The story is about to begin.

PS: (The Gun Demon is dead, and I'm suddenly stuck. I know I'm not writing well. Let me think about it tomorrow, and I'll try to finish this book perfectly this month.)

With the Gun Demon killed, all members of the Demon-Subduing Section 6 team ushered in a long period of peace.

The reputation of the absolute supreme ruler of the spiritual realm spread in the demon circle, and the death rate of demon killings dropped by nearly 90%.

After seeing Fu Guang's strength that could even suppress the Gun Demon, the foreign hunter organizations, who were so restless that they wanted to start a world war, seemed to be stopped by a big hand.

Peace has become the main theme of the Japanese social environment.

On the third day after the Gun Demon died, Hayakawa Aki knocked on the door of Fu Guang's house.


Twisting the door handle, Lace politely stepped aside to let Hayakawa Aki enter the living room. They were old neighbors, so there was no need to talk about things outside.

Walking to the center of the living room, Hayakawa Aki's gloomy brows frowned again.

How could it be the living room in front of him at this moment? This was clearly the game room, right? !

"How many games did you buy?"

After hearing Hayakawa Aki's question, Fu Guang, who was sitting on the tatami with Denci playing games, noticed his arrival. He did not even take his eyes off the display screen and replied:

"It's Qiu, are you also looking for me to play games because you are too bored?"

Hayakawa Aki: "Do you think everyone is as childish as you?" He paused and continued: "Every winter I go to the cemetery to pay my respects. Do you want to go?"

Fu Guang was about to refuse when he heard Hayakawa Aki's seemingly casual tone, but then he thought that if the other party's thoughts were really as casual as they seemed, he could just go and pay his respects directly. Why did he come up to ask him?

In the final analysis, he was just being stubborn. He clearly wanted me to go with him, but he was too embarrassed to ask him to go with him. Fu Guang thought quickly and figured it out, and said, "Okay, I've never been to commemorate someone else. It feels fresh."

"I want to go too if the boss goes!" Denci, who was concentrating on playing games next to him, suddenly said.

After closing the door and returning, Reise whispered, "I'll go wherever Denci goes."

"Let's go together, just treat it as a team building trip." Denci suggested heartlessly.

Hayakawa Aki's mouth twitched fiercely. He really wanted to stab Denci, the little devil who treated the journey to commemorate the dead as a trip.

But on second thought, if it was just to place a bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone and meditate and pray for two minutes;

Then Fu Guang could use the spell to turn the whole group of them across hundreds of kilometers to the cemetery in minutes, and then go back home to play games in minutes.

Although it saves time, Hayakawa Aki feels that it will lose a certain sentimental mood.

"Okay, let's go together, and leave in 1 hour."

"I'll go back and take Ji Ye, and you also take Angel and Pava with them."

"OK, I'll listen to your arrangements." Fu Guang replied.

1 hour later, the two teams set out from their residence in a mighty manner.

Fu Guang walked on the road. Even though he was wearing the big sunglasses that Machima gave him that could cover half of his face, many people could still clearly recognize his identity. Basically, more than 6 people who passed by Fu Guang would greet him warmly.

"Gojo-kun, can I treat you to a meal..."

"Can I be your girlfriend?"

"I want to... I want to... I want to..."

Pava turned his face away in disdain, mocking: "There are so many blind people in the world, don't you see that this star Pava is here?"

A series of signs show that Fuguang has now become a superhero who defeated the gun demon.

This is all thanks to the praise of the group of survivors Fuguang saved in Shibuya, as well as the secret push of the public security and other relevant departments.

The death sentence on his body was also removed, and Fuguang got on the train smoothly.

Pava and Denci happily swung on the hanging handrails in the carriage, while Lace and Angel sat quietly on both sides of Fuguang. Sitting opposite, Hayakawa Aki said to Fuguang with a confused look on his face and a heavy heart: "What are you going to do in the future?"

Fuguang replied without any thought or hesitation: "Eat, sleep, play games, and be on call for Miss Makima's date at any time."

Hayakawa Aki opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything to refute.

Yes, their profession is demon hunter, but now the demons in the whole of Japan are so well-behaved that they just need to engrave "I am a good citizen" on their faces.


If there are demons causing trouble, then the profession of demon hunter will be completely useless.

Hayakawa Aki can't pray for demons to kill people just to have something to do, but he still feels that his current life is too empty.

He thought about it and decided to ask Fu Guang from a different angle.

"Did Miss Machima tell you how we should develop in the future? Or do you have any plans?"

Hayakawa Aki originally didn't intend to find out any good news, but Fu Guang said without hiding anything:

"Of course there is a plan. Miss Machima said that she would set up a technical college specializing in training demon hunters. At that time, all inexperienced demon contractors under the age of 18 will be sent in as students, and monsters like me who have broken through the ceiling of combat power will naturally serve as teachers."

"Technical college? Teacher? Really? Why haven't I heard any news?" Hayakawa Aki looked at Fu Guang in shock, and the latter pouted and said, "Maybe it's because I'm handsome and suave."

When they heard the word "school", Lei Sai and Denci looked at each other at the same time, with surprise in their eyes.

Only Pava said with a face full of displeasure: "I don't want to go to school. I want to stay at home every day, eat and sleep, play games when I'm full, play games when I'm hungry and eat again, and repeat this cycle endlessly. I don't want to go to the prison in the school!"

"It's not up to you. Miss Machima said that any demon or half-demon who refuses to enroll will be killed as a hunting target."

"There are no exceptions to this matter throughout the country. All demons will be sent to the Demon Subduing College for training."

After Fuguang finished speaking, he saw that Pava's face was miserable again. Thinking that the other party had finally walked out of the shadow of the dark demon, it would be better for him not to provoke him too much.

After coughing twice, Fu Guang comforted him: "This is all for your own good. As long as you receive a vocational education, you can fully enjoy all the rights of Japanese citizens."

"Don't underestimate this. I heard that Guangxi asked his superiors for instructions countless times but failed to help his subordinates win human rights."

Pava rolled his eyes. I don't know what tricks he came up with, and a happy smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Okay, let's go to school. I want to be a school bully!"

Looking at Pava's gradually grinning mouth, Fu Guang sighed sincerely for the new students who were about to enter school.

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