Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 144: A brief explanation of the talisman

""Little Explanation of Talismans""

Although other things were worth a lot of money, Fang Yue didn't care about them.

These two books made Fang Yue pay more attention to them.

I was in a hurry and didn't have time to read carefully. Now that I have settled down, I have time to read these two books.

One of them is a sect martial arts technique called "Shaking Mountain Fist", which can be practiced to the level of Yi Mui.

The good thing is that this technique contains the secret medicine for these levels. It is a complete and inherited technique, and its value alone is more than ten thousand taels of silver.

The quality of the technique is good. Just looking at the description, it should be more powerful than the White Tiger Fist. In the future, it can be used as the family martial arts of the Fang family.

As for the other book, just looking at the name gave Fang Yue a different feeling.


Is it the talisman he knows in his mind?

With doubts, Fang Yue opened this quaint-looking book that seemed to have been read many times.

This book looks thick, but it doesn't actually record much content.

There are seven talismans in total.

Each talisman has a detailed description, from material selection to outline, everything is covered in detail.

Even a beginner can draw the talisman according to the description in the book.

"But, what kind of talismans are these?"

Exploring gold, going too far, gathering water

Detect metal, the effective range is within one foot; pass through flames, reduce damage; gather water vapor, about the amount of a bowl of water

Judging by the name and effects, it's really weak.

Putting aside the authenticity of the talismans drawn in this book, the description of their effects alone was very weak. Fang Yue could hardly imagine the use of these talismans.

If you take it to the countryside and deceive some ignorant people and women, the effect will be very good.

"It's just a pity. According to the description in this talisman explanation, if you want to draw such a talisman, you need a corresponding amount of vitality. I don't know how much vitality is needed."

Fang Yue closed the book and said with some sigh.

This "Little Explanation of Talisman" is written in a decent way, and it is kept by the person in charge of this mysterious organization in Xiahe County. It should not be a fake.

It's just that the talisman is very complete, but it doesn't explain what kind of cultivation is required to draw the talisman.

After thinking about it, Fang Yue stopped trying.

He had never heard of some of the materials. If he wanted to prepare everything, he would definitely not be able to prepare it in a short time.

The most urgent task is to conduct the government examination first.

After the government examination is over and he gets his official status, he will be able to keep his current property.

After tidying up and putting everything away.

Fang Yue changed his clothes and went out.

Naturally, I wanted to find a place to practice.

Besides, it was still early and there was still half a day before dark, so he couldn't sit still at all.

Habits become natural, and if you don’t practice Qigong during your free time, you will naturally feel uncomfortable all over.

Perhaps this is near the river, and I don’t know which palace master of Shanyang Mansion had the idea to plant a large number of trees on both sides of this tributary of the river.

It does form a unique scenery.

You know, every inch of land in Shanyang Mansion City is precious.

If you want to buy a house here, not to mention the luxury houses, even an ordinary house will cost thousands of taels of silver.

And they also have to pay the government a residential use fee ranging from 10 taels to 100 taels every year.

Therefore, although Shanyangfu City is large, it is not easy to live there.

Soon, the Fang Yue family found a quiet place near the inn.

Facing the river on one side, and an ordinary-looking three-in house on the other, there is a large green space in the middle.

It's very secluded, and it's quite nice to practice martial arts here.

After finding the place, Fang Yue started practicing without wasting any time.

Of course, the exercise I took was the "Qi-Building and Health-Preserving Kung Fu". The movements were leisurely, and it really looked like a Qi-nurturing Kung Fu.


At this moment,

In an exquisite two-story building on the other side of the river, a girl in simple clothes got up and opened the window, her eyes involuntarily fell into the small woods opposite.

Immediately, he became excited and stretched out his mutton-fat white jade-like jade finger to point downward: "Sister, look quickly, is that, is that fool Fang Yue!"

After thinking for a long time, Lian'er remembered Fang Yue's name.

However, looking at the other person's increasingly mature face, the girl didn't know what she thought of. She only felt her face getting hot and quickly closed the window.

"Why is it closed? Let me take a look."

Next to her, the lovely and lazy girl Xiangjun, who was stretching her legs and looking like she had just woken up from a nap, hurriedly came to the window and opened it.

However, at this time, there was no one in the woods opposite.

"Good sister, stop lying to me. Are you thinking too much and mistaking the wrong person? Mr. Fang is nowhere here!"

Miss Xiangjun sighed slightly, and then said in an admonishing tone: "That kind of people are not what you and I should think about. It has been so many years, maybe they have married and had children long ago. Besides, Xiahe County and Shanyang Mansion are separated from each other. Thousands of miles away, how could he come to Shanyang Mansion?"

"Is he really gone? But sister, I seemed to have really seen it just now." The girl Lian'er looked outside again in disbelief, and sure enough, the familiar figure just now was no longer there.

It seems that she really just saw it wrong.

"It's raining, why is there anyone here?"

"Well, forget it. For people like us, it would be good enough if we could find a rich man and become his concubine in the future." The woman named Xiangjun sighed slightly.

Being in a brothel, it can be said that we have no choice. Now we are still young, famous, and can still maintain our self.

It is nothing more than that the less you can get, the more valuable it is.

But there will always be times when you can't help yourself, and she doesn't know what her fate will be at that time.


The cold wind blows, and the cold drops fall.

The withered yellow leaves fall off the branches. This kind of weather is very uncomfortable for ordinary people.

But Fang Yue's physique does not feel uncomfortable.

Putting down the rockery weighing tens of thousands of pounds in front of him, Fang Yue clapped his hands.

He returned to the open space where he practiced just now. He was in the mood just now and tried his strength.

Sure enough, he picked up the rockery more than one person high in the middle of this small garden-like green space.

He practiced for about half an hour, and when it was getting dark.

Fang Yue left the green land and returned to the inn.


After a while.

The weather cleared up, sunset appeared in the west, and the sun had set.

"Mom, why did this stone move?"

The gate of the house next to the green land opened, and a pink little girl in a pink skirt ran out jumping.

"Anu, don't run so fast, you will cry if you fall down."

Immediately, a woman with a beautiful face but simple clothes walked out of the house, smiling at the girl who was jumping and playing.

It was Yu Guafu who walked out of Daliushu Village and returned to Shanyang Mansion.

"Anu, you must have seen it wrong. Who can move such a big stone."

Yu Guafu shook her head and looked at the huge stone that was more than one person tall and at least more than ten thousand pounds.

Obviously, she didn't believe that anyone would move that stone.

After all, ordinary people can't move it, and those who can move it will not move stones out of boredom.

"Really, really. Anu never lies. Mom, come and have a look." The pink little girl pouted and pointed at the boulder in front of her with a wronged look.

Widow Yu shook her head, thinking that Anu was joking with her, but she still walked to the rockery.

After a quick look, she found that there were indeed traces of movement under the rockery. It was really moved by someone.

Widow Yu's smile disappeared immediately and became solemn. She was not a ignorant countryman. Of course, she knew how much strength was needed to move the rockery in front of her.

More than ten thousand jin, at least a warrior of the fourth level of martial arts, Yi Sui.

Why did such a warrior appear at the door of her house?

Whose people appeared here?

Widow Yu thought for a moment and quickly asked the maid beside her to find someone.

Not long after, an old man in a strong suit came to the door of the house. He was the one who went to Daliushu Village to pick up Widow Yu and take him back to Shanyang Prefecture.

"Miss!" The old man bowed respectfully to Widow Yu.

Then he went to see the rockery. When he arrived in front of the rockery, he found that it had been moved.

It should have been moved and put back.

Immediately, the old man took a deep breath and grabbed the rockery with both hands.

With a sudden force, the rockery in front of him shook, and then was slightly lifted an inch, but it did not last long, and was put down again.

"To be able to move this rockery, at least it is a warrior who has achieved the great success of Yi Sui. What is the other party's purpose? Will those people not give up yet?"

The old man frowned, Shanyang Prefecture is about to hold a prefecture test during this period.

Shanyang Prefecture City is full of good and bad people. If those people really send people in at this time, it is really possible to avoid the eyes and ears of the court.

However, these people finally came in, why did they do this?

It's really hard to figure it out!

"Miss San, I will be on guard here these days. Please try to stay at home and don't go out."

The old man thought about it. If he couldn't figure it out, he didn't need to think about it. He just needed to be calm and restrained.

This is Shanyang Prefecture. The other party will definitely not dare to mess around.

Widow Yu nodded, and then took Anu back.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Fang Yue didn't have time to practice these days, but he had to find a few more martial arts candidates who came to participate in the examination to jointly guarantee.

Although there are very few martial arts candidates who blatantly cheated in the prefectural examination, you still have to be cautious.

If you really run into someone who doesn't care about his life and is implicated, the results of this prefectural examination will be invalidated, and you can only wait until next year, until the next time you come to participate in the prefectural examination.

This kind of thing is naturally done by professionals in the prefectural city.

Fang Yue paid the silver and got some information about the people who were going to participate in this prefectural examination. He found a few people whose information looked innocent.

Then they met and got to know each other a little.

As expected, everything was similar to what was said in the information, and then they signed a guarantee letter to each other.

Then he went to the government office with these people to submit the guarantee letter and signed up for this government exam.


After Fang Yue signed up, he left the government office immediately.

At this time, Liu Chuanzhi walked out of the corner of the government office and looked at Fang Yue who was leaving, his eyes became cold:

"It was him, I didn't expect Fang Yue to sign up for this government exam!"

More than a year ago, he was 'ordered' to deal with Fang Yue, but both ended in failure.

After that, he returned to Fucheng.

Unexpectedly, not only was he not punished, but he was reused by Mr. Xue and arranged errands for him in the government office.

Although he has no official status and is just an official, he is still on duty in the government office or one of the three major departments of the government office.

Although he just writes and draws and calculates accounts every day, he has a heavy responsibility and is naturally praised.

Originally, I had gradually let go of Fang Yue, but I didn't expect that I was just about to leave my shift and go home today.

He actually saw Fang Yue again, or saw Fang Yue coming out of the examination room.

When you come to the government office at this time, you must have signed up for the government examination!

Thinking of this, Liu Chuanzhi's face darkened.


late at night,

Fireworks and willow lanes are brightly lit.

"Master Zhang, come and have a drink." Liu Chuanzhi smiled and toasted to a middle-aged man in front of him.

The person in front of me, Mr. Zhang, is responsible for registering the information of martial arts candidates.

If that was all, then Liu Chuanzhi would not come looking for this person. Unexpectedly, this person also secretly provided information about the participants of this government examination to several major gambling houses in the city.

The annual government examination is such a grand event, and naturally some people bet on the results of the government examination.

In this way, it is natural to need some information about the people who participated in the government examination.

"Haha, brother Liu, what is your name, Mr. Zhang? You and I can do whatever you want, don't be so formal." Although the middle-aged official is older than Liu Chuanzhi, his position in the government office is now higher than that of Liu Chuanzhi.

But Liu Chuanzhi has Young Master Xue behind him, so his future prospects will not be small, so this middle-aged official treats him as an equal.

"That's it, Brother Zhang, I'm being polite this time." Liu Chuanzhi also followed the stick after hitting the snake, and followed suit.

"Haha, brother Liu Xian, there's no need to be polite. If you have anything to say, just say it. As a brother, I'll do my best for you."

The middle-aged official surnamed Zhang is also a man of nature. Naturally, he found Liu Chuanzhi and invited him to drink wine today. It was by no means a simple relationship.

If a person in the officialdom does not know a little bit about the world, then he will not be able to survive in the officialdom.

"Haha, it's just a small thing. It is to add more fame to this person. It is best to put him into this year's seeds."

After that, Liu Chuanzhi handed Fang Yue's information to the other party.

The official surnamed Zhang took the note and looked at it, Fang Yue, Daliushu Village, Xiahe County.

An unimpressive martial arts practitioner is probably not a popular candidate.

I don’t know why Liu Chuanzhi is so optimistic about this person.

"This is a simple matter." Naturally, the middle-aged official named Zhang would not refuse. For him, this was a very simple matter.

If he wants to add a few more people, it will be difficult for him to do it, but just filling in one person is not a big deal.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang, come and have a drink, have a drink!"

Liu Chuanzhi laughed, and immediately toasted again, called the madam, and called a few women to join in the fun.

For a while, the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves.

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