The snake girl looked at Xiao Hong who was approaching slowly and shook her head: "She is a demon hunter, but she is not a powerful character. Intelligence says that every time she encounters danger, she will only be scared to the point of sweating and trembling, and she has no other killing power." When the tattooed man heard this, his confidence returned immediately. He waved his hand to command his brothers, waiting for the target to get closer and then rush up to dismember it. Dongshan Xiaohong was approaching. She did not rush up immediately, but stood there and asked with a trembling voice:

" are bad guys, right?!"

Without waiting for the black-clothed people to answer, Xiaohong asked herself again:

"That's right, you must be bad guys. As long as you are bad guys, I will have no psychological burden to kill you."

"What did you say?"

The tattooed man thought he was hallucinating. Looking at Dongshan Xiaohong, whose body was shaking and whose face was sweating, the tattooed man could hardly imagine where she got the courage to say such harsh words.

However, after Dongshan Xiaohong decided to take action, her momentum suddenly became fierce. She began to run fast, and her speed was far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

The snake girl immediately raised her hand after realizing that the other party was in danger. The nail on the ring finger of her left hand suddenly disappeared, and she said:


As soon as the snake girl finished speaking, an extremely long spine suddenly appeared in the void.

The snake's tail, which was originally over two meters in diameter, was mostly destroyed by He's energy column in the previous battle.

Now it has not been completely repaired, and it was summoned by the snake girl to fight.

However, the bone spurs of the tail without flesh and blood are sharper and more flexible, and the snake girl also thinks that Xiaohong will be pierced and killed.

When the gang members breathed a sigh of relief and thought that they would not fight against the demon hunter, Dongshan Xiaohong suddenly jumped before the bone spurs of the snake were about to penetrate her and strangely avoided the fatal attack and jumped onto the back of the snake.

"No way! How can this guy be as flexible as a monkey?"

The snake girl was a little scared by Xiaohong's terrifying reaction and agility, and she quickly waved her hand to signal the gang members to take action.

But how can ordinary people be the opponent of the demon hunter whose body has been strengthened and transformed by the demon? Even though Dongshan Xiaohong is less than 160 cm tall and even though she is a girl.

Dongshan Xiaohong tightly grasped the sharp dagger, and the blade reflected the terrified eyes of the gang members.

Her steps were light but swift like a ghost as she rushed into the gangster crowd, instantly breaking the original silence.

Her figure flashed, and her right hand swung the dagger fiercely, with a crisp and neat movement.

The sharp blade cut through the air, bringing a slight whistling sound.

Before a gang member could react, a bloody mark had been cut on his neck.

The warm blood spurted out and splashed on the girl's hand, and the warm touch made her eyes even colder.

At this moment, Dongshan Xiaohong was just like the main character in "Assassin 567". There was no weak girl who was so scared that she was sweating and trembling all over.

Someone wanted to sneak attack, Xiaohong turned around and kicked the enemy in the abdomen.

While he was bending over, she grabbed the opponent's hair with her left hand and stabbed the dagger in her right hand straight into his back.

The man howled in pain, but could not escape the end of death.

Dongshan Xiaohong is using her strength to interpret what "steady", "accurate" and "ruthless" mean. Every move is accurate and deadly.

The dagger flew up and down in her hand, as if it had merged with her.

The gang members looked at this seemingly weak girl in horror, but they had no power to fight back in front of her.

Another big man tried to attack from behind, but Xiaohong seemed to have eyes on her back, dodged sideways, and swung her backhand, stabbing the dagger deeply into the big man's arm.

The big man fell down with a scream, and the girl did not stop at all, continuing to shuttle and attack in the crowd.

The bloody smell filled the air, and the ground was full of gang members groaning in pain;

The girl was like a witch of revenge, without mercy, continuing her unilateral killing.

"Damn it! It's another difficult guy who signed a contract with a demon that can strengthen his physical ability." The snake girl retreated very wisely after seeing the power of Dongshan Xiaohong.

Hunters like her who have signed a summoning demon contract will definitely be crushed in close combat.

"Gun! Use the gun!" The snake girl yelled at the tattooed man. At this moment, she didn't care whether the gunshot would attract the patrolling police around.

In the face of life and safety, playing a racing game with the police later is just playing house.


The gun went off, but the imagined scene of Xiaohong being shot did not appear.

When the snake girl shouted to shoot

At that time, Dongshan Xiaohong had already started looking for cover and searched for a pistol from the waist of a dead gang member and held it in her hand.

When the tattooed man pointed the gun at her, Xiaohong lifted up the dying Denci to block the bullet.

Even though blood was exploding on Denci in front of her, Dongshan Xiaohong's eyes were still calm.

However, the gun did suppress Dongshan Xiaohong, after all, she did not have the ability to revive like Denci.

Dongshan Xiaohong fought and retreated, but her shooting skills were not very good, and she was eventually forced into a corner.

The gang members who originally wanted to suppress Xiaohong and run away changed their minds and must not let go of the opportunity.

Just when the tattooed man forcibly pulled a subordinate to block the bullet in front and prepared to charge and kill Xiaohong.

A sudden change occurred!

In front of the "Goryo Shrine" far away in Kyoto, Machima stood up.

Two rows of death row prisoners knelt on the stone floor at the entrance of the shrine, their bodies trembling, their foreheads pressed against the ground, and cold sweat dripping like rain.

Machima walked slowly and approached the shivering prisoners.

Her expression was cold, and her voice seemed to come from the depths of the underworld: "Read IIVV with me."

The death row prisoners trembled their lips and uttered the designated names with difficulty.

At the moment the voice fell, Machima made a strange gesture, as if controlling an invisible silk thread, as if performing a ritual.

The tattooed man who was preparing to charge towards Dongshan Xiaohong in Tokyo suddenly froze in place, and his mouth began to twitch, as if he had a stroke.

The snake girl looked at him dissatisfied and said, "What are you waiting for if you don't go up now?"

The tattooed man began to run towards the snake girl with difficulty and panic, shouting, "It's so strange, I feel so bad!"

The snake girl became more and more impatient. He didn't expect that the tattooed man would become a fool at the critical moment.

Just as the snake girl wanted to replace him and attack Xiao Hong, two crows suddenly landed on the telephone pole in the distance.

It was at this moment that the snake girl watched the tattooed man's expression begin to twist due to extreme panic.

His body also began to twist strangely and uncontrollably, and his bones made a creepy sound, followed by a bloody explosion, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The crows on the telephone pole seemed to be startled, and seemed to fly away to find the next target.

When the snake girl saw this scene, her two pupils almost shrank into thin lines.

She hurriedly took the walkie-talkie and called: "Quick! Quickly confirm whether Machima is not dead!"

The first thing she thought of was that Machima explained everything, and the woman's revenge began.

At the Kyoto Shrine, Machima made a seal to complete a ritual every time she asked a death row prisoner to read out a name.

Then the death row prisoner in Kyoto fell to the ground powerlessly and lost his life, and the person whose name was read in Tokyo would explode on the spot.

A man with tattoos on the back of his hand listened to the bad news coming from the intercom, and he jumped off the speeding car and came to the side of the road.

He grabbed a Miaolin girl and hastily put a gun to the girl's temple, then he yelled to the air around him:

"Don't move! Otherwise I will kill this girl!"

Outsiders thought he was a lunatic, but he had a gun in his hand, and everyone was watching anxiously.

But before the people called the police, the hostage-taking criminal began to talk nonsense:

"Hey! Did you see my grandma waving at me?"

"What did you say?" Someone thought he had heard it wrong and subconsciously stepped forward to ask.


In everyone's horrified eyes, the man who said that the grandma was waving at him exploded into blood.

The passerby who just leaned over to hear something wiped the blood residue on his clothes in fear.

"Ghost!!!" Everyone dispersed.

This terrifying ability is no different from the King of Hell, and it is both thrilling and curious. No wonder Machima asked Xiao Tiantong and Kurose to cover their eyes and not let them see it.

Snake Girl watched the 16 gang members who came down from the "Chen Haonan Mobile Office" die or explode.

She gave up the idea of ​​robbing Dongshan Xiaohong of the power, got in the car and quickly fled this hell.

As for the samurai sword, who would care about his life or death?

Maybe his gangster father would let the gang members start a riot, create chaos, and put pressure on the police.

But this is not what Snake Girl considers. She just wants to escape now, to a place where Machima can't see her.

Machima doesn't make a move, but once he does, he shows a power that makes the enemy tremble with fear.

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