The appearance of the shark demon disrupted Lei Sai's plan. At this moment, she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone. She herself was not sure what Denci was thinking, but as long as Denci was taken away from Japan, he would not be able to do it. But now, looking at the figure of the shark demon running wildly on the way down the mountain, Lei Sai's slightly flushed face was instantly covered with frost. Now she had to take compulsory measures. Although there was a risk of attracting Fu Guang and others, as long as she moved quickly enough, she could still take Denci away before he was caught and taken back to the police. Lei Sai's thoughts flew and she clasped her fingers on the pull ring of her neck. She did not move very quickly, as if she did not think that the shark demon could escape from her palm at all. Machi~

As the sound of a grenade pin being pulled out rang out, Lace's body suddenly changed strangely.

The purple hair disappeared quietly, and the whole head turned into a torpedo shape.

The surface of both arms was quickly covered with countless gunpowder fuses, and the clothes were instantly transformed into countless detonators with huge explosive power.

Lace squatted down and exerted force suddenly, and the detonator at the tip of her toes exploded while the whole person jumped into the sky.


The shark was frightened by the huge explosion, and looked back to see Lace approaching him at a very fast speed with the impact of the explosion.

"Not good! Not good!! Not good, the bomb demon is going crazy!" The shark demon, that is, Bim, screamed in fear.


Lace landed in front of Bim in a nearly godly manner, and she said indifferently: "Since you are a member of the Fuguang team, put down the electric saw, and I can spare your life."

Can Bim put down the chainsaw master he admires most in his heart? The answer is no, otherwise why would he take the risk to snatch Denci back from Reese?


Without further ado, Bim put Denci down and transformed from a demon to a complete shark demon and rushed towards Reese.

Unfortunately, Bim's fear of Reese was not groundless, because the bomb demon was really scary.

Before Bim's giant shark head rushed to her, Reese just gently waved her right hand forward.

Boom boom boom boom!!

The flames that were more dazzling than fireworks burst, and the deafening explosions echoed.

Bim, who had turned into a complete shark demon, was directly blown away, and his body crashed into the wall of a shrine halfway up the mountain and was buried in the soil and rocks.

After the explosion, there was no movement in the ruins, and it was unknown whether Bim was dead or alive.

Reese was too lazy to finish off the enemy, and there was no time to finish off her.

Although the bombs detonated for a quick victory were extremely powerful, the sound was proportional to the power.

Lacey maintained the form of a bomb demon and picked up the unconscious Denci from the ground and clamped him around her waist. She quickly moved up and down.

Lacey's speed was definitely not slow. It took them nearly 30 minutes to go up the mountain, but it took them less than 5 minutes to go down the mountain.

But her speed was still slow. There happened to be 3 civilian hunters and 6 gangsters looking for robbery targets nearby. After hearing the explosion, they immediately followed the sound and came over.

Lacey had no need to kill them. She just wanted these people to stay out of the way.

"Get out of the way. I can spare your lives."

The three civilian hunters who took the lead seemed to have heard something funny and sneered at Lacey:

"Please, before you brag, can you observe the difference in strength between the two sides?"

There are two types of demon hunters. One is the public security hunters. They earn a salary that barely makes a living and enjoy the love of the masses, but they cannot use the power of demons to do evil.

Another type is civilian hunters. They are social destabilizers who are unwilling to be bound by rules. With the power of demons, it is easy for them to rob money and rape women.

The closer the demon is to humans, the higher its research value and market value will be.

How could the three money-loving civilian hunters let go of such a top-notch person like Lesai?

It's a pity that they offended the wrong people this time... Their free careers may come to an end.

"Do it!" The three leading civilian hunters shouted at the same time, but the abnormal thing was that the demons who signed a contract with them ignored them.

Before the three people and the six hooligans could figure out the situation, Lesai put down the electric shock clipped on her waist and walked towards them slowly.

"I gave you a chance to live, but you didn't cherish it."

In the puzzled eyes of the nine people, Lesai raised her left and right hands to them.

Then they saw Lesai's ten fingers break and fly towards them,

Then they were engulfed by the flames and explosions.

It was not until they entered the death revolving lantern that they had the opportunity to show their fear of the girl's terrifying strength.

She was too strong, so strong that the shark demon dared not make any sound or fight, and fled quickly with Denci.

When Leisai found Bim whose body was burnt to a crisp, he had already jumped into the residential alleys at the foot of the mountain with Denci on his back.

This terrain greatly limited her pursuit ability, and Leisai took a few deep breaths to adjust her mood.

She did not feel angry when she turned back into a human, but she had a helpless look of having to make a big fuss.

She followed Bim who was running away in the streets and alleys without rushing, and she didn't care whether she had to make a big fuss or not.

Bim knew that there was a public security hunter training base nearby, and at this moment, Fu Guang and Hayakawa Qiu were practicing swords in the base.

Hayakawa Qiu was the only one who could practice with Fu Guang, because the weapons of others could not withstand the sharpness of the weapons made by angels.

"Shigeno", the deputy captain of the Demon Exorcist Section 2 who was transferred from Kyoto, was watching the battle nearby. He sighed as he watched Hayakawa Aki, who was using his future vision to fight back and forth with Fuguang, and said:

"I was confident that I would recruit him to work for me last month, but now his combat power has probably soared to the first echelon of the entire public security. I want to work for this junior."


After another sword fight, they separated, and the two distant figures were captured by Fuguang's six eyes.

He felt that the two were quite familiar, and after a closer look, he was surprised and said, "Isn't this Denci and his henchman?"

Hearing this, Hayakawa Aki sheathed his sword, and he quickly ran to the door. In the darkness in the distance, Bim's figure carrying Denci and running away in a panic soon appeared.

There was no time to be surprised by Fu Guang's eyesight. He quickly stepped forward to take over Denci from Bim and asked, "What happened? Why are you all so seriously injured!?"


Bim first gasped, and then said in horror, "Bomb Demon! Get ready! The bomb demon is coming!"

Hayakawa Aki frowned. He had never heard of the bomb demon, and he didn't know how strong the other party was.

Fu Guang walked to the door slowly at this time. Unless Denci came back with only his head left, he would not worry.

Fu Guang cast his eyes on the girl standing nearly 50 meters away from the base. At this time, Mao Ye took the initiative to step forward and asked loudly.

"Hey~! The beautiful lady in front, please leave quickly. This is the training base of the public security. Ordinary people cannot set foot here."

Lese moved her feet after hearing this, but she did not retreat, but moved towards the base.

She said with a smile on her face: "Sorry, I was attacked by a demon and came to seek shelter."

Shigeno's mouth twitched and he complained: "Damn! She was attacked by a demon and still smiled so brightly. Is this girl crazy?"

Fuguang didn't comment, but just looked at the girl carefully.

But his behavior was seen by Bim and he thought he was underestimating the enemy, so Bim, whose brain was filled with fear, anxiously added:

"Please don't let her get close again!! She is the companion of the Gun Demon, so powerful!!!"

"Gun Demon!" Hayakawa Aki's sensitive nerves were touched. He suddenly turned his head and stared at Bim and asked: "Where did you get the news! Tell me! Otherwise I have the right to kill you."

Bim was a little panicked. He looked at Fuguang for help, but he was facing Lei Sai face to face.

Fearing that he would be killed, Bim could only reveal part of the truth: "This is a contract with Miss Machima. If I tell it, I will die."

Hayakawa Aki's face suddenly darkened. He didn't know why his respected boss was related to the Gun Devil.

But now is not the time to interrogate. As long as he is sure that Lace is the enemy, it will be fine.

"Do it?" Hayakawa Aki drew out the sword from his waist and came to Fu Guang and asked.

"Why are you in such a hurry? We should be more tolerant of beautiful women. At least we should understand what they want to do first." Fu Guang said seriously.

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