
Fang Yue swept forward with a kick, hitting the Wolf King between the chest and abdomen, causing him to vomit blood and fly out. He fell heavily to the ground and struggled for a long time without getting up.

"Hiss! This wolf's defense is too strong. It has been attacked by me several times and is still alive!" Fang Yue took a breath and said incredulously.

But now it's finally over. The wolf king is lying on the ground, looking like he's dying.

Fang Yue, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

After all, the strength of this wolf king is extraordinary, with a huge body, amazing strength and defense.

If the wolf king hadn't come alone, he might not have been able to take down the wolf king easily.

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, if you want to kill the Wolf King, you have to use all your strength!

"Are you so strong? You killed the wolf king directly. If the people in the village knew that you could kill the wolf king, they would regret it to death." Hagi also looked at Fang Yue in surprise.

Before, I only knew that Fang Yue was very strong physically, but I didn't know that his strength was so strong. He was even more powerful than the strongest person in Peach Blossom Village.

"Haha, just good luck." Fang Yue smiled faintly.

Then, he squatted down, reached out with lightning in his right hand, and instantly clasped it on the neck of the Wolf King who could no longer resist.

Immediately, his palm twisted slightly.


A crisp sound resounded as the Wolf King's neck was broken and he died.

"Hurry and deal with this wolf. The smell of blood will soon attract more beasts." Fang Yue said.

Then he began to peel the skin and get the meat.

"Okay, you, the disciple, now dare to give orders to the master."

When Hagi heard this, he just sighed and started to help.

Although she is a woman, her movements are extremely skillful, and she has obviously experienced this kind of thing.

This wolf was very big, and the two of them worked hard for a whole stick of incense, but only took away the best part of the wolf king's flesh. And peeled off a relatively complete wolf skin.

Afterwards, the two set off on the road to Damang Mountain again.


"Okay, let's get out of here first!"

Fang Yue looked around and said.

The two continued on their way.

At this time, night fell and the sky became dark.

Unknowingly, the two passed through the dense forest and came to a barren grassland. The scenery here is very different from that of the forest. Isolated peaks stand like swords on the grassland, showing solemnity and vicissitudes of life.

"Wait a minute, something seems wrong here?"

Just as Hagi was about to move on, Fang Yue stretched out his hand and held her.

"What's wrong?" Hagi asked confused.

"There is danger." Fang Yue said with a frown.

"Is there danger? Why didn't I see it?" Hagi said. Is she a native or Fang Yue is a native? She has been here not only once or twice, but she has been here several times before to collect herbs with her senior brother.

She has never encountered any danger here, so why did Fang Yue, an outsider, tell her that there was danger here when it was her first time here.

This filled her mind with questions.

However, Fang Yue had no intention of explaining, but said solemnly: "Anyway, it's right to be careful."

Fang Yue actually didn't find any obvious danger, but when he got here, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

His feeling is very effective, so he doesn't dare to be careless.

"All right!"

Hagi had no choice but to nod.

The two of them continued walking forward.

However, as we moved forward, no danger occurred.

This made Hagi wonder if Fang Yue felt wrong. In fact, there was no danger at all, and he was worried in vain.

However, when the two of them walked about five hundred meters, Fang Yue suddenly stopped.

At this time, there was first a vibration on the ground, and then the chaotic sound of horse hooves was heard.

Fang Yue's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Be careful!"

Then Fang Yue threw Hagi down without hesitation, lowered his body and hid to the side.


An arrow shot past Fang Yue's nose and brought up a few strands of hair.

If Fang Yue had been a little slower, he might have been pierced through the head by this arrow.


At this time, several arrows came through the air again, very fast, and the targets were Fang Yue and Hagi.

Fang Yue's eyes were cold as he grabbed Hagi, then quickly rushed to the left and hid behind a stone pillar to avoid the arrow attack.


Just as Fang Yue and Haidi were hiding, dozens of huge horses galloped towards them, sending up dust and smoke all over the sky.

"Uh-!" The knight on horseback reined in his horse and stopped, then jumped off the horse.

"Huh? They're actually from the Snake Tribe? Damn it, haven't they always been on the north bank of the Hun River? Why did they come here?" After seeing the people coming, Hagi recognized the costumes of these knights. Within this area, there are people from the notorious Snake Tribe.

These guys specialize in bullying weak tribes and villages, robbing all kinds of cattle, sheep and livestock, and even killing people, setting fire to them, burning and looting.

"The two people just now were nearby, look carefully and don't let the two-legged sheep go!"

These knights wearing animal skins and fierce faces began to look around for Fang Yue and the two men.

Suddenly, a knight saw Hagi, a look of greed appeared on his face, and he licked his lips.

"This girl is so beautiful, haha, I'm so blessed tonight!"

The knight smiled lewdly, staring at Hagi, his eyes turning green.

This knight is a strong man over two meters tall, with a burly and majestic build.

Sitting on his crotch is a black-haired tiger, with a dark body and fierce eyes, and you can tell it is extraordinary at first glance.

"This girl belongs to me!"

The black-furred tiger roared, and with a terrifying roar, it charged towards Hagi.

The rest of the knights were outflanking Fang Yue's hiding place.

Fang Yue's face suddenly turned cold.

These knights actually regarded him as a two-legged sheep!

Damn these people!


The black-haired tiger was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye it had rushed to the stone pillar where Fang Yue was hiding.


Then, the black-haired tiger looked up to the sky and roared, opened its bloody mouth and bit Fang Yue.


Seeing the black-haired tiger attacking, Fang Yue snorted coldly, then raised his foot and kicked towards the black-haired tiger.


With a muffled sound, the black-haired tiger was kicked away and fell to the ground.


Seeing this scene, the knights were all shocked, and then stared at Fang Yue with anger on their faces.

"Who is this guy? He can actually hurt a tiger?" A knight cursed angrily.

"Yes, he is so thin, how can he be so strong?" Another knight also had a look of shock on his face.

Not only the two of them, but also the big guy in the lead was very shocked.

Because just now, he was beaten out together with the black-furred tiger.

And he was beaten out in front of all his subordinates, which made his face shameless. How could he lead these subordinates in the tribe in the future? He immediately became angry from shame.

"You bastard, how dare you attack your grandfather!"

He shouted loudly, jumped up, pulled out a long knife from his waist, and slashed at Fang Yue.

His sword was powerful and powerful, and the strong wind howled, making people feel heart-stopping.

If it were an ordinary Qi-sensing martial artist, he might not be able to block the opponent's attack.

But it's a pity that he met Fang Yue, which was destined to be a tragedy.


Just hearing a crisp sound, Fang Yue swung away the opponent's long knife with one hand, and then threw him away with a strong force.


The big guy was beaten to pieces and spit out a mouthful of blood.

This scene once again caused everyone to exclaim.

Immediately, taking advantage of this gap, Fang Yue pulled Hagi, snatched the horse of one of the knights who was stunned and had not recovered, and immediately drove the horse to escape forward quickly.

"Chase, don't let the two-legged sheep escape!"

"Damn it, you dare to kick the warriors of our tribe, you are so tired of living!"

The other knights reacted at this time and rode their horses to catch up.


At night, in a mountain col with leeward wind.

Fang Yue and Hagi lay resting in front of the campfire.

"Who are those people?"

During the day, the two of them were chased all the way by the so-called snake tribe, and finally got away and hid in this mountain col.

"A tribe on the north bank of the Hun River believes in a snake god. Those people are very difficult to deal with. If you kill one of them, you will be entangled."

Hagi pondered for a moment and said slowly: "These people are tribesmen who believe in monsters. It is said that the blood of monsters also flows in their bodies."

Believe in the devil!

Fang Yue didn't know everything. During those days in Taohua Village, he also knew that there were two types of people living in this area.

A kind of belief in ancestral spirits, believing that ancestors can protect the people, just like those in Taohua Village. The other is to believe in monsters and worship monsters as gods, which is the people of the Snake tribe we met today.

Fang Yue nodded to express his understanding. This is just like modern society. Although humans respect science and respect the law.

But there are also many people who believe in ghosts and ghosts and worship them as gods, even immortals, or some kind of evil object.

Of course here, people here believe that power can be gained in this way, and they do.

He believes in monsters and monsters, and may have monster blood flowing in his body, making him cruel and cruel.

"Perhaps they are the offspring of a hybrid between a demon and a human." Hagi continued.

Fang Yue was slightly startled, and then thought to himself: How could this be possible? How could there be descendants of different races?

But so far, this world has revealed too many places beyond imagination.

Fang Yue shook his head and did not continue speaking.

After daybreak, he and Hagi continued to move towards Damang Mountain.

During this period, they encountered several waves of pursuit, but were easily repelled by Fang Yue.

However, as he went deeper, Fang discovered something even more bizarre.

That is, the closer you get to Damang Mountain, the surrounding mountains and forests become more and more remote, with almost no wild animals.

But as long as there are wild beasts, these beasts are definitely tyrannical and abnormal.

For example, Fang Yue once saw a black bear in a valley.

Moreover, each of them has a body that can be called a giant, at least three feet long, and their weight is even more astonishing. Every step I take is like a heavy truck,


Moreover, its skin is rough and its flesh is thick, and its defense power is amazing. Ordinary warriors are no match for it. If it is caught, it will definitely be torn into pieces.

Even if Fang Yue really took action, he would not be a match for the bear if he didn't have a weapon at his disposal.

Large beasts also have the advantage of being large, that is, many of their original vital points are no longer vital.

Rough skin and thick flesh, I’m not just talking about it.

Unless Fang Yue can accurately shoot at the vital points, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

In addition, Fang Yue also found some strange creatures.

For example, there was a strange snake hidden in the branches and leaves of the treetops. The giant python was blue as jade and flashed with cold light.

Once the prey approached, it would spit out cold air and freeze the prey to death.

"Tomorrow we can enter the Damang Mountain. Although it is dangerous in the Damang Mountain, there may be a passage to the outside world."

Hagi said with excitement on her face. However, in a flash, her face was a little disappointed.

If the passage was found, then her apprentice would probably leave. But she knew that she could not stop it, and there was no way to stop it.

At this time, Fang Yue suddenly stood up.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing Fang Yue suddenly stand up, Hagi asked immediately.

"Someone is coming!" Fang Yue said lightly.

"Huh? What? Someone is coming?"

Hagi was startled when he heard this, and then quickly got up to be alert.

The people who came this time were not the warriors of the Kui tribe who were chasing from behind, but came from the direction of Damang Mountain.

There were 20 people coming, all of them were wearing black clothes, and there was a blood-colored dragon tattooed on their clothes, which was actually the decoration of the Blood Dragon Terrace.

This pattern is the unique symbol of the Blood Dragon Terrace!

These people are undoubtedly from the Blood Dragon Terrace, but why did they appear here? Judging from their appearance, they should not have strayed in by accident, but had a purpose.

"Hey, how did these people from the Wu tribe come out of Damang Mountain? It's unlucky to meet these bad guys here!" Hagi's eyes were solemn.

This Wu tribe migrated from other places in recent years. They have a bad relationship with the tribes and villages near Damang Mountain, and there are often frictions and conflicts between the two sides.

A few months ago, their village also had a conflict with the people of the Wu tribe, and several people were killed and injured at that time.

"Hmm? You mean, they are also a tribe? The Wu tribe?" Fang Yue was surprised when he heard this.

The Damang Mountain is thousands of kilometers in radius, with many tribes and villages.

But for various reasons, most of these tribes gather together and live on their own territories. Sometimes conflicts occur, but rarely like the Wu tribe, which breaks into the hunting areas of other tribes one after another and clashes with many tribes and villages. It is unknown what these guys want to do.

Therefore, in this area, the Wu tribe is almost a public enemy.

However, the Wu tribe is powerful and has a strong foundation, so ordinary tribes can't do anything to them.

"Yes, it is the Wu tribe!" Hagi said.

Fang Yue's face was gloomy at first, but in a flash he thought, since he could meet people from the Blood Dragon Platform here, does it mean that there is indeed a way to the outside in this Damang Mountain? (End of this chapter)

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