Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 739: The special request turned out to be...

Perhaps Sui Yu explained the benefits of hiring adventurers for himself before speaking, so Lao Li led Sui Yu's feelings.

Perhaps it was Lao who was also very interested in this unusually rewarding task, plus they still had ten reliable adventurers who were paid by Qinglong College for employment, so the task was relatively stable.

Therefore, Lao Li had a little discussion with several other students, and everyone agreed with Sui Yu's proposal.

Anyway, if it feels that the situation is not right, it’s alright to refuse the task.

Having made up his mind, Lao Li also simply ran to the counter at the counter with a brief introduction of the task, and soon learned that he could see the task publisher immediately.

And the other party is now waiting in the reception room of the mercenary union.

At the same time, the front desk also told Lao Li that the task could not be answered after clearing the contents of the special requirements.

However, no matter whether they choose to receive or not, they hope that the content of special requirements can be kept confidential, otherwise, once it is determined that they are passed by Lao Li, it is likely to affect everyone's evaluation in the union.

It’s really nice to be able to see the publisher of the mission so quickly. You know, Long Waner knows if he will catch up suddenly. Now Sui Yu they are also in a hurry.

Soon, in the reception room, Sui Yu met the mission poster, a middle-aged man in his thirties who looked weather-beaten.

And the opponent is still an extraordinary person who has reached level 43.

"My surname is Zhao, and I am the chairman of Zhao's firm."

As soon as they met, the middle-aged man took the initiative to stand up and introduce himself to everyone.

Then, after arguing with each other, without wasting time, I went straight to the topic.

"Presumably everyone also noticed that the remuneration for this task was a bit ridiculously high, and I was worried that it was a trap task." The middle-aged man's expression at this time was very cold: "But you don't have to worry about it! Because I am destined to lose money. of!"

Then, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed fiercely, with strong murderousness, boss Zhao said to Sui Yu word by word: "In fact! My main goal of this mission is not escort, but murder!"

"But rest assured! It's not killing indiscriminately! It's killing yourself in self-defense!"

After seeing a change in the expression on everyone's face, boss Zhao hurriedly explained.

It turned out that Mr. Zhao’s Zhao’s business was a small business. His main business was to run a few business roads in the north of Qinglong City. He was responsible for transporting some necessities to remote villages and towns in the north, and then acquired some local soil. The minerals and medicinal materials collected by special products and extraordinary people are transported back to Qinglong City.

Moreover, these business lines were basically developed from the generation of Boss Zhao’s grandfather and have been passed down to Boss Zhao’s generation.

Originally, after so many years of development, the caravan has been very clear about various situations along the way.

Many robbers and thieves have managed to get things done, and cities and towns across the country have also cleared the key.

Although not much money is earned, it is still relatively stable after all.

When doing business, many times you have to understand compromises to be wealthy.

The robbers along the way also knew that fishing and fishing are not a long-term plan, so everyone basically maintains a balanced relationship and abides by each other's bottom line.

However, after all, people will become bigger and bigger.

And when there are many people, there will always be some guys with shallow eyelids!

No, on the way of transporting goods by the Zhao's firm, they will pass through an area called Dahuangshan.

This area is not suitable for farming due to poor resources and barren mountains.

Therefore, the life of the mountain people living in this neighborhood is very hard.

Therefore, in many cases, if there is a caravan, these mountain people will mobilize all the mountain people in order not to starve, hurry up to rush up, and then grab some food for use, and immediately fled.

It's also a kind of helplessness caused by the natural environment when the poor mountains and rivers are out of the way.

Therefore, after the reputation of the people of the Great Wilderness Mountain came out, the caravans passing there understood everything.

At the same time, because the other party is just a group of mountain people who have to take risks in order not to starve, and they only **** food and rarely hurt people, so the caravans over there generally do not particularly resist the other party’s snatching, even often go. Some caravans, such as the Zhao's caravan, also specially transport some food and then deliberately let them take it away.

Anyway, mountain people often starve to death, the number is not very large, and basically only grab one, plus mountain people often have to endure hunger and starvation, physical strength is not very strong, and they can not take too much every time.

The caravan should pay protection money to the mountain bandits.

But what boss Zhao didn't expect was that a business road that was clearly ten-ninth and tenacious, suddenly had a problem a few months ago!

And this problem is that the family is ruined!

Because Zhao's business firms have become accustomed to these routines, but also in order to maximize the share of business firms.

After the trade routes went smoothly everywhere, Boss Zhao and his father divided their troops into two places and took two trade routes at the same time.

The slightly dangerous business road was led by Boss Zhao himself, and the team was mainly used to transport living supplies. The team with less oil and water risk was led by Boss Zhao’s old father.

At the same time, in order to inherit his father's business, boss Zhao's daughter also followed the caravan to run a business, intending to gradually become familiar with the various tricks of running a business, and at the same time establish contacts along the way.

But I didn't expect that the dangerous route was safe along the way, and the bandits and robbers all over the place had a bottom line to extract certain benefits and then let it go easily.

When Boss Zhao returned to Qinglong City, he found that it was ok.

However, boss Zhao left and waited, but could not wait for news of the return of the old father and daughter.

After more than a month, boss Zhao found out after many investigations. When the emotional caravan passed the Great Wilderness Mountain, those mountain people who had just ran for food and ran away, even when they saw Zhao’s firm let them rob, think So bully.

So I plan to take away all the goods, not to stay at all!

In addition, it seems that the son of a certain village chief has taken a fancy to boss Zhao’s daughter and intends to **** it back to be Mrs. Zhai.

Therefore, conflict broke out!

In the end, Zhao’s business firm, which suddenly broke out, did not expect to die!

Only some adventurers escaped, and the news came out.

The mountain people in Dahuangshan were used to looting without any injuries. As a result, they suddenly encountered resistance from Zhao's firm and died a lot of people at once (want to kill others, others must resist).

As a result, not only did he not know how to reflect, but he blamed the Zhao business firm, and even all the passing caravans.

I think they should be robbed as usual and should not resist.

So it’s all the caravan’s fault to die the mountain people!

Therefore, since then, the mountain people of Dahuangshan have become extremely irritable!

Not only did they maliciously destroy the roads that the caravans used for generations to develop, but they also attacked the caravan's National People's Congress during the robbery. Recently, they often killed people.

So many caravans who took that route were miserable and had to change routes to find other routes.

At the same time, boss Zhao, who was in the grief of the death of his old father and his loved daughter, was immediately followed by other chambers of commerce complaining that it was Zhao’s business that angered the mountain people, which made everyone unable to make money!

Clay figurines still have three points of fire!

Boss Zhao, who hated the mountain people of Dahuangshan, broke out completely!

So, boss Zhao planned to spend his money and hire adventurers to **** the caravan with apparently unreasonable expenses.

The requirement is that when passing through the Great Barren Mountain, if the mountain people are okay, if they dare to rob, they will kill them all!

One does not stay!

Now that you touched the bottom line, you must be bitter!

As a result, the mercenary union will issue an application through boss Zhao’s mission.

In any case, a relatively peaceful environment is also very important for mercenary unions!

Since the group of people with very shallow eyelids took other people's good intentions for granted and implemented "I am weak, I have reason" to the extreme, then the mercenary union can no longer get used to them!

In many cases, forbearance will only encourage the evil spirits!

When dealing with the wicked, you should be cruel when you are cruel!

Even if the other party thinks it is a "weak person", but if you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility!

"And the two million chaotic gold coins are nothing more than one team's reward! Actually, before that, I also hired four other teams!"

"Even in order to confuse the mountain people, I issued a normal employment mission by uniting a few caravans who had long been watching the mountain people's discomfort."

Well, Lao Li thought that those who passed through the Great Barren Mountain were the new caravans, and that feeling was also the bureau of Mr. Zhao!

"My purpose is very simple! It is to let this group of people who have grown from asking for food to robbery and murder kill a few people!"

"Perhaps it is nice to say that I did this to maintain the tranquility and harmony of the boundary of Qinglong City!"

Boss Zhao smiled slightly at Sui Yu with slightly empty eyes: "But I don't need those tall reasons! I'm my own self! I'm spending my money to complete my revenge!"

Okay, ten million chaotic gold coins!

For Zhao's firm, this money is almost all the compensation that Mr. Zhao can give at this time.

In the end, no matter how much cargo can be delivered by these five caravans, how much money can be made.

I am afraid that Zhao's business will disappear because of the broken capital chain!

Boss Zhao knew it would be the result, but he still chose to break the boat!

For this...

Sui Yu and Lao Li looked at each other and nodded Boss Zhao is so determined, and has a thorough understanding of how abhorrent those poor mountain people are, then Sui Yu will no longer sympathize with those mountain people.

Compassion for the weak is human instinct, but weak does not mean justice! Weakness does not mean accountability!

Since the mountain people had a very shallow eyelid to create this kind of human tragedy, and there seems to be no trace of guilt, they have vented their resentment on other caravans.

Then let Sui Yu act as a messenger of justice for a while. When passing by, he will easily pass this group of mountain people who are already thieves!

Believe that with the grievances entangled in these gangs of people, once they are killed, should they be able to gain the power of faith?

In that case, the chance of bursting out a trial reel is naturally even greater!

Kill two birds with one stone!


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