Since we haven't found enough martial arts examiners to guarantee each other, we might as well find a few martial arts examiners who have taken the same examination to guarantee each other when we get to Fucheng.

Time is limited, no delay.

Can't wait any longer.

Five days later,

Fang Yue said goodbye to his parents and family and embarked on the road to Fucheng.


Dark clouds covered the entire sky, and there was darkness between heaven and earth.

The cold wind howled and roared.

Streams of thunder passed through the clouds, like swimming dragons. Tear apart the darkness of the sky and draw out streaks of light.

Finally, there was a muffled thunder in the clouds, and a heavy downpour began.

The cold rain mixed with ice, mixed together, and became one.

For a moment, it blocks the line of sight, making it difficult to distinguish between east, west, and north.

On the official road in the distance, Fang Yue, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, led a horse and walked slowly.

It was stormy, extremely cold, and the ground was already muddy.

In such conditions, horses cannot run and are prone to accidents due to slippery roads, so they can only move forward slowly.

"Unexpectedly, this year it didn't snow first, but there was sleet and sleet first. This weather is really strange."

Fang Yue's current physical fitness is no longer afraid of cold and heat.

But the wet feeling was still uncomfortable.

What’s more, it’s not possible to travel quickly in this kind of weather, which makes people very unhappy, and it will take some time on the road.

"Hey, you, you have a horse but don't ride it, you have to walk. What a joke."

At this time, there was a sound of horse hooves coming from behind, and then Fang Yue heard a somewhat joking voice.

Looking back, a young man in blue, carrying a spear and riding a horse, caught up from behind.

"Brother, you can't ride a horse in this kind of weather. You have to be careful about breaking the horse's legs." Fang Yue smiled slightly and responded unceremoniously.

The weather is cold, the rain is pouring, and the roads are muddy. These conditions are really not suitable for riding horses, and accidents can easily happen.

Although a martial artist of Fang Yue's level is not afraid of such an accident at all, if the horse is broken, the road ahead will have to be walked all the time.

"Haha, country bumpkin, this is an authentic Dawan horse, how could it possibly have a broken leg? I don't know, I just don't know, so just stay here and eat dirt." The young man in blue laughed, and then drove the horse to gallop. And go.

In the blink of an eye, it was gone and quickly disappeared into the rain.

Seeing this situation, Fang Yue shook his head.

There is nothing wrong in the world, and it is only for mediocre people to disturb themselves.

Naturally, Fang Yue would not get angry or shaken because of someone else's words, he would just smile.

He leads the horse and goes his own way, why should he care about what others think.

This rain came and went quickly.

Half an hour later, it turned out to be sunny after the rain.

The clouds opened and the sun shone brightly on the earth.

Seeing that the weather had cleared up, Fang Yue immediately got on his horse and allowed his mount to lead him forward without any urging.


At this time, a carriage came from behind.

This is a double carriage, pulled by two magnificent horses with bright coats. The driver is a middle-aged man with steady and strong arms. At first glance, he is a practitioner.

The carriage is luxuriously decorated, which makes it look like it's not an ordinary home.

The carriage quickly arrived beside Fang Yue, and at this time a head popped out of the carriage.

"How could you do this? The road is muddy and you are riding a horse, and you are not afraid of breaking the horse's legs. You really don't care about horse power."

Fang Yue looked at the young man in the carriage and couldn't help but be stunned, what was going on today.

Some say he can lead a horse and walk, others say he can ride a horse and walk.

Will someone ask him to carry the horse away later, or even laugh at him for carrying the horse instead of riding a horse?

"Your Excellency is so kind-hearted, why don't you carry the two horses pulling the cart and let them pull such a heavy cart, while you can sit in it with peace of mind? It's crazy."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and immediately counterattacked.

You said I shouldn't ride a horse, so you have to carry the horse on your back.

"Humph, I won't argue with you. Country bumpkin."

The other party obviously did not expect that Fang Yue would say this. After all, the two horses pulling the cart were just the most common horses in his family, and they were not his favorite horses that he usually rode.

The two are so different in rank and status, how can they be compared.

Immediately, the man urged the coachman and drove the carriage away as well.

Next, Fang Yue thought that someone would continue to 'laugh' at him.

However, after walking for a long time, no one caught up with him.

The sky quickly became gloomy, and the cold wind began to howl again.

At this time, there was still a long way to go to a market town ahead, and it was obvious that we would not be able to catch up.

So Fang Yue decided to find a place nearby to rest for the night.


"This village is nice. It's a good place to rest."

It didn't take long for Fang Yue to find a village. When he walked in, he found that the village had been ruined for some time.

This place may have become like this during the two years of the previous famine. After all, not every village like Daliushu Village does not have to pay land taxes, and there are owners like Fang Yue who are willing to distribute food.

Therefore, we can get through the difficult times and recover.

In fact, in the entire Shanyang Prefecture, the famine at that time affected so much area that countless villagers became refugees.

Therefore, many villages fell into ruins.

Walking into the village, I was about to find a place to stay.

At this time, Fang Yue heard a quarrel.

"You, this is the place that my young master first took a fancy to, get out of here."

A middle-aged woman yelled at a young man in blue.

As he got closer, he saw that in the only brick-walled courtyard in the village ahead, the only courtyard that was well-preserved except for the collapsed wall, two groups of people were confronting each other.

Coincidentally, both sides were familiar with each other.

One side was the young man in blue riding a white horse with a spear on his back, and the other side was the young master of a wealthy family riding a carriage and his driver and servants.

I really didn't expect to meet these two groups of people here.

"Humph, this place has no owner, I come here whenever I want, what's your business!"

The young man in blue smiled, shook his spear, the weapon trembled, and a buzzing sound rang out in the air.

Fang Yue smiled in his heart when he saw this. There was no intention to go in and compete with the two groups of people, and immediately entered another well-preserved courtyard not far away.

However, this house was obviously inferior to the previous one. The mud walls and mud houses were obviously ordinary people in the village.

After tidying up a place to rest, Fang Yue went to the village to find some dry firewood.

When he came back, the quarrel next door seemed to have ended, and he didn't know whether the two sides had clashed.

He could only see that the two parties seemed to occupy a room each.

Fang Yue returned to his camping place and made a fire to cook.

Soon the fragrance spread.


"Da Da~"


I don't know how long it took, in the dark night, Fang Yue, who was resting, heard a sound of horse hooves trampling and whip whipping.

"It seems that a lot of people have come?"

Fang Yue groaned slightly, wondering why there would be people on the road at this time of night.

He did not light a fire, and immediately left the house, jumped lightly onto a roof, and soon saw flickering lights in his sight.

"It's a caravan? It's almost dawn in the middle of the night, and they are still on the road?"


At the same time.

Yang Yan looked at the village not far ahead, and then turned back to look at his men behind him: "You all pay attention, you can rest when you reach the deserted village ahead."

"We will light a fire and cook, then rest for a day, and continue tomorrow night."

The escort of this group of boys and girls has reached the territory near Shanyang Prefecture, where they may encounter patrolling guards from Shanyang Prefecture during the day.

Therefore, they cannot travel during the day.

Naturally, they rest during the day and travel at night.

The group continued to move forward and soon arrived in the village.

"Be careful, there are people. You guys go in and take a look, and act according to the situation!"

When they arrived in front of the brick-walled courtyard in the middle of the village, Yang Yan and others naturally found the carriage parked in the yard, and immediately knew that there must be someone inside.

He immediately told several of his men around him, and asked them to act according to circumstances.

Acting according to circumstances naturally means preparing to take action when the opportunity arises.


"There is something wrong with these people!"

In the darkness, Fang Yue naturally discovered that the man on horseback who led the group was the one he had seen before in the black market in Xiahe County, the one who sold him the Qi-boosting and health-preserving technique.

In addition, Fang Yue found that the carriages escorted by these people were even more problematic.

It looked like a caravan, but the carriages were wrapped tightly, so that people could not see what was inside.

Not long after, he saw several sturdy men among these people rushing into the brick-walled courtyard next to them.

A moment later, a scream rang out in the courtyard.

I saw a silver spear piercing the broken door, and then a figure rushed out from inside.

A little cold light came first, and then the two men who were about to enter the house had two blood holes on their strong bodies.

Immediately, Fang Yue saw that the man in black next to the black market merchant who sold him the secret book moved.

With one punch, the strong body had already crossed a distance of several feet. The fierce and brutal punch shattered the air, pulling up a series of scorching air waves in the air, and slammed down fiercely.

With one punch, the blue-shirted young man's dodging space was directly locked.

The blue-shirted young man could only raise his gun to fight back.

However, with just one blow, the blue-shirted young man was knocked back.

"Humph, I said long ago that you are useless, but you still don't believe it. You were knocked back in an instant. It's really shameful."

At this time, the rich boy also came out of the house. Under the protection of his own groom and servants, he helped the blue-shirted young man who was knocked to the ground up, and couldn't help but teasing.

"Hey, if you have the guts, go up there and try. Why are you talking nonsense here?"

The young man in blue spat out a mouthful of blood and continued coldly: "This man in black is very powerful. He is only one step away from sensing the qi. Tell your people to be careful."

Before, the two sides were on the verge of a fight because of the fight for the resting place, but now they shook hands and made peace. It felt like they had to fight to get to know each other.

"Really? Don't worry. My uncle can handle it." The rich boy smiled.

The uncle he was talking about was actually his own groom.

At this time, the black-clothed sturdy man continued to attack, but his target had changed to the groom.

Obviously, he could also feel the groom's tyranny.

"These two people are evenly matched, and they seem to be equally matched."

Fang Yue looked at the scene in the yard ahead of the strong man in black fighting the rich boy's groom.

Both of these people should be Yi Shui's master martial artists, and both are good at boxing. One is open and close, and the other is agile and light.

In the blink of an eye, they exchanged thirty or fifty moves, and they were evenly matched for a moment.

After watching for a while, Fang Yue shook his head.

Although the two were fighting anxiously, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while, but looking at the black marketeer's relaxed and unconcerned look, it was obvious that the other side still had a trump card.

Looking at the young man in blue shirt and the rich boy, one of them is injured and the other is not strong enough. Obviously, he cannot provide much help.

Sure enough, soon.

On the side of the black market merchant, another person joined the battlefield.

Two against one, the coachman was at a disadvantage in just a few moves.

When the rich boy saw this, he frowned, and the relaxed expression on his face instantly turned ugly.

I didn't expect that among this group of men in black, there would be such a master.

Since then, the martial arts masters of Yizui Dacheng have become like cabbages, and you can meet two or three on the road.

With such a stunned effort, the groom was punched and knocked to the ground. He couldn't stand up even after struggling for a few times. He obviously lost his fighting ability.

The next moment, other men in black swarmed up and quickly tied up these people.

"Watch them, interrogate them and find out the details, then kill them."

Yang Yan immediately ordered, and then he said to several other men in black: "You guys, search the surrounding yards to see if there are any other fish that have slipped through the net."

When even five or six men in black took the order, they began to search the surrounding area.


At this time, maybe I feel safe.

In the yard next to them, they saw the men in black opening the carriage and pulling out a string of children tied with ropes. There were boys and girls, each of them about seven or eight years old.

His hands were tied up with ropes and connected in a string.

As soon as these children were pulled out, Fang Yue heard a cry.

"Hey, it seems we can't leave today, so we still have to take action."

Seeing this, Fang Yue sighed slightly.

Originally, he was preparing to leave on horseback. Even if he was discovered by then, not many people would be able to catch up with him.

There is a high probability that he can leave easily.

But now, I saw those children who were obviously kidnapped, and listened to the childish cries of each one.

Fang Yue knew that he couldn't leave like this today.

He is cautious and doesn't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean he is afraid of trouble.

Even if his face changed slightly, he turned into a vicious man in a moment.

"Huh? There is a horse here, and there are signs of human activity inside!"

After such a delay, a man in black soon touched the courtyard where Fang Yue was. As soon as he entered, he discovered the horses in the courtyard.

Immediately, I saw the open door and saw traces inside. I didn't know anyone was there yet.

He immediately prepared to greet the others, but before he could speak, his eyes blurred, and then a pair of big hands grabbed his neck.

It blocked his trachea and easily broke his neck, but he was still able to speak.

"Hey, why do you have to force me to do it? It would be better if you didn't come in. You can stay alive and see the sun tomorrow. Why bother."

Fang Yue sighed slightly, he had already taken action and could not hold back.

He immediately tied the killed man in black to his horse, then opened the courtyard door and slapped the horse on the buttocks.

"Someone has run away. Chase him there quickly!"

Immediately a burst of shouts rang out.

Suddenly hearing this exclamation, Yang Yan and others were fooled. In the darkness, the scenery in the distance could only be seen vaguely.

I could only briefly see a person running away on horseback, but I couldn't tell who it was.

Seeing this situation, Yang Yan naturally had people chase him.

Immediately, a dozen people around him chased him out.

Fang Yue approached quietly from the darkness and soon arrived at the brick-walled courtyard.

"If it's convenient for you, go outside, not here."

As soon as he walked in, a man in black called out to Fang Yue.

The night was dim, the brightness of the torches was too low, and Fang Yue was also wearing black clothes, so he was misunderstood by the men in black in the courtyard.

"Huh? Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Gradually, Fang Yue walked out of the darkness, and his ferocious face gradually emerged.

The person who called him just now was stunned immediately. Why haven't I seen this person before? Is he new here?

Just as he was wondering, Fang Yue had already walked in front of him and punched out at random.

Immediately, the man in black in front of him felt a sharp pain, and then the whole person was shot away like a cannonball.


There was a loud noise.

The men in black around him were immediately alarmed and gathered around him immediately.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there is another one here. If you don't run for your life quickly, you still dare to come out. It seems that you let go of the horse just now, so you can divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

Yang Yan walked out, looked at Fang Yue, and chuckled.

But in an instant, he frowned slightly, and the more he looked at Fang, the more familiar he became.

"It's you. I didn't expect that I would meet you here. I let you go that time, but I didn't expect that I would meet you here. It seems that God is going to let you die in my hands."

Yang Yan naturally recognized that this was the man who had bought a set of basic Qigong techniques from him in the black market in Xiahe County some time ago.

Because he didn't want to be exposed, he didn't follow him that time.

I didn't expect to meet him here today.

What a fate!

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