Chains Of Heaven

Chapter 35 - 34

Having spent so long in the library Enkidu finally left it. He had obtained what he could from that place for now and so he went out. His growth inside there was not small by any means, his power now significant and he could at least be confident he could now walk the continent without an issue.

Moving out of the library he went straight to where his master was supposed to be. Fearing for the recognition and for his *SHIVERS* fangirls to swarm him Enkidu used his Heaven's Path Disguise art. His soul fluctuations became different, his hair went from green to black, his features became harder, and he gave off the air of someone who would kill at first offense.

No one would ever think of him as Enkidu, the well-known kind cultivator who was considered a miracle across time by many already and that every sect was looking for and was hoping to recruit.

Having completed his preparations he went ahead, his movements firm as he went to where he knew Cai'er should be and then to where his master and the others ought to be located.

However, not long after he began to move someone else approached him and began walking by his side.

"Good disguise, Enkidu. Can you teach me how to do it too?"

As this words rang out Enkidu looked to the side and saw Bibi Dong looking at him, her beautiful red eyes looking at him in wonder and a bit of fascination.

"... How did you figure me out?" Enkidu asked, wanting to know where his disguise failed so he could fix it.

"Oh, that? It is nothing much, I was born as a Divine Stainless existence so my soul is much more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e than others and my body is also similar to one born on the age of the gods. For me to see through the disguises of others is a piece of cake." She said with a raised her, trying to show off.

Enkidu looked at her and smiled.

"I am glad for you. And to answer your previous question, I am going to meet my master before leaving in an adventure." Enkidu said and she looked a bit down.

"Oh, I see. It must be nice, be able to leave in an adventure and all." Bibi Dong said, making Enkidu look at her.

"Can't you go adventuring as well? Obtaining experience is something important and I am sure that any teacher would not simply lock down his student and not allow him or her to learn." Enkidu asked to which Bibi Dong gave a mirthless shuckle.

"That would be impossible. Master wants me here too much and he has no d.e.s.i.r.e to let me go." She said dejectedly. "I was raised in this city and even now I never ventured far from here and even if I did I always had guards protecting and following me around whenever I go."

As she finished saying this Enkidu thought for a while and came to an idea.

"Then, wouldn't you like to go with me?" He asked, he knew it might be a mistake but she clearly wanted to leave and she was definetly a talented person, she could help him in looking after Levy when he is learning since he seemed the type that needs constant attention or he'd go and do something stupid. Also, he could sense something weird in this city, like something very bad in this place.

Malice he felt directed at him, also now that his bloodline improved his blood felt something terrible and utterly wrong in this place.

Despite how nice this place looked, Enkidu felt absolutely no d.e.s.i.r.e to stay in this place. He'd rather leave this place and go away from there. And, if that was so, then he might as well help Bibi Dong leave as well if she wishes to.

"I, I would like that. But there is no chance I can do so." She said and Enkidu spoke.

"I could teach you the profound disguise art I am using. If it works you should be able to go outside of here without your master knowing and let you experience the world." Enkidu said and she slowly nodded her head, a bit reluctant but accepting of this since it did make sense for her in the end.

"Okay, let's do this." She said and he nodded, motioning for her to accompany him when they go to an alleyway. As they entered Enkidu put up a beguilement formation to not let others see what was happening inside before beginning his movement.

He began reciting the scriptures of the Heaven's Path Disguise Art. The more Bibi Dong heard it the more astounded she got and by the end of it she was shaken up completely.

"Where, where did you learn such a technique!? I never even heard of a disguise art as advances as that." she spoke in incredulity to which Enkidu spoke.

"I found it by luck. Now, try and use it." He said and she nodded. She concentrated herself, reciting the technique in her mind and synchronizing with it as she began using. Before Enkidu's eyes she began to change into a completely different person, only someone in the Divine realm would have any chance of seeing through this disguise, or someone who had a Divine Stainless Soul like Bibi Dong had.

As she completed her task she took out a mirror from her space ring and admired the result, it was not quite as pretty as her original appearance but it would certainly be enough to let her escape from this place without an issue.

"Thanks." She said as she saw the results and realized how now she could finally leave this city and explore the world.

Enkidu only nodded before putting a hand on her shoulder and beginning to open a path through the ground to escape this place. He would rather not risk people seeing how someone had just taken Bibi dong into an alleyway and how he just left.

Bibi Dong also changed herself as they moved, understanding Enkidu's actions very well.

Soon they arrived at the place where Enkidu spent the last week in, getting inside he saw Cai'er there sitting in a chair looking over at some of the books Enkidu had available, mostly fantasy or romance books he decided to write just for fun while traveling with his master and because Ji Ji and Da Ming enjoyed them. Ji Ji liked the fantasy ones and Da Ming the romance, go figure.

"Enkidu! You came back." Cai'er said happily as Enkidu changed back to his regular appearance as easily as breathing. Now that he had used this technique for a while he was acclimating to it, his profound energy, being as pure as it was, making this process all the easier.

"Yeah, I just had to visit the library after the competition ended. Pack up your things, we are going to meet up with my master and afterwards we are leaving." He spoke and Cai'er looked a bit reluctant but nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong was looking at this scene and finding it very strange.

"Isn't she Seng Cai'er, she was quite spectacular in the fighting competition and was quite cold and aloof then so how come she is here today and acting like this?" Bibi Dong asked.

"She has been crippled and has amnesia. I am helping her recovery." Enkidu said, telling much and nothing at the same time since what he said could be assumed by anyone looking at Cai'er long enough.

Enkidu also went ahead to help Cai'er pack up, meanwhile Bibi Dong began to look at the book that Cai'er was reading before. She found the title quite interesting even if she had never heard of it before.

"Romeu and Juliet, what a strange pair of names." Bibi Dong spoke as she took the book and started reading.

By the time Enkidu and Cai'er returned to the living toom Bibi Dong, who could read extremely fast thanks to being a Master Teacher, was looking at the book in her hands and crying her eyes out.

Enkidu went to talk to her while feeling that he spent way too much time taking care of others sometimes.

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