The four men who kept firing their AKs felt a chill running down their spines to their heads.

Although their bodies were shaking uncontrollably, their fingers on the triggers were tightening, and they dared not stop shooting.

Because once they gave that evildoer a chance, they would say goodbye to this not-so-beautiful world forever.

But Fu Guang didn't care about that much now. In order for Ji Ye to survive, he decided not to care about the lives of others.

He looked at the ordinary people behind the four gangsters who did not leave the scene in time and insisted on staying to watch the fun, showing a cruel smile.

Fu Guang might not be as crazy as Denci, but he certainly didn't have the rationality of an adult.

"You like to watch the excitement, right? Then I'll show you another big scene before you die!"

Originally, Fu Guang, who was afraid of causing a large number of casualties among ordinary people in the city, suddenly raised his palm and raised a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth:

"Phase~ Jackfruit~ Pillar of Light!

Spell Reversal·Hah! 500% power output!"

Fu Guang's blue eyes flashed with crazy light, and his white hair fluttered in the wind.

The curse power gathered in his body like a surging tide.

Layers of red light appeared around his body, and the light seemed to contain the energy to destroy the world.

It seemed that no one could have imagined that the public security hunters who put the protection of ordinary people's safety first would use a big move in the urban area. Ji Ye stopped sacrificing. She stared blankly at Fu Guang who was shrouded in red light and murmured: "He is a junior as gentle as Qiu."

With such a huge movement, Hayakawa Qiu, who was slashed on the chest, tried his best to point his hand at Fu Guang, shouting incoherently, "No! Many people will die!"

But since Fu Guang had made up his mind, he would not retreat.

A huge red shock wave gushed out from the palm of his right hand. The shock wave was like a violent beast, rushing forward with overwhelming force.

Everything was ruthlessly swallowed up wherever the shock wave went.

Several buildings on the street were instantly enveloped by this powerful force, as if they were tightly grasped by a huge red palm.

The outer wall of the building began to crack and disintegrate like a fragile sand sculpture the moment it came into contact with the shock wave.

The glass shattered into countless glittering fragments, falling like raindrops.

The bodies of the enemies covered by the red shock wave were instantly ignited by the high temperature caused by the friction of the light column with the air.

Their skin was like a wax block exposed to the scorching sun, melting and flowing quickly, revealing the muscles and bones inside.

The muscle fibers curled up and burned black under the high temperature, and the bones turned from white to black, turning into ashes one by one.

Their bodies were like candles thrown into the furnace, melting and disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they didn't even have time to scream.

The reinforced concrete structure of the building groaned in pain under the impact of "He".

The load-bearing columns were like branches bent by a giant, breaking one after another.

The floors began to collapse, making a deafening roar.

The entire building collapsed layer by layer like a building block without support.

The dust raised formed a huge mushroom cloud, covering the sky and the sun.

The surrounding urban areas were not spared either. Huge holes were torn in the streets, and the ground was devastated as if it had been gnawed by a giant beast.

Streetlights and electric poles were uprooted and twisted into twisted scrap metal in the air.

Vehicles were overturned and thrown up, rolling and breaking in the shock wave like toys.

On the path of He's attack, the ordinary people who had previously stayed to watch the excitement witnessed this scene.

"How dare he! How dare he!" A middle-aged man with glasses stared with his eyes and trembling lips, his face full of disbelief.

But Fu Guang's "He" shot the arrow without looking back, and this was the last sentence the glasses man said in this world.

"How could he do this?! Didn't he see that I was still there?"

The woman next to him covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes full of fear.

She took herself too seriously, and Fu Guang would not tolerate her.

"Run!" A middle-aged man reacted, pulled up the people around him and turned to run.

However, how could they be faster than He?

The aftermath swept in like a ruthless tsunami, and their bodies were tightly bound by a powerful force, unable to move.

The young man's face was distorted by extreme fear, and tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes: "No, don't..."

The woman screamed in despair, and her voice echoed in the air.

The middle-aged man struggled hard, but it was all in vain. The next second, the aftermath of the curse completely engulfed them. Their bodies turned into nothingness in an instant under the high temperature and strong impact, and dissipated in the wave of destruction. Gojo Satoru didn't care whether the surrounding urban areas would be destroyed. He only had the enemy in his eyes. He outputted the curse frantically, releasing this destructive force continuously, vowing to completely wipe out all the enemies in front of him. The snake-eyed hoodie woman was also enveloped by He, and at this moment she no longer had the previous sense of relaxation. Her source of confidence was nothing more than that she felt that Fu Guang, the public security hunter, would take care of the safety of ordinary people around her. But she didn't know that there was an old saying in China that a rabbit would bite when it was anxious. Fu Guang's madness made both the enemy and us tremble. If the snake-eyed woman hadn't summoned the contracted demon in time to take her away, I'm afraid the bad luck generated by the burning of her body would have risen to 100 meters in the air. After a long time, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, leaving behind the remains of a giant python with a length of more than 30 meters and a diameter of more than 5 meters.

In this red wave of destruction, Fu Guang was like a ruthless god, burning the world with his anger.

Now the only enemy on the field was the katana. Without the firepower to restrain Fu Guang, it was just a stronger ant.

Hayakawa Aki's pupils were no longer focused. He knew from lying on the ground and watching the giant mushroom cloud rising in the sky that those ordinary people who stayed to watch the excitement would not have enough lives to live even if they had ten lives.

Fu Guang, who was 50 meters away, took a step forward and teleported directly to the front of the katana who wanted to strike again.

He raised his foot and then fell down. The head of the katana that was so arrogant just now began to crack.

"How do you want to die?" Fu Guang said coldly, without reducing the strength of his feet at all.

He really had no intention of leaving him alive, and didn't even want to give him a chance to speak, just crushing his head with brute force.

At this moment, Pava, who was the most nervous, was the first to come back to her senses from the state of shock. She shouted anxiously:

"Denci! My Denci was taken away by the snake girl!"

It is not known whether she said this out of concern for Denci or out of desire for Denci's blood.

But after hearing this, Fu Guang stopped exerting force on his feet. Now the samurai sword cannot die, at least before Denci is found.

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