As he said this, he punched the black shadow with all his strength and killing intent, as if he wanted to destroy the entire stone chamber.

The wind from his fist whistled, bringing with it a fierce momentum, and went straight to the black shadow.

After one punch, there was no accident this time.

The black shadow was hit hard by him, and let out a muffled groan, then flew back like a kite with a broken string, and hit the wall of the stone chamber heavily.

The sound of the collision echoed in the stone chamber, and with the dull sound of the black shadow falling, the whole stone chamber seemed to shake.

Fang Yue stared at the black shadow, and when he saw that it had not moved for a long time, he dared to confirm that the culprit who framed him had been completely killed.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax his vigilance. He walked slowly to the black shadow, ready to take off its veil to see the true face of the mastermind behind the scenes.

He squatted down, stretched out his hand, and slowly took off the black shadow's veil.

Under the veil, there was a strange face, and he didn't know this person.

This face was covered with blood and dust, and it was no longer possible to see its original appearance.

But Fang Yue could clearly feel the evil aura emanating from this person, which made him feel scared.

He didn't know how he was framed by this person, nor did he know what this person's purpose was.

But now, this person is dead, and all the mysteries can only be slowly solved in the future.

"Finally dead, now it's time to see what secrets are here."

This cave is hidden underground in the Sitianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture. It is very secretive, and this black shadow knows this place very well.

Obviously there must be a big secret here.

If the secret here can be revealed, perhaps he can wash away the injustice he is suffering now. Perhaps, he can also gain something.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue looked up at the gem in his hand.

This gem absorbed the vitality in his body, and at this time it emitted a little starlight, which was enough to show that this place was not simple.

At this time, Fang Yue was just about to search, and the gem in his hand changed again.

A stream of pure energy emanated from it and quickly entered Fang Yue's body.

However, a moment.

"It can actually purify energy! Sure enough, it's a treasure." Fang Yue was slightly stunned, and then came back to his senses.

He held the gem tightly in his hand, feeling the warmth and power it exuded.

However, now is not the time to study.

Fang Yue immediately put away the gem and prepared to search the cave.

However, before continuing to explore, he needed to ensure his own safety.

Fang Yue quickly checked his physical condition and confirmed that he was not injured before starting to search in the cave.

He carefully avoided possible traps and dangers, while paying attention to all the details around him.

Fang Yue moved slowly along the edge of the stone chamber, taking every step very carefully. He knew that there were unknown dangers hidden in this cave, and any negligence could lead to irreversible consequences.

The air in the stone chamber was cold and damp, which made people feel chilly.

Some ancient runes and patterns were engraved on the walls, exuding a mysterious and strange atmosphere.

These runes and patterns seemed to be related to some ancient rituals. Fang Yue guessed that this might be inextricably linked to the secrets in the cave.

He walked and observed, trying to find clues from these runes and patterns.

However, these runes and patterns were too old and complicated, and he could not interpret their meaning for a while.

Just when he felt a little frustrated, a stone door suddenly appeared on the wall in front of him.

This stone door was integrated with the surrounding stone walls. If Fang Yue had not observed carefully, it would be almost impossible to find its existence.

He was delighted and walked quickly to the stone door.

There were also some runes and patterns engraved on the stone door, but they were slightly different from those in the stone chamber.

Fang Yue guessed that this stone door might be the entrance to the depths of the cave.

He tried to push the stone door, but it did not move at all.

Fang Yue immediately increased his strength, and under the blessing of huge strength.

After a while, the stone door made a muffled sound and slowly opened.

Fang Yue was delighted and walked carefully into the passage behind the stone door.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a stone chamber suddenly appeared in front of the passage.

Fang Yue walked quickly to the door of the stone chamber, and saw that the stone chamber was filled with gold, silver, treasures, and rare spiritual herbs and medicines. These treasures and spiritual medicines exuded an alluring atmosphere that made people excited.

However, Fang Yue was not tempted by these treasures.

He knew that although these treasures were precious, they were not the purpose of his trip. Moreover, there were many of them, and he could not take many away. He only picked a few pearls that looked precious and took them away, and left the others where they were.

Fang Yue looked around and found that there was nothing else in the stone chamber except treasures.

He was a little disappointed and prepared to leave the stone chamber to continue exploring.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly found a stone tablet in the corner of the stone chamber. This stone tablet was integrated with the surrounding stone walls, and it was almost impossible to find it without careful observation.

Fang Yue's heart moved and he walked to the stone tablet.

There were some ancient words and patterns engraved on the stone tablet. These words and patterns were similar to those seen on the stone chamber and stone door before, but not exactly the same.

He carefully studied these words and patterns and tried to find clues from them.

After some effort, he finally deciphered part of the content.

It turns out that this stone tablet records the history and secrets of this cave.

This cave was the retreat of a great man who studied secret medicine and martial arts thousands of years ago. There are many precious treasures and inheritances hidden in it.

This is also one of the earliest secret medicine and martial arts research sites of the Wei Dynasty.

However, it was later closed.

He continued to study the contents on the stone tablet and found that it also mentioned a mysterious technique.

This technique can cultivate powerful physical strength and is the lifelong effort of this great man.

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with excitement. He knew that he was really lucky this time.

This mysterious technique was enough to take him to a higher level in martial arts.

He couldn't wait to find the whereabouts of the technique, and finally found a hidden compartment under the stone tablet.

In the compartment was an ancient book, with five large characters "Dark Shining Vajra Body" written in ancient seal on the cover.

Fang Yue carefully opened the book, and every page recorded the exquisite practice method and experience.

As he read, he gradually understood the mystery of "Dark Shining Vajra Body".

This technique focuses on physical training. Through specific training methods and mental methods, the physical body can be tempered to be as indestructible as Vajra, and at the same time contains powerful power.

However, this technique seems simple, but it is actually very domineering.

It has extremely high requirements for the physical body of the practitioner. If the talent is insufficient, forced training will inevitably cause the physical body to collapse and die a bad death.

In the era when it was created, few people could practice successfully, and even the founder of this technique died because of the collapse of the physical body.

Fang Yue continued to read the classics of "Dark Shining Vajra Body", and every word and sentence was deeply imprinted in his heart.

He knew that although this technique was domineering and dangerous, once it was successfully practiced, it would greatly increase his strength.

Moreover, he was not afraid that his qualifications would not keep up with the progress of the technique.

After all, his qualifications could increase every day, so there was no need to worry at all.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and carefully put the book of "Dark Shining Vajra Body" into his arms.

He knew that this book was the biggest gain of his trip to the cave and the key to his future martial arts practice.

He did not leave the stone chamber immediately, but sat cross-legged and began to practice breathing.

He needed to restore the vitality in his body to the best state as soon as possible in order to cope with the challenges that might be encountered next.

As time went by, Fang Yue felt that his state gradually returned to its peak. He stood up and began to look for other exits.

There must be another exit in this kind of place, and it could never be the one he came down from before.

Coming out of the stone chamber, Fang Yue began to feel the airflow in the cave. Following the direction of the airflow, he would definitely be able to find the exit.

Walking out of the stone chamber, Fang Yue stood in the darkness of the cave, quietly feeling the airflow around him.

There was a hint of firmness and calmness on his face, which was the temperament he cultivated in his many struggles on the brink of life and death.

The air in the cave was cold and damp, but in Fang Yue's perception, these airflows seemed to form invisible lines pointing to an unknown exit.

He took a deep breath and walked slowly in the direction of the airflow. He walked very carefully with every step, always ready to deal with possible dangers.

He held the mysterious gem tightly in his hand, and the warm light it emitted provided him with a faint light in this dark cave.

The cave was winding and winding, like an underground maze. But Fang Yue did not panic. He always remained calm and alert, and walked forward step by step in the direction of the airflow.

After walking for an unknown period of time, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of him. Fang Yue was delighted, knowing that he had found the exit.

He quickened his pace and walked in the direction of the light. The light became brighter and brighter, and gradually, he saw the exit of the cave.

It was a narrow gap hidden in the stone wall. If you don't observe carefully, it is almost impossible to find it.

But Fang Yue finally found this secret exit with his keen perception and firm will.

He carefully squeezed out of the gap and returned to the ground. The sun shone on him, bringing a touch of warmth and kindness.

Fang Yue stood on the ground and took a deep breath. He knew that he had finally walked out of that dangerous and mysterious cave.

Recalling his experience in the cave, Fang Yue felt a little scared. But he also knew that this adventure had brought him huge gains.

Not only did he uncover the secrets in the cave, he also got a powerful technique.

Now, he needs to leave this place as soon as possible and find a safe place to practice this technique.

He believes that as long as he succeeds in practicing, his strength will increase greatly, and then he will be able to wash away his grievances and find out the truth about his being framed.

Fang Yue turned and left, and his figure gradually disappeared in the sunlight.

At this time.

Yun Qing's figure appeared where the black shadow died.

"He was beaten to death. It seems that the guy's strength is even stronger than expected. This is really interesting. It's just right for those guys to intercept him."

Yun Qing emerged from the hidden darkness, looking at the black shadow that had lost its life on the ground, with a playful smile on his face.

"I thought sending this guy would be enough, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated that kid's strength." Yun Qing said to himself, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

She was not frustrated by the failure of the black shadow, but she became more interested in the strength he showed.

For Yun Qing, the stronger Fang Yue became, the more interesting the game would be.

She turned around and prepared to leave the stone room, and at the same time, she had a new plan in mind.

"Those guys should be impatient, it's time for them to play." Yun Qing raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a strange smile.

At the same time, Fang Yue had left the cave and was looking for a safe place to practice "Dark Shining Vajra Body".

He did not hide in the mountains, but came to another city not far from Gunzhou Prefecture.

Fang Yue chose this city because it was crowded with people, which made it easy to hide his whereabouts, and it was also easy to find the resources needed for practice.

To practice, you have to find a comfortable place, and you can't treat yourself badly.

He found an inn to stay in. Although the inn was not big, it was quiet and few people came to disturb him.

The key was that there was an independent courtyard, which was just right for Fang Yue to practice.

After Fang Yue settled down in the inn, he couldn't wait to start practicing "Dark Shining Vajra Body".

He knew the domineering and dangerous nature of this skill, so he was extremely cautious.

After making all the preparations, Fang Yue took out the book of "Dark Shining Vajra Body" and read it carefully again.

Every word and sentence of this book contains the profound true meaning of martial arts, and he dared not be careless.

With a deeper understanding of the book, Fang Yue had a clearer understanding of the practice method of "Dark Shining Vajra Body".

He knew that this skill focused on the tempering of the body and the cohesion of strength, and it was necessary to guide the vitality in the body through specific practice methods to continuously strengthen the body.

Before practicing, Fang Yue prepared a unique medicinal bath according to the records in the book.

This medicinal bath can help him better temper his body during the practice, which is indispensable.

With the preparation of the medicinal bath ready, Fang Yue took off his clothes and immersed himself in the steaming liquid.

The liquid medicine contained the essence of various rare medicinal materials. Once it came into contact with Fang Yue's skin, it immediately began to work.

He could clearly feel the energy in the liquid medicine seeping into his body continuously, nourishing every inch of muscle and bone.

But then came extreme pain, which made Fang Yue groan.

This pain was almost beyond Fang Yue's imagination, as if countless needles were piercing through his body, and every inch of his skin seemed to be burned by fire.

His face turned pale in an instant, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, but he clenched his teeth and did not make any sound.

He knew that this was a necessary process for practicing the "Dark Shining Vajra Body". Only by experiencing this extreme pain can one forge an indestructible body. (End of this chapter)

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