"What? What did you say?"

"Wang Zili and Wei He from Xiahe County were killed? The two assassins who attacked the Wang family in the city before did it?"

Wang Xianzun's pity had not yet dissipated. When he heard the message from the sergeant, he frowned immediately.

How could this happen?

Those two daring people dared to kill people here!

And they succeeded?

The person who should die did not die, but two people who should not die died.

At this time, Wang Xianzun didn't know what to say.

Until he saw the bodies of the two people, he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to search the mountain and look for the two perpetrators.

After the order was issued, he looked at Fang Yue.

"Alas, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen." Wang Xianzun sighed, and then continued: "I don't know when was the last time Lord Fang saw Wang Zili?"

Fang Yue's heart trembled slightly when he heard this, and he immediately understood that Wang Xianzun was suspicious of him.

But he was not afraid, and immediately brought out a set of words that he had prepared long ago.

The last time he saw Wang Zili was in Feiyun Village, and then he was entangled by the remnants of Feiyun Village and left the bandit village.

Then, he finally got rid of several bandits, and when he returned to Feiyun Village, Wang Zili was gone.

As for why Wang Zili left and why he was with Wei He, he didn't know.

"In this case, there is something I hope Lord Fang will agree to." Wang County Zun also asked, after all, the soldiers saw the murderer, and the two murderers had committed crimes in the city before.

Others don't know, but he has a relationship with the Wang family, so he naturally knows the inside story.

These two people are descendants of the other two families in Wenxi County, the Chen family and the Lin family. They came to Wenxi County to attack and kill the children of the Wang family, obviously to avenge their respective families.

In fact, just now, it was just that question.

"Please speak, sir." Fang Yue asked.

"After we go back, we will say that Wang Zili died in a fierce battle with the bandits. This way, we can explain to the Wang family and not tarnish the reputation of the Wang family." Wang Xianzun sighed and said.

"It should be so, it should be so."

Fang Yue would never disagree. The aristocratic families still care about their reputation. They can't say that the people of their Wang family died one after another at the hands of their enemies.

If it gets out, it will greatly affect the prestige of the Wang family.

It will also make many families oppressed by the Wang family ready to move.

Besides, if they die in the fight against bandits, the court will give them a pension. If they die in revenge, there will be nothing.

Whether it is to maintain reputation or to gain some benefits, this is the best choice.

That day, until it got dark, the soldiers found nothing.

This was naturally expected by everyone. If they really wanted to search and kill, relying on these ordinary soldiers alone would definitely be useless.

In fact, all the military officers present knew that the murderers must have fled after they succeeded.

But the work that needed to be done still needed to be done.

After searching here for two more days, County Master Wang ordered to return to Wenxi County.


That night.

This was the first day back in Wenxi County, back home.

Fang Yue took out the spoils he had obtained this time.

He was too lazy to count the silver bills, but at a glance, there were several thousand taels.

The main thing was the letter from the Qi-sensing martial artist of the Blood Dragon Platform. Fang Yue was a little curious about what would be written in the secret letter that was placed close to him.

He tore open the secret letter that had not been opened yet.

Just a glance.

Fang Yue frowned. There was only one sentence on it: Shenjing failed, and all places should quickly start an uprising.

"Shenjing failed? Start an uprising?"

Looking at the words in his mind, the Blood Dragon Platform had planned something big in Shenjing City, but it had failed now.

After the failure, they were going to start an uprising. Was this preparing for a rebellion?

Why did Xuelongtai rebel?

You must know that in this world, military power belongs to oneself, and the Wei court has the strongest military power, which is enough to suppress all places.

Ordinary people can hardly rebel successfully no matter what.

Just like the memories in his mind, few feudal dynasties in history have really perished at the hands of peasant armies.

Those who succeeded in things are mostly from extraordinary backgrounds.

So, in this world, why did Xuelongtai rebel?

Maybe, I just thought too much.

Fang Yue couldn't help but ponder, but although he didn't believe that Xuelongtai was going to rebel, he still made up his mind to take a few days off to go back to his hometown recently.

On the second day, Fang Yue asked for leave from Wang Xianzun, and then returned to Xiahe County alone.

I didn't expect that I would have to go back again after only a few months in Wenxi County.

Fang Yue left Wenxi County early in the morning and embarked on the road back to Xiahe County.


At this time, Daze Town, Wenxi County.

"Listen to me, you peasants. The emperor is going to offer sacrifices to the heavens and build the Deer Terrace this year, so your taxes will be increased by 30% this year."

In the central square of the town, the yamen runners who were collecting taxes were shouting loudly.

Hearing this, some villagers turned pale.

These taxes are much more than the grain they usually deduct.

"Sir, the harvest this year is not good, and we really can't give out so much grain."

"Yes, we don't have much land to begin with. If we increase it, we will really be finished!"

"Sir, please give me a little more grace. It's really not enough!"


"Hmph, please be quiet. Anyone who dares to make any noise will be guilty of defying the imperial court and will be beheaded." The officer sneered and said, "Okay, let's start now and hand over the food!"

Seeing how inhuman these wolf-like government officials were, several shouts rang out from the crowd.

"With such a tax burden, if I pay it all this year, I will starve to death. If I pay it, I will die. If I don't pay it, I will die. What a bastard!"

"Yeah, let's go together and kill these bastards."


A burst of shouts broke out from the crowd, and everyone suddenly opened their eyes angrily and rushed towards the government officials.

Several government officials sneered. No matter how hard it was, they had some skills and were much stronger than these farmers. This kind of thing had happened in the past.

But as long as they take action and kill a few leaders, the blood of the remaining people will be cold.

However, this time is different.

As soon as these government officials were about to suppress them, arrows shot from nowhere, killing the most powerful government officials immediately.

The few remaining government officials were immediately completely drowned in the hands of these angry farmers.

After seeing the blood and killing the Yamen servants, there was no way out.

Immediately, these farmers who were honest and responsible one moment, turned into thieves the next moment.

At the same time, in the thirty or so towns under the jurisdiction of Wenxi County, the same scene was played out one after another.

Soon, these farmers who were forced to 'uprising' gathered a team of tens of thousands and began to march towards Wenxi County.


"This is Daqiu Town. There is indeed chaos. Someone is really rebelling!"

This is already the third market town Fang Yue has passed since entering Xiahe County.

But without exception, they all looked like they had experienced banditry.

Fang Yue learned from some of the people who fled that it was the local farmers who could not bear the oppression of taxes and killed the government officials and rebelled.

Judging from the news that has been gathered in the past few days, the scale of the rebellion is getting bigger and bigger, and among these rebels, there are a group of warriors active, and it is precisely because of the existence of this group of warriors.

Only then can the scale of the rebellion that could have been easily suppressed continue to expand.

Looking at it this way, what was written on the letter from the Blood Dragon Platform was actually true.

Hey, the water is deep.

Even Fang Yue didn't dare to think about an underground organization whose name he hadn't heard many times. It can actually cause turmoil.

And depending on the situation, I'm afraid the entire Shanyang Mansion will be in chaos.

However, now is obviously not the time to think about these things. We must get to Xiahe County as soon as possible.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and immediately ran towards Xiahe County.

After galloping day and night, we finally saw the city wall of Xiahe County in the afternoon of the next day.

When he arrived at the gate of Xiahe County, Fang Yue discovered that a long queue had lined up at the gate of the county.

There were villagers carrying their families, and it was obvious that most of them must have escaped.

The line could not reach the end as far as the eye could see.

The number of people is probably in the tens of thousands.

Naturally, Fang Yue would not wait in line here, but squeezed to the city gate, revealed his identity as a martial arts officer, and entered the city easily.

At this time, Xiahe County will naturally not reject the military examiners. After all, one more martial arts examiner is equivalent to thousands more sergeants.

For the defense of the city, it is of great significance.


at the same time,

Xiahe County, Fang Family Courtyard.

In the main hall, the candles have been lit, and everyone in the Fang family is gathered here.

"What can I do? How dare those people rebel? The officers and soldiers have been defeated. What can I do? My pig is still in Wenxi County, and I don't know what is going on now!"

Mrs. Chen's face was full of worry, her eyes were red, and she was running around in circles in the hall anxiously.

The rest of the people were silent, and their thoughts were in confusion.

Because, they have never experienced this kind of thing.

Usually there are some villages and towns that get into trouble because of tax issues, but those are either quickly suppressed or become refugees and flee.

Where has something like this happened? A large-scale bandit army has formed and is about to attack the county.

Once those bandits are allowed to break through the county's defense line, the entire county will be in danger.

"Mom, don't worry. I think brother He will be fine. He is a martial arts scholar!" Fang Cheng said comfortingly.

"Yeah, Fang Cheng, you are right, Shi'er will be fine." Father Fang also nodded quickly.

At this moment, a servant suddenly came to report that the second young master was back.

Everyone in the Fang family, who was still gloomy and gloomy at first, suddenly looked happy.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." At this moment, Fang Yue walked into the main hall.

Seeing that Fang Yue was indeed back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"She'er, you're finally back!" Before she could say anything, Mrs. Chen eagerly took Fang Yue's hand, her eyes moist, and she said excitedly.

Next, the family reminisced about old times.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was the third day after Fang Yue returned to Xiahe County.

On this day, a bright yellow flag was finally raised outside the city.

There is a blood dragon embroidered on the flag, but on the other side is the word Wu Cheng.

"King Wu Cheng?"

Upon hearing the news, a name immediately appeared in Fang Yue's mind.

King Wu Cheng was the uncle of the current emperor of the Wei Dynasty. There were rumors that the emperor's position should belong to King Wu Cheng. However, King Wu Cheng's brother, the former emperor of the Wei Dynasty, used conspiracy to Conspiracy to seize the throne.

Now, is King Wucheng finally going to take back the throne from his nephew?

Therefore, behind the Blood Dragon Platform is King Wucheng.

King Wu Cheng's plan in Shenjing failed, so he had no choice but to raise his troops to rebel?

However, can the farmers who want to rely on these coercions really succeed?

Just as Fang became more confused.

Far away in the Sitian Prison in Shanyang Mansion, Hui Hengli looked at the Heaven and Earth Symbol in the main hall.

The whole person's face looked extremely ugly.

On this bronze sphere-shaped armillary sphere, dozens of light points flicker on and off, and a few light points have even been dimly extinguished.

"This King Wucheng is like this. He knows that he can't succeed, so he wants to give it a try even at the expense of the entire Shanyang Mansion!"

Hui Hengli gritted his teeth, his face almost distorted.

Among the two capitals and thirteen state capitals of the Great Wei Dynasty, all those close to the border had a Huntian and Earth Symbol.

This object is an ancient artifact that has been handed down from ancient times. It has no other function. It just marks the nodes for suppression and banning.

If so, these nodes are normal, then it is a light spot.

If you look carefully, you will find that these nodes are actually counties under Shanyang Prefecture.

If the county town is breached, then the node will also be breached, and the light spot will be extinguished.

Once more than half of the light points are extinguished, the ancient seal will be broken.

By then, those ancient enemies that have been suppressed will probably return to the world.

"You should be killed for doing such a thing for your own selfish gain! Damn it!" Fei Hengli gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with cold light.

"Come here, send the order, tell the palace master about this matter, and let the palace master make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir!"

Beside, an old man in gray clothes responded.


"Master Fang, the county has invited you."

On the second day after the rebels surrounded Xiahe County, people from the Yamen came to Fang's house.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Although the Fang family repeatedly ordered it to be kept secret, the news of Fang Yue's return was still learned by the government.

Liu Zheng would naturally not let go of a martial arts practitioner, especially a martial arts practitioner who was accomplished in Yi Mui, not to mention that this person had conflicts with him.

This kind of person naturally has to be on the front line.

"I know, I'll go right away." Fang Yue nodded and followed the visitor out of Fang's house.

There is now martial law outside, and there are no pedestrians on the streets at all.

Fang Yue soon arrived at the city head and saw Liu Zheng in armor.

"Haha, I didn't expect that nephew Fang Yue has returned to our Xiahe County. This is really a happy event. With my nephew's help this time, I will be more confident in defending the city this time."

Before Fang Yue spoke, Liu Zheng spoke first.

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