Although he didn't believe it and felt it was ridiculous.

But Fang Yue looked at Fang Ergou's serious face, and his doubts were reduced a little.

Then, he couldn't help but start to try.

More than 300 kilograms of stone.

It was much bigger than his bucket. It should have been washed in from somewhere when the water rose before, and then it was stranded on the shore when the water level dropped.

Concentrating and holding his breath,

Fang Yue clapped his hands, then grabbed both sides of the big bluestone, and secretly shouted the word "rise" in his heart.

The next moment,

the stone just shook, and it was actually shaken by Fang Yue.

But after a few breaths, Fang Yue could no longer support it, and the stone in his hand fell down immediately.

Obviously, Fang Yue's strength was not enough.

However, although he failed, Fang Yue was not depressed.

On the contrary, at this moment, he was shocked by his own strength.

'My strength just now was at least hundreds of kilograms. ’

Fang Yue stared at the big bluestone in front of him. When he first crossed over, his body was still very weak.

Later, he gradually recovered, but because of long-term malnutrition and slow physical development due to not eating enough every day.

He was not strong at all, and it was very difficult to fetch water.

This is why Fang Yue only herded cattle and did not follow his father and brother to work in the fields.

And now, he almost moved this big bluestone off the ground just now.

This shows that his strength must be at least one or two hundred pounds.

So, where did all this strength come from?

Fang Yue couldn't help but ponder. Could it be that he could eat fish and meat almost every day these days, and his living conditions improved, so he increased his strength?

But it shouldn't be so exaggerated.

[Time flies, God rewards hard work, aptitude +1]

At this time, the familiar words appeared in front of Fang Yue.

Suddenly, a faint warmth came from nowhere and quickly flowed through Fang Yue's body.

It disappeared in a moment, and at the same time, the fatigue and muscle soreness also dissipated a little.

In just one breath, his condition recovered a lot.

"Is this, could it be that the talent that increases every day is actually improving my physical condition?"

Fang Yue couldn't help thinking about it, and the thoughts in his mind kept turning.

Soon he woke up and it must be like this.

If a person's talent becomes stronger, then his whole body will become stronger.

In simple terms, if the physical fitness improves, then the increase in physical strength is also reasonable.

For example, in the rumors of the previous life, some people are born with great strength and can lift a tripod.

Or some people have extremely strong endurance and run for days and nights without rest.

Such as this, it is a talent that exceeds ordinary people.

However, most of these people often do not perform too much beyond ordinary people at the beginning.

Because high talent represents more potential.

And potential will not be revealed if it is not trained.

It is precisely because of this,

and he has not done anything hard during this period, so he has never noticed that his strength has changed.

"Brother Zhi, that's it."

"Just lift the stone a hundred times a day, about, I'll calculate the time." Fang Ergou counted on his fingers and calculated the time very carefully:

"You can lift it in about five months."

Looking at Fang Ergou's serious look, Fang Yue suddenly didn't know what to say.

Just now he experienced that the weight of this stone was at least 350 kilograms, maybe even 400 kilograms.

Athletes who have undergone long-term training in the previous life may be able to lift heavier weights, but no one can do it as Fang Ergou does.

His face is not red, his heart is not beating, and it is obvious that he still has a lot of spare energy.

This is not something that can be done by weightlifting training.

A hundred times a day?

It can be done in five months?

So simple?

It sounds simple, but it is obviously not that simple!

If that is true, wouldn't everyone in this world be a strongman!

If Fang Ergou's character was not known, Fang Yue would have thought that this guy was playing a trick on him.

This may be martial arts!

Only martial arts and kung fu can explain that Fang Ergou can have such strong power at such a young age.

However, Fang Yue also knew that the inheritance of martial arts is very precious.

After all, Fang Hu's family was once a big landlord, and such a wealthy person fell because of learning martial arts.

If Fang Ergou could learn fishing just by teaching him, it would seem that he was too utilitarian.

However, although he didn't know the kung fu.

However, if it was just simple training, it seemed that it was possible for him to achieve it.

The increase in qualifications can make him increase his strength naturally.

Now it is only one in ten. Then wait for the qualifications to reach one hundred points, one in a hundred, and even one in a thousand or ten thousand in the future.

By then, the qualifications will be hundreds or thousands, so wouldn't his own strength become even greater?

Thinking of this, Fang Yue couldn't help laughing.

As for lifting stones, it is considered as training, but you have to find a smaller stone.


In this way, dozens of days passed.

Midsummer has passed and autumn is gradually coming.

I don’t know if it’s due to the weather or something else, but the water level of Xiahe River has dropped rapidly.

The water surface, which was originally five or six feet wide, is now only about two feet wide.

The water volume has decreased greatly, and the number of fish swimming in the water has also decreased significantly.

These days, there are almost no decent fish catches in Xiaohewan.

Fang Yue saw this and there was nothing he could do.

He could only sigh that this river was really called the right name, Xiahe River.

It only looks like a river during the flood season in summer, and it will dry up once the season is over.

Fang Ergou didn’t learn to fish during this period because he couldn’t fish.

It happened to be the busy farming season, and Fang Yue followed his father and brother to work in the fields every day.

After finishing the farm work, Fang Yue would do some exercises.

Of course, it was not the stone lifting that Fang Ergou said, but a more systematic and complete fitness.

Not to mention how much strength he gained, at least he could develop his body’s potential.

That afternoon, Fang Yue finished his farm work in the field.

After dinner, he came to the river before it got dark.

Blowing the refreshing cool breeze, he found the stone lock he made and started to exercise.

Each stone lock weighs 30 kilograms. He can now easily throw it up and catch it with one hand.

He didn't feel tired after exercising for a quarter of an hour.

"Now my strength is almost 400 kilograms."

After Fang Yue finished warming up, he looked at another stone beside him, which was the big bluestone.

He took a deep breath and immediately reached out to grab the big bluestone.

He took a deep breath, exerted his muscles, and lifted it up!

This time, the big bluestone was slowly lifted by him.

"Huh? You can lift that stone without practicing breathing techniques!"

"Is this, natural power?"

At this moment, Fang Hu, who was passing by, saw the scene in front of him, and his copper bell-like eyes couldn't help shrinking!

Please read, please read, please read!!!

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