Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 164 Underground Altar (ask for monthly pass at the end of the month)

Enter this temple.

The inspector named Fang went straight to the innermost hall and led everyone into the hall.

"Next, what you see and hear, it's best to rot in your stomach from now on, if even a few words get out."

Inspector Fang walked to the statue in the center of the hall, then turned around and scanned the ten military attaches behind him.

The gloomy voice sounded again: "If someone leaks it out, hey, be careful with your head, maybe you will be gone if you fall asleep one day."

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to the ugly facial features, but turned around and started looking for something on the statue.

Not long after, a clicking sound sounded.

Then the statue, which was more than one foot tall, moved slowly, and within a moment, a deep and dark cave was revealed.

As soon as the cave was exposed, a cold feeling suddenly hit everyone's hearts.

"This feeling? Why, why does it feel so much like the mountains?"

Fang Yue looked at the entrance of the underground cave, his face immediately filled with surprise and uncertainty.

This is Xiahe County, hundreds of miles away from the nearest mountain range, and more than five hundred miles away from the 'boundary'.

Now, how could I feel this familiar cold feeling here!

Could it be that there is a place similar to the deep mountains underground in Xiahe County.

Several other military attachés also looked unhappy. Apparently they had realized that the cave was not simple.

"Okay, everyone, follow me."

Inspector Fang took the lead and entered the cave under the statue.

Fang Yue and others, you look at me, I look at you, they can only follow.

After passing the downward steps, a darkness immediately enveloped me.

After a while, I saw a bright light ahead.

The torches lit up, illuminating the surrounding scene.

This is a deep cave dug downwards, with obvious artificial traces. The further down you go, the colder feeling becomes stronger.

The corridor was diagonally downward, deep and dark, and after walking for about a quarter of an hour, we had gone at least a dozen miles, and we still hadn't reached the end yet.

This underground cave is actually so deep.

Not only that, as it goes deeper, the cold feeling becomes even stronger. It turns out that one has to use the energy and blood in his body to resist it, otherwise even a warrior will not be able to withstand it at all.

There was also a rancid smell that kept coming, making people feel sick to their stomachs.

But at this time, Fang Yue noticed that the burning flame of the torch in the hand of the inspector surnamed Fang was almost extinguished.

"What is at the end of this underground cave?"

The military attaché who couldn't help but asked.

"Don't worry, you will know later."

With that said, the group continued walking down.

After walking about twenty meters, suddenly the vision suddenly opened up, and a huge space appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

In this huge cave, there are all kinds of corpses everywhere, piled up like mountains.

Beside these corpses, weapons were scattered.

Even though I don't know how many years have passed, there is still an astonishing evil aura coming from them. Even if everyone is at least a martial artist with great success in Yi Marrow, they can't help but shudder and all of them look extremely pale.

"What's this?"

At this time, a man stepped on a corpse. When he looked at it, he realized that the skeleton was not human at all, because the skeleton had thick and long limbs, and the length of the arms was almost twice as long as the leg bones. This was said to be a deformity. , can also be explained.

But there is obviously a pair of wings on the back of the skeleton.

How could this be a human being?

At this time, other people also noticed this scene.

Not to mention other people, even Fang Yue's face became serious. He subconsciously looked around, and this time he found something different.

Among this mountain of corpses, there are indeed some inhuman bones scattered here and there.

Previously they were just scattered and mixed together, and because everyone was shocked by the underground space, they didn't notice it immediately.

At this time, when you turn your attention, you can easily see the difference.

"Those are demons. In ancient times, there were demon tribes in the world. At that time, thousands of tribes competed for supremacy. Countless sages went through untold hardships to drive these alien tribes away and seal them away. I don’t know how many years have passed."

Inspector Fang looked around and said in a deep voice.

Monster clan.

When they heard these two words, not only Fang Yue and others, but also the civil servants and military officers, their expressions froze.

As far as they know, they have never heard of monsters in the world. Monsters and ghosts only exist in those plays.

And in the real world, are there really monsters?

This came as a great surprise to everyone.

But soon, their emotions returned to calm.

After all, from the words of Inspector Fang, it was obvious that the demon clan had been defeated, otherwise how could there be no relevant rumors in the world today. However, the haze in Fang Yue's heart did not relax because of this, but instead became heavier.

If the demon clan had disappeared long ago, then why did the inspector ask them to keep it secret?

Not to mention, it is now obvious that the thieves are attacking the city outside, which is such a critical moment.

But ten of them were drawn, and at least they were warriors who had achieved great success in Yi Marrow. They came down to this cave.

There is nothing wrong with thinking about this.

Therefore, the court must have deliberately concealed the relevant information.

"Okay, we're here."

Following the voice of Inspector Fang, everyone finally stopped.

At this time, they had already walked past the piles of corpses and arrived at the center of this space.

There is an altar-like building here.

Inspector Fang pointed to the altar and said, "That altar is what you will do next."

Everyone raised their eyes and looked in the direction pointed by the inspector surnamed Fang. They saw that the altar was more than five feet high, with a surface as smooth as a mirror and engraved with complicated runes one after another, as if they were It is like a living thing, flowing with a faint red light, which makes people feel awe.

At the top of the altar is a stone tablet with some obscure words engraved on it, but I can't understand what it means.

But it also looks quite majestic and solemn.

"What's this?"

At this time, a military attaché asked.

"What is this? You don't need to know. Don't you know that the more you know, the faster you will die!"

Inspector Fang glanced at the military attache who asked the question and snorted coldly.

The military attaché shivered in fright, lowered his head, and did not dare to ask any more questions.

And at this time.

A faint sound attracted Fang Yue's attention, and he couldn't help but look towards the altar in front of him.

I saw a stream of tears and blood flowing from the lower side of the altar. As soon as it touched the base of the altar, it was sucked in.

And as the blood was absorbed, the blood-colored words on the stone platform became more and more dazzling.

"Guard the surroundings for me. Anyone who comes near the altar will be killed without mercy!"

The inspector named Fang glanced at everyone and said coldly.

Would anyone come to a place like this?

When Fang Yue heard this, he cursed in his heart. This place was probably very deep underground. If he didn't go to the temple in the city, where could he get down?

Fang Yue immediately inspected the surroundings, but the underground space was huge and Henan was shrouded in the distance, making it impossible to see clearly.

At this moment, suddenly, Fang Yue heard what seemed to be a burst of noisy shouting in the distance.

Soon, a dozen men in black emerged from the darkness.

"Hehe, your Si Tianjian reacted quickly and wanted to strengthen the seal. Unfortunately, this place has been defiled by the blood of thousands of people. It will definitely be broken today."

The black clothes of these people had the word Wucheng embroidered on them, and they were surprisingly the subordinates of King Wucheng.

Moreover, these men in black were full of powerful aura and showed no restraint. Five or six of them were actually Qi-sensing martial arts masters!

Fang Yue's eyes flickered, but at the same time he couldn't help but think about it.

Could it be that the reason why the bandits under King Wu Cheng have been attacking the city these days and not sending any masters to fight is because of this place?

After all, if such a force had taken action, Xiahe County might have been breached.

"I was originally thinking about where to get some warriors' passion, but I didn't expect to encounter an unexpected surprise here. I killed a few of them and destroyed this place." The leader of the man in black laughed ferociously, and then led his men towards the sacrifice. Fang Yue and others in front of the stage came to kill him.

The blood of ordinary people can only weaken the protection of the altar. To truly defeat it, the blood of a warrior or even a martial artist is needed to cooperate.

Originally it was necessary to use the blood of his subordinates, but now that we have these military attaches in front of us, then

It also saves a lot of effort.

Within a breath, the two sides were fighting together.

An extremely fierce fighting began. Although Fang Yue and others were not weak in strength, compared with their opponents, not only did they not have an advantage in numbers, but their overall cultivation was also inferior.

However, for some reason, Fang Yue felt that the man in black who fought with him exuded the power of a Qi-sensing martial artist, but was indeed much weaker than the two Qi-sensing martial artists he had killed before.

He obviously has a lot of power, but he can't fully exert that feeling.

Because of this, Fang Yue and others were able to barely resist the opponent's attack.

"Damn it."

The leader of the man in black had gloomy eyes, obviously very angry.

He originally thought that his side was strong and had more people, so he could easily kill these court dog officials.

But I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to deal with. After finishing the tea, I was still anxious and made no progress.

This made him feel a little angry.

Immediately, the leading man in black also died.

This man is stronger than the other men in black, and has a strong body with bulging muscles. He has obviously practiced some kind of secret martial arts. His muscles are like cast steel, and he is filled with a violent and unparalleled sense of power.

"Bang bang bang"

With one punch, a military attaché's head was instantly shattered, blood splattered, and miserable howls were heard.

However, the opponent did not let go of his opponent. He punched out another military attache and knocked him away.

Next, this person actually attacked Fang Yue.

His fist was like a steel whip. When he punched out, the space was compressed, causing a violent friction sound, as if the space could not bear it.

Fang Yue's face was solemn. The opponent's attack was so fierce that he could no longer dodge, so he immediately attacked him with fists.

With one punch, all the strength in his body roared, his energy and blood flowed, and he seemed to turn into a huge white tiger in an instant.


The fists of the two sides collided together, an explosion-like sound spread throughout the surrounding area, and a wave visible to the naked eye spread out.

Fang Yue groaned and took three steps back.

The leading black-clad man was also in trouble. He took five steps back before he could stand firm.

Obviously, in a pure strength contest, he was not as good as Fang Yue!

The faces of those black-clad men changed.

"Humph, I didn't expect that there was a ruthless man hiding! Hehe, he is so young, I don't know which big family he came from, but it's a pity that he will die here!"

The leading black-clad man licked the blood on the corner of his mouth and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

I saw this man took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and he drank it directly without knowing what was inside.

"Not good!"

Fang Yue's pupils shrank slightly, and the man's breath suddenly became violent, and the whole person's breath was rising step by step, and the other party's body was visibly growing rapidly, and soon, it expanded to ten feet, like a giant.


The man in black raised his head to the sky and howled. On his fists and skin, a layer of scales appeared.

The scales were pitch black and covered with tiny spikes, which looked extremely ferocious.

Fang Yue was extremely shocked. He never thought that the other party would show the characteristics of beast.

No matter how you look at it, this guy must be more terrifying and more difficult to deal with than before.

"Hahahaha, little beast, die."

The leading man in black raised his head to the sky and howled, and rushed towards Fang Yue again.

This guy was extremely large, half a meter taller than Fang Yue, with bulging muscles all over his body, like a demon god descending to the world, full of terrifying power.

Such power is far beyond the reach of ordinary Qi-sensing martial artists.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yue's face suddenly sank.

Once he retreated, this man could easily kill all the remaining military officers, and then he would face more enemies alone.

However, if that time really came, he would definitely flee from here immediately.

Although the opponent's aura was strong at the moment, it was not to the point where he could not match it.


Fang Yue took a deep breath, roared, and the power of his whole body burst out again. With a tap of his feet, he attacked the opponent again.

He punched out, and his blood and qi rolled, as if a mountain was smashed out.


The two of them collided hard, and there was an explosion, and the blood and qi burst.

But this time, the leading black-clothed man only retreated one step.

In contrast, Fang Yue retreated five steps and his body shook.

"So strong! But there may be a chance!!!"

Fang Yue's face was full of fighting spirit, and his blood and qi burst out again, like a burning flame, and the rolling blood and qi roared in his body, making bursts of roaring sounds.

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