The students were very busy, and the students were very busy.

Within 30 seconds after Fu Guang entered the classroom, Lei Sai also quietly stepped into the classroom.

Now everyone was finally here, and Fu Guang looked down at all his students.

There were three people sitting in the first row, from left to right, Yoshida, Mitaka, and Yuko.

He knew Yoshida himself, and he naturally had the right to know the inside story of Mitaka killing Tanaka and the class leader.

Only the girl with glasses and short hair of only two or three centimeters, like a boy's head shape, was the first time he saw her. Yuko was a high-quality student who had passed the Demon Public Security Headquarters and was capable of signing a demon.

Looking back, the eyes behind the black satin fell on Lingzi and the other two.

These are the family members of the top 50 Japanese companies. Although there is no trace of contact with any demons, Fu Guang thinks that if they are more honest and obedient;

He can imitate the way of forcing the future demon to sign an unequal treaty with Hayakawa Aki, and help the three people become demon hunters with extraordinary abilities at the lowest cost.

The corner of his eye finally fell on Denci and the other two sitting by the window in the back row. They are all old subordinates, so there is no need to pay more attention to them.

From the positions of the 9 people, it can be seen that everyone has spontaneously formed three small groups.

Fu Guang will naturally not do what Chinese education requires to break up and reorganize students who play well with each other. He thinks that is stupid and hurts the students' hearts.

Using the extraordinary learning ability of the six eyes, Fu Guang has understood the benefits of not breaking up and reorganizing students who play well with each other.

From a psychological point of view, friendship can provide students with emotional support and a sense of security.

When good friends sit together, they can encourage each other, share happiness and pressure in the learning process, which helps to enhance each other's psychological resilience and better cope with challenges in learning and life.

From the perspective of educational psychology, familiar partners often have tacit communication methods and efficient cooperation models.

In learning activities such as classroom discussions and group assignments, they can reach consensus more quickly and improve learning efficiency.

From a sociological perspective, stable peer relationships help students develop good social skills and teamwork skills.

This relationship can cultivate students' empathy, tolerance and conflict resolution skills, laying a solid foundation for them to enter society in the future.

However, in the educational environment of the previous life, many teachers often break up and reorganize students with good relationships, which has many disadvantages.

From the perspective of developmental psychology, such a sudden break in the established solid relationship between students may cause students to feel anxious and uneasy, affecting their mental health.

In the field of education, this practice may destroy the good cooperation model that has been formed between students and reduce learning efficiency.

From the perspective of interpersonal relationships, frequent breakups and reorganizations may make it difficult for students to establish deep and lasting friendships, affect the development of their social skills, and make them lack sufficient trust and security when facing interpersonal relationships. (That is, the development of social phobia)

In addition, this practice may also make students feel that teachers do not respect their emotional needs, thereby reducing their trust in teachers and their enthusiasm for learning.


Fu Guang, who had thought everything through, said to the students who were looking at her with hope below: "Today is the first day of school. I am willing to spare my morning teaching time to let you get familiar with the campus environment."

"That's it, get out of class is over!"

In the confused eyes of the students, Fu Guang disappeared in the classroom in a flash, as if there was something urgent.

Unlike Lingzi and the others who turned from bewilderment to surprise, Denci Pava was mad and said:

"Wow! Damn old Fuguang dog, you dragged us from the dormitory to the classroom with great effort, but you ran away without teaching us anything. I think you just want to own the game console alone!"

Unlike Denci and the others' complaints, Lingzi and Minako looked at each other with a sinister smile.

The two stood up and walked towards Mitaka. Minako also took out two boxes of milk from her schoolbag. Lingzi hugged Mitaka's shoulders from behind and whispered in her ear:

"Wait for us in the indoor gymnasium. You don't want to be targeted by our family's Deadpool after school, do you?"

Faced with Lingzi's naked threat, Mitaka stood up and followed the two out.

Yoshida Hirofumi looked at Mitaka's back and wanted to get up and follow him, but when he looked at Mitaka's fair and weak face, he seemed to see a faint trace of

A cross scar.

Thinking of Mitaka who suddenly changed from shy and introverted to outgoing and bold on campus, and then boldly confessed to him, Yoshida Hirofumi, who stood up slightly, sat back down.

"Forget it, let's worry about whether that girl will accidentally kill the two of them and how it will end..."

However, after Yoshida Hirofumi sat down, Yuko, who had been silent all the time, stood up firmly and followed the backs of the three people out.


In the school gymnasium and in the school corridor, Lingzi and Minako approached Mitaka with a playful look.

Minako used her right thumb to push the blade out of the sheath, and gestured to Mitaka's face, which was drooping, and said:

"Your face seems to be favored by Yoshida... If I scratch a few scratches on it, I wonder if he will still like you?"

Mitaka trembled and explained: "It's not what you think. Yoshida and I really don't have any special relationship. The reason why he cares about me is because... because..."

Mitaka couldn't continue speaking halfway, because she thought of Ye's threat to kill her if she revealed her existence to others.

"Why, bitch! Are you kidding us?"

Minako pushed the blade out completely with a click, staring at Mitaka with cold eyes.

Lingzi next to her said disdainfully while opening the milk carton: "Don't make it too dirty here. This school hasn't found a lackey to help us with chores."

"Because she will be angry, and the consequences of her anger are very serious..." Mitaka said timidly.

Minako looked around the gymnasium. There was no one here except the three of them.

"You are really playing tricks on us, you ignorant fellow!"

Minako saw that Mitaka could not explain, so she held the knife in one hand and roughly pulled Mitaka's hair with the other hand to press her face against the blade.

Just when the blade was about to cut Mitaka's cheek, the door of the gymnasium was pushed open from the outside.

"Let her go!"

Mitaka looked over, and there was some surprise in her eyes, because the person who came was Yuko on her left who had not spoken to her yet.

Minako, who was interrupted by Yuko, frowned and stared at Yuko who was holding a broom in her hand, and was directly laughed out of anger.

"Where did the stupid dog come from? You want to save her?"

Yuko looked at the other party's fearless appearance and did not retreat. She walked closer and said, "School bullying is against justice, so I have to stop you."

Lingzi looked at Yuko who was approaching with a look of mental retardation and said, "Your brain is damaged by watching those cartoons where justice will defeat evil?"

Yuko was not angry. She walked 10 meters in front of Lingzi and stood still, and said lightly that ordinary students would be afraid of.

"If you bully Mitaka again, I will tell this to Teacher Gojo!"

Minako threw Mitaka away and stared at Yuko and said, "Are you really mentally retarded? Don't you know that even the principal has to kowtow to us when he sees us?"

"I'll call home, and the principal will have to be replaced the next day." Minako looked at Yuko with disdain, her expression full of superiority.

Yuko remained unmoved and continued to speak righteously: "Are you sure this trick will still work in this new school?"

After Yuko said this, Minako was really silent.

She remembered that before she left, her elders at home repeatedly told her not to cause trouble in this school full of crazy people, let alone to arouse the disgust of Gojo Fuguang.

Just when Lingzi and Minako were thinking whether to ask someone to make Yuko into a meat paste that would never tell on others the next day.

Mitaka, who had been thrown away earlier, suddenly had a cross scar on his face. He took two steps and three steps forward, grabbed Minako and Lingzi by the collar with his left and right hands and lifted them directly from the ground.

"You've wasted so much of my time with your rambling. Did you know that Mitaka didn't have time to help me find the chainsaw man? Did you know that the consequences are serious?!"

"Uh...ah...let...let me go..."

Minako and Lingzi, who were lifted up in the air, wanted to say that they knew the consequences were serious, but Mitaka's hands locked their throats like iron clamps.

Forget about replying. As the strength of Ye's hands continued to increase, their faces instantly turned red, and their eyes bulged out in fear.

They grabbed Mitaka's wrists in vain, trying to break free but unable to do so.

Their feet kicked wildly in the air, as if they were making their last struggle.

As time passed, their consciousness gradually blurred, and breathing became more and more difficult.

Their faces turned from red to purple, and even breathing became a luxury.

Yuko looked at Mitaka's mouth, which suddenly became powerful.

Her lips trembled and she couldn't speak. She always believed in justice and wanted to stop Mitaka from killing people, but the bullying behavior of the two people just now should be punished.

When Yuko was struggling, when Minako and Lingzi were about to be strangled to death when their legs were kicking randomly in the air.

Mitaka, whose body was taken over by Ye, shouted anxiously: "Stop! Stop! Never use my body to kill people again!"

When Ye saw Mitaka begging her with his hands and feet not to kill the two people, she finally listened a little. She threw Minako and Lingzi to the ground like throwing garbage.

The two fell to the ground without time to cry out in pain, just like people who were rescued from drowning and breathed in the air greedily.

"Humans are so complicated. You just had the idea of ​​killing them in your mind, and now you are persuading me not to kill them." Ye looked at Mitaka and said.

Minako and Lingzi, who finally caught their breath, no longer had the arrogant and domineering attitude they had just had. They were both stunned by Mitaka's sudden outburst of anger.

Their chests rose and fell violently, their throats made hoarse gasps, and their bodies trembled constantly due to fear and pain.

At this moment, their hair was scattered on their faces in a mess, and their eyes were full of fear and despair.

However, after seeing that Mitaka was reluctant to take action, Minako and Lingzi thought that the other party was beginning to be afraid.

The two did not learn their lesson, but their faces became more ferocious, glaring at Mitaka with gritted teeth.

"If you dare to do this to us, tomorrow I will let my father chop your bodies into pieces and feed them to the fish!"

Hearing the threats of the two, Ye's eyes instantly became colder. Regardless of Mitaka's pleading, Ye raised his foot without hesitation and kicked the two fiercely.

There were only two "clicks", which were the sounds of broken ribs.

Minako and Lingzi screamed and curled up on the ground in pain.

Their faces turned pale in an instant, and beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads.

The intense pain made them almost unable to breathe, and their consciousness began to blur.

They tried to struggle to stand up, but every movement brought piercing pain.

In the end, they fainted in endless pain.

Their bodies were twisted, and there was blood at the corners of their mouths. They looked extremely miserable.

The two couldn't figure out why Mitaka, who had always been as docile and obedient as a dog, dared to resist.

Even if he resisted, his strength was not the kind that humans could control.

Yuko trembled violently from the screams of the two people on the ground and came back to her senses. She immediately turned around and ran out.

She had to tell Gojo teacher about the situation of the two people, and first of all, she had to save people.

Secondly, she believed that as long as she told the whole story here, Gojo teacher would definitely understand and forgive Mitaka.

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