"So, what do you think of the food?" Enkidu asked with a simple smile as Levy ate as if he had not eaten for days. Which, while not strictly true as Enkidu did gave him food that would ensure he was sustained for many days, was not untrue as well since Levy had spent too long with little to no food and needed proper sustenance.

"... Good enough." He said, his face with some leftover of the soup he has just taken in. Enkidu nodded happily hearing this before speaking up.

"I was wondering, what did you think of my impromptu class back there? I was trying to explain it the best I can for such a large group but it honestly was not as easy as I thought it would be." Enkidu admitted. Honestly, he found himself enjoying the act of teaching more than he expected, the thought that his words could reach others and make them be better than they were before he spoke was one that filled him with joy. However, the simple fact is that everyone was different and even if he could teach perfectly there was bound to be some people that his general teachings were not suitable.

For instance, people with unique bloodlines, constitutions, profound veins, soul, or any other variation of normal. Those people needed special and specialized care to grow, it was not like any teachings would work for them.

"To be honest, I understood quite a bit but some of it made no sense for me." Levy admited, he had no reason to lie after all. He knew he was too weak right now and even if he were to try and hide the fact he did not manage to understand everything it was simply a fact that Enkidu was too strong, he could easily extract any information from him if he d.e.s.i.r.ed.

Even though, honestly from what Levy could tell Enkidu was not the type to do such a thing.

"Well, that is too bad. Would you like me to see if I could help you with understanding it further?" Enkidu offered but Levy shook his head.

"No need, I already owe you enough as it is and I don't feel like owing you any more than what I do now. I will just use what I learned for now to become strong enough to enter some sect and gain the strength for my-" At this point Levy shut his mouth and refused to speak any more, as if he spoke more than what he wanted.

Seeing this Enkidu nodded in understanding.

"Very well, but before you leave could I at least examine your body a bit more? I am a doctor, you see, and I noticed before that your body is a bit different but as this difference wasn't that big and would not stop you from living your life properly I did not investigated it further. But, if you intend to become a cultivator, you should at least know if this difference is a good or a bad thing for you later on." Enkidu said, Levy looked conflicted without knowing if he should take this offer or not. He did not really understand how huge a favor Enkidu was giving him.

While he was not as famous as Yun Gu he still was starting to obtain some recognition and considering how capable he was as a doctor it would be no surprise if entire sects went bankrupt just to get the chance he was offering for free to Levy.

Seeing the nod Enkidu put his hand on Levy's wrist. He sent some of his profound energy into Levy's body for a check-up, he could always just see what it was like in the Library of Heaven's Path but he wanted to see if he could see any problems by himself.

As he finished examining it he noticed something that made him frown slightly in bewilderment.

"I understand it now, it truly is quite an interesting thing you have." Enkidu commented, he was already browsing through the book made of Levy to see if there was any mistakes in his understanding of the situation and nodded after understanding it all. "You have the Titan profound veins, probably one of its variants but it is hard to tell right now. It is a powerful type of profound veins that can allow you to train extremely quickly if it is awakened properly, otherwise, your cultivation would be mostly the same as other humans but probably a bit slower. To awaken it the only real method is to be in an extreme sittuation.

"By forcing yourself to continue fighting even when you have little to no Profound Energy and any other power you might have, continuing to fight even when being barely able to move, that is when these profound veins awaken a little at a time, giving you a boost to continue to fight. It is a method that means you must constantly find harder and hearder challenges by constantly breaking through any and all limits you have your profound veins would awaken more and more. However, there are ways to improve faster like special pills that help strengthen the awakening making one able to advance faster.

"Then, there are the many variations for this type of profound veins as the techniques and martial understandings of those who had this before you are passed down generation by generation, first as mere fighting instinct but with time as if innate abilities like a profound beast has. Really, this type of profound veins means that either you become one of the strongest out there or you would certainly perish young."

As Enkidu finished saying that he shook his head. The Titan Profound Veins was one that was undoubtedly amongst the strongest types of profound veins but it also represented a huge risk as a cultivator could easily enter dangerous situations to improve themselves and end up being killed in the process.

Levy, hearing this, nodded his head and thanked Enkidu before walking away. The information just now was quite interesting, that information would mean that he would have a chance to grow in strength quite a bit later on.

The problem, however, was that it was likely that he would end up wounded many times and could probably die.

'Well, I will just have to see how this goes then.'

Enkidu's P.O.V.

After Levy went his way I could only pray that he would not end up dying because of trying to become stronger. All I told him is the truth but he is in no physical condition to be fighting, his body is still severely malnourished and needs to first eat and heal more properly, have someone to protect him in case things go inevitably wrong, and some way to heal himself when he gets injured.

I honestly was thinking about helping him myself if that is what was necessary for him not to die, but he seems like the obstinate type that would not take my gesture nicely and, in all honesty, I myself am busy right now. The tournament will begin in about an hour and I need to get there already.

I moved to the tournament arena, there was a line for the participants' entry and when I was close to enter shouts started and the crowd and line started shuffling as people pushed each other to open space for those passing by.

They were a group of five people in total, three boys and two girls. They all had haughty and 'holier than thou' expressions in their faces as if the mere thought of being around others was an insult to their presence but no one seemed to care about that.

Noticing this I had to ask someone what was going on. The person in front of me looked to be in his twenties and looked at them in admiration and envy.

"Sorry, but why are we letting them pass just like that? Aren't we all participating in this tournament the same way?" I asked, after all, it doesn't seem fair what they just did.

"What are you saying, don't go speaking nonsense or it might drag me down with you! Don't you know who they are, they are the five geniuses of the Master Teacher association of our Azure Clour Continent. They are all two-star Master Teachers and each of them are two stars in at least two of the possible professions in this tournament. Master Teachers have the highest of prestige and they all work in sects or to important families, they are all important for the future of humanity as they ensure that humanity can improve via their teachings."

... Okay, that sounds awfully similar to the Library of Heaven's Path if my memory serves me right. In there Master Teachers are pretty much as this man spoke off, but there master teachers would be much less d.i.c.kish and would normally not act this arrogant, it is unbecoming of a teacher to act in such a manner after all.

Well, regardless I should try and not catch much attention, teacher told me to do my best but it should be fine if I were to only score in the top 10 or something, it would be good but would not catch too much attention from others while I try to figure out what exactly is going on.

Umu, that is decided. Yep, let's go with that.


A Few Days Later


... Why?

Just, why?

"And, in a historic event, the winner of all competitions, setting records in each and every one of them and showing himself as the great rising star of our Azure Cloud Continent younger generation, a talent that is unparalleled across time, let's applaud mister Enkidu, the Living Miracle!" The speaker yelled excitedly while everyone applauded standing up and I had to ask myself again.

Why did it end up this way?!

Author's Note:

Anyway, I wanted to inform you all. While this is a mainly ATG world I will use many aspects of other Wuxias, Xianxias, and Xuanhuans in it. For instance, the jobs and associations from Library of Heaven's Path is in this world as well.

Another thing of note is how I intend to add more about Laws/Dao in this story, specifically in a way similar to Coiling Dragon and Desolate Era, both great masterpieces as far as I am concerned.

Oh, and if anyone did not notice, both pets of Enkidu are from Soul Land, specifically Da Ming and Ji Ji are two 100+ thousand years spirit beasts.

And about Harem, there will be one since I simply cannot help myself. Who should be in it is up to debate, I have one mostly decided already but I can choose others as well from either ATG itself or other works, please tell me your ideas and wishes about it. Other races are OK, just so everybody knows. Enkidu is not a human at all, after all, so there is no problem in that regard. Yes, his bastard of a father is a devil and his mother is of some other race. What race? I have an idea about that but suggestions are appreciated =)

Bye bye, and don't forget to review.

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