Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 606: Rush! Rush! Rush!

Opening his eyes, Sui Yu suddenly realized that when feelings were boring after completing cultivation and some preparations, he accidentally fell asleep against the wall!

Just thinking of him, Sui Yu suddenly felt a bit heavy.

As soon as he lowered his head, Sui Yu saw that Xian'er was leaning on her body and was sleeping soundly, and even drooled on her clothes to form a large water stain...

"This girl!"

Sui Yu shook his head gently and then crossed the system. When he saw the time, he found that it was almost night outside.

In other words, the space door connecting the two spaces should open soon!

Although I know that at the beginning of the space gate, the monster guarding the space gate is likely to be the most vigilant.

However, Sui Yu also knows that those monsters know if there is a chance to relax their vigilance!

Rather than waiting for the opportunity that may not be available, it is better to seize one minute and one second to try, maybe you can safely send Xian'er out before the space door closes!

Of course, the first thing is to wake up Xian'er...

"Xian'er, wake up!"

To be honest, watching Xian'er sleep so well, and after she fell asleep, she seemed to have some good dreams, and she showed a very brilliant smile. Sui Yu really couldn't bear to wake him up.

But time was running out, Sui Yu finally clenched her teeth and gently pushed Xian'er's shoulder.

"Sleepy!" While feeling Sui Yu's call, Xian'er murmured in his sleep: "Sleep for another five minutes!"

"Wake up, Xian'er quickly wake up!" Sui Yuqiang continued to call softly with a sense of guilt.

So it seems that some fairy in the sleeping circle continued to beg in the confusion: "Three minutes, Sister Weiwei, let me sleep for another three minutes!"

Well, although it may be a misunderstanding, from the name of "Sister Weiwei", Sui Yu has basically been sure. It seems that Longwei feels right. This girl is really someone she cares about, at least. , Xian'er should be Long Wei's acquaintance!

"This time, it seems to be desperate to ensure Xian'er's safety!"

Sui Yu laughed at herself, then raised her voice slightly and continued to call: "Xian'er, I am Sui Yu, wake up!"

"Master Sui Yu..." Xianer gradually opened her eyes, and then suddenly opened her eyes after seeing Sui Yu's face!


Immediately sitting up from Sui Yu, Xian'er immediately explained to Sui Yu: "Master Sui Yu, please don't get me wrong! I'm tired of practicing, I accidentally fell asleep! It's definitely not because your sleeping position is too cute , So I quietly leaned up and wanted to smell the smell and fell asleep accidentally..."

So, this girl seems very unsuitable for lying...

Sui Yu was speechless now.

So in order to avoid embarrassment, he quickly changed the subject: "Hurry up and wash, and then eat! After eating, I will quickly take you to the space door!"

"Yes!" Xian'er immediately got up and started to help Sui Yu to clean the bedding.

It's just that Xian'er is obviously not a girl who can do housework. The futon stacked by her is just a ball...

Fortunately, Sui Yu didn't care about this, anyway, it would be stuffed into the prop column.

Then, after a simple wash with Xian'er (the washed basin directly allows Sui Yu to load into the prop column), Sui Yu then took out a small table and filled it with a large table of delicious food.

And this time, at the request of Sui Yu, Xian'er finally no longer maintained the style of everyone's boudoirs, but let go of the cheek gang to eat a drink.

Next, the two found a hidden corner in the corridor to facilitate a quick dressing after using the prop bar.

At this time, with the help of Sui Yu's previous installation of nearby surveillance, Sui Yu found that the zombie troops that obviously used heat or life detection technology had begun to quickly surround this building!

And looking at the number of people, it is obvious that the range of their hiding place has been roughly judged by some method of speculation, so the encircling circle will be formed so quickly!

So, never underestimate any opponent, even if the opponent is a zombie who seems to have no brains, but do not delay the opponent may have an excellent command!

However, for this situation, Sui Yu has long considered it!

In the past 100 years, Sui Yu's heroism has been seen by many people. Of course, there are also some generals who are good at commanding, and even pushed Sui Yu into danger several times.

It's just that when the individual is brave enough, the success rate of resourcefulness will drop significantly!

For Sui Yu, this was the truth in the past, and it is still the truth now!

Even though the behind-the-scenes commander may be strong, Sui Yu, who has further improved his own strength, is also confident of breaking through the elaborate interception network of the other party!

"Xian'er, come up!"

Squatted, and Xian'er jumped on Sui Yu's back on one leg, followed closely, and Sui Yu fixed Xian'er firmly to herself with a number of belts made by taking the time to rest. Above the back.

"It's going to rush!"

Hearing Sui Yu's reminder, Xian'er nodded hard.

Feeling Xian'er's response, Sui Yu's right hand extended forward, and five faint blue light beams were shot forward in an instant and turned with Sui Yu's wrist. In a blink of an eye, the wall in front was cut into a large circular hole!

Step, sprint!

Flying kick!


The round wall screamed and fell to the ground, and at the same time there were several pieces of deity pieces.

It seems that when Sui Yu cut the wall just now, he also killed a passing carving by the way!

At this time, with the impact of kicking the wall, Sui Yu rushed out of the building instantly!

Then at the moment when he just rushed out, Sui Yu volleyed his body, his head and feet!

Step into the air and fall down quickly!

Swish swish!

Although Sui Yu didn't break through the window but broke the wall and let the zombie troops fail to respond, there are still a lot of bullets coming at this time!

It's just that Sui Yu responded faster, and as soon as he rushed out of the building, he immediately fell down, and even caught up with the wall that Sui Yu kicked off before.

Therefore, all the bullets fired from both sides were skimmed from above Sui Yu. As for the zombie troops below to attack Sui Yu, it was impossible to lock Sui Yu's position because he was blocked by the falling wall.

Later, Sui Yu, who was catching up with the wall, stepped on the wall...Take off!


Leaping high, and at the moment of the leap, Sui Yu's hands were stretched out flatly, and the faint blue light beam continued to shoot to both sides!

In a blink of an eye, several sculpted eagles who came over were instantly shot down by Sui Yu because they could not escape!


At the same time, a rocket hit the round wall fragments that Sui Yu used as a stepping stone!

In an instant, the debris exploded into countless rubble, and below the flying rubble, naturally a dense zombie army!

In an instant, the zombie troops trying to attack Sui Yu below were countless dead and wounded!

Sui Yu, at this time, has jumped on the roof across the street!

However, there is no chance for Sui Yu to breathe at this time!

The figure around the roof flashed, and dozens of zombies armed with machine guns jumped up at this time!

Flying stiff!



Accompanied by a huge bang, there was even a huge sniper bullet roaring at this time!

Da Da Da Da Da Da...

The blasting sound of the machine gun sounded, and Sui Yu was surrounded by bullets in an instant.



Thousand Machine Divine Soldiers turned into lightsabers!

Jianguang flashes!

In an instant, the barrage on the left of Sui Yu was swept away by Sui Yu in an instant!

Forward! accelerate!

Sui Yu, who instantly judged that the other party strengthened the front and the right barrage, chose the left barrage for the first time, and then while successfully hiding from the huge sniper bullet of the sniper rifle behind him, Sui Yu blinked Rushed to a flying stiff at the corner of the left side!

Brush brush!

Jianguang flickered, even if the flying stiffness wearing the excellent body armor was still instantly divided into four sections by Sui Yu!

Leap forward and jump high!

Puff puff puff puff!

In a blink of an eye, the flying zombie corpse cut into four sections by Sui Yu hadn't waited to land, so he was shot into a sieve by dense bullets!

At this time, Sui Yu, who jumped high, turned around and locked all the flying stiff positions on the roof, his left hand extended, and the beam appeared at once!

In an instant, half of Tiantai Mountain's flying stiffness would cause Sui Yu to use the Six Veins Holy Sword!

And the rest...

The forty-meter giant Tiantian sword appears!

From the sky, the sword stack is brilliant!



In an instant, along with the remaining half of the stiffness, this building was directly broken into half by Sui Yu!

"Very good! For now, don't worry about Chase's best flying stiff chase!"

At the same time as saying this, with the resilience of the sword just now, Sui Yu, who was carrying Xian'er, landed on top of another taller building.

Feixianbu starts!

Far faster than the speed of Lingbo's micro-stepping, Sui Yu's speed was fully open and rushed to the edge of the building!

Well, don’t look at Sui Yu’s self-confidence. In fact, he still has some fears in his heart. Just subconsciously, he chose to be a weak left side. In case the other party has designed a strategy of missing one, then Sui Yu is not directly fooled. Anymore? !

Fortunately, the controller behind the flying stiffness obviously couldn't arrange too elaborate tactics on the rapidly changing battlefield!

At the same time, through a brief battle with Sui Yu, I fully understood that although the zombie troops can perform tasks perfectly and without objection, they can only perform tasks rigidly, and there is no way to adapt to them!

Just like now, when Sui Yu broke through those few stiff blocks, a huge loophole appeared in the enclosing circle arranged by the controller behind the scenes instantly!

And this also created an excellent opportunity for Sui Yu!

Jump high!

Volley jump!

Followed by Sui Yu leaped hundreds of meters and landed on the side of a corn-shaped building!

With the impulsive force attached to him during the jump, Sui Yu ran abruptly against the arc of the side because the wind was too strong and her eyes could not be opened, and immediately rushed to the top of this building!

Then, jump high again!



Take another step!

Speed ​​up again!

Supposedly condescending, looking at the slowly opening space door on the dilapidated street, Sui Yu had only one idea at this time!

Rush! Rush! Rush!

Be sure to bring Xian'er into the space door as soon as possible, and hand Xian'er'an safely to Long Wei's hands!

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