After the gangsters injured people with guns, the police put pressure on and negotiated with the gangsters who dared to use guns.

Before the two sides broke up, the Demon-Subduing Class 6 had a rare few days off.

The most important thing is that the five floating lights were used at 500%. The power output of He made too much noise, so the rest was fake, and the real reason was to let the floating lights keep a low profile for two days to avoid appearing in the eyes of foreigners.

If foreign hunter organizations knew that there was such a demon-level hunter in Japan, his strength was not much different from that of a walking missile.

Who would let him grow? Who would have to do something to kill the floating light in the cradle.

Although the strength of various countries is uneven now, at least they can still eat at the same table. The only difference is who eats meat and who eats vegetables.

But the appearance of Gojo Fuguang is not just grabbing meat, it is directly overturning the table.

According to Gojo Fuguang's growth rate, the world's combat power system will collapse and rebuild within a year, and Japan will be the country with the greatest voice at that time.

However, our client has no sense of being in the center of the storm.

At 12 noon, Fuguang opened the bedroom door and walked out.

Pava and Denci were already playing games in the living room. Hearing the sound of Fuguang opening the door, Denci said without turning his head:

"Boss, go buy us food."

"I want double the amount."

Fuguang did not refuse, because he could use Cang to travel quickly, so the speed would be very fast.

Moreover, he took the initiative to refuse to let Denci and Pava go to buy food, because the two would eat his portion on the way back. Fu Guang yawned and said:

"How about eating unagi?"

"Sure, it's better to buy some bread with jam."

"I'm the same as Denci."

After asking what to eat today, Fu Guang prepared to go out.

When he opened the door, a petite figure came into view.

Fu Guang may not realize that after constantly adding points to his physical attributes, his height is growing rapidly.

When he first came to this world, he was about 178, and now he is almost 183.

If Fu Guang raised his head slightly when he went out, he might not see Xiao Hong, who was only about 160.

"Dongshan Xiao Hong? Why are you here?" Fu Guang asked in surprise.

"Also, you haven't been waiting here for a long time, have you?"

Dongshan Xiaohong looked a little reserved, maybe because of her personality, she waved her hands and said:

"I just got here, but I... I was afraid of disturbing you."

"So, I waited here for a while."

Fuguang looked at the other party's evasive eyes, and he didn't even dare to look at him when talking.

And he didn't know how long the other party had been waiting here. Out of guilt, Fuguang said:

"It's noon now, I'll treat you to a meal."

"If you have anything to say, just talk while walking."

Fuguang said without giving Dongshan Xiaohong a chance to refuse, and led the way directly in front.

Dongshan Xiaohong wanted to refuse, but seeing that the boy who was like a myth in the headquarters was so kind, she timidly agreed.

Walking on the road, Dongshan Xiaohong hit each other with his hands for dozens of rounds, and finally told her the purpose of her visit.

"Well, I want to ask Senior Gojo, how did Miss Machima respond when I asked you to submit your resignation letter last time?"

Originally, Fu Guang was a little unhappy because Xiao Hong was hesitating for a long time and couldn't say anything. After hearing this, his steps suddenly froze.

"Forgot!" Fu Guang was horrified. He even forgot where Dongshan Xiao Hong's resignation letter was thrown.

Looking at the other party's timid and pitiful appearance, Fu Guang decided to find a way to divert her attention.

When Dongshan Xiao Hong asked about the progress of the resignation letter, Fu Guang said something inexplicably:

"Ah, today's weather is cloudy and sunny, and this sun is really sunny."


Dongshan Xiao Hong thought Fu Guang heard it wrong and wanted to say it again, but Fu Guang didn't give her a chance and immediately threw out the question.

"By the way, we have been colleagues for so long, and I still don't understand why Xiao Hong wants to be a demon hunter?"

As soon as Fu Guang asked, Dongshan Xiao Hong immediately swallowed back what she wanted to say before.

Then her whole temperament suddenly became several levels more melancholy and lost.

The breeze blew gently, and the sun cast mottled light and shadows through the gaps in the leaves.

Dongshan Xiaohong lowered her head again, her slender fingers twisted the corners of her clothes anxiously, and her steps were slow.

Some hesitation.

In her deer-like clear eyes, a trace of timidity flashed from time to time, as if she was recalling something bad.

But she still plucked up the courage to speak out:

"I... In addition to my brother, there are 9 sisters in my family."

"My brother is in college, and my family has no money to support him, so I became a demon hunter."

Fu Guang frowned and asked in confusion: "How can parents let their children engage in such a high-risk profession? Have you ever thought about refusing?"

Fu Guang's words seemed to touch her sorrow.

Fu Guang looked at her, Dongshan Xiaohong quickly lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, as if she was struggling whether to say it or not.

Fu Guang saw her embarrassed look and waved his hand and said: "It's not convenient to say it, it's my rashness."

When Dongshan Xiaohong heard that Fu Guang was not aggressive, but even apologized to a subordinate who was lower than her, she plucked up the courage to answer Fu Guang's question again.

"My parents wanted me to go into the sea at first, but I rebelled against them and became a demon hunter."

Xiaohong seemed to have finally found someone who was willing to listen to her, or she felt that Fu Guang was very gentle, anyway, she opened her heart and continued:

"They originally disagreed with me becoming a demon hunter, but I said that the family would receive a large pension after the hunter died on a mission, and they readily agreed to my rebellion."

After Dongshan Xiaohong finished speaking, she looked up at Fu Guang and forced a shy smile, but could not hide the inferiority and helplessness in her eyes.

"Thank you, Senior Gojo, for listening to me for so long. Anyway, thank you very much."

Fu Guang was silent, he didn't know how to comfort the girl.

After struggling for a while, he finally said to Dongshan Xiaohong with a fierce look in his eyes:

"Do you want me to kill your whole family?"

"Ah? Hey hey hey hey! No no no."

Dongshan Xiaohong didn't seem to expect Fu Guang's reaction to be so intense, and quickly waved his hand to reject his super heroic proposal.

Fu Guang was just joking, and he couldn't interfere in other people's family affairs.

However, he thought about Dongshan Xiaohong's inferiority complex and her body that trembled when she was nervous.

"After leaving the police, can she find such a high-paying job that can accommodate her?"

Fu Guang's worries were not groundless. It was absolutely impossible for ordinary people who signed a contract with the devil to return to an ordinary and peaceful life.

Looking at Xiaohong, who even walked carefully, as if she was afraid of getting into trouble if she took a wrong step.

Fu Guang decided not to let her leave the Demon Police, no matter whether it was coercion or inducement.


Fu Guang cleared his throat and said casually: "Xiaohong, why do you want to leave the Demon Police?

If it's because of salary issues, I can help you apply for a salary increase from Miss Machima."

Dongshan Xiaohong heard Fu Guang call her name directly, her body trembled slightly and whispered:

"I... I don't know." There was a hint of uncertainty and self-doubt in her tone.

With her lips slightly bitten together, she looked a little aggrieved. Dongshan Xiaohong didn't give an accurate answer as if she had done something wrong.

Fuguang felt that she shrank her shoulders, as if she wanted to hide herself.

Well, when dealing with such sensitive and inferior girls, Fuguang felt that he shouldn't throw the problem to them, but should be more assertive, such as giving her orders directly.

Of course, Fuguang said it because he felt that his orders would benefit her.

Fuguang felt that money and safety should be put aside for now.

The key is to help this inferior girl open up her inner autistic space. She doesn't need to become a social bull, but at least she needs to be more confident.

So he said in an unquestionable tone: "Why don't you just leave the team of Hayakawa Aki, the taciturn one, and come to me."

Fu Guang was afraid of being rejected outright, so he immediately began to make promises: "You can worry about anything when you are with me, except for being unhappy and in danger of your life."

"It just so happens that Denci and Pava are too rampant, so it would be good for them to get some of your gentleness."

Pava stopped and stayed where he was after hearing Fu Guang say the five words "be with him", and then his eyes lit up again after hearing Fu Guang describe his inferiority as "gentleness".

Before Fu Guang could continue to fool around, she gave her answer:

"Okay...Okay, I'll trouble Senior Gojo to take care of me in the future."

After saying that, Dongshan Xiaohong immediately buried her head as low as she could, and walked forward almost without looking at the road.

Before Fu Guang could be happy, he immediately rushed forward and pulled Xiaohong, who was about to hit the roadside billboard, into his arms.

The two separated as soon as they touched each other, and Fu Guang immediately put his hands together and prayed:

"Don't misunderstand Miss Machima, I am using the unlimited magic."

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