Change the Extraordinary

Chapter 741: Happiness really needs comparison...

"The weather is fine today and the scenery is everywhere..."

Leaving Qinglong City, along with leaving the towering city wall, became a wide field of vision instantly, looking at the hills and mountains that could not be seen in the city, and the aristocratic students sitting in the carriage were obviously very excited.

Even Liu Lulu couldn't help singing a beautiful ballad.

I just don’t know if it’s an illusion.

"You sing pretty well!" Sui Yu asked Liu Lulu curiously: "Where did you learn this song?"

"My song was discovered from ancient literature! It looks like a popular song before the cataclysm."

Now that Sui Yu simply talked about it, he said: "Is it the first time that you are happy to leave Qinglong City?"

"Of course!" Liu Lulu replied with excitement: "Since I was young, adults have constantly warned that the outside of Qinglong City is very dangerous, and there are people eating monsters everywhere! So this is really the first time I have left Qinglong City!"

Zhang Lei Wenyan also nodded and said, "Yeah! Basically, families in the city are so educated about children! Many of us are very afraid of going out of town when we are young! It is said that some people scare disobedient children. , Just say'Throw you out of the city if you don't obey!'"

"So much for a long time, I was afraid when I heard outside the city! Then after awakening to become a transcendent, I worked hard every day to practice copying swords and brushes.

When Zhang Lei said here, he seemed a little embarrassed: "To be honest! I originally planned to stay in the city to practice swordsmanship and level to full level before going out, but the upgrade speed is too slow in the future. Did not report the field trial..."

"Are you the Shilipo sword god?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's complaints, Zhang Lei was a little strange: "What is that?"

"It's nothing!" Sui Yu waved his hand and explained: "A legend in my hometown! There is a legend in the legend. After awakening, because he couldn't find a way to leave their hometown, he called Shilipo every day in a place in their hometown. Local cultivation, day after day, year after day, and then when he found his way out of his hometown, he had already beaten the invincible hand of the world! So it is called Shilipo Sword God!"

"Oh! That's what it is!" Zhang Lei admired, and then sighed with some self-blame: "Unfortunately, I don't have the persistence and perseverance like him!"

"Don't care! Shilipo Sword God is also an accident! Actually, he didn't want it either. And to be honest, the leveling efficiency is very low, or the killing monster is more"

Speaking of which, Sui Yu opened the window next to the carriage covered with cloth curtains and looked out, and found that the road was quite lively.

And the most important thing is that from the young people dressed in several adventurers walking on the road, Sui Yu actually saw the badge of Qinglong College.

Lao Li also opened the curtain, and after seeing the situation outside, said to the young people sitting in the car: "It seems that the free students in the college are moving very fast, and they have come here so soon. "

"Strange?" Ding Qiang observed and asked Lao Li: "They didn't seem to join the caravan like us, did they seem to be on their own?"

Yes, unlike at this time Sui Yu has joined boss Zhao's caravan, the whole team is acting together, and at the same time around Sui Yu's vehicles, there are ten little-speaking adventurers arching around, I don't know yet They thought that Sui Yu was the young master who came out with the caravan to swim in the mountains.

The free students on these roads not only have to walk on their own, but also seem to have received no tasks.

"This is normal!" Lao Li was surprised. "The reason why we can receive the task so easily is also because I have followed me. My adventurer is not only very high, but also has a good reputation in the mercenary union." Good! And you know what configuration your paid students take for the field trial, so I am very relieved."

"But free students are not that good!"

"Novice adventurers have no word of mouth. Even if they take up a task, the union will at most arrange some short-distance delivery, or landfill garbage to clean up the sewers and other dirty work. It is impossible to arrange some relatively important work casually. Word-of-mouth newcomer adventurer!"

"Especially for jobs like **** caravans, it can only be arranged for some experienced adventurers with good reputation and a certain level of adventurers!"

"Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will affect the reputation of the union!"

"Therefore, even if these students register as adventurers, they will not be able to get a suitable job!"

"Unless you register as an adventurer early before participating in a field trial, and then spend several months or even a year to upgrade your level and gain a good reputation, then it is only possible to receive a job like ours at this time, otherwise , You can only run over empty-handed!"

"There is no way. Field trials have a time limit. They must arrive and sign in within the prescribed time. It is impossible to give these students enough time to upgrade the adventurer level and earn word of mouth."

Also, in reality, the operation of trade unions is naturally not as rigid as in the game.

You can upgrade to as many levels as you want, and you can take tasks of corresponding levels.

If mercenary unions want to gain the trust of customers, they must find ways to ensure their reputation.

Therefore, the reputation of the adventurers has become very important.

The clerk is a person and not an NPC. A guy with a bad reputation will definitely not arrange important tasks for him!

Because of the failure of the mission, not only the loss of the adventurer himself but also the reputation of the clerk is damaged, and the reputation of the union will also deteriorate!

Therefore, these free students who have just registered as adventurers can only go to the trial location by themselves.

Well, at this point of view, the difference between paid students and free students is really big enough!

Well, it has almost reached the gap between krypton players and zero-rush players in Sui Yu's original web game...

"Of course!" Lao Li pointed in the direction of Qinglong City: "These students who appear here are plainly lazy students! If they are diligent students, they actually took the initiative to become adventurers earlier. The mission has improved word of mouth!"

"We left early! It is estimated that there should be many students in the Adventurer Union looking for suitable tasks!"

"Of course, the task is limited, and whoever gets the task in the end, it is up to them!"

"According to their own skills..." Sui Yu inexplicably remembered the "Street Fighter" that he had seen in the mercenary union...

"The weather is fine today and the scenery is everywhere..."

Listening to the looping song in his ear, Sui Yu turned his head and said to Liu Lulu: "I said, is this sentence with you back and forth?"

"No way..." Liu Lulu seemed a little embarrassed to answer: "Just pass on such a sentence, I like it very much, so I sing often..."

"Well, you continue to sing!" Sui Yu covered her forehead, ready to put down the curtain and chat with Su Rou who was staring at herself silently.

This girl always likes to stare at herself so indifferently. For years, this problem has not changed.

In order to prevent misunderstanding of Su Rou's problems by several other people, Sui Yu decided to find a topic and chat with her!

And just now...




A thunder suddenly sounded, followed immediately by the pouring rain!

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Lan said angrily to Liu Lulu: "I'll tell you to sing, this is good! See if you still sing "It's sunny today"!"

"Woo..." Liu Lulu was silent.


Wow la la la...

I have to admit that the rainstorm was really very sudden.

"Right, adventurer them!"

Ding Qiang exclaimed and opened the curtain, looking like that, it seemed that he wanted to send some adventurers outside into the carriage to avoid rain.

To be honest, the carriage that Lao prepared was still very spacious. Although nine people and three small animals were seated, it was very spacious and there was still a lot of space.

At the very least, not only can a few people sit on the seat, but also a rest in the middle aisle.

Also, in the end is paid to play... the field trial of paid students, and generally paid students are basically nobles.

Therefore, although the carriage arranged by Lao Li seems as simple as possible, the interior space is still very spacious.

However, Li Li waved his hands and said to everyone: "Don't worry about them! This little thing, they have already considered it!"

Not considered!

Sui Yu lifted the curtain, and suddenly saw the adventurers walking on both sides of the carriage covered with a layer of magic shield.

Rainwater or something doesn't affect them at all.

"Unlike the few of you who are relatively approachable, don't mind if they squeeze with you. Most of the students I took in the field trials in the past did not like to stay with other adventurers!"

Lao Li invisiblely complimented several people and explained easily: "Therefore, they have prepared magic props to avoid rain! And this magic props not only have a certain defense, they can offset arrows and block rain, At the same time, it will not affect the battle, it can be said to be a very good prop!"

"The name seems to be called the primary magic shield ring. If you explode this thing when playing monsters, don't just throw it away because the effect is weak!"

"Equipment when raining, this thing is much easier to use than an umbrella and raincoat! And MP consumption is also very low, basically rely on automatic recovery can be used for a long time!"

"But those free students seem miserable..." Liu Lulu saw the free students who had not taken the task and walked on the road quickly. At this time, the young people had been drowned and were walking on the muddy road. Deeper and shallower, let alone miserable.


One person even accidentally fell directly on the muddy ground and instantly became a clay figure.

So, after seeing the dirty appearance of those free students, even Ding Qiang did not propose to let them get on the bus for a while.

The carriage gradually became quieter, and everyone put down the curtain very well.

After spending a little excitement when I first left Qinglong City, everyone is now calm.

At this time, everyone sitting in the carriage quietly listened to the sound of rain dripping outside the car, as well as the heavy breathing sound of others around the road because of the muddy road.

At this Everyone seems to understand the value of happiness.

After a period of time in this atmosphere, boss Zhao came over and told everyone that he would arrive at the post immediately. Seeing that the weather was very unsuitable for the journey, the caravan decided to spend the night at the post today.

Soon, the carriage stopped.

Get off the carriage and look at the other merchants in the caravan that don't have magic props and the handyman responsible for transportation are mostly in awkwardness, and even many people are obviously muddy because they slipped on the road, and then look out of the carriage Your own clean appearance.

This strong contrast made several young masters who lived in Qinglongcheng silently.

Presumably, at this moment they probably already understood how happy they are compared to most people?

So, happiness really needs comparison.

Only after the comparison can everyone realize how happy they are in life!

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