A carriage loaded with goods was speeding on the road. The trees on both sides quickly receded, and the air was filled with the rich fragrance of vegetation.

Fang Yue sat in the car and rested with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound as the wheels rolled against the ground, and the carriage jolted violently.


A scream came from outside the carriage, causing Fang Yue to open his eyes suddenly. His expression changed slightly, and he quickly opened the door and rushed out.

Just as Fang Yue rushed out of the carriage, he heard a shrill scream.

He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a young man covering his left shoulder, squatting on the ground and wailing in pain.

"How do you drive the carriage? Do you want to kill me?" the young man roared angrily.

The carriage driver was sweating profusely, bowed his head and said solemnly: "Young Master, I'm so sorry!"

Fang Yue frowned slightly. This young man was gorgeously dressed and handsome. He seemed to be the son of a big family.

"What do you do for food and how do you drive? Can you afford to pay compensation for hurting me?"

The young man roared viciously.

Fang Yue stood aside and watched coldly as the young man named Wang Gongzi scolded the coachman. He had no intention of helping. After all, this was someone else's business, and he didn't want to meddle in it.

However, the prince's scoldings became more and more unpleasant, and he even began to beat the groom with a whip.

However, immediately, Fang Yue stopped paying attention and returned to the carriage.

There was another commotion outside for a while, and the steward of the motorcade came over and apologized a few times before finally suppressing the noble man's anger.

After such an episode, the team was back on the road.

The convoy slowly set off again, continuing along the winding road.

Fang Yue sat back in the car, but his mood could not be calm.

Although he did not directly intervene in the dispute between the prince and the coachman, after witnessing that scene, there was still a wave of emotion in his heart.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down, but the domineering look of the prince and the submissive look of the coachman kept popping up in his mind.

"No, it seems to be a scam!"

Fang Yue opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

The coachman who was beaten just now had slender fingers, fair skin, and not even a callus. Those were not hands that often drove carriages!

He opened the carriage door curtain again, quietly stuck his head out, and glanced around the carriage.

The coachman had returned to his seat and was driving the carriage, but his movements seemed very unfamiliar and did not look like an experienced coachman at all.

The more Fang looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

There's something wrong with this coachman!

Fang Yue was stunned, and he immediately realized that he might be involved in a conspiracy.

At this moment, Fang Yue felt a vague murderous intention in the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, a strange smell came from the carriage, which was extremely pungent.

"This is... drugged!"

Fang Yue reacted immediately, but he was not worried. With his cultivation level, this secret medicine would not work for him at all.

It seemed that they were being robbed by bandits, and the coachman might be a spy planted by the bandits.

At this time, perhaps because he was afraid of being found out, he launched the attack in advance.

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, but remained calm on the surface.

He quietly circulated his vitality to force the drug he inhaled into his body out of his body. At the same time, he kept his breathing steady and pretended to have been infected.

The carriage continued to move forward, but Fang Yue had noticed something strange.

The surrounding trees seemed to become sparse, the road became more and more bumpy, and it was obvious that it had deviated from the original route.

Fang Yue became more and more certain that this group of thieves had already planned and planned to lead the convoy to a remote place to rob.

After a while, the carriage suddenly stopped.


The coachman tightened the reins and stopped the horse, then looked back at the carriage with a wicked smile on his face.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he knew that he had arrived at the bandit's lair.

He continued to keep his breathing steady and lay motionless in the carriage, secretly gathering his inner strength and ready to take action at any time.

At this moment, the curtain of the carriage door was opened, and a masked man poked his head in. He was overjoyed when he saw Fang Yue lying there motionless.

"Haha, this drug is really powerful, it takes effect so quickly!" the masked man shouted excitedly.

"A poor man, just stay here."

He stretched out his hand to drag Fang Yue out of the car and threw him casually under a tree.

Then he went to search the carriage for other goods.

At the same time, similar things happened on other carriages.

Fang Yue lay under the tree, still pretending to be unconscious, while secretly observing the movements around him.

He saw the masked men rummaging through the goods on the carriage, their actions rough and greedy. Their eyes revealed ferocity and cruelty, and they destroyed the carriage and cargo without any scruples.

Fang Yue sneered in his heart. These thieves were indeed unscrupulous and didn't even have any cover.

He quietly moved his body so that he could lie on the ground more comfortably. At the same time, he kept his energy flowing and was ready to take action at any time.

After a while, the masked men seemed to have found what they were looking for and began to unload some goods from the carriage.

When Fang Yue saw this scene, he became more certain about the purpose of these thieves. They are not trying to rob money, they are trying to rob goods!

There must be something important in these goods that makes these thieves take such a risk.

There must be something important in these goods that makes these thieves take such a risk.

After all, this place is not far from the county town, and it is easy to leak the news and attract the pursuit of the county guards.

After thinking about this, Fang Yue felt a strong curiosity in his heart.

What exactly did these thieves rob?

At this moment, one of the masked men carried a box out of the carriage and put it on the ground.

Fang Yue took a look and saw that the box was half a person tall and heavy.

Could it be that their target was this box!

Soon, several more masked men took several similar boxes from the carriage and piled them all together.

Fang Yue lay on the ground, squinting his eyes and watching this scene, and he became more and more curious.

What exactly was in these boxes? It actually made these thieves so mobilizing.

At this moment, a masked man who looked like the leader came over. He looked around at the carriages and goods, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good." The masked leader said with a smile, "Move all these boxes away and replace them with our boxes!"

Soon, a group of bandits began to get busy. They moved the target boxes away, and then moved a few similar boxes from the side and put them on the carriage.

After a while, the bandits seemed to have completed all the actions, got on their horses again, and prepared to leave.

"Let's go!"

The masked leader waved his hand and led the bandits away.

Fang Yue lay on the ground until the sound of the bandits' horses gradually faded away, then he opened his eyes and sat up.

He looked around and found that except for himself, everyone else was still unconscious.

"What on earth did these bandits go to such great lengths to replace the goods of the caravan?"

Fang Yue came to a carriage carrying goods, lifted the curtain on it, and looked at the three boxes neatly placed inside.

He frowned slightly, and an inexplicable doubt surged in his heart.

These boxes looked ordinary on the outside, and there was nothing special about them. But Fang Yue knew that these boxes were definitely not ordinary goods, otherwise the thieves would not have gone to such great lengths to switch them.

"Could it be that these boxes contain..."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then he reached out and knocked on the box gently.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

The box made a dull sound, and it sounded as if it was full of things.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, he did not hear the sound he expected. If these boxes were filled with gold, silver, jewelry or valuables, the sound should be different.

"What on earth is it?"

Fang Yue became more and more curious, he looked around and found that except for himself, everyone else was still unconscious.

He hesitated for a moment and decided to open the box to have a look.

Anyway, these thieves had already left, and there would be no danger even if they were discovered. Moreover, he was too curious about the contents of these boxes and could not suppress his desire to explore.

Fang Yue reached out and fumbled on the box, and soon found the position of the lock. He twisted it gently, and the lock opened.

He opened the lid of the box and looked inside.

The box was filled with dense scrolls and books, exuding a faint scent of ink.

"Is this... books?"

Fang Yue was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that these boxes were filled with books.

He picked up a scroll and unfolded it to find that it was filled with dense text, which seemed to be an ancient document.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he realized that these books might be very precious. Otherwise, the thieves would not have gone to such great lengths to switch them.

He closed the lid of the box, locked the box again, and returned to his carriage.

Sitting in the carriage, Fang Yue felt an inexplicable excitement and expectation.

He realized that he might be involved in an unexpected conspiracy, and these books were the key.

"What secrets are hidden in these books?" Fang Yue secretly speculated in his heart, "Why would those thieves take the risk to switch? What do they want to get?"

He closed his eyes and began to ponder.

However, he couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time.

"Forget it, it's none of my business, why bother so much!" Fang Yue smiled slightly, and then prepared to close the box. At this time.

Fang Yue found a mark in a corner of the box, which was a special mark used inside the Si Tian Jian.

These books, or the original goods, were to be sent to the Si Tian Jian?

And the destination was the Si Tian Jian headquarters in Yujing City!

Fang Yue looked at the familiar mark, and an inexplicable feeling surged in his heart.

He knew that the Si Tian Jian was one of the most mysterious and powerful institutions in the Great Zhou Dynasty, responsible for observing astronomical phenomena, predicting good and bad luck, formulating calendars and many other important tasks.

Of course, it was also responsible for guarding the nodes in various places!

And these books were actually to be sent to the Si Tian Jian headquarters.

"What secrets are hidden in these books? Why do they attract the covetousness of thieves? And exchange?" Fang Yue speculated in his heart.

He knew that the information he had now was too little to draw a definite conclusion.

However, he was sure of one thing, that is, these books were definitely extraordinary.

Fang Yue felt a strong curiosity in his heart. He wanted to know what secrets were hidden in these books.

Fang Yue had a vague feeling that he might have come into contact with a huge secret now.

As long as he continues to pursue it, he will have a chance to reveal the truth.

However, based on this clue alone, he could not deduce the specific secret.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, suppressed his curiosity for the time being, and then put the box aside.

Now, the most important purpose is to act as if nothing has happened.

It didn't take long for someone to wake up.

"What happened just now? Why did I fall asleep? Where is this place?" asked a burly man with a sinewy face.

"I...I don't know either!" Another person shook his head and replied in a confused tone.

"Check the goods quickly to see if anything is missing!" the leader-like man scolded.

Those people immediately rummaged through the boxes and began to examine them carefully. Soon, people reported one after another that some valuable goods and silver were missing. It was obvious that they were knocked unconscious without knowing it, and then they were robbed.

The leader-looking man's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light. He looked around, and then shouted: "What on earth is going on? Who did it?"

However, all he received in response was silence and confusion.

At this time, Fang Yue also pretended to have just woken up, rubbed his eyes, and asked with a confused look: "What happened? Why did I fall asleep?"

The leader-like man frowned when he saw Fang Yue waking up, but didn't say anything. He was distracted now and was in no mood to care about an unimportant person.

"Everyone, wake up and check the goods!" he continued to yell.

As his voice fell, others woke up one after another and began to check the goods they were responsible for.

Soon, all the goods were checked, and the leader-like person roughly figured out the situation.

"Except for the loss of some valuables and money, the other goods are still there." He said in a deep voice, "It seems that we have been robbed."

When everyone heard this, they immediately started talking, and everyone was filled with indignation and yelled at the thieves for being so ignorant that they dared to run wild on their territory.

The man who looked like a leader waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "It's useless to say all this now. The top priority is to deliver the goods to the destination as soon as possible."

He looked around and then continued: "I just lost some money. It's good that I didn't lose my life. Let's continue on our way."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement, and then began to rearrange the goods and prepare to set off.

The convoy set off again, returning along the same route.

Along the way, everyone remained vigilant, fearing that they would encounter thieves again.

Fortunately, there were no further problems in the rest of the journey. Ten days later, we arrived at the capital city of Liangzhou Prefecture.

In the capital city of Liangzhou Prefecture, the bustling street scenes and noisy voices made Fang Yue feel familiar and friendly.

The convoy slowly drove into the city. When passing the city gate, the soldiers guarding just conducted a routine inspection and found nothing unusual.

The leader-looking man obviously had some connections in the city, and he quickly found a spacious courtyard as a temporary place to stay.

Everyone got out of the car to unload the goods and got busy.

When they arrived at the place, Fang Yue left the convoy. He looked around at the surrounding environment, made some inquiries, and then walked towards Si Tianjian's station in Fucheng. (End of chapter)

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