Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 129: Building Ship (asking for monthly ticket)

Following Bai Pang's gaze, Fang Yue also looked out the window.

At some point, the flower boat had already sailed to the surface of the Hunhe River outside the city.

After all, it was the second largest river in the Wei Dynasty. Even close to the source, the river was still very wide, about a hundred feet.

The river was wide, and wisps of mist floated on the river under the moonlight.

A grand event?

What kind of grand event could be held in a brothel flower boat?

What kind of grand event would be held here?

While Fang Yue was thinking, on the river not far away, a building ship with more luxurious decorations slowly came over the waves.

At the same time, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, and a graceful and clear female voice came:

"Tonight, the full moon night coincides with the grand event. It is an honor for all the distinguished guests to come. Tonight's small meeting has many treasures that this building has recently harvested, and you will definitely return with satisfaction."

With the melodious sound of the piano, a woman wearing a red gauze dress and a graceful figure slowly boarded the middle building ship, and her big watery eyes shyly scanned the other buildings around.

"Is this an auction?" Fang Yue asked the fat white man beside him in surprise.

I really didn't expect that this fat white man took him to the flower boat and drank flower wine, and in the end it was not to find a girl, but to participate in an auction.

Is this still the fat white man who always said that he would take Fang Yue to see the world!

And this auction is also interesting.

It was held on the surface of the Hunhe River outside the city under the name of the brothel flower boat.

The people who participated in the auction were all in other ships. When bidding, they were only heard but not seen. In the end, the ships dispersed and returned to the city, which saved a lot of trouble.

"Haha, this is just in time. This small meeting of the lucky ships is held once a month, and you can often see a lot of good stuff, not to mention various secret medicines and elixirs, and even the secret book of sensing qi can sometimes be seen."

The fat white man said seriously.

The secret book of sensing qi, in a small place like Xiahe County, only a few inheritances have it, and it is very precious.

But here in the capital city, it may appear at an auction, which is beyond imagination.

The fat white man continued: "However, it depends on luck, and it doesn't happen every month."

Fang Yue nodded, expressing his understanding.

If there is a secret book of sensing qi auction at every auction, I am afraid that there will be more secret books of sensing qi in Xiahe County, or warriors in the realm of sensing qi.

After all, many forces in Xiahe County have accumulated for many years. If they are really willing, they can always afford a secret book of sensing qi.

But since there are still so few, there must be a reason.

"Today's first auction item is brought by Yuezhong Tea Shop, the top-grade new tea, which is enviable. This tea is picked by a virgin and initially roasted at body temperature."

The woman's voice sounded on the central building ship.

Immediately attracted Fang Yue's attention. He didn't expect that this tea would appear at this auction.

"This time, Yuezhong Tea Shop provided a total of two kilograms, with a starting price of three hundred taels of silver per kilogram, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty taels."

Along with the woman's voice, the surrounding buildings also sounded the voice of quotations.

As a hot commodity in Shanyang Prefecture City recently, as the opening of the auction, it still attracted many people to bid.

The last two kilograms of tea were auctioned for more than a thousand taels of silver.

The price is more than ten times that in the store.

It has to be said that there are really many rich people in this prefecture who don't treat silver as silver.

Then, the auction continued.

However, although the next auction items were good, Fang Yue just followed them to take a look, such as the swords that had been tempered a thousand times, the magical medicine for beauty and skin care, and the calligraphy and paintings of famous artists.

Later, there were even some daughters of criminal officials and pitiful young ladies in seclusion.

However, Fang Yue was not interested in these things. Of course, the main reason was that he was short of money. He had no shopping plan when he came to the city this time, so he did not bring much silver.

Besides, even if he brought it, with his current wealth, he was afraid that he would not be able to compete.

It was the fat white man who made frequent bids.

However, this guy raised the price every time and finally gave up.

The only thing he really won was a wild ginseng that was 300 years old.

"Next, please invite the new folk art master of Shanyang Prefecture, Miss Xiangjun, to perform for us."

Halfway through the auction, the red-dressed woman on the central building ship walked to the center of the high platform, and her gentle voice resounded throughout the flower boat.

As her voice fell,

On the boat, a woman in red, with a white face, delicate skin and a charming figure came up holding a guqin and bowed slightly to everyone.

This woman was obviously very charming, with a charming smell all over her body, and she also had a pure smell, which was rare.

However, it was only a moment, and everyone's attention was focused on the guqin of this woman.

This guqin did not look too delicate, but it was simple and natural. A white and slender hand, and a white and tender little hand, gently plucked the guqin, and bursts of pleasant music flowed out.

"It's a coincidence that this Xiangjun girl is from Xiahe County. It's just that her reputation was not well-known at that time. I didn't expect that she would rise to prominence in Shanyang Prefecture and has been very popular recently." Bai Xingqiu introduced.

While talking, someone knocked on the door of the private room.

It turned out that the wild ginseng that the fat white man had just photographed was delivered.

At this point, Fang Yue also understood that the auction was paused for such a while just to hand over the items to the people who had previously won the bid.

Soon the song was played and the auction continued.

"This staff was obtained from the Moshan tribe. It is said to be the portable weapon of the chief elder of the tribe. It is made of an unknown tree trunk. After testing, ordinary Yimui warriors can only use a thousand-forged steel knife to leave traces on the surface, but cannot Cut this staff in pieces.”

The woman in red held a twisting and winding wooden staff that basically maintained its original state, and introduced it to the guests on the surrounding boats.

"Hey, this thing has been rejected twice. Look at its shape. Who can use it to make a weapon? Besides, gold and iron can't be melted and recast. This is a waste." said Fatty Bai.

Apparently he came more than once.

Fang Yue nodded after hearing this. This thing really didn't look like much. It was weird, twisted and winding, and it would definitely be difficult to use as a weapon.

It is also made of wood and cannot be divided and smelted. If you buy it back, it will really become a sight.

Besides, this thing is probably a symbol of the Moshan tribe. If you buy it and take it home, you may suffer revenge from the survivors of the Moshan tribe.

The imperial court defeated the Moshan tribe, but it did not mean that all the mountain people in the Moshan tribe were wiped out.

The starting price is only five thousand taels. Rich people are not taken advantage of and will not buy a flashy or risky object.

This is also why this item failed to be auctioned.

"Six thousand taels!"

However, Bai Xingqiu had just finished explaining to Fang Yue and said with certainty that the stick would be unsold again, and the next moment someone actually made an offer.

He also directly added a thousand taels to the base price, looking like a prodigal who was very proud and vowed to win this thing.

The sound came from the flower boat he was on.

When Fatty Bai heard this, he asked the envoy next to him to quote, and he raised the price by fifty taels as usual.

"Six thousand and fifty taels."

"Didn't Brother Bai say that this item will not be auctioned, and the price will be increased?" Fang Yue asked in confusion.

After all, Fatty Bai bid a lot in the first half, but not many of them actually got it, so he looked like a shill.

There's no guarantee that he won't be targeted. Maybe someone will take advantage of him this time.

"Hey, don't worry. I know the person who made the bid just now. I saw him when he entered the room. This person will definitely not give up. He just likes to go against me." Bai Xingqiu explained.

Fang Yue nodded immediately to express his understanding.

There is competition among aristocratic families, which is passed on to the next generation. It is normal to compete for strengths and weaknesses on weekdays.

In the era in Fang Yue's memory of his previous life, there were still wealthy young men who fought hard to get rich, let alone this world.

Suddenly, the image of Fatty Bai became more and more vivid in Fang Yue's heart.

"Six thousand and fifty taels, once. Is there anyone else who bids? If not, twice or three times."

"Congratulations to this buyer for winning this stick."

At this moment, the voice of the female host in red came.

Fatty Bai was stunned immediately, as if he couldn't believe it, and quickly turned his head to look at Fang Yue and said, "That woman was talking about me just now? Did I take a picture of this useless wooden stick?"

Seeing Fang Yue nodding, Fatty Bai couldn't help holding his forehead, with a constipated and uncomfortable look on his face: "That shouldn't be the case. Why has he grown so much? He needs to be with you again no matter what."

The next lot came up in turn, but this time Fatty Bai didn't bid again.

As for Fang Yue, he naturally just took a look and gained a lot of knowledge while listening to the explanation of the woman in red.

Not long after, the auction was over.

Then the people from the auction house came to hand over the goods, and the fat man could only pay and take the stick with a constipated look on his face.

Of course, he can also regret it.

All you have to do is save some face and pay a fine of 20% of the lot.

It's just that whoever Fatty Bai is, he definitely can't afford to lose this face.

"Here you go, if I take this back, my mother will break my legs." Fatty Bai threw the wooden stick in his hand to Fang Yue in disgust.

Then he whispered: "If anyone asks, you bought this, not me, you know."

Although he didn't understand what the fat white man meant, Fang Yue still nodded: "However, this wooden stick is too valuable, I can't accept it."

"Accept it, you must accept it. If you don't accept it, you don't treat me as a brother!" Fatty Bai became anxious immediately.

Seeing this, Fang Yue had no choice but to accept it first and wait until he had the opportunity to return it to Fatty Bai.

Immediately, the building ship started and should have started to return.

After a while, they returned to the city.

Just after leaving the private room, several richly dressed young men walked towards me.

"Hey, isn't this Young Master Bai? I heard that your legs and feet have been inconvenient recently." The leading young man said with a smile.

Having said this, he seemed to remember something, and then looked at Young Master Bai jokingly: "Oh, I almost forgot. Young Master Bai just bought a crutch. Hey, that's the crutch you bought. Why don't you use it? Why don't you use it?" What can I do with a servant like you? Why don't you let your young master use the crutches?"

Obviously, the second half of the sentence was said by the other party Yue.

The tone was full of ridicule and full of gunpowder. It was obvious that this person should be the person that Fatty Bai mentioned before that he had trouble dealing with.

"Xue Bing. This is my brother. My brother thought this crutch was good, so he bought it." Fatty Bai's explanation was a little weak, but it was still an explanation.

"Brother, you have just come to Shanyang Mansion. Don't be deceived by this fat man. He looks honest and honest, but in fact he is full of evil."

Xue Bing laughed, and then left with everyone laughing without waiting for Fatty Bai to refute.


When we got back to the inn, it was already late at night.

Fang Yue picked up the wooden stick that looked like a cane and looked at it carefully.

Since this wooden stick was the item of the great elder of the Moshan tribe, it should be somewhat extraordinary.

It can't really be just a cane.

This is the survivor bias. People always think they are extraordinary. What others can't see, they may not be able to see.

However, Fang Yue checked for a long time.

He found that this wooden stick was just made of hard material, and there was nothing special about it.

"It should be like this, otherwise if there was anything magical, it wouldn't have flowed to the auction, and it would have been taken away by the court."

Fang Yue couldn't help shaking his head. Sure enough, he didn't find a bargain.

Then, Fang Yue put the wooden stick aside.

After washing, he went to bed. When he woke up, it was already Chenshi.

Fang Yue just walked out of the inn and prepared to find some local specialties for breakfast in Shanyang Prefecture.

Just as he left the door, several wealthy businessmen got out of the carriage parked next to the inn.

As soon as they got off the carriage, they ran towards Fang Yue.

"Sir, I was blind yesterday and offended you. This is a small gift. It is not a respect. I hope you can forgive me."

The first person came to Fang Yue and bowed deeply. At the same time, the person next to him handed over a brocade box.

The brocade box looked heavy and very heavy.

"Did you find the wrong person?"

Fang Yue felt that he had never seen these people before. He was really confused about these people who apologized and gave gifts so early in the morning.

Is this a new trick of cheating people in this ancient big city?

"No, no. The manager of the caravan was ignorant and bumped into you yesterday. After we knew about it, we immediately fired him and came to apologize to you." The leader smiled and told what happened at the city gate yesterday.

It turned out that these people were the family behind the caravan that wanted to force Fang Yue to change positions.

They spent a whole day looking for someone yesterday, and only then did they realize that they had offended the Bai family.

The goods are still being held by the city guards. The profit from one trip is quite a lot, and anyone who loses so much goods out of thin air will feel the pain.

They found out who it was, and immediately came to admit their mistake and apologize.

Of course, in fact, this is also because they can't contact Bai Xingqiu, so they want to make a breakthrough from Fang Yue.

If they can get through this person's relationship, they can talk to the Bai family and maybe they can redeem the goods.

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