The night falls, and the campus in Tokyo is like a quiet castle.

The dim street lights cast soft light, outlining the outline of the campus path.

The windows of the teaching building reflect the twinkling lights, like the stars in the night sky.

The breeze blows, the cherry blossom trees sway gently, and the petals fall, adding a bit of affection to this quiet night.

Denci and Reise strolled on the path, the picture was very humorous.

"Denci-kun, can I hold your hand?" Reise asked with a blush on her face.

When Denci heard this, the figure of Pava flashed in his mind, and then he hesitated for 0.01 seconds and held Reise's finger.

The two walked like lovers and soon came to an empty classroom.

Lei Sai let go of Denci's hand and walked to the blackboard. She wrote 1+1= with chalk

"Denci, please stand up and answer the answer to this question." Lei Sai pretended to be a teacher and asked.

Denci, who was sitting upright, raised his hand enthusiastically and said, "I know, I know, 1+1=2!"

Seeing Lei Sai nod, Denci's face showed a mysterious confidence and said, "I thought studying was so great. I must be a genius, right?"

Rai Sai did not laugh, but nodded and said, "Yes, although Denci has never been to school, he must be a genius."

After teaching Denci a word called "lecher", Lei Sai looked at Denci's embarrassed face and laughed until tears came out.

The laughter in the classroom was obviously warm, but it seemed a little sad because of the silence of the entire campus.

But there is an old Chinese saying that goes, "A dark and windy night is a good time to kill someone." At this moment, someone in the female toilet on campus is trying to get Denci's heart.

The mirror in the toilet reflects a man with a burn scar on his face from forehead to chin, as if he was run over by a wheel.

At this moment, in the washbasin where he put his hands on the ground, the water is flowing in an unusual way, like the eye of a tornado.

"Tell me, why do you all want Denci's heart?" The burned man asked in a deep voice.

There was no one else in the toilet except him, but the vortex in the washbasin made a sound.

"The more you know about some things, the faster you die. What you need to think about is what kind of contract to sign with me."

The scarred man was a little angry, so he said a more excessive content of the contract.

"After I dig out Denci's heart, you have to let me use the power of the hurricane unconditionally for the rest of my life."

What surprised the scarred man was that the hurricane demon did not refuse, but reminded him: "Denci has killed many demons, you should pay more attention to it."

After hearing this, the scarred man did not become more vigilant, but smiled disdainfully and said: "Those demons killed by Denci are stupid, but I am a genius who can use strategies."

"There was once a hunter who killed many demons. Everyone said he was a cold-blooded guy with no weaknesses."

"But I found a way to make him bleed and cry. I just peeled off his wife and daughter's eyes, nose, mouth, and skin from his head in front of him.

Then he cried and told me the information he wanted to know, and let me kill him obediently."

The hurricane demons are not as deep-minded as humans, and they kill people just for the sake of killing.

They will never torture people cruelly like this scarred man to achieve their goals, which is why the hurricane demons found him as a killer.

At this moment, Denci and Reise didn't know that they had been targeted by an extremely cruel ordinary person. Even if they knew... it would be easy to kill him.

Reise, who was teaching Denci the English word "big ass", seemed to have sensed something. She put down the chalk and said, "Denci-kun, I'll go to the toilet and come back after class."

"Okay, I will remember this word when you come back. After all, I'm a genius." Denci replied with enthusiasm.

The night enveloped the Japanese school, which seemed particularly quiet. Reise walked out of the classroom.

She walked towards the toilet, and the cold moonlight sprinkled in the narrow corridor.

The moment she stepped into the toilet, Reise began to look around calmly.

Soon he found the looming figure in the corner. Reise knew that someone came here to use the toilet.

But if he took action here, it might attract Denci's attention.

Thinking about it, Reise's pupils suddenly dilated. She seemed to have just seen the black shadow, and fear spread throughout her body like an electric current.

Heart rate accelerates sharply, breathing becomes

Her legs trembled involuntarily, and the muscles on her face became twisted because of extreme fear.

As if she couldn't scream because of fear, the instinct of survival drove her to turn around and run out.

Her steps staggered, and her hands swung randomly, trying to grab something to keep her balance.

Scarface followed behind slowly, with a steady and calm pace, a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was enjoying the process of chasing.

Reluctantly, Lace rushed up the stairs, and her footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

Her panting became heavier, sweat soaked her forehead, and her hair stuck to her face in a mess.

Finally, she ran to the rooftop.

Scarface also followed to the rooftop slowly, looking at the girl opposite, despair and fear intertwined in his eyes.

Although Lace acted very scared, the scarred man only thought that the other party was luring the mouse out of the jam.

"Oh, what a lovely girl! If you give your eyes and face to that boy, he will be sad."

"But I don't care whether he is sad or not, as long as I can kill him obediently."

Lese asked with a trembling voice: "Who are you? Who sent you to kill me?"

The scarred man said disdainfully: "Hunters are not interested in answering the prey's questions."

"Then, the hunt begins."

After saying the last sentence, the scarred man held the dagger in his hand and rushed towards Lese, whose eyes were full of fear.

At that critical moment, Lese's eyes, which were originally full of fear, suddenly burst into a sharp light, as if she had changed into a different person.

Her body tensed instantly, and her muscles were ready to go.

She dodged sideways and flexibly avoided the dagger stabbed by the scarred face.

Then, with lightning speed, she grabbed the killer's wrist with both hands like iron pliers, and twisted the killer's arm behind her back with a violent twist.

Lesse threw him to the ground, quickly wrapped her legs around the scarred man's waist, and used her body strength to control him firmly.

Her arms tightly strangled Pu Xinnan's neck, and the strength gradually increased. Lesse hummed a Russian tune and easily broke his throat.

Pu Xinnan's face was full of fear, his eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs almost popped out of his eye sockets.

His mouth was wide open, and he wanted to breathe but couldn't, so he could only make a "ho ho" sound.

His hands scratched in the air, and his feet kept kicking on the ground, but he couldn't break free from the girl's restraints.

When the girl burst out with amazing power like a cheetah and suppressed him, Pu Xinnan's heart was full of disbelief.

He originally thought that the trembling and terrified girl in front of him was just a lamb to be slaughtered, and the object of his wanton toy and killing.

But at this moment, he was powerless under her hands.

"How could this happen!? She's playing me!!!"

Pu Xinnan roared in his heart, but he couldn't make a sound.

Fear and shock intertwined in his eyes. He couldn't believe that the situation he controlled would be reversed in an instant.

He had been the hunter from the toilet to the rooftop, and never thought he would become the prey.

His mind was in a mess, and he couldn't understand why this girl could burst out with such powerful strength and skills.

"Did I make a mistake? This girl's background is definitely not that simple. Is she an agent sent by another country?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Pu Xinnan's mind, but they could not change his fate of being strangled to death.

Despair surged into his heart like a tide. He regretted that he had chosen the wrong target, but it was too late to save it all.

As time passed, Pu Xinnan's strength gradually dissipated, his face turned purple, and his eyes began to blur.

In the end, his body collapsed softly and was strangled to death.

After strangling Pu Xinnan to death, he lowered his head to observe the vortex of rainwater accumulated on the ground.

Lei Sai said coldly: "Hurricane, are you trying to trap me here with the domain field?"

As soon as Lei Sai finished speaking, the voice of the Hurricane Demon came from the vortex.

"I'm sorry, Master Lei Sai, I didn't know you were here."

"I'll remove the domain field and disappear now, please don't hate me."

The tone of the Hurricane Demon was full of fear, as if the Master Lei Sai in its mouth could take its life at will.

Lei Sai saw that its attitude was quite correct, and said coldly: "Take this body and disappear quickly."

"Yes, yes, I will disappear now."

When the Hurricane Demon left as if he had been pardoned.

When Lei Sai returned to the classroom, the blush that belonged to a girl appeared on her face again, playing with contrast.

Lei Sai said to Denci who was staring at her: "Let's go on a date together tomorrow."

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