The more he attacked, the more he was defeated.

Every blow used up all his strength, and every kill was accompanied by his painful roar.

He rushed through the puppets, and wherever he went, there was a bloody storm.

He ignored the attacks of those puppets.

If his arm was cut off, he would use the reversal technique to regenerate an arm. If his abdomen was pierced, he would still use the reversal technique to heal it.

Even if he was covered with scars, it could not stop his revenge.

At this moment, he had become the embodiment of killing, just for the endless hatred in his heart, and he wanted to kill indiscriminately on this bloody battlefield.

The puppet demon is not afraid of most demons and hunters, but it is now afraid of the madman who keeps chopping puppets into pieces on the field, and it tries to lure Fu Guang.

"Listen, if we both stop fighting now, I promise that I will never set foot in Japan again."

Fu Guang had a grim smile on his face, and with the blood splashed on his face by the puppets before they died, he looked more like a demon at this moment.

The puppet demon came to Japan and killed many of Fu Guang's teammates and Machima. At this moment, his submissive attitude was just an illusory promise that he would never set foot in Japan again.

If Fu Guang could forgive it and stop fighting with it, he thought he could let the Leshan Giant Buddha move to another place and let him stand there to be worshipped.

Seeing that Fu Guang's sword-wielding action did not stop at all, and even the red and blue lights were faintly coming out of his palms and fingertips, the puppet demon was really anxious.

If bribery doesn't work, then coercion is the only option. The puppet demon warned Fu Guang:

"If you don't stop, imagine your family, friends, partner, or colleagues walking on the street being killed by people who suddenly turn into puppets."

After the puppet demon finished warning, the system prompt sounded.

[When the accumulated cursed power reaches 10,000, you get the skill, "The Ultimate of Six Eyes, the Secret of the Art..."]

After understanding the effect of the new skill, Fu Guang smiled. He didn't forgive the puppet demon, but the other party's death was coming.

Yes, your puppet demons are so many that they are spread all over the world. Even if Fu Guang slaughtered all the puppets in Japan, he couldn't kill it.

Originally, Fu Guang was just venting his anger by killing meaninglessly, but now that he really saw the hope of killing the puppet demon, a monster that even Machima had to pay attention to, he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

The time it takes to break the physical recovery spell with more than 1,000 vertical and horizontal points is shortened several times. At this moment, he already feels that the spell can be used again.

Although he doesn't know what the price is for breaking the spell multiple times in a short period of time, he still decides to send the puppet demon to see God.

After cutting off the puppets within 10 meters around him again, his right hand inserted the ink knife stained with blood into the ground, and Fu Guang, who was standing in the center, slowly raised his left hand in front of his eyes.

His middle finger was slightly bent and placed on the index finger, and he slowly pressed down as if he was about to pull the mysterious trigger; his thumb was solemnly inward, and his index finger was stretched straight, like a sharp sword that was about to pierce the sky.

When the puppet demon thought he had given up resistance and just had a cruel smile on his face, the spell like the Sanskrit sound of hell came out of Fu Guang's mouth.

"Domain expansion, infinite space!"

Five slender and bloody figures of Fu Guang stood in the center of the puppet group, and his expression was grim.

As he finished chanting the spell, a field energy that only S-level and above demons could master began to spread with him as the center.

A strange spherical space was instantly generated and expanded rapidly, and the surrounding light seemed to be distorted.

In the field, countless illusory lines crisscrossed and flashed mysterious light, like a huge cage woven by light.

Within the 1,000-meter range around the five floating lights, all the demons were involuntarily dragged in by this powerful force.

The puppet demon's face first showed a puzzled expression, not understanding what was happening.

But when he felt the power of the field, fear instantly occupied their eyes.

They tried to struggle, but found that their power was completely suppressed in this field.

In the field, the light kept flashing, as if countless eyes were watching them.

Each ray of light contained a strong pressure, making the puppets' movements slow and difficult.

The boundaries of the space were blurred, and it seemed to be constantly expanding and changing, giving people an extreme sense of insecurity.

This was the first time that Fu Guang expanded his domain. This small world that belonged to him had the illusion that it would collapse at any time.

But this did not affect

The puppet demon was completely terrified. Since its body was dragged into this world, it was horrified to find that its consciousness was disconnected from the puppets in the outside world, which means that it could not survive by transferring consciousness.

The puppet demon, who found himself dying for the first time, said to the floating light standing coldly in the air with a pleading tone: "Don't kill me, you can't kill me, please let me go!" His voice was crying and trembling, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

After losing confidence in the safety of his life, it was difficult for it to maintain its previous indifferent expression.

Since the puppet demon debuted, he has never considered the safety of his life.

With the ability to create unlimited puppets and transfer consciousness, it feels that no one in this world can kill him.

But now trapped in the closed field of the five floating lights, it is completely panicked.

Its eyes were wide open, bloodshot, and unlike Fu Guang's bloodshot rage, the puppet demon's eyes were filled with extreme fear and despair.

The puppet demon had never felt his heart beating so fast, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

"I won't dare to do it again. This is all a misunderstanding. This is the Dark Demon who instigated me to come to Japan..." He begged for mercy incoherently,

"I'm an idiot, I'm a beast, I'm worse than pigs and dogs, please forgive me for this moment,

As long as you let me out, I will immediately sign a contract and will never be your enemy again, nor will I cause any harm to anyone around you, even if you just glanced at the dog on the side of the road, I will kneel down and kowtow and leave immediately when I see that dog in the future." The puppet demon expressed his sincerity at a very fast speed.

His throat was dry, and every breath became extremely heavy, as if the air had turned into a lead block, pressing him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"As long as you let me go, I can do anything!" The puppet demon shouted desperately, his voice became sharp and piercing because of fear.

Standing in the air in the field, Fu Guang was not listening to his begging for mercy, but was just studying how to release the field skills.

The field deployment consumed 1,000 points of mana, and at this moment he still had 9,000 points of mana. In the field, Cang and He could not be used, and all the mana energy in the body was in an extremely excited state. It is conceivable how weak they would become when the field was lifted.

But none of this mattered, Fu Guang finally understood how to release the field skills.

This field is full of countless brilliant information lines, and the length of the information line is more than 100 meters every day.

If calculated by memory, one line contains more than 1,000TB of junk advertising information.

With a slight wave of his hand, thousands of information lines flowed into the brains of thousands of ordinary puppets.

The sound of a puppet falling to the ground with weakness came from the barrier at the bottom of the domain. Ordinary puppets only need to inject one information line into their brains to cause brain death.

And this kind of line filled with countless complicated information, Fu Guang roughly estimated that there were at least 8,000 of them in his domain.

It only took a little magic power to consume one information line, and Fu Guang cast his cold eyes on the only puppet demon standing on the domain barrier.

With a fierce downward swing of his right hand, more than 5,000 information lines turned into streams of light and flowed into the puppet demon's brain regardless of distance.

The opponent's eyes only maintained a frightened clarity for less than 1 second, and then he became demented and began to drool like a fool, and kept muttering in his mouth.

"Fu Guang is my father... Machima is my mother... I am an idiot..."

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