Chapter 102 Thunder God's Body

Soon, Li Changan successfully read Cang Yan's memory.

However, after reading the memory, he frowned.

Because he didn't find any way to leave the place of Killing intent.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

Seeing Li Changan's brows tightened, Mo Shengge asked worriedly.

"In this guy's memory, there is no way to leave the place of Killing intent."

Li Changan told the truth.

"Then... how do we get out?"

"If you really can't get out, only you and I stay here..."

She seems to take it too.

She didn't say the latter sentence.

When she was in the Mo family, she was amazingly talented, but she didn't attract the family's attention.

She thought that she was not good enough, so she practiced desperately, just to become the pride of the family.

But she found that no matter how hard she tried, her father, mother, and clan elders always ignored her.

This also caused her inner closed personality since she was a child.

However, the killing intent and his party let her know that she is not a human being, nor is she a biological descendant of the Mo family, and Mo Shengge was relieved.

There is a new understanding of the attitude of the family.

Therefore, she has no reason to want to return to the family again.

Anyway, she was alone outside, but Li Changan was with her in the dark place.

In contrast, she would be happier staying in the place of the Killing intent.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you out."

Li Changan didn't know what Mo Shengge was thinking, but simply wanted to take Mo Shengge out of here.

"The True Eye of the Evil God, open!"

Li Changan opened the evil god's true eye again, and glanced at Cang Yan.

Just at this glance, he found a clue.

On the face under Cang Yan's mask, there are some densely carved runes, which looks very pervasive.

And these runes are very similar to the text on a blueprint that Li Changan found on the waist of the melting dragon.

"Could it be..."

In order to prove his own idea, Li Changan found the humble piece of parchment from the storage ring.


The moment the parchment appeared, it left Li Changan's hand and floated above Cang Yan.

Just when Li Changan was about to reach out and grab the parchment, a surprising scene happened.

I saw that the rune on Cang Yan's face was gradually dissipating, and it was all integrated into the broken parchment.

"What a powerful Spirit Power!"

When the rune on Cang Yan's face completely disappeared, the parchment emitted a strange light.

Not only Li Changan, but even Mo Shengge felt a strong coercion.

"How many epochs have passed, and someone finally woke me up."

A vicissitudes of life sounded from the parchment.

"In this parchment, it seems that a certain ancient power is sealed."

Mo Shengge looked at the parchment and said to Li Changan.

And Li Changan's attention has been completely attracted by the parchment.

"Who are you...?"

Facing the parchment, Li Changan asked slowly.

Since the rune engraved on Cang Yan's face can be integrated into the parchment, it means that this opportunity should belong to Cang Yan.

However, now he has been plundered.

But what is strange is why there is no system sound in his mind, reminding himself that he has snatched Cang Yan's opportunity.

"Who am I? I seem to have forgotten who I am after so many years."

"It's just that I vaguely remember that my name is Cao Qingsong!"

Li Changan and Mo Shengge were startled by the indifferent words in the vicissitudes of life, and they looked at each other.

Cao Qingsong!

In ancient times, one of the three Confucian gods.

These three ancient Confucian gods were consecrated by literature and conferred by talents.

Among them, Cao Wanqing is unique in Lang Yan, unparalleled in the world.

According to legend, Cao Wanqing devoted his whole life to literature, laying the foundation for the culture of Fenghuo Continent.

According to legend, at the end, he sealed all his divine power into a book, and scattered the pages of the book all over the mainland, waiting for someone who is destined to wake it up.

"Cao Wanqing...the three ancient Confucian gods are equivalent to the respected Confucius on Earth..."

Li Changan muttered to himself.

"Human boy, since you found a broken page, I will give you a chance to help you activate the attribute Spirit Power!"

At this moment, Cao Wanqing turned his attention to Li Changan.

He subconsciously thought that it was Li Changan who woke him up, completely ignoring Cang Yan lying on the ground like a salted fish.


Just when Li Changan was wondering, a powerful force burst out from the parchment and went straight into Li Changan's body.


An unbearable itching feeling came from his whole body, which made him almost pass out from the pain.

"Crackling, knocking—"

Mo Shengge, who was standing aside, could clearly hear the sound of bones rubbing against each other in Li Changan's body.

There was a trace of worry in my heart.

However, she didn't step forward to help, because she knew that Li Changan was going through a chance.

It's been a long time.

Li Changan was exhausted, his body reached the Extreme Time Limit, and Realm suddenly reached the True Yuan Sixth Stage.

The pain disappeared instantly.

Mental Energy fully recovered.

Li Changan's body also became fairer and more muscular.

There was a restrained and domineering aura all over his body.

"Young Master Li, have you broken through?"

Seeing Li Changan slowly opening his eyes, Mo Shengge was a little shocked.

She could feel that Li Changan's Realm Cultivation Base had reached the point where she couldn't predict it.

Mo Shengge, who thought he was already a genius enough, found that Li Changan was even more perverted.

You know, Li Changan is not even seventeen years old yet, but he is three years older than him!


"Not only did I break through, I also seem to have awakened the attribute Spirit Power..."

Just when Mo Shengge was marveling at Li Changan's talent, Li Changan threw a punch casually.


A burst of thunder burst out.

The sky condensed billowing thunder.

Although his power was not great, he never expected that his random punch could trigger a vision of heaven and earth.

"Is this the power of the attribute Spirit Power!"

Li Changan believed that under the Promise Realm, few people could block the punch he threw casually.

Thor's body!

Thunder attribute Spirit Power, this is the most aggressive of the four attributes of Spirit Power that Li Changan will awaken in the future.


Activate Spiritual Qi, a burst of crackling purple lightning danced in Li Changan's palm.

"Very good, you can withstand being forced to turn on the attribute Spirit Power."

At this moment, seeing such a change in Li Changan, a voice of appreciation came from the parchment.

"Thank you senior for giving me the opportunity."

Li Changan thanked the parchment cupped hands.

【Ding! Turn on the attribute Spirit Power, and win 20,000 chance points of Cang Yan]

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

This made Li Changan even more happy.

It seemed that this was indeed Cang Yan's chance.

It's just that Cang Yan's awakening should not be the Thunder attribute Spirit Power. After all, in the script, Cang Yan does not have Thunder among the four future attributes of Spirit Power.

"No need to thank you, you deserve it."

"Now, take this page and head east, and the two of you can leave this place."

Cao Wanqing's voice became more and more ethereal, and finally disappeared completely.

The next moment, the parchment returned to its original shape and fell into Li Changan's hands.

(end of this chapter)

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