Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 336: Master is lonely...

"I'll tell you! You're right to believe in Brother!"

"I have had internal testing experience! Novice village seems to have little oil and water. Everyday life is very boring and lacks fun, but the efficiency of improving the basic martial arts in Novice Village is the highest!"

"Little Wu! Don't envy those guys who rushed into the rivers and lakes in a hurry as soon as they arrived in a month! What shouted step by step! Shit!"

"Blindly speeding doesn't make any sense! Zhang Chi must be careful when doing things!"

"Don't underestimate the boring work of Xinshou Village every day! The efficiency of these tasks in improving basic martial arts has been especially strengthened by the system! After leaving Xinshou Village, there is no place to improve the basic martial arts faster than this! "

"And don't look at the attributes and strength of these basic martial arts upgrades, even strictly speaking, basic martial arts should not be considered as primary martial arts but should not be influential martial arts."

"But you may not know it now! The upper limit of the basic martial arts determines the upper limit of the martial arts corresponding to all martial arts! I passed the internal test but I knew that this was not written in the novice help setting!"

"Those guys who rush out of Xinshou Village as soon as they arrive in a month, and after a month, they will find that their martial arts level is stuck by the basic martial arts neck, and then they need to spend more training points to make up for the basic martial arts. Level! At that time, they must regret that they did not try to increase the basic martial arts level in Xinshou Village!"

"If you don't believe me, let's put the words here first! After you leave Xinshou Village and go to the teacher, do a few days of division tasks to easily surpass the guys who are stuck with the upper limit of the basic martial arts, then you have to thank me for pulling you now. Level up in Novice Village!"

Xinshoucun tells the truth, although np is not much, but the area is still very large.

However, because the village is very deserted, and the voice of this guy is very loud, so far away from the old, Sui Yu listened to this guy's words clearly.

And at this time, there was another voice that was slightly lower and sounded quite honest at this time: "Brother Zhang, what you said! How can I not believe Brother Zhang! After waiting for the teacher, I have to rely more on Zhang Brother!"

"That's natural! Our brothers are in a relationship, and I will definitely take care of you in the future!"

"Don't worry! You know, I'm a whole bone!"

"Why do I dare to play extreme plus points, and still this kind of no attack ability plus points? Hey, just because my goal is to work hard to improve the basic martial arts to 500 in Xinshou Village, and to maximize the cost-effectiveness of Xinshou Village. , I will go to the Bachelor Temple and learn Vajra not bad!"

"Speaking of it, Xiao Wu, you haven't participated in the internal test of "Quan Xia Hua Juan" a few times, you may not know it."

"The maps, martial arts, and even most martial arts of "Quan Xia Hua Juan" are automatically refreshed by the server before the game starts!"

"It stands to reason that even a player who has undergone a closed beta cannot master too many opportunities."

"However, I know after three internal tests! Some advanced martial arts and top martial arts are fixed because they involve the ultimate mission!"

"At the same time, even the name and geographical location of the martial arts and even the core martial arts of the martial arts will change every time, but no matter what time, there will be a monastery in all martial arts!"

"And in this monastery, you can definitely learn the most meaty cheats! King Kong is not bad!"

"I have inquired with the village head before. The name of the temple in this game is Singles Temple! And my goal is to join Singles Temple to get Vajra not bad and become the strongest t in the first and middle stages!"

"Before I entered the game, I joined the glory sword of the top studio in China! We have already made an appointment. After entering the game, everyone will put the goal of the collection in the temple!"

"At that time, I will directly join the team as the team's first t!"

"Hey! At that time, I will talk to the people of the sword of glory and pull you into the team!"

"The benefits of being too big are not easy to say, but following my brother and mixing with me, I will never let you suffer!"

"You know! Like me, I sacrificed the future to greatly reduce the amount of martial arts that can be practiced, and consume the potential of the future to ensure the advantage of the early team is very difficult to move!"

"So, in the early game, the sword of glory is absolutely not afraid to offend me!"

"It turns out so!" Xiao Wu's admired voice sounded: "Brother Zhang!"

However, Xiao Wu followed the voice and asked the brother Zhang with a clearly worried tone: "But is it really good for you to give up the future like this?"

"Relax! This game is not just for one lifetime! Our real body has been frozen, and this journey is roughly estimated to be at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years!"

"When the life of my 100-year-old game character reaches the end, I can choose to reincarnate and reset the character attributes at that time!"

"At that time, rely on the accumulation of resources obtained by my life as t! Then cooperate with this life to understand the various schools and martial arts of the entire rivers and lakes! Distribute a best addition reasonably and then rely on the skills left by my life. Cheats, you can go back to the top of the river and lake again in a blink of an eye!"

Seemingly thinking of the bright future, Brother Zhang laughed heartily while walking: "Hahaha! Little Wu! As long as you still recognize me as the brother! I will continue to cover you when the time comes Yes! Ah ha ha ha... eh?"

In the loud laughter, the two of them walked around the corner, and then saw Sui Yu who had just received a bucket from the grocery store owner in front of the grocery store.

"Eh? There are players here?" Xiao Wu was surprised.

In the end, online games are online games. The difference between np and players is still very big.

There will be a name on the top of the np head, and the name on the top of the service np is green, and the hostile np is red.

By default, the name is not displayed on the top of the player's head. Instead, a green buoy is placed on the top of the player's field of vision.

Therefore, the two chatting noticed the player Sui Yu at a glance.

"Yo!" Although the other party's voice was too loud, but he accidentally overheard the other party's conversation, and it seems that he also learned some game information is an indisputable fact.

So at this time, Sui Yu slightly embarrassed greeted the two people who came up.

Of course, although embarrassing, Sui Yu is not afraid at all.

Don't look at Sui Yu just entering the game, the martial arts level is not too late to practice.

But arm strength, alertness, and a hundred points are not a joke!

Sui Yu is confident that if these two guys plan to find trouble for themselves because they accidentally heard their conversation, he will definitely regret these two guys!

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to care that he heard the game information that the other party said. At this time, Brother Zhang was surprised and had some awkward clenched fists for Sui Yu, and his face was full of sincere looks. Smile: "Unexpectedly, there are still people staying in Xinshou Village! Thank you very much!"

Well, it is not difficult to see from the expression of this guy's sympathetic expression. The other party obviously regards Sui Yu as the player who will not leave until the time like him, and specifically stays in Xinshou Village to practice basic martial arts.

Even, he may simply misunderstand Sui Yu as an internal test player!

Therefore, the intelligence of the bad streets before, the other party naturally does not mind being heard.

Because for the closed beta players, those intelligences have no value at all.

"Good luck!" Sui Yu, who was anxious to meet Su Xiaolei as soon as possible, was rushing to do the task at this time, so she only slightly arched her hand with a cold expression.

Seeing Sui Yu’s reaction, that Zhang Gefei was not angry, and the expression on his face was even more admired: "Presumably your lord should have been in retreat before? Otherwise we could not have never met!"

"Well!" Sui Yu nodded slightly to deal with the problem of not knowing that she had slept in the nutrition trough for more than a month.

Seeing Sui Yu's reaction, the expression admired on this brother's face became more obvious.

"Next Zhang Jie! I don't know how you call it? Can you add a friend? You can find me if you have anything in the future!"

"I have joined the sword of glory, and I will definitely be the chief of the sword of glory in the future! If you do not have a gang you want to join, then you can consider the sword of glory! We can help each other, you say yes Not?"

Reaching out does not make people laugh, and the feeling that Zhang Jie speaks to Sui Yu is quite rule-based.

In addition, it seems that there are only three players left in this rookie village, so Sui Yu waved and clicked a friend sent by Zhang Jie to apply for exchange of each other's system business cards.

Then, Sui Yu, worried that Zhang Jie saw that he didn't understand anything, was a little embarrassed and turned away.

It wasn't until Sui Yu's back disappeared into the fence of the farmland, that little Wu asked aloud: "Brother Zhang, how do you treat this guy so well? Looking at him, it doesn't seem like a powerful person?"

"Stupid! Those who can stay in Xinshou Village now are definitely experienced beta players!"

Zhang Jie said with a hate of iron and steel: "And in the village, we have never seen this person! What does this mean?"

Xiao Wu: "?"

"Stupid!" Zhang Jie made a very decisive judgment: "This shows that most of the time he should be nestled in a corner to complete the task of Novice Village, and he can't move easily!"

"Master is lonely!" Zhang Jie sighed: "This is the constant truth of Henggu!"

"Actually, we all know that the most efficient leveling method is to nest in one place and do the same work over and over again!"

"Watering repeatedly, chopping firewood repeatedly! Do not do the other two tasks! Because these two tasks are the most efficient tasks to improve the basic martial arts in the novice village!"

"But it's easy to repeat such a monotonous job every day! But who can stand loneliness?"

"Like the two of us, even if we know this reason, but we still have to arrange some other tasks for ourselves every day to adjust this monotonous to a boring life?"

"But that person just now! Obviously, I have been staying in the copy of the vegetable garden and the copy of the firewood, and almost never come out without going out!"

"If it is expected to be After the other party has accumulated a large amount of experience, they should be nestled in the retreat room and concentrate on digesting the experience!"

"And this time we can meet him because he just spent the accumulated experience value, and now we have to repeat the watering work to earn experience!"

"Master is lonely!" Zhang Jie sighed: "It is still unmoved to be able to withstand loneliness and stay in Xinshou Village for so long! Such a character will definitely become a generation of masters in the future!"

While saying this, Zhang Jie also subconsciously glanced at the admiration of Xiao Wu.

You know, the reason why he took Xiao Wu to stay and told him so much information, to put it bluntly is to be afraid of being lonely in Xinshou Village alone!

"It turns out so!" Xiao Wu nodded as he was taught.

"Even!" Zhang Jie, who was slightly sighed, suddenly looked away at this time: "I decided! I must find an opportunity to establish a relationship with this guy in the future! It doesn't matter if you pay a little more in the early stage! This potential stock is not out of the other party. Before investing, wait until the other party really stands out! It will be too late to invest again at that time!"

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