Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 139 Talent: Qi and Blood Derivation (6000 words, please vote)

"I have added more than two hundred points of qualifications, but now my cultivation level has indeed stagnated."

Close your fists and stand up, slowly calm down the restless Qi.

Fang Yue felt his current situation, and now his whole body was covered with new blood.

Cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow greatly increased his potential, and his strength doubled. Now he can punch and kick with all his strength, which is about 20,000 kilograms.

If he were to face the elder of the Moshan tribe now, he would be able to kill him within three moves without consuming his opponent's strength, and he would not be given the chance to use animal blood at all.

Strength has made huge progress.

It is a pity that the current cultivation is getting slower and slower.

Even if the secret medicine is used, the progress of cultivation is greatly slowed down.

I don't know if it's true as what Bai Jin said, that his cultivation method is wrong. The path of a Qi Refiner requires extreme talent or a massive supply of Yuan Stone.

Or maybe it's just normal.

"Hey, once you have distracting thoughts in your mind, it's easy to think wildly."

Fang Yue sighed slightly,

That's the way people are, it's okay if they don't know anything. Once you know it, you will inevitably hesitate and have frequent thoughts in your heart. This may be your inner demon.

Through martial arts practice, people gradually master power beyond ordinary people. When gaining power, wealth, status, women, etc. come one after another.

Your character will inevitably be affected, but if things go smoothly, you can still develop.

Once you encounter setbacks, your character will easily change.

'However, if other people encounter this kind of thing, they may only be able to stop practicing again, but that may not include me! ’

Fang Yue immediately focused his eyes, and in front of him, lines of text condensed out.

[Skills: White Tiger Fist (Yi Marrow) (Mastery); Wu Tu Zhen Gong (Sense Qi) (Introduction)]

[Qualification: 3018 (one in a thousand)]

[Talent: Advanced Boxing Mastery, Advanced Copper Skin and Iron Bones]

[Note: You can consume 500 qualification points to obtain talent: qi and blood derivation]

Immediately, Fang Yue looked at another skill he had mastered, Wu Tu Zhen Gong.

This Wutu True Skill is still at the introductory stage. Without the Yuan Stone, the speed of cultivation is extremely slow. It will only take ten days and a half to make a little progress.

It is even slower than the practice of White Tiger Fist Yi Marrow.

"Sure enough, if there is no Yuan Stone, the cultivation of a Qi Refiner would only take ten years and hundreds of years as a unit. No wonder it requires extremely talented people to practice."

Fang Yue sighed slightly,

Then he looked at the White Tiger Boxing, which he majored in.

After more than a year and almost two years, his White Tiger Boxing technique finally passed the introductory stage of Yi Mui and reached mastery.

Naturally, now I can gather new talents.

The new talent is indeed related to Qi and blood, talent: primary Qi and blood derivation.

"This talent is so expensive this time? Does it require five hundred qualification points just to condense it?"

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed. The two previous talents and five hundred qualification points could almost be filled up.

And this energy and blood derivation has only just been condensed, so it will cost so many points.

Could it be that this natural ability is much stronger?

Fang Yue couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Immediately, my mind was fixed.


Immediately, following Fang Yue's thoughts, a familiar light warmth quickly circulated in his body.

The next moment, a divine and enlightening feeling rose from Fang Yue's heart.

In the body, the blood began to rush, flowing to the limbs and bones,

A strange feeling spread throughout his body.

The blood this time was different from before. It was not hot at all, but just warm.

And as the blood rushed, Fang Yue's body began to heat up slightly, and the originally faint Wutu energy in his body seemed to be attracted and began to slowly integrate into his body.

And as these blood and Wutu Yuanqi integrated into his body,

Strange waves emanated from his body, making Fang Yue's body tremble slightly, as if he had an ecstatic feeling of comfort.


"Huh, it turns out that the derivation of Qi and blood is like this."

Fang Yue opened his eyes and felt that the growth rate of Qi and blood in his body had almost doubled.

In other words, with this talent, his cultivation speed in the marrow-changing stage can be increased several times.

Yi marrow, or cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow, is to absorb the power of the secret medicine to practice.

If the qi and blood increase, the digestion speed of the secret medicine can be increased. Originally, the secret medicine was taken once every ten days, but now it can be taken once every three days.

The speed of cultivation will naturally increase several times.

"However, we still can't solve the problem of practicing Wu Tu Zhen Gong."

Derived from qi and blood, its current function is only to increase the speed of qi and blood birth.

It can greatly increase Yi Mui's cultivation progress, but it is not very helpful for sensing Qi.

"So, now I have to find a more superficial Qigong practitioner method to assist in training.

As long as the skills pass the threshold of entry, talents will be able to be condensed. The talents condensed with the Qi Master's skills will definitely greatly increase the speed of Qi training. "

Fang Yue sighed slightly and made a decision in an instant.

If it were someone else and faced with his current situation, the wisest thing to do would be to remain in the Yi Marrow Realm for the rest of his life.

After all, re-cultivation of San Gong will harm your body and your vitality will definitely be severely damaged.

It will be very difficult to re-cultivate, and you may not be able to return to the state of Yi Mui's cultivation in your lifetime, let alone feel Qi in the future.

However, Fang Yue is different.

He still has the opportunity to rely on the advancement of his skills to gather corresponding talents.

As for why he chose a new Qi Master skill, it was not because the speed of practicing Wutu Zhenqi was too slow, and if the skill advanced, he would have already sensed Qi by then.

In this case, it is not useless at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a more superficial Qigong practice method.

Since the starting point of this Wu Tu Zhen Gong is Yi Mui, there should be corresponding Qi Refining and Foundation Building Techniques before that.

After all, people are not born with a marrow.

After thinking about this, Fang Yue couldn't help but pat his head. Why didn't I think of this when I was still in Shanyang Mansion? In Fucheng, it should be much easier to find a copy of this kind of technique.

"It seems that I have to go to Master Fang Hu and ask for relevant news."

Fang Yue asked and sighed. When he was in Shanyang Fucheng, looking for similar skills would definitely be much better than here.

But now that we have returned to Xiahe County, if we go to Shanyang Fucheng again, the journey is far and too time-consuming.

First search in Xiahe County. If you can't find it, then go to Shanyang Mansion to search.

Fang Yue was not going to ask Fatty Bai for help in this matter. After all, this was a secret about his practice, and the fewer people knew about it, the better.


the next day.

Fang Yue wanted to visit Fang Hu, but after he went there, he discovered that Xiahe County had recruited a new group of guards. Fang Hu had been sent to train soldiers and was not in Xiahe County.

Therefore, Fang Yue could only turn to Zhang Boyang, Master Zhang.

Of course, it might be better to find this uncle than to find Fang Hu.

As a native of Xiahe County, Zhang Boyang knows more about Xiahe County.

Arriving at Master Zhang’s house,

Looking at the mottled door in front of him, Fang Yue still felt a little emotional.

After all, I haven’t been here for almost two years.

It used to be in the countryside, but later Master Zhang was drafted into the army. That is to say, during the Chinese New Year this year, I was supposed to come to see Master Zhang, but he was not at home.

I heard from the concierge that he was going to Fucheng to attend his daughter's wedding.

Uncle Zhang, who always wanted to marry his daughter to Fang Yue, finally married his daughter off.

I heard someone say that Master Zhang was back a few days ago, so when I came to visit him at this time, Zhang Boyang should be at home.

"This is Senior Nephew Yue'er. What are you doing standing at the door? Come in quickly, come in quickly."

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door just opened. Zhang Boyang, who was obviously much older, opened the door and looked like he was getting ready to go out.

But when he saw Fang Yue, a smile immediately appeared on his face and he quickly invited Fang Yue in.

Entering, did not enter the house.

Obviously Zhang Boyang will go out soon.

The two of them sat down in the pavilion in the yard, and a servant served them tea.

"Hey, it's such a pity that Shu'er still didn't want to listen to me and missed Yue'er. I just hope she won't regret it in the future."

Before Fang Yue could speak, Zhang Boyang spoke first, but there was a sigh as soon as he spoke.

Fang Yue could only drink tea hummingly.

"Hey, that's what people are like when they get old. Don't mind being sentimental. Yue'er."

Fortunately, Zhang Boyang, perhaps aware of Fang Yue's embarrassment, did not continue and asked Fang Yue's reason for coming.

Fang Yue immediately stated the purpose of his visit.

"Want to know some of the basic training techniques of Qi practitioners? I think I heard someone talk about it before."

Zhang Boyang thought for a while and finally remembered. His face immediately became solemn and he said to Fang Yue in a serious tone:

"Master Nephew asked what the Qi Practitioner's technique is for? Don't take the 'shortcut' of Qi Practicing just because you find it difficult to change the marrow. You need to be a genius to practice Qi Practitioner.

Besides, it seems that you still need some kind of assistance to be able to practice. It seems that you can advance very quickly, but once you embark on this path, martial arts will stop at the Yi Marrow Realm. "

Zhang Boyang stared at Fang Yue with sharp eyes, as if he was afraid that Fang Yue would take the wrong path.

After all, the method of Qi practitioner training once became the goal of some warriors who are approaching the age limit and still have no hope of breaking through the Qi-sensing realm.

But without exception, anyone who wants to take this shortcut.

Either when the Yi Marrow is completed and the secret medicine is taken to enhance the sense of qi, the vitality in the body fails, or the body is seriously injured, or the body dies.

Either the cultivation level will permanently stop at the Yi marrow level and will no longer be able to advance.

This is a path that has been proven to be unworkable.

Maybe someone can get through it, that is, a true genius with talent in Qi training.

However, the premise is that the genius comes from a real wealthy family and is willing to support him. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for a real genius to take this path.

Could it be that Master Nephew Fang heard about this evil method from somewhere and wanted to try it because of the difficulty of Yi Mui?

"Uncle, don't worry. My nephew just heard about this and wants to know more about it. If he encounters a Qi practitioner in the future, it will be easy to deal with it."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, explained calmly without blushing and without a beating heart.

"Yes, it's good to know more about it. It's just that most of the Qi warrior techniques have disappeared. Maybe you can go to the ghost market to have a look." Zhang Boyang pondered for a moment and said.

However, after speaking, he still told Fang Yue that he could observe and learn, but he must not start practicing.

Fang Yue naturally promised not to practice.

After leaving Master Zhang's house, Fang Yue took a deep breath.

He could only say secretly in his heart that he did not mean to deceive, but had already embarked on this path, and now he could only continue to try.

If possible, he would definitely not do this.

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, if he didn't have this qigong training technique, he might not be able to get to where he is today.

It is impossible for the strength to grow so fast, and perhaps there will be an accident midway.

Now it seems that it may not be all bad.

At least he is not really helpless. Now he still has a chance. Perhaps because of this, he can go further in his future cultivation path.


Seven days later, it happened to be the night of the dark moon.

It was the time when the latest ghost market opened.

Ghost market.

Different from ordinary markets, the "ghost market" is like a "ghost" and disappears into the morning mist at dawn.

It's simply because most of the things sold here are from shady sources, or are prohibited by someone and cannot be seen in the light of day.

Fang Yue took advantage of the darkness of the night and came to an inconspicuous carriage and horse racing station on the east side of Xiahe County.

After checking the incision with the servant guarding the door, he paid the fare of ten taels of silver and received a black robe and a black scarf. After putting it on, he got on a dark carriage.

When the carriage was filled with six people, the carriage left the city immediately.

Half an hour later, the bumpy carriage finally stopped in a half-collapsed yard.

Through the collapsed earth wall, Fang Yue found that this seemed to be an abandoned village.

Based on the distance, you can probably estimate where it is nearby.

However, this ghost market will change places every time it opens, so there is no need to worry about being ambushed in advance.

After a while, more than a dozen carriages came over.

The desolate and silent village immediately became lively.

Outside the other broken wall, it turned out to be the main road of the village. At this time, stalls were set up one by one.

The sellers were also wearing black cloaks and black scarves, each of them wrapped themselves so tightly that it was hard to tell what they looked like.

Under the lights, you can see that most of the things sold on these street stalls are strange and weird.

Medicinal materials, animal bones, unknown meat, weapons, even banned crossbows, tattered books, and martial arts practice secrets.

Fang Yue even saw the secret book of White Tiger Boxing at a certain stall.

It really shocked him at first, but when he opened it and read the beginning, he saw an obvious mistake.

Moreover, the cheat book only covers the two levels of strengthening and microdermabrasion, and it also lacks the most important secret medicine formula.

It seems that a certain disciple of the White Tiger Boxing Gym leaked the secret book. Unfortunately, that person did not practice thoroughly, which led to the fact that the secret book sold here was also incomplete.

It wasn't enough, but Fang Yue understood it from this secret book.

Why is this place called a ghost market? Why is it so dark?

Just relying on this secret book to sell other martial arts schools privately, if it was done openly, it would have attracted attacks long ago.

Fang Yue visited several stalls but could not find the basic training manual for Qi practitioners that he wanted.

I saw a lot of martial arts secrets that I had heard of and some that I had never heard of. After browsing through a few books, I found that it was the same as the White Tiger Fist I had read before, with errors and omissions, and the key secret medicine was missing.

"Perhaps, only by mastering the secret medicine can you truly master the inheritance."

Fang Yue had a vague realization in his heart.

"This gentleman, I'm very nervous. It's your first time coming to our ghost market. What do you want?"

Suddenly, a man in black robe came to Fang Yue, bowed his body and asked to please.

"How did you know it was my first time here?"

Suppressing his voice, Fang Yue stared at the visitor and said in an angry voice.

At the same time, I felt secretly awe-inspiring. Even though I was dressed up like this, it could still be seen that this was my first time here.

Sure enough, it was the right thing to disguise yourself before coming this time and change your appearance a little bit.

After all, there is a mix of dragons and snakes here, and everyone is there. If someone is interested in him, he will get into trouble for nothing.

"Little Yang Yan, he has been hanging around here for a long time and has no other skills. With his eyes, he can tell a stranger at a glance." said the person who called himself Yang Yan.

Fang Yue nodded in recognition. The scale of this ghost market meant that it was basically impossible to have high-end goods here.

Naturally, it is difficult to attract warriors who can sense Qi or above, so Fang Yue's cultivation is still very safe here. Just because he doesn't cause trouble doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble.

Disguising one's body is just to save some trouble.

"There's something special about what I want, can you get it too?"

"Haha, guests can tell me, as long as they are not too rare or expensive, I can get them here." Yang Yan said confidently.

Fang Yue looked at each other with curiosity. This man seemed to have only some rudimentary kung fu, yet he dared to boast so much.

He can't be a liar.

Fang Yue smiled slightly and stated his goal.

"Qi practitioner training secrets? This one is quite rare."

Yang Yan muttered to himself, and then he didn't know what he thought of, his eyes lit up, and he immediately smiled flatteringly and said: "Sir, it's really a coincidence. If you come earlier or later, I'm afraid you will miss it."

"Someone just consigned a book to me before, but this thing only has some health-preserving functions, and it can't practice any martial arts."

Sure enough, as a broker, Yang Yan has good knowledge.

He even knows some things about the practice methods of Qigong practitioners.

"Can I take a look?" Fang Yue said.

"Haha, of course, follow me." Yang Yan laughed and first came to the house next to Fang Yue.

When he walked to a distance of ten feet from the door, Fang Yue stopped.

"Take it out, I'll take a look here."

Who knows what is in the room, it's better to be cautious.

Here, through the broken courtyard wall, people outside can still see here.

"Okay, okay, please wait." Yang Yan was slightly stunned, but he didn't insist, but entered the house.

After a while, a book was taken out.

"Qi-boosting and Health-preserving Qigong"

As soon as Fang Yue saw the name, he immediately had the idea of ​​turning around and leaving. Is this a cultivation method?

No matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like a cultivation method.

Instead, it looked like the kind of health-preserving Qigong that people used to cheat on the streets in his previous life.

Fang Yue flipped through the first two pages according to the rules.

From the description, it seemed to be the case. Judging from the intention of this secret book, it should be to regulate the body and make the body better adapt to the vital energy.

It should be true.

"How much silver is this?" Fang Yue asked immediately.

"Two hundred taels. You also know that although this secret book cannot be cultivated, the number is very small. I guarantee that this is true. If it is fake, you can come to me at any time and pick my eyes."

Yang Yan immediately quoted the price, and he was afraid of scaring Fang Yue away, so he repeatedly guaranteed that the secret book was true.

Fang Yue nodded, but still bargained with Yang Yan, although some silver was nothing to Fang Yue now.

But he should save as much as possible, especially since his current personality is not that of a rich young master.

Besides, this secret book does not seem to be a unique copy. I am afraid that it has been copied countless times.

This kind of thing that can be sold repeatedly and is not very important must not be so valuable.

After some bargaining, 180 taels were sold.

When Fang Yue left, another man in black robe came out of the room.

"Still very cautious, I didn't come in just now."

The man in black robe said in a muffled voice, and then said with some regret: "Should we follow him and kill him?"

Obviously, this place is not as safe as Yang Yan said.

"No, I just bought a tattered health-preserving exercise book. I just observed that his hands are not rough, his skin is dark, and there are calluses left by work. He is not a warrior, but he is not a rich young man either."

Yang Yan smiled slightly and said, "Maybe he got some money from somewhere, and he doesn't have much talent for martial arts. I don't know where he heard that the secret book of Qi training is easy to build a foundation, so he came here to try his luck."

Although he said so, the man in black robe still looked eager to try.

Obviously, he is not someone who can be easily persuaded.

Seeing this, Yang Yan frowned slightly, and then continued:

"Forget about this, don't forget the purpose of our coming here. The superiors need boys and girls, and if we don't hurry up, we won't be able to complete the task this month. Tomorrow, I will contact the "scholars" in the city, and you go to prepare the place."

"Got it."

After hearing this, the black-robed man finally held back and said angrily.


Half an hour later, Fang Yue was dropped off by a black market carriage in a town near the county town.

The gates of the county town must have been closed by now, and he had to wait until tomorrow morning to enter the city.

After getting off the carriage, Fang Yue looked in the direction the carriage left.

"No one followed me, this is different from the script. Shouldn't someone see that I'm a novice and follow me to rob me?"

Fang Yue touched his chin and said with some regret.

According to the plot in his mind, if someone followed him, he would pretend to be weak first, and then take advantage of the enemy's carelessness to kill him.

This is perfect.

Now no one followed him, which is a bit of a pity.

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