Fang Yue narrowed his eyes, feeling wary deep in his heart. He had a vague feeling that this Li Mengyao was not a simple person.

After a moment of silence, Fang Yue said, "Miss Li, you misunderstood! I don't have any other thoughts about you."

"How could it be? Am I not good-looking?" Li Mengyao was stunned, obviously not believing it. She is very confident about her appearance.

I don't believe there are people in this world who don't like her.

"You are very beautiful, but it doesn't matter whether you like it or not!" Fang Yue said.

"Does Brother Fang have someone he likes in his heart?" Li Mengyao snorted, turned around, and ignored Fang Yue.

Fang Yue smiled bitterly. This woman was really thinking all she wanted. He didn't look down on her, he was just wary of her.

If it were another time and another place, maybe something could happen between the two of them.

But now, it's naturally impossible.

"Okay, let's get out of here first!" Fang Yue said.

The corpses on the official road have not been disposed of yet, and no one knows if there are any reinforcements from the Changping Army, so it is better to leave first!

"Huh, let's go!" Li Mengyao snorted, turned around, and took the lead in walking forward.

Fang Yue shook his head and followed.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the two walked through a dense jungle and arrived at the mountain road.

After staying here for a while and making sure it was safe, the two started on their way.

After walking for more than half an hour, Fang Yue and Li Mengyao finally arrived at the nearest town.

Here, the two of them freshened up a little, rested for a while, and after eating something, they bought two more horses, and then turned to the south to continue.


"Brother Fang, where are we going? Isn't this the way to Yujing City? I remember that not far ahead is the place occupied by the rebel king Changping. If we go like this, wouldn't we be falling into a trap?" Looking at Fang As Yue led the way, Li Mengyao was slightly surprised and asked.

"Haha, it's nothing. I still have some personal matters to deal with. If you don't want to follow, you can leave by yourself!" Fang Yue said with a smile.

Li Mengyao saw that Fang Yue seemed to be trying to get rid of her, so of course she couldn't accept it. After all, she still wanted to find an opportunity to 'eat' Fang Yue!

How could the 'prey' be allowed to escape her sight like this?

"Humph, I have to follow you!" Li Mengyao pouted.

Fang Yue shook his head and continued on his way without talking to him.

The two rode horses for about an hour and finally arrived at a place not far from the outskirts of the town.

By this time, the town was in chaos.

In the villages on the outskirts of the town, a group of troops, or more appropriately, bandits, gathered.

These troops all wore messy military uniforms and had a variety of weapons, including a khaki cloth belt tied to their arms.

Around these soldiers, there were many corpses lying down, as well as many beggars with torn clothes and scars, some old women, some young people, and even some children.

These rebels were indeed crazy. They were robbing houses and massacring innocent people around the town, even including some women and children. They were so heartless.

At this time, heavy troops were already deployed around the town. Anyone who tried to break out would be killed.

"Brother Fang, look at those gangsters, they are so abominable. Should we take action?" Li Mengyao looked at the rebels not far away and frowned.

"Haha, Miss Li, let's just stop meddling in other people's business, right?" Fang Yue smiled and shook his head.

"What, are you afraid? Then I will despise you!" Li Mengyao snorted.

"Haha, I just want to tell you that there is not so much justice and justice in this world! If we use force here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave."

There are thousands of rebels here, and there are also many warriors and martial arts masters among them.

If they really wanted to kill them, they would still be able to kill them all with so many thieves.

But when the time comes, the anti-king will definitely send experts

Hunt them down.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's get out of here quickly!" Li Mengyao didn't try to be brave.

Fang Yue nodded when he heard the words.


At this moment, Fang Yue, who was about to leave, stopped. He turned his head and looked at the group of rebels, or to be precise, at the carriage at the center of the rebels.

This carriage is very strange, with black cloth covering the entire carriage.

Around the carriage, there were some people standing. Each of these people were wearing armor, holding steel knives in their hands, and their bodies were filled with a strong smell of blood.

"These people are wrong!"

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he saw these people and felt the aura on their bodies. These people didn't feel like humans, but more like beasts.

"Brother Fang, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Fang Yue's expression was not right, Li Mengyao asked.

Fang Yue shook his head, said nothing, and continued to stare at those people and the carriage.

Click, click, the sound of the chain being opened sounded.

A wolf jumped out of the carriage.

This wolf's fur is jet black, it is huge, its eyes are like wolf pupils, and it exudes an extremely dangerous aura. It lowered its head to smell the residual smell of blood in the air, and let out an excited roar.

Then he rushed directly into the town.


The wolf's roar echoed through the sky and could be heard clearly in every corner of the town.

This sudden change made the terrified townspeople in the town even more terrified.

I saw this giant wolf breaking through the defense line and entering the town.

Several martial artists wanted to stop him.

But in front of it, it is as vulnerable as tofu dregs.

Within a few moments of meeting each other, the giant wolf jumped over him, tore him into pieces, and devoured him.

"Ouch, ow!"

After a wolf killed three people, it turned around and started to kill another group of people.

Seeing this, the remaining people fled one after another, not daring to get close to the wolf.

"Ouch, ow!"

Seeing the fleeing crowd, the wolf became even more excited. It roared all the way and chased the villagers in the center of the town.

When the villagers saw this, they screamed in fright and ran away.

"Mother, mother!"

"Go away, I won't let you hurt my mother!"

"Abao, go quickly and leave mother alone! Go quickly, run quickly!"

At this time, a woman in the Taopan crowd who looked old but was actually only in her thirties fell to the ground. Her son stood in front of his mother with a stubborn look on his face.


Seeing this scene, the giant wolf's eyes flashed with cruel light. It did not attack the nearest woman directly, but bit the child.

"Hey, you people are just rebelling, and you even raised demon wolves! You deserve to be damned if you let wild beasts slaughter your compatriots!"

Fang Yue finally couldn't stand it any longer, raised his hand and pulled out the long knife, then thrust the demonic wolf towards it.


The demon wolf was split in half, and bright red blood sprayed on the bluestone in the town, instantly staining a large piece of it red.

This scene immediately shocked everyone!

Especially the rebels outside also discovered Fang Yue at this moment.

"It's this man! He's the one who killed the king's demon wolf! Everyone, follow me and kill him!"


When the rebels saw the demon wolf being killed, they all went crazy. They immediately gave up besieging the town and went straight out to kill Fang Yue.

"These beasts are looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, and he rushed out immediately. After grabbing someone's weapon, he waved the weapon and started fighting with the rebels.

Fang Yue was very fast and his attacks were extremely ruthless. He quickly killed dozens of rebels.

But these rebels became more and more courageous as they fought. They were not afraid of death at all, as if they had lost their minds.

Fang Yue frowned as he watched the rebels keep coming up. These people were mentally abnormal.

Just killed a demon wolf. Although I don’t know where these rebels came from, it shouldn’t be just a beast that died and let these people become like this!

"If you don't understand it, then you won't think about it."

Fang Yue snorted coldly, and then started killing. Anyway, these anti-thieves are murderous and deserve to die.

They didn't want to live anymore, and Fang Yue wouldn't be polite to these people.

Fang Yue killed for almost a quarter of an hour. After the rebels killed and wounded thousands of people, they finally seemed to come to their senses. Some people became afraid, dropped their weapons and ran away.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, they immediately dropped their weapons and ran for their lives.

Looking at these people, Fang Yue shook his head and did not continue to pursue.

"Let's go!"

Fang Yue did not enter the town, but turned around and left with Li Mengyao.


Not long after Fang Yue left the town, on the east side of the town, a group of people galloped towards here on horseback. The horses' hooves stepped on the flat land, making a roaring sound.

The leader was wearing black armor and riding a maroon horse, and his aura was very terrifying.

Soon, a knight rode out from the nearby woods and knelt on one knee in front of the leading man.

"What's going on?" The leading man looked at the knight indifferently.

"General Qi, an innate grandmaster appeared in the town ahead, killed the holy wolf, and defeated the third commander!" the knight reported.

"A bunch of trash, so many people didn't stop each other, damn it! Where did that person go? We can't let him run away!" Chen Tianwang's eyes were stern.

The blood of the Holy Wolf can help the Changping Army cultivate warriors, which is the foundation for the Changping Army.

As for this kind of holy wolf, their Chang Ping army only has ten of them, so one of them is really dead.

This will have a great impact on the growth of Changping Army.

After all, there are many ordinary people, and they can easily attract hundreds or even thousands. By using these medicines refined by drinking the blood of demon wolves, people can have power that is not inferior to that of a bone-forging warrior.

In this way, the Changping Army can have a powerful army.

Therefore, every holy wolf is precious and cannot be lost.

"Going south of the town!" the knight said.

"Mobilize all the manpower and track him down immediately. We must not let this person escape!"

Chen Tianwang ordered.

"Yes, I obey!"

The knight bowed his hands and then rode away.

"Hmph, a mere monk in the innate realm dares to go against my Chang Ping Army! Just wait and die!"

A sneer flashed across Chen Tianwang's face, then he spurred his horse on and chased towards the town.


at the same time.

Fang Yue and Li Mengyao rode out of the town and headed south.

"Is that wolf just now the demon in the rumors? I think that wolf seems to be very important to the rebels. I'm afraid we are not safe now." Li Mengyao asked with some worry.

As a person from the Blood Dragon Platform, she naturally knew about Chang Pingjun's demon wolf.

After all, these demon wolves were given to Chang Pingjun by their Blood Dragon Platform. The blood of these demon wolves is the main ingredient for refining blood medicine. Blood medicine can greatly increase the strength of ordinary people. Even some people with good physical fitness will be no less powerful than bone-forging warriors after taking the blood medicine.

This is also the fundamental reason why King Changping was able to gain such momentum in Guangfeng Mansion, and was still able to flourish despite being encircled and suppressed by the imperial court several times.

Fang Yue nodded slightly: "It should be a demon. That demon wolf has an aura that the beast does not have!"

He naturally sensed the abnormality in the demon wolf. Although the wolf demon felt extremely weak, the aura it exuded was indeed much stronger than that of ordinary beasts.

Moreover, Fang Yue could also sense that the other party's blood was very pure.

This is definitely not something ordinary beasts can do.

"What should we do now? Should we change direction? Maybe the experts from the Changping Army have started to track us now!"

Hearing Fang Yue's words, Li Mengyao immediately became excited.

The more dangerous the situation, the more likely she is to get the man in front of her.

"Keep moving forward, there are only two of us. As long as we hide carefully, we won't be discovered so easily." Fang Yue said.

Li Mengyao nodded slightly.

The two drove their horses forward again, and soon entered a mountain range.

There are continuous mountains, thick trees, and many wild beasts wandering on the meadows.

But this is no problem for Fang and Yue.

The two of them walked leisurely in the mountains and ignored some wild beasts they encountered, just pretending they didn't exist.

The day flies by so quickly,

When night fell, Fang and Yue finally arrived near a house.

This is a house built on the top of a mountain, and it is the place that Fang Yue is responsible for guarding as Si Tianjian's supervisor.


Fang and Yue stood outside the house. Fang Yue glanced around and could see bright lights in the rooms inside.

There is someone here!

The master of the Blood Dragon Platform didn't destroy this place!

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with surprise.

But no matter why the other party didn't destroy this place, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Let's go in."

Thinking of this,

Without any hesitation, Fang and Yue dismounted from their horses and took Li Mengyao directly towards the house.

Fang Yue didn't have any worries in his heart. After all, his current strength was much stronger than before. Even if he met that person again, he would be just in time to take revenge.

"Who are you, and why are you here? This is a restricted area. There are many people waiting here. You are not allowed to trespass!"

As soon as they entered the courtyard, two guards immediately blocked their way, and one of them shouted. (End of chapter)

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