"Who were those people just now, and why did they go into the woods?"

In the darkness, Liu Chuanzhi naturally saw some tall people rushing towards the woods on the hillside in the distance.

I secretly wondered where this person came from, why he was so tall, and he was rushing towards the woods where the Black Wind Bandit was hiding.

But before he could figure it out, a sound of killing came from the woods in the distance.

Those who rushed in started fighting with the Black Wind Bandits in the woods.


But on the other hand, these Moshan mountain people could not have imagined that they had just rushed into the woods and thought they were safe.

But before he could recover, a wave of arrows hit him.

Dozens of people dressed in black appeared in front of them, attacking them fiercely.

"Damn it, we were fooled, that person deserves to be damned, he deceived us."

The seventh elder of the Moshan tribe immediately realized that he had been "cheated". The target's strength exceeded expectations, and he also arranged for people to "intercept" their retreat outside.

Who else but the person who told them the news!

However, no matter how angry they are, no matter how much they want to tear the person who plotted against them into pieces.

But the immediate crisis is approaching, and it is very likely that all of them will die here.

"Elder, after we are done, you go first!"

Without his instructions, several tribal warriors from the Moshan tribe stood up and charged towards the men in black in front.

Completely unafraid of death, he withstood the firing of bows and arrows, rushed into the crowd in front, and fought with the men in black.

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe immediately led the remaining seven or eight mountain people of the Moshan tribe to escape in another direction.


"Huh? Something seems wrong. Who are these people? They are definitely not the guards of the caravan!"

Han Sanshan, the leader of the Black Wind Pirates, was still wondering why they were so secretive, so someone came to kill them.

After fighting for a while, I realized that this man was unusually tall and wearing animal skins. He was obviously not a businessman or a guard.

More like mountain folk savages in the mountains.

It was obvious that they 'happened' to bump into these people and the conflict broke out.

Normally, these bandits actually do some business with the mountain people in the nearby mountains and forests.

After all, some cheap daily necessities can be sold to the mountain people in the mountains at high prices.

Normally, the water in the well does not interfere with the river. Why did these people attack them without saying anything today?

Han Sanshan was still confused, but the situation on the battlefield changed again.

I saw that some of the mountain people turned around and fled, while the remaining few rushed towards his gangsters as if they were committing suicide.

In the blink of an eye, some mountain people died, and naturally several of his men were killed.

"Leave them all to me, and don't let any of them go!"

Although I don't know exactly why, but now that I have taken action, I can't be soft, and I can't let any of these people go.

Following Han Sanshan's order, the Black Wind Bandits all started to move.

Under the night, in the woods, there were shouts of killing, but it was also chaos.


"Huh? Are there others in the woods ahead?"

Fang Yue naturally heard the shouts of killing in the woods. Apparently something happened there that he didn't know about.

Immediately, he slowed down his pace, quietly hiding his figure and approaching slowly.

After entering the woods, he discovered that the mountain people from the Moshan tribe were actually fighting together with a group of people dressed in black.

"Who are these people?"

Not knowing his friend or foe, Fang Yue did not take action easily.

Instead, like a hunter, he hid his figure and hid quietly, staring below, looking for the elder of the Moshan tribe.

Although the rest of the mountain people are capable, they are nothing to worry about. Only the elder of the Moshan tribe has good strength and can threaten him.

Cries of death, the sound of swords piercing flesh, screams of pain, and moans were all intertwined with the sound of the rainstorm.

There were many men in black, but these mountain people were individually powerful. The two sides collided and fought for only ten breaths, and each other was already dead or injured.

However, soon, the mountain people of the Moshan tribe began to escape.

Naturally, the men in black would not let them go and would fight and pursue them.

At this time, Fang Yue saw the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe. He was tall and easy to recognize.

At this moment, the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe was fighting with a black-clothed warrior.

The man in black is not weak, and he is actually a martial artist who has achieved great success in Yi Marrow.

This person is definitely not the opponent of the elder Mo Shanbu on weekdays, but the effect of the animal blood on the elder Mo Shanbu is dissipating at this moment, and his body is getting weaker and weaker, and the two of them are anxious together.

Immediately, Fang Yue bent his bow and drew the arrow.

Aiming at that guy, he shouted coldly:


The bowstring trembled, and the arrows penetrated the rain curtain. Drops of rainwater were blown up by the strong wind carried by the arrows, forming a cyclone in the air.


The feather arrow turned into a meteor, streaked across the sky, and shot straight towards the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe.

The seventh elder of the Moshan tribe naturally noticed the movement behind him, and his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

He wanted to dodge, but now that he was entangled by his opponent, he couldn't dodge at all. If he dodged, he would definitely be hit by the opponent's large ring knife.

Choose the lesser of two evils, but in an instant, the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe made a choice. He twisted his body and avoided the big ring knife in front of him.


A splash of blood splashed, and the feather arrow pierced his shoulder directly, and blood gushed out.


The pain made the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe scream, his face instantly pale as paper, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

This arrow directly pierced his shoulder, making it difficult for his arm to exert force.

Now with more injuries, the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely die.

After avoiding the entangled Han Sanshan, he no longer cared about the mountain people under his command and fled to the north.

Han Sanshan was determined to run, and he didn't have the courage to fight to the death with the other party.

Besides, the person who shot the arrow in secret just now also made him feel timid, and he didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

For a while, he didn't chase him anymore.

"I don't know which friend has come to help me. I am here to show my respect."

Han Sanshan hid most of his body behind a tree, and naturally did not dare to show his head. Facing such a sharpshooter, he dared not be arrogant.

Especially, he did not know the enemy and the friend. Just based on his actions just now, people like him dare not put his life and property in the open.

However, after waiting for a long time, the shouting and killing around him gradually became smaller, leaving only the sound of the rain curtain.

He did not wait for the other party to respond.

"Huh? Did he leave?" Han Sanshan was puzzled, but he still waited for a while before walking out.

He immediately looked in the direction where the feather arrow came from, but there was no one there.


"This revenge must be avenged. The person who delivered the message must die, and the person who took the scepter must also die! These people will die tonight!"

The seventh elder of the Moshan tribe kept running away, blood was spilled from his body, and his body was getting weaker and weaker.

After the Moshan tribe was defeated, there were not many remaining mountain people in the Moshan tribe.

He brought more than half of the elites among the remaining mountain people today. He thought he could easily take back the scepter, and then go to the ancestral land to open the secret treasure left by the Moshan ancestors and rebuild the Moshan tribe.

But he didn't expect that the intelligence was wrong again and again, and they were calculated.

As a result, all the elite men brought this time died and returned to the embrace of the beast god. This revenge must be avenged.

At this time, the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe suddenly turned over, regardless of his injuries, and turned into the ditch next to him.

At this moment, looking at the place where he just stood, an arrow with only tail feathers left was still trembling.

That man caught up!

"As a warrior, you have the guts to fight me head-on!" Hiding in the puddle, the seventh elder of the Moshan tribe was thinking about how to escape.

In this environment, if the opponent keeps shooting arrows, he can't dodge a few times, and he can't run away. There is no resistance at all, and he will be shot to death soon.

Only by inducing the opponent to fight in close combat, there may be hope of survival.

"Okay, come out, let's fight fair and square!" Fang Yue's voice sounded.

When the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe heard it, he didn't dare to believe the other party.

He immediately said: "You swear, if you lie to me, then your martial arts practice will never make any progress from now on."

"Okay, I promise you!"

Fang Yue didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed to swear.

Immediately, the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe came out of the ditch where he was hiding.

But the next moment, a feather arrow came quickly and pierced his heart directly!

Until the moment this person fell to the ground, he couldn't believe why Fang Yue was so cunning! After swearing, he didn't keep his promise!

"Finally dead."

Fang Yue came to the side of the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe. Of course, he had to touch the corpse after killing someone.

As for why he dared to swear, it was because he had now embarked on the path of a Qigong practitioner, which was different from the practice of a warrior, so he was naturally not afraid of oaths.

Besides, it is better to pursue the enemy with the remaining courage. He has experienced four modernizations, so he will not take the oath to heart.

Therefore, this person died without complaint!

Even if the Seventh Elder of the Moshan Tribe does not come out from here and continues to hide, in fact, he can only linger on and will not last long.

It is only a matter of time. Inducing him to come out in this way will only save some time, and it will not make much difference in the result.

"What a poor guy!"

After searching up and down, Fang Yue found that this Moshan Tribe elder was really poor.

In addition to a piece of gold, there was only a piece of animal skin on his body. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

He is really a poor guy, which does not match his true identity!

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