocked and ran to pick up Ning Jikang. "Jikang, my child, what's the matter with you?""Mom, I'm in pain ~"

Ning Jikang covers his head and stares at Ning Jiwei sadly and says, "Jiwei, you've just pissed off grandma. Now even my brother is going to kill me?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ning Fubang just escorted the old master Ning back. He heard Ning Jikang's words and said in a cold voice: "pay attention to your words, don't talk nonsense."

Then he turned to look at the group of photographers and said in a cold voice, "who asked you to come? Get out of here

"I asked them to come."

Standing in front of Ning Jikang, Xu Hui looked at Ning Fubang and said, "I'd like to let the big guy see who stirred up the Ning family. The death of the old lady is such a big thing. It can't be so obscure."

Finish saying, looking at Ning Ji Wei's eyes flashed a trace of ambition in must get.


Ning Fubang points at Xu Hui, his angry fingers shaking.

Looking at the scenes in front of him, Ning Jiwei felt sad.


Jian Haixi didn't wait for Ning Jiwei in the middle of the night on the plane, but drank a lot of champagne in boredom.

At the beginning, she was still looking forward to what special surprise Ning Jiwei wanted to give her, but she couldn't wait for the news of Ning Jiwei. Jian Haixi gradually became uneasy, especially Li Fu disappeared, which made her more worried.

Just as she was thinking about getting out of the plane to have a look, she received a wechat from her son Jian Yi, telling her that something had happened to Ning's family and asking where she was.

As soon as Jian Haixi saw wechat, he immediately wanted to get off the plane, but he was stopped by Li Fu who came back. "Don't worry. Now there are all reporters outside. If you go out like this, you will fall into the trap."


Jianhaixi wonder, "how can there be a reporter here?"

Just after asking, she realized that Ning Jiwei's itinerary had been exposed, which was a well planned plan in advance.

Jian Haixi's heart sank. Looking at Li Fu, she asked, "what happened to Ning family?"

Since the reporter can find here, it shows that Ning's family is not a small thing.

Li Fu's face was not good-looking, but a happy thing was caused by the accident. "Old lady Ning has passed away."


Jian Haixi looked at Li Fu in shock, "is this what happened tonight? What's going on? "

Li Fu sighed, shook his head and said, "I don't know the details. It's just that the president can't leave now, and I don't know who leaked the news that the president is going to Switzerland tonight. Now the media are waiting here."

"What about that?" Jian Haixi fidgeted and said, "I must have to go back. For such a big thing, I can't fly to Switzerland alone, can I?"

Li Fu thought about it, took off his coat, handed it to Jian Haixi and said, "you go out in my clothes. Be careful."

Jane asked, nodding her head over his coat

Li Fu said in a deep voice: "the president's family, as you know, is in a mess. The president's mobile phone has been broken. It's hard for me to get in touch with him now."

Jian Haixi is very worried. Thinking of the people in the Ning family who are pressing against Ning Jiwei step by step, Jian Haixi can imagine the pressure he is facing now.

Seeing that she was so flustered that her buttons were all wrongly buttoned, Li Fu comforted: "don't worry too much. Now the president is dealing with Mrs. Ning's affairs, and has not been threatened yet."

Jian Haixi nodded casually, but she was still worried. She quickly changed into Li Fu's clothes and left with the crew.

When leaving the airport, Jian Haixi paid special attention to the next four weeks, and saw that there were many reporters lurking around the low houses near the airport, waiting to take pictures of Ning Jiwei.

Jianhaixi holding the mobile phone hand tight and tight, gritting his teeth silent and crew quickly left.

During this period, Jian Yi abandoned wechat for her, telling her that Mrs. Ning's death was probably not an accident, but a murder.

Looking at this message, Jian Haixi was even more shocked.

She knew her son's personality, and if it wasn't for sure, he wouldn't have said it at all.

Now that he says so, it proves that he has found some evidence.

Thinking of these reporters arranged in advance, Jian Haixi felt depressed.

On the one hand, Jian Haixi goes back to Fu zuoan's residence to meet with Jian Yi and others. On the other hand, according to Jian Yi's statement, he quickly contacts Li Fu and tells him that the cause of old lady Ning's death is suspicious. He asks him to contact Ning Jiwei as much as possible to find a way to prevent the old lady's body from cremation.


at this time, Wen Qingnuan in the hotel also learned about Mrs. Ning's death and the things Ning Jikang, Xu Hui and others had done to Ning Jiwei. When she heard the news, she didn't care about her divorce with Ning Jikang, so she rushed to the funeral home, but she was stopped by Xu Hui before she entered the funeral home.

Wen Qingnuan looked at Xu Hui coldly and asked, "what do you want?"Xu Hui looked at Wen Qingnuan with a sneer and said, "don't you really want to divorce Ji Kang? Do you want to make a deal with me? "

Wen Qingnuan pause, vigilant looking at Xu Hui asked: "what deal?"

Xu Hui smiles, points to the funeral home and says, "go in and persuade Ning Jiwei and Ning Fubang to cremate the old lady's body as soon as possible. After this is done, I will agree to divorce you and Ji Kang, and the money you give Sang Lan will be given back to you in double."

Listen to her mention Sang Lan, smell warm instant reaction, angry way: "you really and Sang Lan collude."

Xu Hui didn't agree with her anger. "What's so unexpected? Did you ever think Sang Lan was such a reliable comrade in arms? But you can collude with a pheasant who can do everything for money. Why can't I? "

Wen Qing heating but not answer, Xu Hui looked at her and urged: "how about answer?"

Hearing that Qingnuan was still silent, Xu Hui looked at her and said, "relying on others is always better than relying on yourself. If you want to think about it, without my nod, Ji Kang will never divorce you. If you agree to my deal, you can not only get a divorce, but also get your money, otherwise... "

"Or what?" Wen Qingnuan looks at Xu Hui defensively, and she knows that this woman's transaction must have the following.

"Otherwise, if you don't cooperate with me, I don't have to help you, do I? If you don't agree, you can only think about it if you want to divorce Ji Kang in the future. And

Xu Hui paused for a moment and sneered: "do you really think we don't know how much money you took away from Jikang when you were in Japan? Do you think you can take away the money? That's the money from my Ningjia company. Without the nod and seal of my Ningjia family, you can't take it even if you fight a lawsuit. "

Wen Qingnuan bites her teeth and looks at Xu Hui resentfully. She knows that Xu Hui is threatening herself, but in the face of such a threat, she has no way.

As Xu Hui said, without her nod, she would never have divorced Ning Jikang, and the money she had planned to get

Thinking of this, Wen Qingnuan turned to look at the funeral home behind him and asked tentatively, "Why are you in such a hurry to cremate the old lady's body? The old lady died less than a few hours ago. Are you a little too anxious?"

It is impossible for any big family to deal with the death of their elders in such a hasty way. Even if they did not see the scene at that time, they felt that there was something fishy here that they did not know about, just because of Xu Hui's conditions.

"Well, what do you know?"

In the face of Wen Qingnuan's query, Xu Hui snorted: "the old lady was most considerate of propriety when she was alive. How much time do you spend on her old people, like you who always think about yourself? Has anyone heard of her? Where do you care about her voice? "

At this point, Xu Huilian's voice was choked, as if she really had deep feelings for the old lady. "The old lady said more than once before that she must live in peace as soon as possible after her death. This is what the old people believe. How can a woman who has been strong all her life endure being put in a coffin and watched by others? Now that she's dead, you still have to keep tossing and turning. How can her spirit in heaven close her eyes? "

"That's all?"

Wen Qingnuan looks at Xu Hui with suspicion and vigilance.

"What else do you want?"

Xu Huisi didn't mind her eyes. She just closed her eyes and said with a sneer: "compared with these things, it's better for you to think about the deal I proposed. You have to make a decision quickly. There are not many things I can consider for you."


Hearing the warm smile, Xu Hui's words didn't give her another way.

After hearing that Xu Huikang and I agreed to give you a moment's silence, I said, "I want to divorce you immediately."

"No problem." Seeing and hearing that Qingnuan agreed to her request, Xu Hui nodded with a smile.


to settle down.

It was early in the morning when Jian Haixi arrived. She still couldn't contact Ning Jiwei, so she had to contact Li Fu and ask him to come here first.

Fu zuoan's family atmosphere is also very heavy, and even Jane Chenran comes after learning the news of Mrs. Ning's death.

As soon as jianhaixi went in, Jianrui burst into her arms crying, "Mommy, Mommy, is daddy in trouble again?"

"Ruirui, don't cry, don't cry." Jane Haixi hugged her daughter and coaxed: "Daddy is in trouble, but we are solving it, aren't we? Now we all have some problems. Don't cry, OK

"Mm-hmm, Ruirui doesn't cry. Ruirui waits for Daddy..." Jianrui sobs and holds jianhaixi cleverly.

Jian Haixi touches her head and carries her to Jian Yi.

Jian Yi is looking up the information on the computer, while Fu zuoan smokes in silence. Jian Haixi sees that there are many cigarette ends in the ashtray.Knowing that the old man was upset, Jian Haixi didn't persuade him to smoke less at this time. Instead, he turned to Jian Yi and asked, "Yi Yi, what do you find? Why is the cause of Mrs. Ning's death suspicious? "

Jian Yi calls up the search records, points to one of them and shows it to Jian Haixi. Jian Haixi looks at it and sees that it says: what drugs should not be taken by the elderly with arteriosclerosis.

"What is this?" Asked jianhaixi.

Jian Yi said in a deep voice: "this search record is sent from Ning's IP address. Although I can locate the specific location, I need to tell my dad in advance. After all, it involves a lot of privacy of Ning's family."

"This What does that mean? " Jian Haixi still doesn't understand. After all, it's just a search record, which can't prove too much.

"The search record was sent out on the night of grandma Ning's first day back home."

While explaining, Jian Yi opens another window and points it out to Jian Haixi.

Jian Haixi saw on the screen a case of an internal system of a foreign hospital, on which the name of Mrs. Ning appeared.

Jian Yi pointed to the screen and said, "this is the back-end case record of Granny Ning's foreign private doctors. It clearly says that Granny Ning has arteriosclerosis."


Jian Haixi was stunned, and when she thought about it, her hair stood up.

But she still didn't want to think in the worst direction, so she hesitated and asked, "is it a coincidence? Or is it just that people in the Ning family want to take care of Mrs. Ning more conveniently that they will search for such information? "

Jian Yi looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "Mommy, what you said is possible, but there is another possibility."


Jian Yi sneered and said, "does anyone want to prescribe the right medicine?"

Listening to Jian Yi's words, there was a silence in the living room.

As soon as Li Fu arrived at Fu Zuo to settle down, Jian Haixi quickly welcomed him and asked, "what's up? Did you contact last season

Li Fu shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I can't get in touch with the President either. In order to prevent reporters from sneaking in, the funeral home has been completely blocked."

"Total blockade?" Fu zuoan frowned and sneered: "originally we just suspected that there was something fishy in it. Now it seems that it's really not easy. Otherwise, how could some people even block the funeral parlor?"

"Catchy?" Li Fu was stunned. He remembered what Jian Haixi had said to himself when he was on the road. He was surprised and asked, "what did you find?"

Jian Haixi nodded, looked at Jian Yi and said, "Yi Yi, tell Uncle Li."

"Good." Jian Yi beckons to Li Fu, who is puzzled and walks over.

Jian Yi pointed out to him what she had just transferred, and also told her and Jian Haixi their respective guesses.

After hearing this, Li Fu frowned, looked down and thought, "I dare not say anything else, but it can't be looked up by the servants, because the old lady always brings special people to take care of her daily life when she comes back home. Even the private doctors are resident in Ning's home to take care of her body. It's said that the private doctor went abroad to attend a friend's wedding tonight. That's why it happened

"Oh." Fu zuoan sneered, "what a coincidence."

Li Fu nodded in agreement. If one or two coincidences were justified. But the private doctor asked for leave, the reporter ambushed early, Qin Tian retired, and the old lady was complicated with So many coincidences come together, and now the funeral home has been closed down. It's hard to cremate the body as soon as possible, and then make people believe that tonight's event is just an accident.

Fu zuoan thought for a moment, pointed to Li Fu and said, "come with me. Let's go to the funeral home."

"OK, no problem." Li Fu immediately got up and nodded.

"I'll go too." On hearing that she was going to the funeral home, Jian Yi immediately stood up. Next to her, Jianrui stood up and said anxiously, "grandfather Fu, Ruirui is going too. Ruirui is worried about her father ~"

Li Fu looked at the two little guys and said that these two children are clever, and they have such deep feelings for the president so soon.

"No way."

Before Fu zuoan spoke, Jian Haixi stopped the two little guys. Now the situation is so chaotic, two children will only increase more accidents.

"But Mommy, Ruirui wants to see daddy ~" Jianrui hugs jianhaixi pitifully with her little mouth.

"Mommy..." Jian Yi hesitates to speak. He also wants to go.

Jian Haixi sighed, held the two children in her arms and said, "the situation is not clear now. You can't help Grandpa Fu and Uncle Li when you go. On the contrary, you have to let them distract and take care of you. If you attract the attention of those who are interested, it will be more troublesome."

After a pause, Jian Yi still listens to Jian Haixi's words, nods and takes Jianrui to sit down.

Jian Haixi then turned to Fu zuoan and said solemnly, "Mr. Fu, now the only person I can count on is you. Please contact Ning Jiwei to make sure he is OK."

"Don't worry."

Before Fu zuoan spoke, Li Fu comforted Jian Haixi and said, "the president is absolutely nothing. He is not so easily defeated."Fu zuoan also nodded and said, "just wait for me at home. Since they dare to block the funeral home, my old man will break their blockade from outside."

Jian Haixi nodded and watched the two people get on the bus, praying that Ning Jiwei must be OK.

Jane Chenran and Lin Xiaodou look at each other and sigh.

Jane Chenran thought about it, went to Jian Haixi and said, "Haixi, I know it's not appropriate to say this at this time, but Ning Jiwei's family situation is so complicated, do you have to be him? "

Jian Haixi was stunned and looked at Jian Chenran with a bitter smile. Tears slowly spilled from her eyes. "I know you are good for me, but who calls him the father of the children?"

"What, what?"

Listening to jianhaixi's words, jianchenran was shocked.


"I want to go back to my room and see if I can find anything out," she said

Jianhaixi nodded and pulled him into the room. "Mommy will accompany you."

Until jianhaixi went in, jianchenran was still in a daze, didn't react from the news just now.

Just looking at the back of Jian Haixi and Jian Yi, I was dazzled.


in the funeral home.

Because Ning's family blocked the news, the whole funeral home was emptied.

Ning Jiwei sat in the hall, with his head down for a long time.

Although Mrs. Ning always interferes in his affairs, he can't help blaming himself for the loss of the old man.

Ning Fubang sat next to him, sighed and comforted him in a low voice: "Ji Wei, you don't have to blame yourself in your heart. Your grandmother is old and has cerebral infarction all the time. It's not your fault. It's just

After a pause, Ning Fubang sighed: "it's just that your grandfather fell ill because of your grandmother. It's really Alas ~ "

after several sighs, Ning Fubang said gravely:" as the saying goes, misfortune never comes alone. I didn't expect that our family would catch up. Now this situation

it's strange that Ji Weining is going to turn his head

After all, grandma will be stimulated because of his things. If it wasn't for him, grandma won't be stimulated, and grandfather won't fall ill. Even if those monsters want to make trouble, they can't make trouble.

Ning Fubang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dad never blamed you. Natural and man-made disasters can't be predicted and controlled artificially. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself, you know? There are many things waiting for you at home

Ning Jiwei nodded casually, but he didn't relax at all.

He thought of his childhood. If he hadn't been sent to study business when he was a child, if Ning family was just an ordinary rich family, wouldn't it be such a chaotic situation today?

"Still blaming yourself?" He asked, looking down.

Ning Jiwei shook his head, looked at Ning Fubang and asked, "Dad, do you regret sending me to study business as a child?"

"What nonsense?"

Ning Fubang glared at him, patted him lovingly on the back of his hand and said: "although our family used to be rich, you are responsible for the development of such a large-scale consortium. How can dad regret it and blame you? You've always been dad's pride

Ning Jiwei nodded with a bitter smile, "probably in this family, only dad, do you think I'm proud."

Grandfather and grandmother just want to get more benefits through him, mother Not to mention.

Seeing the look on Ning Jiwei's face, Ning Fubang said the secret in his heart.

He looked at Ning Jiwei's side face for a long time, hesitated to say, but he was disturbed by the people who came in suddenly.

"No, it's not good..."

The servant ran in and looked at Ning Jiwei and Ning Fubang in panic and said, "Hugh, rest area Master Ning fainted

"What?" Ning Fubang was so surprised that he quickly stood up and walked out.

Ning Jiwei also stood up for the first time. As he walked out, he frowned and asked the servant, "what's the matter? Why do you suddenly faint? "

"Yes, yes..."

The next person carefully looked at Ning Jiwei, obviously have words but dare not say.

"Say it Ning Jiwei frowned and cheered coldly: "to tell the truth, you can't hide a word."


The servant was startled by Ning Jiwei's aura and said: "the old man used to rest in the rest area, but But Mrs. Ning and the young couple kept talking in front of him, saying He said he wanted to cremate the old lady's body as soon as possible. The old man was so annoyed that he fainted. "

Ning Jiwei after hearing, the double eyes sink of frightening, one step and make two steps of rush past.

In the rest room, the doctor who came with him was checking it for the old man.Seeing that the old man didn't matter, Ning Jiwei was relieved.

Xu Hui sees Ning Jiwei coming. Her eyes turn and she pulls Ning Jikang, who is standing on one side, to go out. She doesn't take two steps but is stopped by Ning Jiwei.

"Jiwei, what do you want?" Xu Hui looks at Ning Jiwei standing in front of them and asks, but her voice is obviously guilty.

"What are you doing? Hum Ning Jiwei hummed coldly, stepped forward to press Ning Jikang, raised his hand and punched him on the cheek.

"Ah Ning Jikang didn't expect that he suddenly shot, the whole person was beaten back a few steps, covered his bleeding cheek and kept crying pain, also pointed to Ning Jiwei and scolded: "Damn, what do you want to do?"

"Why, isn't it obvious what I'm doing?" Ning Jiwei sneered and directed the servants next to him to say, "throw him out for me!"


Standing outside the door, the servants answer quickly, but before they reach Ning Jikang, they are stopped by Xu Hui.

Xu Hui stood in front of Ning Jikang with staring eyes, stretched out her arms to protect him, and yelled at Ning Jiwei: "I see who dares! Ning Jiwei, you want to turn it upside down, don't you? You are so angry, old lady. What do you mean by beating your brother now? I think it's you who should throw it out! "

Ning Jiwei stares at Xu Hui coldly and doesn't speak.

"Who do you want to throw out?"

Outside, Ning Jiwei slows down. Ning Fubang just hears Xu Hui's words. At the moment, he steps forward angrily and slaps Xu Hui with his hand.

"Ah Xu Hui screamed, covered her face, pointed to Ning Fubang and said, "you, you hit me..."

"Shut up and get out of here!"

Ning Fubang pointed to the door and said, "take your good sons and get out of here for me!"

Xu Hui squints and stares at Ning Jiwei. That look in the eyes is like hiding a knife, full of hate, see Ning Jiwei a Zheng.

Xu Hui hums coldly, pulls Ning Jikang to turn around and go.

No one could hear Xu Hui's words in a low voice.

"Ji Wei..."

At this time, has been silent standing on the side of Wen Qingnuan just walked past, want to comfort Ning Jiwei.

Just her words just export by Ning Jiwei cold of strangle wrist.

"Ji Wei, what's the matter..." Wen Qingnuan is shivered by Ning Jiwei's cold eyes and stammers.

"Your mother-in-law and husband have gone out. Why do you stay here?"

"I..." Hearing Qingnuan's surprise, he forced a smile and said, "Ji Wei, I just want to see if there is anything I need to help here, and I also want to comfort you..."


Ning Jiwei looked surprised and said, "I thought you wanted to stay and continue to persuade my grandfather to cremate the body."

"No, I didn't..."

Ning Jiwei interrupted her with a sneer and said: "I just didn't expect that you are really loyal to Ning Jikang, and even help them at this time. Does my grandmother treat you badly on weekdays? You can even say that? "

"No, I'm not. I'm not..." I was shocked when I heard the warmth of love. I subconsciously shook my head and denied it.

But Ning Jiwei didn't want to hear her explain at all. She pushed aside her body coldly and said, "do you have anything to do with me?"

Then he turned and left.

Looking at Ning Jiwei's back, he bites his lower lip and tears silently.

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