The old man was very happy, but he was not happy.

Now in the home of the Demon-Subduing Special 6, Pava, who only needs to eat, is the most normal.

Looking at the ghost-like appearance of the golden-haired and silver-haired hugging each other and crying with joy, Pava decided to do something, at least to stabilize one of them so that he could go to eat.

"You... are you talking about women's parties?" The sudden female voice woke up Fu Guang and Denci.

Denci suddenly looked at Pava. Although he usually only saw the other party's characteristics such as sloppy, timid, and lying, Pava is indeed a woman.

"You... you you what do you want to say?" Denci asked stutteringly. He seemed to have begun to imagine unhealthy scenes. Pava spoke.

"I like kittens the most. Compared with kittens, humans are trash."

"If I have to choose between saving a human or a kitten, I will choose a human without hesitation."

This is not the answer Denci wants to hear. He said impatiently:

"I don't like kittens. Tell me the key point about breasts."

He urged again, and then Pava said what he wanted to hear.

"My cat was taken away by a bat demon. I was caught by a bad woman before I rescued him."

"If someone can help me rescue the cat from the bat demon, I will... let him rub my breasts as a reward."

Denci, who was indifferent to cats just now, immediately coughed twice and said righteously: "Actually, I am a cat lover. Cats are so cute. Bat demons deserve to die!"

"Pava, let's go rescue your cat!"

After Denci finished speaking, he immediately turned around and looked at Fu Guang, who had just hugged him tightly like a brother, and said: "Boss, don't get involved in this matter."

The tone was full of warning, and Denci demonstrated what it meant to be "a person who can change his face."

Fuguang's six eyes casually glanced at Pava's seemingly D-shaped breasts, but in fact they were padded A-shaped breasts, and said to Denci earnestly:

"You and I are as close as brothers, how can I do such a beastly thing as stealing someone's beloved."

"Denci! I know you like cats, so go ahead and rescue them, I support you!"

He did not point out Pava's disguise, but pretended to be a brother and sold Denci a bargain.

Everything was finalized, and under the grateful gaze of Denci and the eager gaze of Pava, Fuguang waved his hand.

"The entire consumption tonight will be paid by Gojo Gongzi! Cheer up for our action to rescue cats!"

They needed to go out for a drink, so Fuguang and others went out and knocked on the door next door.

"Hanako~! Let's go out for dinner!"

The door opened soon. Hanako was wearing a white shirt, stockings and a short skirt. She looked like she was also going out. She was surprised:

"You guys are ready so quickly. I was just about to call you. But since we are going to a party, you are too casual to wear, right?"

"What party? We are calling you to dinner." Fuguang asked in confusion.

"Eh? Don't you know that Senior Jiye organized a party to welcome newcomers?"

Fuguang rolled his eyes, although his impression of Jiye was that he was a senior in the workplace and had a love affair with autumn.

But it didn't affect his love of free stuff. He immediately turned around and said to Denji Pava: "Let's go, let's go, this is a welcome party specially held for us!"

On the way, Fu Guang was a little doubtful and said: "Didn't they get stuck in Morino Hotel for 6 days without eating? They recovered so quickly?"

Hanako, who was driving, replied: "Someone in the logistics department signed a contract with the healing demon, so they will recover quickly."

"Humans are really weak. I only need to drink some blood to regenerate." Pava said contemptuously.

Fu Guang himself was a little worried, because although his combat power was very high and his defense was also very high, he just lacked the means to heal himself.

When Fu Guang just had the idea of ​​being afraid of getting hurt, the system that had been silent for a long time issued a task.

[Task: Save Ji Ye, reward: reversal technique. ]

[Task deadline 7 days, currently 1/7. 】

[Introduction to the reversal technique: It can consume mana to repair any injuries on the body (except the core of the abdomen)]

A thoughtful look appeared in Fu Guang's eyes. He was not happy about the reward, but worried about the safety of the senior who recommended him to the Demon Public Security.

Regardless of whether this mission is issued or not, Fu Guang will not watch Ji Ye die.

Now that he has received a warning, he will pay more attention to Ji Ye's future actions.

"I heard that Miss Machima will come tonight. Is it not too much to suggest that he arrange for Senior Ji Ye and others to live near her home?"

The system also

There is a task to make Hayakawa Aki give up on Machima, and then he can get the ritual forward transfer.

"Why doesn't Hayakawa Aki give up? Is it because of the sword that he hasn't drawn yet that gives him confidence?"

Swish~! The tires rubbed against the ground.

Fuguang was thinking, and Hanako suddenly stepped on the brakes, and his thoughts were interrupted as his body suddenly leaned forward.

Without the expected panic, Denci and Pava were excitedly hit by inertia from the back seat and said:

"I want to eat 100 kilograms."

"Then I'll eat 200 kilograms."

Fuguang's face was also filled with a happy smile.

"Hehehe, I can get it for free."

The four rushed to the place to eat. It was located in the alley. It was a traditional izakaya with warm yellow lights.

The name is "Guxiang Wine Storehouse."

The wooden sign swayed gently in the breeze, and the handwriting on it carried the traces of time.

The door of the izakaya was gently pushed open, and a team of members filed in.

The store was filled with a faint aroma of cypress, and the walls were covered with retro posters and notes left by customers.

In the corner was an exquisite shrine, with a few wisps of green smoke rising, adding a mysterious atmosphere to the entire space.

At a large table in the back, colleagues who had arrived earlier were already sitting, their faces filled with anticipation, chatting and laughing.

The table was filled with a dazzling array of food, and plates of fresh sashimi were as thin as cicada wings.

The aroma of rice mixed with the freshness of seafood hit the nose.

The grilled eel was golden in color, the skin was grilled to a slightly crispy surface, and the unique fat of the eel sizzled under the charcoal fire.

The air was filled with a sweet aroma, and the tender fish seemed to be calling for people to taste it;

In addition, there was a steaming sukiyaki pot, and the soup in the pot was bubbling.

Tender beef slices, green vegetables, and soft tofu were bubbling in the pot, and the rich aroma filled the air.

On the small plate next to it, there was orange-red caviar.

Pava rushed to the table first. She didn't care about the table etiquette and directly grabbed a handful of sashimi and stuffed it into her mouth to chew.

There were a total of 10 plates of dishes on the table, and there were 6 plates left when the electrician arrived.

When Fuguang arrived, there were 2 plates left.

When Hanako, who was the slowest to arrive, looked at the empty table and patted her chest and said:

"I thought I was late because I took too long to put on makeup, but I didn't expect you guys hadn't ordered yet."


Dead silence~

At the table, Hayakawa Aki silently put down his chopsticks. He looked at the three hungry ghosts with their mouths full of food in silence.

Pava put down the Sukiyaki pot happily. It was empty. Only the hot steam rising from the pot wall told that it was full of food.

Denci saw that the atmosphere was not right and gently put down the more than 50 barbecue skewers in his hand.

At this time, Hanako finally saw the caviar on the corner of Fuguang's mouth. She burst into tears and couldn't stop.

"Wuwuwuwuwuwu~ You are bullying me!"

Arai laughed dryly, and Xiaohong's chopsticks were stuck in the air.

Finally, it was Jiye who broke the silence. She waved for the waiter to come over and ordered a considerable amount of food.

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