Changed The Queen's Script At The Beginning, Taking Away The Protagonist's Chance

Chapter 139 The Artifact Spirit Of The Ancient Dragon Clan

Chapter 139 The Artifact Spirit of the Ancient Dragon Clan


Li Changan was in unbearable pain, the blood vessels in both arms were about to burst, and he was so painful that he even wanted to loosen the Samsara knife.

"Hold tight! Be sure to hold tight! Never let go!"

Li Changan thought to himself.

After all, Qi Ling is also arrogant, and to be its new owner, it must be fully recognized by it.

Li Changan endured the severe pain and gritted his teeth.

With all his strength, he firmly held the Samsara knife with both hands.


When Samsara moved the knife, he rushed out.

Li Changan did not let go, just holding the Samsara knife.


Li Changan was slammed into the cave wall because he refused to let go of the Samsara knife.

The gravel burst.

The stone layer is also hard, and Li Changan was a little dizzy from the impact of such a powerful impact, but the stone layer only produced a trace of cracks.

Li Changan still held the Samsara knife tightly, extremely firm.



With a loud bang, Li Changan rammed around with the Samsara knife in his hand.

The skin and flesh on his body were also torn open with bloodstains. The shock force of the Samsara knife was too strong, and it was really uncomfortable.

Strangely, in the torn bloodstains on Li Changan's body, in the infestation of Devilish Qi, they are healing strangely again.

The demonic riots also gradually subsided over time.


Devilish Qi stopped flowing, and everything gradually calmed down.

It seems that Qi Ling has been integrated into the Samsara knife.

Li Changan took a deep breath.

Looking at the lingering purple light on the Samsara knife, one can feel that the Samsara knife is extremely powerful at this moment.

Compared with the previous Samsara knife, I don't know how many grades it is stronger.

And Devilish Qi is very heavy, far beyond Li Changan's imagination.

Just holding the Samsara knife like this, Li Changan suddenly felt very powerful.

Even if it were me, if I were to bear the attack of the Samsara knife, I am afraid that I would be broken by the Samsara knife.


"The level of the Samsara knife has risen to another level!"

Li Changan said in shock.

Unexpectedly, with the integration of the knife spirit, the Samsara knife has risen to another level.

Although he doesn't know what is above the artifact, Li Changan can feel that the current Samsara knife has definitely surpassed the level of the artifact.

The power of the artifact is already shocking.

It is rumored that in the entire Fenghuo Continent, there are only forty-seven artifacts known to mankind.

How terrifying is the existence that is higher than the artifact.

"This trip to the abyss really strengthened me a lot."

Li Changan smiled lightly.

"However, what surprised me the most is that this Samsara knife has the ability to evolve."

Weapons that can evolve are one-in-a-kind treasures.

At least now that the human race is at the peak, their Li family's Magic Treasures Wanling River cannot evolve.

As for what to do with the Samsara knife in the future to allow it to evolve, it is naturally necessary to absorb Devilish Qi.

"However, there seem to be very few Devilish Qi in this Beacon Continent."

However, this matter can be discussed later.

Li Changan left everything behind and prepared to walk out of Immortal Cave.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, an extremely powerful evil force came from the Samsara knife.

"what happened?"

Li Changan frowned slightly, in doubt.

The Samsara knife burst out of Li Changan's hand.

Afterwards, it turned into a giant python with a dark purple body.

"this is……?"

Li Changan frowned slightly, and then turned on the script system.

[Name: Zi Taki]

[Race: Ancient Dragon]

[Current status: sealed, has degenerated into a python]

Looking at Monty Python's script, Li Changan was a little surprised.

Most of the spirits are conceived by heaven and earth, and this kind is called Innate spirit.

However, there are also some who became weapon spirits after being sealed by some powerful creatures.

This is the so-called acquired spirit.

Obviously, the guy from the ancient dragon clan in front of him is the Houtian Qiling.

"Ancient dragon, really amazing!"

Li Changan muttered under his breath.


The purple python spit out snake letters. Looking at Li Changan, his eyes were full of doubts and a hint of... displeasure

Obviously, it is not particularly satisfied with its new owner.

"This boa constrictor is so human..."

Li Changan fumbled his own chin, watching the big python.

Its eyes are clean and clear.

It seems that there is no hostility, but it has infinite fighting spirit.

Seems to want to fight Li Changan.

This is also normal, after all, existences like Wanlinghe Qiling have a hint of arrogance.

"I know you can understand people's words, and I don't want to hurt you, so as long as you obey me obediently, I will never hurt you. How?"


Purple Python doesn't seem to agree with Li Changan.

"Then don't blame me!"

Li Changan smiled coldly, and then activated the evil eye.

Just in time, he wants to try, how strong is this ancient divine dragon whose strength has been sealed.


Sensing that Li Changan has a fighting spirit, Zi Mang decides to strike first.

swish swish——

It travels very fast.

Li Changan found in astonishment that even the own evil eyes might not be able to keep up with the speed of the purple python.


With a loud noise, the purple python collided with Li Changan's divine power, causing a huge roar.

In Li Changan's eyes, streaks of purple light burst out, forming a barrier that could be attacked and defended in front of him.

"You are quite fierce, you can even compete with my divine power!"


The purple python found that it couldn't break through Li Changan's defense, and suddenly opened its snake's mouth, and a purple ball of light rushed straight towards it.


Attack directly with Spiritual Qi?

What came straight to him was a Spiritual Qi that broke away from his body.

To be able to separate Spiritual Qi from its own body, one must have sufficient strength. It seems that this ancient dragon is really not easy.

Even though the bloodline is sealed, it is still so powerful.


With a loud bang, the attack was blocked again by Li Changan.

And this strike was blocked by this human being, Zi Python was obviously a little anxious.

Unexpectedly, I have nothing to do with this human kid.

After calming down, it began to pay attention to Li Changan in front of it, and began to think about countermeasures in its mind.

The opponent seems to have lost its combat power due to the loss of weapons.

Can only rely on that pair of eyes full of divine power.

And he is a veritable ancient dragon.

Even if the bloodline is sealed and degenerates into a giant python, it is still much stronger than Li Changan.

If it is head-to-head and continues to consume, the opponent will definitely not be an own opponent.


Zi Mang proved his own idea with practical actions. After several fights, Li Changan really fell behind.

"This guy is really tough!"

Li Changan, who was forced back ten meters away by the purple python, was panting heavily.

Covering his aching right eye.

His luck was exhausted too much, and he could no longer support the use of the evil god's eyes!


Zi Mang is ready to pursue the victory.

But it didn't mean to kill Li Changan, but it seemed to tease him.

(end of this chapter)

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