In the end, Guangxi spoke first: "Where are the remaining two?" She was still worried about her other two women.

Fortunately, Anbian gave her the answer she wanted to hear: "The two ran away, but the area will soon be surrounded by the police, and they will still be caught."

Guangxi showed a look of relief in his eyes. Seeing this, Anbian reminded him: "After the police deal with the two of them, it will be your turn."


Guangxi sneered and stared at Anbian disdainfully: "Rely on those people? You will never catch them in this lifetime."

Then Guangxi also mocked Anbian: "The mad dog Anbian who bit everyone he saw has become cunning now. Has he really become a loyal dog under that woman?"

Anbian was not angry. He explained: "I am already over 50 years old, so of course I have to be more stable." When he said this, he took out a pen and paper from his arms.

Guangxi looked at the words written by the other party: "Machima is eavesdropping on our conversation." She frowned slightly, but still did not show any abnormality and replied:

"Anyway, demon hunters will not have a good end, so why not try your best to be crazy while you are still alive?"

Anbian replied while writing: "I am strong, strong enough to have a good end and die of old age. I don't want to be like a mad dog when I am old enough to get Alzheimer's disease."

"If I don't use my brain more now and behave more calmly, I am afraid I will get Alzheimer's disease."

Guangxi listened to the other party's reply and his eyes fell on the words written by the shore again "Just listen to me, I can guarantee that you and your woman can leave Japan safely after this is over."

Guangxi continued to talk to Anbian normally: "Just using your brain can't guarantee that you won't get Alzheimer's disease. As long as you pay attention to current affairs and listen to the ideas of young people to keep up with the times, you won't get dementia."

While she was talking, Anbian wrote another article. Guangxi looked at it and saw:

"Join hands with me to kill Machima, and I will tell you all the secrets I know."

The atmosphere in the field fell into silence. Fuguang and others did not act rashly because Anbian was the highest authority in the field.

Finally, Guangxi indirectly gave her answer: "I used to like a young host very much. I would watch his broadcast every day as an after-dinner entertainment."

"But one day, the TV station found out that her real age was actually older."

"After that, although she was still broadcasting, I never watched the show again."

"She herself has not changed, but since I knew the unpleasant truth, I lost a recreational project."

Although Guangxi did not answer the shore directly, she indirectly pointed out that she is living a good life now and does not want to know any secrets, otherwise she will lose the opportunity to watch the young host as entertainment.

The secret to living happily in this world is to remain ignorant and dull.

Guangxi had no feelings for his former partner, Anbian, and even wanted to say to him: "You should just be a loyal dog without rebelliousness, and don't ruin your current good life opportunities."

Anbian raised his head and exhaled a long puff of green smoke. He understood that Guangxi's goal this time was for the mission, and he had no intention of doing anything with him.

Just when the scene fell into silence again and was at a loss, the door of the fire escape was violently kicked open, and the third brother of the three immortal brothers jumped out with a gun.

There was no intention of threatening or negotiating. The purpose of the third brother's trip was to avenge his eldest and second brothers. He pointed the gun at Denci's forehead and pulled the trigger decisively.


Denci's head did not explode with blood. Fuguang raised his hand lightly and looked at the bullet that kept spinning in his palm but could not break through the limit.

The third brother's shot failed, and his hand kept pulling the trigger, and then he looked at the bullet on Fuguang's body and could not go any further as if he had seen a ghost.

"How is it possible?!" the third brother exclaimed.

"How is it impossible?" As Fu Guang spoke, he raised his right hand like a gun and fired a shot at the third brother's index finger.


A red light burst out from the tip of the index finger and reached the third brother's brain, and then immediately spread out to release repulsive force in all directions.


The third brother's head was detonated like a grenade in the center of a watermelon. Under the precise control of the six eyes, his head and the limbs above the ribs were blown into a bloody mist.

Fu Guang was still upset about Kurose's death, so how could he leave the other party with an intact body.

However, the third brother's attack

The attack came suddenly, but it broke the deadlock here.

The demon who was originally confronting Ji Ye seized the opportunity to counterattack her, and at the same time shouted to Guangxi: "I succeeded!"

The two parties whose negotiations broke down on Guangxi's side also fought instantly. Guangxi's knee knocked the table away from Anbian, and at the same time stepped forward and punched Anbian's head.


Although Anbian was half a beat slower in reaction, he still raised his arms to block the blow. Although he avoided having his head blown up, his body hit the wall behind him hard.

Jumping down from the wall covered with spider patterns, Anbian, who was not seriously injured after taking a punch, swung the dagger and stabbed Guangxi's face with lightning speed.

Facing this dangerous knife, Guangxi's response was arrogant.

At the moment when the sharp tip of the knife was about to touch her face, her right hand stretched out like lightning, and her thumb and index finger clamped the blade of the dagger accurately and powerfully.

Guangxi's movements were swift and calm, as if he was just pinching a feather.

But Hayakawa Aki, Ji Ye and others were shocked again.

"Is this really a human?"

He used only his thumb and index finger to pinch out a dagger that stabbed at his face. The power was incredible!

After pinching the dagger, Guangxi did not pause at all. She took a step forward with her left foot, sank her body slightly, and exerted force on her waist;

Her whole body was like a moving mountain, exerting a powerful iron mountain.

Guangxi's shoulder hit Anbian's chest hard, and the powerful impact force exploded instantly.

Anbian's body flew backwards as if hit by a cannonball.

The glass of the mall was shattered by him, and the glass fragments fell like stars.

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Anbian's body passed through the broken window and fell rapidly downstairs.

Guangxi stood still, slowly loosened the fingers holding the dagger, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clang.

Her eyes were still as calm as water, as if the fierce battle just now was just an ordinary episode.

After the defeat on the shore, Yoshida quickly made up for it. Fu Guang wanted to go forward to support, but the dark red-haired female demon tied to the shore took a deep breath.

Her chest bulged high like an inflated basketball, and the red-haired woman exhaled suddenly, and Fu Guang's path forward was suddenly covered by a sea of ​​fire.

Dongshan Xiaohong was a little anxious and wanted to rush into the sea of ​​fire to save people, but was grabbed by the collar by the violent demon and pulled back.

"Captain! Save the captain!"

But no matter how Xiaohong shouted anxiously, the violent demon remained indifferent, as if he was not worried about Fu Guang trapped in the sea of ​​fire, and the fact was indeed so.

The flames engulfed Fu Guang, but he walked out as if nothing had happened, and even the corners of his clothes were not burned by the flames.

The red-haired girl looked at Fu Guang and exclaimed, "Why?!" Her tone was filled with surprise as her worldview was overturned.

This was the first time that foreign hunters and demons had felt the bottomless evil.

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