Changed The Queen's Script At The Beginning, Taking Away The Protagonist's Chance

Chapter 122 Cultivation Ten Thousand Swords Come To Dynasty

Chapter 122 Cultivation Ten Thousand Swords Come to Dynasty



In the snowy area of ​​the abyss in the place of Killing intent, bursts of roars resounded.

Snowflakes are flying all over the sky, which looks like a dream.

Among them, Li Changan was fighting head-to-head with Walker.

One man, one beast, one fist after another.

The punch was accompanied by a strong gravity, and it hit Walker.

And Walker's minions also attacked Li Changan murderously.

It's just that Walker has always been at a disadvantage.

Walker's physical strength is tyrannical, his melee combat ability is very strong, and the killing power of beasts is not weaker than that of Li Changan.

But when confronting Li Changan head-to-head, Walker suffered losses again and again, and even lost his advantage.

The ability that Li Changan used when fighting Walker was precisely the evil Spiritual Qi.

Evil Spiritual Qi.

From the superficial sense, it is actually similar to the ability of the dark attribute.

Both can stimulate powerful explosive power and terrifying negative emotions.

However, the evil attribute is a fully evolved version of the dark attribute.

What the dark attribute Spirit Power can do, most of the evil attributes can do.

And the evil Spiritual Qi mainly relies on the Realm ability to erode the minds of others and manipulate the spirit and body of others.

That is to say, when casting the evil Spiritual Qi.

Li Changan's fists, legs, and even all parts of his body, including when using weapons.

When attacking, they will naturally carry a strong negative emotion.

And once it is contaminated by this kind, it is very likely to be defeated without a fight, or even be controlled.

However, Li Changan is only Wuji Third Stage now, and it is still not easy for him to display the evil Spiritual Qi.

It takes a long time to hone.

Therefore, Li Changan found Walker as a sparring opponent.

"Master, you are too powerful, I am not your opponent."

"Continue to fight, I will definitely lose."

After several days of fighting, Li Changan did not feel tired at all.

After all, with the doomsday Samsara formula, Li Changan will only become more courageous as he fights.

But Walker's body has reached its limit.

"Well, it seems that your Spiritual Qi has been exhausted, and you have worked hard these days."

"However, you can't relax yet. You take a break and continue to fight with me later."

Hearing Li Changan allow himself to rest, Walker nodded.

Immediately without talking nonsense, he lay down on the spot and entered dormancy.

Start restoring Spiritual Qi.

At this time, Li Changan took out the soul-repelling banner.

With a thought, a gray tiger-shaped creature appeared in front of Li Changan.

It was a tiger creature with a height comparable to Walker.

It is the strongest monster creature in Li Changan Soul Banner except for Walker who has demigod blood.

It's called Tiger King.


The Tiger King knelt on his knees and greeted Li Changan respectfully.

"Well, it will take a few days for Walker to recover, and you will accompany me to train in these few days."


Tiger King said respectfully.

Then, the sparring began.


day after day.

Li Changan's Spiritual Qi is constantly proficient in the training of Walker and Tiger King.

Now, the evil spirit aura of his punch is absolutely irresistible to those below the Fifth Stage of the Promise Realm.

However, it is still far from enough for a genius who awakened the four attributes of Spirit Power in advance.

He must be invincible in the Wuji Territory before he can comprehend the Realm of Evil Killing.

Become a real strong man.

Therefore, Li Changan is practicing hard.

Li Changan will conduct Closed Door Training until he is almost exhausted.

And Tiger King and Walker will also seize all the time to restore the Cultivation Base during his retreat.

Now, Li Changan relies on the doomsday Samsara mentality, coupled with a large number of Spirit Stones and ghost cores on his body, Cultivation Base is improving every day.

Of course, Li Changan will try to contact that powerful man in white when his strength is successfully improved.

But the tragedy is that Li Changan will be beaten back hard every time.

Although Li Changan's life was not killed, at least Li Changan had to be seriously injured and lie down for several days.

Such a repetitive exercise.

Li Changan's Cultivation Base grows faster and faster, and the evil Spiritual Qi can also play the effect of invincibility within the Wuji Seventh Stage.

As time goes by.

Li Changan estimated that he had been in this abyss for nearly half a year.

In just half a year, Li Changan grew rapidly.

Four attributes Spirit Power, three Realms have been opened.

At the same time, with the Blood Realm of the Samsara knife, Li Changan has been able to release four Realm abilities.

And the Cultivation Base has been stabilized to the Fourth Stage.

This is because Li Changan suppressed the Realm upgrade, otherwise he would have reached the Sixth Stage or higher Cultivation Base.

However, apart from the rapid rise of Cultivation Base, this time has been very long for Li Changan.

Calculated, it has been almost seven months since entering the place of Killing intent.

seven months!

Although in the world of immortal cultivators, seven months is just a flick of a finger.

But for Li Changan, who has a script system, seven months are extremely precious.

He not only wants to limit the development of Liu Hengyuan and other sons of destiny, but also has some things to accomplish.

So, you have to get out of here.

Moreover, Li Changan is also homesick.

However, in the abyss.

There is that powerful man in white watching.

With Li Changan's current ability, he is still far from being able to compete with a strong man who surpasses the Wuji Realm by a large margin.

"During this period of time, with my ability, I should be able to comprehend that move of ten thousand swords."

Li Changan squeezed his fist.

Then, he took out the red brocade box from the storage ring.

"Master, do you want to...?"

At this time, Gu Yaoyan walked out of the Immortal Cave and looked at the brocade box in Li Changan's hand, feeling a sense of awe.

"Fairy, next, I will practice a Saber Technique that is as strong as it is evil, so you must take good care of Mo Shengge."

Holding the brocade box, Li Changan said lightly to Gu Yaoyan.

He didn't know what would happen if he practiced ten thousand swords this time.

Therefore, letting Gu Yaoyan protect Mo Shengge is always a safe choice.

Then, he looked at Walker and King Tiger, who were exhausted and exhausted.

"The two of you assist Yaoyan and protect Mo Shengge together."

Hearing Li Changan's serious words, the Walker and Tiger King cheered up.

Because they knew that Li Changan asked the three of them to guard Mo Shengge together, which proved that the Cultivation Technique that his master would practice next was absolutely extraordinary.

Although it is impossible for a Cultivator in the Promise Realm to cause any terrifying effects.

However, it also depends on who this Everlasting Realm cultivator is.

For example, the owner is powerful, and it is possible to create any kind of Cultivation Technique.

Therefore, the three of them naturally did not dare to be careless.

"Obey, Master!"

The three said in unison.

Then, Gu Yaoyan entered the Immortal Cave first.

And Walker and Tiger King looked at each other, and then followed in.

The three of them came to Mo Shengge's side, and began to use Spiritual Qi as a shield, preparing to respond to all changes with the same.

(end of this chapter)

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