The next day, early in the morning.

Chen made breakfast for the first time, boiled two eggs and boiled a pot of vegetable soup.

I also took out some marinated fish at home and made a sumptuous meal that is usually only eaten during holidays.

This meal was specially cooked for Fang Yue.

"Mom, I'm full. I'll give these two eggs to you and my sister, one each."

Fang Yue was stared at by Mr. Chen and ate two pieces of noodles. The two eggs were also given to him.

However, eggs, a "scarce commodity", can only be enjoyed as much as possible. In rural areas, eggs are often used to supplement nutrition for patients or pregnant women.

He is healthy, but if he eats it, it will be 'wasted'.

"Hmph, if you don't have strong wings, don't you dare to disobey mother. You have to learn from your Uncle Fang Hu. How can you have strength if you don't eat enough?"

"Okay then, I'll just eat half."

Chen refused, and Fang Yue had no choice in the end, but he only ate half of it and didn't eat the rest.

"I'm full. Let's go first, otherwise it will be too late."

While speaking, Fang Yue didn't give Chen time to object. He immediately stood up and walked out quickly.


Fang Hu's yard is not far from Fang Yuejia, at the very edge of the village.

But his yard is very large, covering an acre.

The rammed earth courtyard wall blocks the internal and external sightlines, making it impossible for people to see into the courtyard.

The courtyard does not look like a farmer's courtyard, nor does it look like an Orion courtyard. Instead, it looks more like a martial arts arena.

There is a row of stone locks on the east side. Next to the stone locks is a weapons rack with three types of weapons: swords, guns and sticks, as well as two wooden human stakes.

There are three targets placed on the west side of the yard.

"Fang Yue, you are here. There is a stone lock in the yard. You can try it first."

As soon as he entered the door, Fang Hu was already in the yard. When he saw Fang Yue, he didn't waste any words and just let him see Fang Yue's strength.

But perhaps because he was preparing to accept a disciple, he looked at Fang Yue from a different perspective.

I used to call him by his nickname, but now I call him Fang Yue.

"Start with the three-hundred-jin weight. Do it according to your ability. Don't show off. Let me see how strong you are."

There are ten stone locks in this row, starting from one hundred kilograms. Each one is one hundred kilograms heavier than the previous one. For example, the stone locks used for strength training by the river before Yue are much more regular.

In addition, the stone lock has a specially made handle to make it easier for people to exert force. It looks very professional at first glance.

After a moment, Fang Yue focused his energy and used both hands to lift the stone lock marked with three hundred kilograms in front of him.

It didn't take much effort, it was a piece of cake.

After putting it down, Fang Yue came to the four hundred kilogram stone lock again.

This time he lifted it a little reluctantly and his breath was a little unsteady, but he still raised it.

However, after only ten breaths, it was over.

"Sure enough, he has good qualifications. Without practicing breathing techniques, he has nearly 400 kilograms of strength, the same as yesterday. He has such strength after only one month of training. This is natural divine power."

Martial arts training has always focused on qualifications. For those without qualifications, forcing themselves to practice will only harm themselves.

Fang Yue's performance proved that his martial arts qualifications were extraordinary. If he really started practicing, he would definitely be able to make rapid progress.

In the future, his achievements will definitely surpass those of him and Ergou, and he may even be able to win the martial arts competition and fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"You have a good foundation, but you want to really go hunting in the mountains. With your current strength, you are still far from it. At least you can pull a five-stone bow."

"Oh, by the way, you don't know how to read yet. Next, I'll teach you how to read."

As Fang Hu spoke, he took out a thin booklet, compared it with the booklet, and began to tell Fang Yue.

‘I didn’t expect that I was illiterate. ’

At this moment, Fang Yue listened to Fang Hu repeating the first two lines of the booklet over and over again.

After the lecture, Fang Yue was asked to use branches to write and draw on the ground.

At this time, Fang Yue discovered that he was actually illiterate in this life!

It seems that he can only write his name and a few simple numbers. He didn't usually think about this, he never thought about this issue at all.

Now looking at the book in Fang Hu's hand, he couldn't recognize a few words without the other person's explanation, and then he realized that he was illiterate.

I really didn’t expect that in his previous life, he had attended college and received a degree.

Not to mention that he is rich in learning, but he also has some ink.

Now, he has become illiterate.

Things are unpredictable and sad.

"Okay, let's learn these twenty words today. Next, listen to me and breathe according to this rhythm."

After finishing the literacy teaching activities ahead of schedule, Fang Hu began to teach Fang Yue Zhanzhuang.

And while standing still, let him adjust his breathing rhythm and start exercising according to a unique breathing method that contains a certain rhythm and rhythm.

Although Fang Yue is illiterate, he has good understanding skills.

Soon I got into the mood.

‘This kid has good qualifications, but he also has a very strong understanding. It is indeed the right choice to choose him. ’

Fang Hu discovered that although Fang Yue was illiterate, he learned quickly, so his original literacy teaching task was to teach ten words a day, which was increased to twenty words.

Although it is possible to continue to improve, it is not necessary. It is not good to go overboard and overdo it.

As for the pile skills and breathing techniques, they are just scratching the surface, leaving Fang Yue to find his condition.

If you want to get started, it will take at least ten days and a half.


However, Fang Hu sat directly on the stone bench, took advantage of the shade, and began to drink tea slowly.

Fang Yue stood on the pile here, following the unique breathing rhythm.

He felt his body getting slightly hot, and the flow of blood began to speed up.

It seemed that his body had changed, but he couldn't tell why.

He just felt a little awkward, and gradually felt more muscle soreness, which made him start to feel a little unsteady, and always wanted to end it quickly.

He persisted for about an incense stick of time, and he was sweating profusely.

Finally, he was about to give up.

"Okay, stop."

At this time, Fang Hu's voice came.

He stood up, with a serious expression, and said in a solemn tone: "I can't stand it anymore. Let's see how long it's been. I haven't finished this pot of tea yet."

Fang Yue was immediately ashamed. He felt the soreness in his body and couldn't imagine how someone could stand like this for a longer time.

I thought I had good qualifications, almost reaching 100 points, which is one in a hundred.

This should be very good, but now after listening to Fang Hu's words, it seems that he is still a lot worse.

Complacency brings harm, so you must not feel complacent or lazy just because you have a golden finger.

At that moment, his heart was awed, and the arrogance that had been generated in his heart for these days immediately dissipated.

"Uncle Fang Hu, I will work hard!" Fang Yue promised.

"Well, that's all for today. You must be thirsty, drink this cup of tea." Fang Hu handed over a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Uncle Fang Hu."

Fang Yue took the tea and drank it all.

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