Chapter 145 Waiting for You to Propose Marriage


Liu Hengyuan wanted to leave the place of Killing intent, and then fight for whether he can keep Qin Mingyue by his side.

But unexpectedly, Qin Mingyue issued an order to evict guests today.

This messed up his plans a bit.

"Heck, no, I'm going to stay here for a while."

Qin Mingyue said with a smile.

Her Sacred Body is about to take shape and there can be no other accidents.

Therefore, it would be a good choice to stay in the place of Killing intent. Anyway, when the time comes when your Sacred Body is formed, you can leave this place of Killing intent at any time.

"But... Liu Hengyuan wanted to say something, but Qin Mingyue noticed it in advance.

"You, it's not enough to occupy me for one night, do you want to keep me captive for the rest of your life?"

"Hehe, how can there be such a good thing, you are not beautiful."

After the words fell, he paused and said softly: "Besides, it may not be a good thing for you if I stay by your side."

"You are young, and you still have a long way to go. Maybe I am just a passer-by in your life. Maybe, one day in the future, we will meet again."

"But not now."

"Anyway, I can't be with you. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Liu Hengyuan frowned and asked.

Qin Mingyue smiled coquettishly and said: "Unless one day, your Cultivation Base surpasses me, and you can have the strength to stop a country by one person."

"Maybe at that time, I can still feel wronged and be your dual cultivation dao companion."

Hearing this, Liu Hengyuan couldn't help laughing bitterly.

It turns out that this girl dislikes her Cultivation Base is too low, she is too young, being with her will embarrass her old man!

Not only that, but maybe he also thinks that his low status is not good enough for her.

However, Liu Hengyuan really couldn't refute.

In the land of Killing intent, although the two are dewy couples, they have gone to the outside world.

A poor and white boy, an eldest princess who is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Even if there is a cause, how can there be an effect!

"Don't worry, one day, my Cultivation Base will catch up with you."

Liu Hengyuan seemed to be speaking to Qin Mingyue, but also to himself.

He has always been steadfast on the road to becoming stronger.

Since he believed that Li Changan was dead, this belief was even stronger.

Qin Mingyue giggled: "Well, I'll just wait for the day when you come to my Sky Empire to propose marriage."

"However, you have to promise me that you are not allowed to come to the Sky Empire except when you think you are qualified to propose marriage to me, okay?"

Liu Hengyuan turned to look at her, and Qin Mingyue also looked at him with a smile.

This gaze made Liu Hengyuan unable to guess what she was thinking.

However, although Qin Mingyue's words were for negotiation, they carried a hint of undeniable refusal.

This is definitely not to scare Liu Hengyuan.

I'm afraid that after leaving the place of Killing intent today, if Liu Hengyuan did not become a strong man but went to the Sky Empire, she would definitely not save face for this day's love.

"Okay, if my Realm surpasses yours, you will be my dual cultivation dao companion, husband and wife will follow."

Liu Hengyuan also laughed and looked towards the sky.

Both he and Qin Mingyue knew that these words were nothing more than self-deception.

The gap between the two is too great.


Qin Mingyue nodded, and lay down again.

It's still early before sunset.

Looking at the lazy and charming beauty beside him, Liu Hengyuan couldn't help but want to move again.

His hands began to move restlessly on Qin Mingyue's body.

"What do you want?"

Qin Mingyue blushed, staring at him with watery eyes, like a cute little rabbit.

Liu Hengyuan turned over with a smile and pushed her down, and said, "What are you talking about, of course..."

The next time we share the same bed, I don't know what year and month it will be.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Hengyuan is going to take advantage of it, even if there is no chance in the future, he can still bring out his memory, and recollect it later!

"You little guy, bully me, just bully me, anyway, after today, you will have no chance, if you don't bully enough, you will regret it in the future!"

Qin Mingyue's face showed grievances, but her voice was full of seduction and temptation.

Anyway, just this time, let him do it, as he wishes!

With this kind of thought in her mind, even Qin Mingyue herself was startled.

You know, she has been a very decent woman since she was born.

Ling Ran's righteousness exuded from her whole body, and this natural aura also subtly influenced her thoughts.

It's just that facing Liu Hengyuan now, that kind of righteousness and Saint appearance completely disappeared.

From sunrise to sunset, the two of them are like teenagers who know what to eat, asking endlessly.

As for Qin Mingyue, although she has lived for hundreds of years, she is still like a blank sheet of paper, allowing Liu Hengyuan to paint and write.

Therefore, Liu Hengyuan also took the initiative.

"Bad thing, you!"

Holding Liu Hengyuan's neck, Qin Mingyue rolled his eyes coquettishly, and scolded with a smile.


At sunset, Qin Mingyue and Liu Hengyuan returned to the thatched hut and got dressed silently.

Liu Heng Genichi, dressed in Tsing Yi, regained the appearance of that peerless son.

And when Qin Mingyue wore yellow clothes, she exuded an aura that could only be seen from a distance, but not played up close.

It was hard to imagine that the two had done some indecent things here just now.

The two looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

"I will remember the young man named Liu Hengyuan."

Qin Mingyue sighed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said.

From sunset, she was no longer Qin Mingyue in Liu Hengyuan's arms.

It's the eldest princess of the Sky Empire, who will soon be among the strongest Devas.

"I will also remember that in the Sky Empire, there is a lady waiting for me to marry!"

Liu Hengyuan also nodded calmly.

Both of them are people with a strong desire for restraint. Write down what you said.

Things that should not be forced are also clearly not forced!

"I hope that day, I won't be made to wait too long!"

Qin Mingyue looked at the setting sun under the afterglow of sunset, and muttered to herself.

It can be seen that these days, she has developed a little love for Liu Hengyuan.

However, due to the difference in their identities, they are strangers after all.

"By the way, that friend of yours has recovered from his injuries, but it seems that he has touched a forbidden technique, causing the Cultivation Base to plummet."

As Qin Mingyue said, she took out a jade bottle from her cuff and threw it to Liu Hengyuan casually.

He regained his disinterested look, and said, "Here, there is a seventh-order Medicine Pill called Guiling Pill, which can help your friend restore the Cultivation Base."

"Thank you, I will remember this kindness."

Liu Hengyuan clenched the jade bottle in his hand, and then put it away.

Thanks to Qin Mingyue for cupped fist.

The two stared at each other again, and Liu Hengyuan turned and left.

He knew it was time for him to leave.

(end of this chapter)

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