Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 167: Not knowing what is good for you

But at this time,

As soon as she walked out of the tea shop, an old woman next to Mrs. Bai immediately said: "Madam, is a small martial artist worthy of such a big favor from you?"

At this time, I thought of taking people away and going to Yujing City.

It is by no means an easy task. Not to mention other things, the distance of tens of thousands of miles will take a long time.

Not to mention that there may not be peace along the way. Just hiring guards and martial arts masters is definitely a lot of money.

Even in this situation, even if you have money, you may not be able to hire enough guards.

The Yamen has strictly limited the size of each family's escort team.

Moreover, warriors with official status are not allowed to leave.

That is to say, the Bai family used a lot of effort to transfer the master to the nearby state capital. He also had to guard the main roads of the two state capitals and be responsible for guarding against the bandits who might attack the borders of the state.

Even the Bai family master is like this, and now his wife has to leave with a small martial arts family.

This family, that is, the young master's friends, that martial arts scholar has some value.

Now the other party cannot leave and must stay to deal with the rebel army. There is a high probability that they will not survive.

Madam, by doing this, it is a waste of the already scarce leave quota. Isn't this a waste?

"Wu Ma, he is a friend of Xingqiu, not a small martial arts scholar. Don't say this anymore. If I hear it again, I will take care of you."

Mrs. Bai snorted coldly, and then continued: "Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. I just want your nephew and his family to follow you."

After Bai Xingqiu's mother finished speaking, she got into the carriage directly.

Wu Ma was left alone here, her face turning blue and red.


the next day.

Fang Yue discussed with his brother Fang Cheng and asked Fang Cheng to continue to purchase some supplies for the road, while he went to Si Tianjian to see if there was anything that Han Hengli could do.

After all, this person had promised to arrange for him to leave with his family.

Although Bai Xingqiu's mother also promised to leave with his family.

But in these troubled times, he doesn't trust his family. Without him, if something went wrong along the way, I would regret it too late.

at the same time.

Somewhere in Shanyang Fucheng, there is a manor covering several acres of land.

"Shicheng, what should I do about my father? Should we just leave him here and ignore him?" Zhang Shu asked with a worried look on his face.

At this time, there were two people, a man and a woman, standing in the main hall of the manor.

This man and woman are Zhang Shu and her husband Chen Shicheng.

"Hey, what can I do? Our family can leave because my father put in a lot of effort. Your father is a martial arts scholar. He is within the recruitment range of the yamen and cannot leave." Chen Shicheng sighed. said.

Nowadays, the people at the bottom of Shanyang Mansion don't know.

Even if he knew it, he had no choice but to stay in this city.

Those who come from aristocratic families, or have people in their families who serve in government offices, have already received news that the imperial court is preparing to blockade Shanyang Mansion and other three state capitals where rebels have caused trouble.

If we don't leave, in a few days, when the border is sealed, we won't be able to leave.

By sealing the border, I'm afraid the bandit army will become too powerful.

Otherwise, there is no use like this.

"Then, is there really no other way? How about asking my father to give up his fame?" Zhang Shu asked with a frown.

"I can't help it. Our family only has so many places. Even if my father-in-law gives up his fame, there is nothing he can do."

Chen Shicheng shook his head and said.

If you really want to count his family, although it is good in Shanyang Mansion, it is still far behind those top wealthy families.

Now that I was able to collect so many places, I not only gave up most of my family property, but also promised to 'leave' some warriors to the government.

And it happened that his father-in-law was also a martial arts scholar, so naturally he had sold him to the Yamen long ago.

However, these words cannot be said to Zhang Shu.

For the safety of his own family, let alone betraying an old father-in-law who is of little use, he can even give up his married wife in front of him.

"Okay, don't think about this anymore. This courtyard will be left to your father. I will use my connections to transfer your father to the baggage unit in the rear. This will be much safer.

You go out again while you have time to see what else our family needs, so as not to be on the road without money or food. "Chen Shicheng patted the back of his wife's hand and said with a smile.

His smile was bright, which made Zhang Shu feel at ease.


Shanyang Mansion is now overcrowded due to the influx of refugees from various places. Even the streets are crowded and difficult to pass.

And you can see that teams of government officials are constantly patrolling, and these government officials are posting notices at various road intersections.

The content of the notice is very simple, as if all the warriors in the city are required to go to the government office to register.

Is this going to recruit all warriors to join the army?

Fang Yue walked through an intersection, stopped to watch, and quickly read the content on the notice.

It's very simple. Within three days, all warriors who enter the city, regardless of their level of cultivation, must register with the government office and accept their deployment.

If you fail to do so within the time limit, you will be punished as treason!

Not only will I be abolished and sent to the army, but my family members will also be arrested and brought to justice!

Is this order a little too strict?

After Fang Yue looked at it, his expression changed.

Sure enough, the situation is getting more and more tense, and the news I learned before may not describe the real situation.

This also strengthened his idea of ​​​​leaving with his parents and family.

"Huh? Fang Yue!"

Just after walking a few streets, I saw Si Tianjian's distinctive building from a distance.

A somewhat familiar voice rang out, and Fang Yue couldn't help but look back, and saw Zhang Shu, accompanied by several servants, seemed to be buying supplies on the side of the street.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Zhang Shu was surprised when she saw Fang Yue.

He was originally prepared to ridicule the other party, but after all, Fang Yue passed the government examination, but in the end he only got a small military attaché in a remote county.

But then he thought that with Fang Yue's status, he might have to stay in Shanyang Mansion. In the future, the rescuer might die in a certain war between the army and the rebels.

Facing a dying person, Zhang Shu felt that she should be more generous.

Fang Yue nodded. The other party didn't have a bad mouth, so he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke him.

"Oh, by the way, Junior Brother Fang, are you going to register at the government office? Do you want me to say hello to you and help you arrange a position near the rear, so that you might be able to survive this turmoil." Zhang Shu had a condescending tone.

With the current status of her husband's family, although it was impossible to take away people with official status, it was still possible to place one or two people in some safer guards.

When Fang Yue heard what Zhang Shu said, he couldn't help but look up at her.

"Thank you for your kindness. I won't bother you anymore."

After speaking, Fang Yue turned around and left.

"He's really ignorant. Madam helps him so much and he doesn't appreciate it. I don't think this kind of person can live long." The maid on the side also knew Fang Yue. When she saw Fang Yue being so ungrateful, she immediately said mockingly.

You know, these days, there are many people asking the Chen family for help with arrangements.

Those people still have to bring money and gifts and come to ask for help.

Now that my young lady is willing to help, if this person is still like this, isn't this a sign of ignorance.

"Okay, okay, stop talking. I've almost finished shopping. Let's go back."

Zhang Shu raised her brows slightly, stopped the maid's quarrel, and left with the others.


But on this side, Fang Yue came to Si Tianjian's door.

He informed the warrior guarding the gate, and someone soon led him inside.

Si Tianjian, as a very special power organization in the Wei Dynasty, was directly responsible to the Emperor of Wei.

Entering Si Tianjian, Fang Yue quickly met the man who called himself Hui Hengli.

"I can allow you and your family to leave Shanyang Mansion safely, and your reputation can also be retained, but the premise is that you want to join Si Tianjian, and you must also take Bai Li away." Fei Hengli got straight to the point. said.


You can join Si Tianjian.

It's no problem to leave with that white pear.

Before coming, Fang Yue knew that the other party would definitely not give him help in vain. There must be a request, or in exchange.

But the other party's conditions were much simpler than he expected.

Joining Si Tianjian may even be better for him than being a minor official in the government.

No matter how you calculate it, he made the profit from this transaction.

There is no reason to disagree with the other person.

When Fang Yue thought of this, he nodded without any hesitation. "This is your identity token and a guide to clearing the level."

Hui Hengli did not delay and handed Fang Yue's identity certificate and some directions to the other party.

Then he sent Fang Yue away.

He still had important things to deal with now, so naturally he didn't have much time to greet Fang Yue.

I just left the gate of Si Tianjian,

At this time, an inspector from Si Tianjian came in with a person. The person behind the inspector saw Fang Yue and immediately said, "Is it you?"

Fang Yue followed the sound and saw that it was Xue Bing.

I didn't expect to meet each other here.

"Haha, what are you doing here? Could it be that you also want to follow Si Tianjian's path?"

Xue Bing burst out laughing when he saw Fang Yue's appearance.

This little brother who followed Bai Xingqiu was really tough. He made several calculations, but the other party was still unscathed.

And still alive and well.

Looking at his appearance now, he doesn't know where he found out about Si Tianjian's connections. He must have come here hoping to escape from this prison through Si Tianjian.

It's a pity that this mud-legged guy didn't even ask where Si Tianjian was, and he could only come here because he was a mud-legged guy.

"Are you disappointed? This person has to accept his fate. I advise you to register at the government office as soon as possible. Maybe you can get a good position if you go early. Or, let me say hello to you and promise I'll make good arrangements for you." Xue Bing chuckled.

Fang Yue shook his head and said, "No need."

"No? It's really shameless." Xue Bing snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and turned around to leave.

In his opinion, since Fang Yue was able to find this place, he obviously knew something.

If this person begs him, then out of kindness, he will arrange for Fang Yue to join the city garrison and let him live a few more days.

Now that he is so dishonest, after returning, he will arrange this Fang Yue into the vanguard through connections.

Let him go and fight those thieves now.


The next day, Fang Yue went to tell the Bai family.

People kindly took his family away, and now that he has other ways, he naturally has to inform them.

Keeping silent is not in line with his principles.

"Madam, this kid is really ungrateful, and he still says that he has a way to leave. I think he will not turn back until he hits the wall. Humph, when he finds that he can't leave, he will regret it to death."

Looking at Fang Yue's departing back, the manager of the Bai family hurriedly said.

"Forget it, everyone has their own ambitions. Since it is someone Xingqiu likes, maybe there is really a way. We don't have to worry about it." Bai Xingqiu's mother

sighed and waved her hand.

This is just a small episode. She can help the other party because of her son's face.

Since the other party clearly does not need help, she will not do anything extra.

The Bai family still has a lot of things to do. In fact, if they take fewer people, they will be safer on the road.

At the same time, Xue Bing sent his servants to the government office to talk about Fang Yue's affairs.

"This Fang Yue is clearly the head of the militia in Wenxi County, but when Wenxi County was broken, Fang Yue appeared here. I'm afraid he fled without permission.

This kind of person must be placed in the criminal army of the vanguard camp, and he should be punished for his crimes."

The servant of the Xue family said to an official who managed the military register in the yamen, and handed him twenty taels of silver.

"Okay." The official in charge took the silver, stuffed it into his arms, and said with a smile, "I know, it's because there are too many scum like this that the bandit army is so powerful. Don't worry, this kind of person must be assigned to the criminal camp."

"Thank you very much, sir."

"What are you polite about..."


Because according to what Kui Hengli said, he will leave tomorrow.

So Fang Yue started buying supplies again on this day.

But now, silver notes are no longer easy to use, and many transactions only require cash.

After all, if a real fight breaks out, the silver bank will definitely be closed, and there will be no place to exchange silver notes.

After purchasing some more supplies, Fang Yue asked his brother to go back first.

He went to find Bai Li and took Bai Li back to the tea shop.

"Oh, Zhu'er, who is this girl? She is so pretty." Chen saw Bai Li brought back by Fang Yue.

It was just like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law, the more she looked, the more she liked her.

When she heard that Bai Li was going to leave Shanyang Prefecture with their family and go to Yujing City, Chen was even more happy.

Even if she knew that Bai Li was blind, she didn't dislike her at all. Instead, she took Bai Li's hand and invited Bai Li into the house enthusiastically.

Moreover, that night, she used all her skills to prepare a table of sumptuous dishes to entertain Bai Li.

"Come, eat this, and try this"

At the table, what only Fang Yue could enjoy in the past, now all went to Bai Li.

It can be seen how much Chen likes Bai Li.

After all, no matter what, this is the first girl Fang Yue brought back.

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