Champion’s Heart

Vol 3 Chapter 129: Experience

No matter where Zhou Yi goes, there will always be a Valencia player next to him, not necessarily the same person, sometimes the striker Soldado or Mata, sometimes the midfielder Albelda or It's Joaquin...

He constantly changes his position on the court, and the defensive players around him are always changing, but the same thing is that no matter how, there are people guarding themselves.

This is not a man-to-man defense, but a regional defense.

The advantage of this kind of defense is that it can keep the team's overall formation from chaos, and there will be no situation where someone follows, and the result is that there is no one to fill up and be used by the opponent.

For example, in the first game of the Dortmund League, against Leverkusen, Heincks used a mark-and-play defense against Zhou Yi. As a result, after Bidal was pulled out, Leverkusen was unbalanced in the midfield and backcourt and was lost by Dortmund. ball.

Valencia's head coach Emery used regional defense in this game to avoid this situation.

However, regional defense also has weaknesses-the weakness of regional defense is that the mark is not tight, and it is easy to give the opponent more space and time.

Emery made some adjustments to the regional defense, he made the team's formation shrink more compact, especially in the middle, so that the wing looks empty, but the middle is very tight and compact. In this way, the space available to Zhou Yi is greatly compressed.

Although this will make the wing more free, Emery cares more about defending the center than limiting the wing. In any case, Zhou Yi can not easily organize the attack.

From the current point of view, under such a defense, Zhou Yi will pass the football as soon as possible after receiving the ball. In such a tense atmosphere, it is difficult to organize any threatening offensive.

"... Valencia should hope to use this contraction defense to limit Zhou Yi's play and turn him into a pure passer..." Marcel Lef analyzed. "But I don't think Dortmund must necessarily rely on Zhou Yi to organize the offense. This huge wing can be used by anyone."


Although Zhou Yi seems to be run away by Valencia's austerity defense, he can't settle down and can only ensure that the football is not lost. There is no guarantee that a threatening ball will come.

But actually in Zhou Yi's mind. Although he is running non-stop, he can clearly see the position of both sides of the court, and has generated a constantly changing bird's eye view in his mind, just like watching the weather with a satellite cloud image. At a glance, and can predict the future according to some laws. Basically, you can't leave behind.

From the bird's eye view, it can be clearly seen that Valencia players are basically concentrated in the area between the two ribs of the stadium, and there are very few people on the wing. At the same time, in order to keep three lines or even four lines compact, they are also compressed very tightly. This leads to the fact that there are many places on the court that Valencia cannot cover.

It's just that those places are a bit far from themselves. If you want to rely on the usual short pass, it is difficult to send the football.

So don't use short pass, use long pass.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi found that as he moved to the right of the court. A relatively large space appeared in the upper left corner.

Because everyone's center of gravity and attention are attracted by football, that corner is the farthest away from football. Naturally, it is also the weakest defensive force.

There is an opportunity.

All that is needed now is a precise long pass.

In the process of observation and thinking, Zhou Yi continued to run to the right, as if he wanted to become a full-back.

He did so. Squeezed Gross Kreuz to the front and became a winger.

Football was passed over.

The focus of Dortmund's offense seems to be on this side, everyone thinks so.

But after taking the ball, Zhou Yi suddenly turned around and passed the ball in a completely opposite direction-the upper left corner of the stadium!

There, Dortmund's left-back Schmelzer has already plugged in at a high speed, and when he rushed to that empty spot, Zhou Yi's pass also reached his destination.

Schmelzer lifted his foot and stopped Zhou Yi's pass, very calmly, because no one came to force him at all.

"Schmelzer! Beautiful long pass transfer! Zhou Yi!" Marcel Leif shouted excitedly.

The Dortmund fans who did not have a lot of entourage with the team also gave huge cheers, and for a time covered the cheers of Valencia fans over Mestalla.

After receiving the ball, Schmelzer took a step into the penalty area and sent the pass. Barrios inserted an anti-run forward and grabbed the football before Valencia defender Mathieu.

But it's a pity that the football he pushed out was higher than the beam!

"Ahhhhh!" Marcel Leif held his head in both hands with regret. "Barrios! He wasted this great opportunity! Otherwise Dortmund will lead 1-0 away! And the game has just started for three minutes! This is Dortmund's first shot of the game, comparable The long shot from Alberto Costa's long shot is more threatening!"

At the same time Barrios raised the ball high, Mestalla uttered a huge exclamation. That was a horrified cry from the fans of Valencia and a long sigh after escaping from the dead.

In front of Dortmund's bench and coaches, there were also a group of people holding their heads in both hands and sighed in the sky. They are not happy that Valencia has escaped. On the contrary, they are regretting that they have not been able to score first!

"Barrios! Barrios! Barrios—!" Klopp pulled his hair, annoyed and angrily repeated Barrios' surname in his mouth. "Damn it!"

"Oh! Zhou Yi's foot transfer is so beautiful!" In the group, Yang Muge also exclaimed.

"That Barrios is too bad? This ball won't be too high for me!" Sun Pan regretted that Zhou Yi's pass was so wasted.

"It seems that Zhou Yi's long pass is really practiced..." Guo Nu said. "His progress is really visible to the naked eye..."

He Ying didn't speak, just stared at the TV screen, and the phone was placed next to it, but was not picked up.

Although he didn’t see what everyone was talking about, his feelings were the same as Guo Nu’s. That’s why Zhou Yi’s progress is so obvious...Now I think of the rookie high school student who just joined the team Just two people.


"Barrios! It's a crime!" Zhou Jianliang slapped angrily on his thigh and startled Li Cuiyun next to him with a snap.

She glared at her husband, but apparently at this time, he was completely immersed in the game, not paying attention to himself.


After the game restarted, Valencia took control of the ball and used the wing to launch a new round of attack on Dortmund's penalty area.

In the end, a threatening shot was also made through Joaquin's cross. Soldado's shot was saved by Weidenfeller and held in his arms.

It can be said that Barrios had just scored the header.

Then the two sides started a fierce attack.

Yes, it is a counterattack.

Dortmund did not shrink his defense because he was playing away, playing very conservatively.

Similarly, Valencia playing at home has no reason to play conservatively.

The head coaches of the two teams are passionate young representatives. The two teams meet together and it is very difficult to think of the game as boring.

So the game went on in a fast paced and high confrontation.

Fast-paced means that both sides have a very fast transition between offense and defense.

And the high confrontation naturally means that this game is not a courteous greeting between gentlemen, but a flesh and blood collision.

Zhou Yi, as the center of Dortmund's midfield, was naturally marked by Valencia's focus.

Emery is very clear that if you want to paralyze the whole Dortmund, Zhou Yi is someone who can never let go.

So he adopted that kind of regional defense, specifically targeting Zhou Yi's changing position in the game.

It can be seen that Emery studied Zhou Yi and worked hard.

But as the game progressed, Emery gradually frowned.

Because he found that Zhou Yi was not the same as he expected.

Prior to this game, Zhou Yi had not participated in any Champions League game, so it is not easy to get a video of Zhou Yi's game in the Champions League. He can only study Zhou Yi's performance in the league.

After research and analysis, he mastered some characteristics of Zhou Yi's playing in the league, and designed his defensive tactics accordingly.

This set of defensive tactics has a premise that Zhou Yi's performance is the same as his in the league.

This shouldn't be a problem.

But the problem is that the Bundesliga and the Champions League are The difference between the Champions League and the Bundesliga can be clearly expressed with only one data-in the Champions League, the passing speed is faster than The Bundesliga is almost ten to fifteen percentage points.

This is the kind of feeling Zhou Yi experienced in the virtual game.

Such a large speed increase, if it is an inexperienced player, may appear unsuitable.

Emery believes that Zhou Yi will definitely not adapt. After all, he is very young, only 19 years old this year, so young, lacking enough experience, once he encounters a situation that is different from his own expectations, his performance will fluctuate.

At this time, a little pressure on him is enough to make him collapse.

But after watching the game for ten minutes on the sidelines, Emery felt that Zhou Yi showed no signs of crashing, but instead looked more like an experienced veteran in the Champions League...

This is not scientific!

What is the origin of this kid? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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