Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 173 Misunderstanding, misunderstanding

"Huh? What happened ahead?"

Qi Ming and Lin Xian Cheng had just turned the corner when they were stopped by two government officials. Lin County Cheng immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Who are you? Don't ask around when doing things in the Yamen." One of the Yamen servants scolded him coldly.

Lin Xian Cheng was just about to get angry when he thought to himself that whose subordinates didn't recognize him.

You have to teach the leader a lesson later.

But he didn't know that the reason why these government officials didn't recognize him was because he suggested it to the city lord a while ago.

Speaking of dealing with the refugees from Shanyang Prefecture, the original Yamen's manpower was naturally stretched thin and they were afraid of affecting the security of the city. So we temporarily recruited some people.

This policy is excellent and useful for stabilizing public security in the city.

For example, when the yamen recruits new yamen servants, they need to check their background and conduct some simple training and assessments.

However, due to tight time and heavy tasks, it is inevitable that the assessment will not be so strict. So much so that some hooligans and the like sneaked in this time.

Seeing how rude the yamen servant was, and being surrounded by Si Tianjian's supervisor, Lin County Cheng felt extremely angry at this moment.

He was immediately ready to scold him, but before he could speak, another government officer came over and said, "Hey, I don't think you two are good people. Could it be that you are spies? What is that in your hand? Open it." Let's check."

As soon as these words came out, Lin County Cheng immediately became furious.

I want to check Mr. Qi's name, but I dare to say that Mr. Qi is a traitor and a spy.

It was simply too presumptuous. If he didn't handle it well now, his official career would be completely ruined.

Don't even talk about whether you can retreat safely, I'm afraid you will be punished.

"Bastard, who is your leader? Lin San, or Chen Wu? Tell him to come over here and see me."

"Who do you think you are? You can see Lintou. Why don't you stand up for me and get checked!" the officer said with a cold snort.

"Bastard, bastard!"

Having said all this, Lin County Cheng can still endure it. Dang even rushed forward and slapped him hard with two ear-scratchers.

He also has martial arts training. Although he is no more than a martial artist in the Bone Forging Pass, he is still not able to deal with two Yamen servants who have not even developed their strength.

"You, you dare to attack an official, you are finished, you old boy has the guts to wait here!"

When another government officer saw this situation, he didn't know that they were two warriors. He immediately threatened and ran towards the courtyard in the alley.

"The people below are not sensible and almost bumped into Mr. Qi. Please forgive me, Mr. Qi."

Lin Xian Cheng only felt that his official career had been difficult these past two days. Why were all his subordinates in the yamen so good at looking for trouble?

"It doesn't matter." Qi Ming shook his head and said with a smile. It was normal for some scandalous things in the yamen to happen.

If he gets angry about everything, wouldn't it mean that he has no tolerance for others? Qi Ming then continued urging:

"Okay, we have also wasted a lot of time. Please lead the way."

"Yes, yes, sir, please come this way."

Lin Xian Cheng immediately nodded and bowed and continued to lead the way.

At the same time, in Fang Yue's yard, Lin San saw that Fang Yue's family was not cooperating, and immediately prepared to have his men take action.

But soon, a government servant ran in in a panic, came to Lin San and whispered a few words.

Lin Sanlin, the head catcher, immediately said sternly: "What did you say? There are really such short-sighted people, how dare we brothers take action."

After getting a positive reply from the other party, Lin San turned around and said to Fang Yue and others: "You guys should think carefully about it right now, whether you are going to lose money and eliminate disaster, or whether you are going to lose both people and money!"

After that, he took the two yamen servants and went out following the yamen servant who reported the news before.

"What kind of blind thing dares to attack an official? Don't you know that violent resistance to the law is a serious crime punishable by beheading? I advise you to just let it go."

Lin San met the two people walking towards them. Before he could see clearly, the brother-in-law next to him had already scolded them.

But he didn't see his brother-in-law, Lin San, the yamen's head catcher. At this time, his face was pale and his body was shaking as if he had paralysis.

"Brother-in-law, give the order, brothers, take down these two madmen now!" Lin San's brother-in-law continued to urge.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a few days. Master Lin has become so prosperous that even one of his subordinates dares to yell at me." Lin Xiancheng snorted coldly.

After all, Lin San has a close relationship with him. Otherwise, how would Lin San be able to achieve the position of head catcher with his background.

Unexpectedly, Lin San was actually here today.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Lin San now understood that if a madman beat someone, it must be these gangsters who had offended his brother-in-law.

He was able to achieve where he is now, but he completely relied on the other person, and this brother-in-law, if you really count, there is no relationship between them, or he 'recognized' this relationship in order to curry favor with the other person.

"Go away, who is your brother-in-law? I don't dare to reach out to you, Mr. Lin!!" Lin County Prime Minister sneered.

This Lin San really doesn't care about anything. He doesn't dare to have anything to do with Lin San now.

After all, he still doesn't know what Master Qi's attitude is. If Master Qi is unhappy, it will be difficult for him.

"You bastards, why have you offended Lin County? Why don't you apologize to Lord Lin quickly? If Lord Lin doesn't forgive you, I will slap your skin today."

Lin Sandun immediately slapped and beat his rude brother-in-law and the government servant who had just tipped them off to the ground.

When Qi Ming saw this scene, he just felt funny in his heart. As Si Tianjian's supervisor, he had a high status and could sit on an equal footing with the city lord.

Although I have heard about some illegal things among the officials below me on weekdays, I saw it with my own eyes today, and it was really interesting.

He didn't want to worry too much about such a trivial matter at the time, but when he looked ahead, he found that there was only one courtyard, and there were government officials guarding the entrance of the courtyard. His eyes immediately became a little gloomy: "The place you are talking about is in front. ”

"Yes, Mr. Qi, that Mr. Fang rents in the courtyard inside." Lin County Cheng was asked this question and immediately answered quickly.

And his eyes couldn't help but look forward, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

What that officer was talking about just now seemed like he was searching for a traitor and a spy!

Where is the search happening? It couldn't be in the yard in front.


Thinking of this, Lin County Cheng became a complete Muggle.

Suddenly, the eyes looking at Lin San were filled with murderous intent.


"Master Fang is frightened. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all because of the lax discipline of the little ones. That's why these bastards collided with you, sir."

Lin Xian Cheng's face was covered with sweat. While he was apologizing to Fang Yue, he kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with his other hand.

He was crying in his heart, he was so unlucky.

This pig teammate, some distant relative’s neighbor, whatever the hell they are, they will definitely cause trouble for him!

This time I was really troubled by these stupid pig-like things.

"Don't worry, after I go back this time, I will definitely capture these guys and jail them, and punish them properly."

"Excuse me, we also received a report. We really didn't know Master Fang lived here.

Please, Mr. Fang, please spare Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao is really at fault."

Lin San cried and knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and kept begging for mercy.

At this time, he also knew that this search not only failed to catch the fat sheep, but also offended the big shot.

Even the Prime Minister of Lin County in their yamen must be respectful and treat people with caution. For these yamen servants who don't even have fame, he is a big shot.

If you offend such a big shot, you will have to shed your skin this time even if you don’t die!

As for his brother-in-law, he had been beaten unconscious by the furious Lin San just now.

"Oh, what did you just say? Where did you get the news that you wanted to search here?" Fang Yue asked immediately.

"My lord is asking you a question. Why don't you tell me quickly where you got the news from? If you can't tell me why, be careful!" Lin Xiancheng immediately scolded him severely.

"Yes, yes, you must tell me everything you know."

Lin San immediately burst into tears and quickly told the story. It turns out that they came here today because someone gave them news that a wealthy family who had fled from Shanyang Mansion lived here.

Then I started thinking about coming here to make some extra money.

Who could have imagined that this time he was trapped so badly that he hit his head on an iron plate and hit his head badly.

"It's information sent by a little beggar. It details their address and origin."

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, because according to what Lin San said, the news contained the basic situation of their family.

However, his identity as the Supervisory Envoy of Si Tian Jian was not disclosed.

Other information is the same as the situation of Fang Yue's family, even the time they rented here.

"Could it be that someone is targeting you?"

Fang Yue thought immediately in his mind.

If not, how could it be possible to tell the news about their family. He is not a native of Denglai City, so these government officials must not know them.

So who is it, why is it doing this, and what is the other party’s purpose?

Thinking of this, Fang Yue had no intention of continuing, and immediately asked the government officials to leave. Of course, he also asked the other party to check the person who summoned them.

If there are results, then forget about this time.

Lin San was naturally grateful and left in a hurry.

After handling this matter, Fang Yue naturally recruited agents with the same name, and the two briefly chatted for a few words.

When Qi Ming saw Fang Yue's demeanor and the light and heavy energy fluctuations flowing around his body, he also thought that Fang Yue was a member of a wealthy family in Yujing City.

Therefore, his attitude became more and more respectful.

This actually shocked Lin Xian Cheng, who was sitting next to him. This Master Fang from Shanyang Mansion, his identity is really extraordinary.

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn’t really offend the other party.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that today next year, the grass on his grave will be three feet high.

Immediately, Lin County Prime Minister made up his mind that as long as the other party came to the city for one day, he would properly offer this great god.

But nothing can go wrong again.


"Who exactly is eyeing me, or in other words, this trip?"

After sending the two people away, Fang Yue returned to the room.

But he began to think about the information he had just received from Lin San.

He was able to become Si Tianjian's inspector this time. Although his own talent and cultivation were one aspect, there was also a reason why he wanted to help send Baili to Yujing City.

If this is the case, someone is eyeing Baili!

What secrets does this blind girl have?

The more Fang Yue thinks about it now, the more he feels that Bai Li may have a big secret, otherwise why would Hengli do this?

Moreover, he also knew how difficult it would be for an ordinary warrior to leave Shanyang Mansion in that situation.

"So, actually this trip is not as simple as it seems."

Fang Yue sighed slightly, already deciding in his heart that there must be something he didn't know about.

However, their family was able to leave, but they also dragged each other with them.

Now that he is being used by the other party, it cannot be said that the other party has ulterior motives.

"It's not enough. Since those people don't dare to show up, which means their identities are not visible to the public, and they can only use such despicable methods, then there is nothing to be afraid of."

Fang Yue's eyes became more determined.

It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and earth.

Immediately, Fang Yue took the brocade box next to him, which was a gift from Mr. Qi just now.

"It's actually a blood ginseng!"

When he opened it, Fang Yue couldn't help but be surprised.

The day before yesterday, he almost walked all over Denglai City, but he didn't find any shop selling blood ginseng.

He thought he wouldn't be able to buy it this time, but he didn't expect that the Inspector Si Tianjian actually gave him one as a gift today.

What a surprise.

"I don't know how many qualification points this blood ginseng can increase."

Fang Yue weighed it and found that this blood ginseng was about one-third smaller than the one he had taken before.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue picked up the blood ginseng. After looking at it carefully, he immediately washed the blood ginseng and ate it like a crispy radish.

A trace of bright red juice suddenly poured from Fang Yue's mouth into his stomach and into his abdomen.

As the juice entered, Fang Yue suddenly felt that all the pores in his body seemed to relax.

At that moment, the whole person became much more comfortable.

"It really works!" Fang Yue's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that the blood ginseng could have such an effect. Even with his eyes closed, he sat cross-legged and entered a state of cultivation.

As Fang Yue practiced, the medicinal power of those blood ginseng began to slowly dissipate, and then turned into pure energy, which was absorbed into Fang Yue's body.

As the medicinal properties dissipated, Fang Yue's physical strength actually improved slightly.

After a long time, Fang Yue opened his eyes, felt the changes coming from his body, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Then his eyes focused, and lines of text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Qualification Points +150]

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