Flying in the air, flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, this is absolutely beyond the ordinary!

There is no doubt that King Wucheng is powerful, far beyond any strong man he has ever seen or heard of, even those innate masters are not as good as King Wucheng!

Moreover, he saw that King Wucheng was wearing a black robe, a sword hanging from his waist, and long hair draped over his shoulders.

His whole body exudes a bloody aura, but it is still difficult to hide the noble and majestic aura on him.

Especially his eyes, cold and ruthless.

It seems that there is only one person between heaven and earth, and all the people are submissive.

At this moment, King Wucheng walked over step by step, with murderous intent on his body: "Mr. Liu, are you going to stop me today?"

Mr. Liu, the King Wucheng who can be called Mr. Liu by the current King Wucheng, who commanded the Blood Dragon Platform to rebel and occupied three states.

The identity of this old man is obviously very shocking.

Fang Yue was also immediately awed in his heart. He joined the Sitianjian and learned from the information of the Sitianjian that the head of the cabinet in the Wei Dynasty was surnamed Liu.

And he is the imperial teacher of three dynasties. I don’t know if this Mr. Liu has any relationship with him.

“Haha, King Wucheng is a genius, but it’s a pity that he has taken the wrong path. It’s time to turn back. To stir up war and melt the blood of the demon dragon into your body is the way of the devil!”

“King Wucheng, don’t make a mistake!”

Mr. Liu said lightly, his tone calm and fearless.

“The way of the devil?”

King Wucheng laughed and said, “The world will be in chaos and demons will appear. I am doing this to support the country. How can it be the way of the devil! Mr. Liu, don’t meddle in other people’s business. If you retreat, I will pretend that I have never seen you. If not, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

His eyes, with infinite murderous intent, looked at Mr. Liu, as if he was ready to take action at any time.


Seeing him so determined, Mr. Liu sighed, then shook his head, gently waved his sleeves, and disappeared above the sky.

“Humph, pretending, you dare not take action!”

Seeing Mr. Liu running away, King Wucheng immediately shouted coldly.

But the next second, a terrifying sense of crisis suddenly came over him, making King Wucheng shudder, his whole body instantly stiffened, and he couldn't even move.

Then his pupils suddenly shrank into needles, and a dazzling golden light magnified in his sight.

This was a sharp blade, flashing with cold light, with unmatched murderous intent

Flashing with cold light, with unmatched murderous intent, it went straight to his forehead.

At the same time, the Azure Dragon, who was almost killed just now, also roared wildly, and then also pounced on King Wucheng, and the sharp dragon claws grabbed with the breath of thunder and lightning, trying to tear King Wucheng into pieces.

The front and back attacks King Wucheng made it impossible for King Wucheng to avoid.

"Haha, you despicable villain, you only dare to attack secretly, come and die!"

Wu Chengwang roared, and his blood and energy surged, and a thick layer of blood-red aura shield emerged to resist the claw marks of the Azure Dragon. The other hand clenched into a fist and blasted at the golden knife that was attacking.

In an instant, the Azure Dragon and Wu Chengwang collided with each other.

The Azure Dragon screamed, and many of the scales on his body were blown off.

But Wu Chengwang was not feeling well either. The aura shield in front of him was also broken, and his chest was almost torn apart.

Although the golden knife was hit by Wu Chengwang's aura, it was not repelled, but the direction was deviated, and it directly pierced his shoulder.

Wu Chengwang groaned, and his face became even paler.

The Azure Dragon screamed, his eyes were completely scarlet, and the scales on his body were almost broken, with scars and blood.

But it was not afraid, and roared again, and pounced on Wu Chengwang again.


Qinglong was slapped away by Wucheng Wang again.

This time, Qinglong failed to get up. Its breath was extremely weak and it was almost dead. That is, as a demon beast, it was much stronger than human warriors of the same level, otherwise it would have died long ago.

"Chen Hong, why don't you show up?" Wucheng Wang's blood was surging, and the invisible force absorbed the blood from Qinglong's body, allowing it to recover a little vitality.

After hearing Wucheng Wang's words, the black fog around rolled and gradually condensed into a burly man.

The man's skin was dark red, like burnt charcoal, and he was five meters tall. He held a golden knife in his hand, and the blade was covered with blood. It was wriggling like a living thing, and looked particularly ferocious.

He had an ugly face and fierce eyes. He looked extremely scary, like a ghost, and people were terrified.

"Hehehe...King Wucheng, you traitor, you will definitely die today!"

He sneered, and the murderous intent on his body became stronger. He took a step forward, and his momentum suddenly exploded.

He raised the golden knife and slashed it.

In an instant, the sky was full of golden light, illuminating the night sky. The dazzling sword light cut through the void and slashed directly at King Wucheng, trying to cut him in half.

King Wucheng's face was solemn. He took a deep breath, and the blood mist all over his body became thicker.

"Boom boom"

The next moment, a violent roar sounded, and his momentum became stronger. The muscles in his arms were knotted and swollen, turning into a blood column that gushed out and rushed into the sky.

He stretched out his right arm, directly grasped the golden knife, and then pulled and tugged.

With a crisp sound of "clang", sparks flew, and the terrifying sword light was actually grabbed and extinguished by his flesh palm.


"So strong!" Fang Yue looked at the battle in the sky and couldn't help but murmur.

This Wu Cheng Wang is really terrifying.

His physical strength was too strong. He could fight two people alone, defeat the Azure Dragon, and resist the golden sword undefeated. It was simply horrifying.

This kind of physical body is invincible.

And at this time, when Fang Yue was sighing.

The power of the two people exploded like thunder in the sky. The Azure Dragon was swept by the aftermath and exploded. The flesh and blood scattered and fell to the four directions like scattered flowers.

The Azure Dragon's flesh and blood fell, and a large piece of it fell towards Fang Yue's position.

These flesh and blood came from the powerful Azure Dragon. It goes without saying that these flesh and blood must contain pure demonic energy and spirituality, which is a rare treasure.

If swallowed, it can definitely make people's cultivation advance by leaps and bounds.

But falling from the sky, it was like a meteorite falling from the sky, with destructive power.

"Not good!"

Fang Yue's face changed slightly, and he dodged without thinking.


The next moment, this huge flesh and blood fell to the ground, and the mud and dust were everywhere.

A mountain collapsed directly.

Fang Yue looked up and saw a dragon claw in the pit in front of him.

This dragon claw was about ten feet long, green in color, and exuded a scorching hot air.

This was the corpse of the Azure Dragon.


Suddenly, Fang Yue frowned, because he keenly noticed that this dragon claw made him want to take it for himself.

This desire was too obvious and almost uncontrollable.

This flesh and blood must have great power!

Fang Yue knew in his heart that this was because the Azure Dragon was too strong, otherwise this flesh and blood would not contain such a magnificent energy, which made him greedy.

Fang Yue looked up at the fierce battle in the sky, and immediately made up his mind and picked up the dragon claw.

"It's so heavy, at least 50,000 jin!" Fang Yue felt the heaviness of the dragon claw when he took it.

He was startled.

It was because he met him, otherwise, if it was another Qi-sensing martial artist here, he wouldn't be able to lift this dragon claw.

Fang Yue's mind turned quickly, and he thought of many things.

"If I eat this dragon claw, I should gain a lot of power!" Fang Yue's eyes showed a strange light, and he was a little excited.

But he was not a fool after all, and he knew that it was not the right time.

He must stay rational at this time!

King Wucheng made such a big noise, and there must be a lot of people watching around.

Maybe someone is coming towards him now.

So he must leave here as soon as possible.

Not long after, Fang Yue found Fang Hu and told him what happened here.

Of course, the originally solid defense line of the Yangtze River must have had loopholes now, and it was a good opportunity to leave Shanyang Prefecture.

But he himself could not go with Fang Hu and others, because if the dragon claw was with Fang Hu and others, it would definitely bring danger to them.

So Fang Yue left alone, carrying the dragon claw, heading deep into the forest.


"Huff", "Huff"

Fang Yue ran wildly with the dragon claw on his back, the wind whistling in his ears, and he didn't care about resting along the way.

It wasn't until nightfall that he found a cave, killed the original owner of the cave, a black bear, and lived in it.

He first placed the dragon claw on the ground, sat cross-legged, and practiced breathing.

After recovering his strength a little, he started to make a fire and cook, and the ingredient was naturally the dragon claw.

This is a monster of unknown level, with a huge body, tough dragon scales, and thick bones. It is the top meat and contains abundant energy.

Perhaps it was killed by a tyrannical bombardment, and the dragon claw was not as hard as Fang Yue imagined, but it also took him a lot of effort to skin and pull out the dragon claw, and then took out the dragon meat and grilled it.


When the bonfire was lit and the fragrance was wafting, the whole cave was filled with an alluring smell, making people salivate.

"Gudong", "Gudong".

As the fragrance became stronger and stronger, many wild beasts such as wild wolves and jackals came over.

But Fang Yue had been prepared and sprinkled animal repellent powder around the cave, so that these guys did not dare to approach.


Fang Yue laughed and couldn't wait to bite a small piece of dragon claw. It was fresh and tender, the juice splashed, the meat was chewy, and the mouth was full of fragrance.

This made him admire: "It tastes good!"

Fang Yue was surprised. If such a delicacy were in the modern world, it would definitely cause a frenzy.

Moreover, Fang Yue estimated that the dragon claw contained extremely strong spirituality and demonic power, which would be of great benefit to improving cultivation.

Fang Yue was not polite and ate all the dragon meat directly.

Although these dragon meat did not increase his cultivation, it made him feel comfortable and his blood boiled.

This kind of spiritual energy flowing between flesh and blood nourishes the whole body.

Fang Yue felt warm all over, his pores opened, and a constant stream of spiritual energy poured in.

And this spiritual energy was very wonderful, wandering in the body, cleansing the body.

Fang Yue closed his eyes and carefully comprehended it.

[Qualification points +10000] At this time, a familiar prompt sounded, and then a line of text appeared in front of Fang Yue.

"It actually increased 10,000 points of qualification!"

Fang Yue was also a little stunned. This Qinglong meat was so useful.

10,000 points of qualification points almost doubled his current qualification points.

The talent doubled, and it was immediately reflected in Fang Yue. He felt a warm current flowing through his body.


"It should be around here, but someone got there first!"

"Damn it, who got there first? Chase him, find this little thief and tear him into pieces!"

At this moment, a team of soldiers in black robes, led by two burly generals with long breath, came to the place where the dragon claw fell before, to investigate the situation.

"Are you sure that the dragon claw really fell here?"

One of the young men in black had a cold look.

"Brother, it's true. I saw the dragon claw fall with my own eyes!"

Another man in black said confidently.

"Humph, I want to see who is the one who dares to steal my prey!" The young man in black had a fierce look on his face.

He exuded a terrifying aura, like a fierce god.

His name is Wu Yong. His father is a king under the throne of Wu Cheng Wang, and he is also the third king.

He has been spoiled and arrogant since he was a child. He has always been lawless and overbearing, relying on his father's power.

Of course, his cultivation is not low, and he is already a master warrior in the middle stage of Xiantian.

This time, Wu Cheng Wang killed Qinglong in the sky.

Wu Cheng Wang naturally looked down on those pieces of meat and corpses.

These things are cheap for this person.

He looked down on ordinary pieces of meat, and did not work hard to find them, but ran directly to a dragon claw. Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the place, he found that the dragon claw had disappeared without a trace, and someone had taken it first.

How could he be willing.

"Humph! This jungle is not too wide, we must find him out!" Wu Yong's eyes were cold.

His eyes swept across, as if he wanted to see through the jungle.

Then he led his soldiers to leave here and look for the person who took the dragon claw.


Fang Yue sat cross-legged on the ground, practicing Qigong and regulating his breathing for half a day.

Finally, he opened his eyes, his eyes were bright and shining.

At this moment, his body did not change much, but his whole body became stronger. Especially his skin, when he exerted force, light golden veins would appear, as if it was made of gold and copper.

He stood up and stretched, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, like frying beans.

Fang Yue felt that his current physical strength had at least doubled.

Originally, Fang Yue's strength exceeded 50,000 jin, and now it has doubled, almost reaching 110,000 jin, which is 550 tons.

"It is worthy of the flesh of a top demon!"

Fang Yue was shocked. He could clearly feel that his physical strength was far better than that of masters of the same level.

Even with physical strength alone, he could compete with some masters of the innate realm. (End of this chapter)

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