Fang Yue ignored Zhang Shu, who was a little arrogant and unruly.

In his opinion, she was a spoiled young lady. She looked down on them as "poor relatives" from the countryside.

For such a woman, since you can't fight her, the best way is to ignore her.

Besides, at this time, Fang Yue didn't have time to pay attention to her.

Originally, he wondered why so many young and strong men in the village didn't dare to go hunting in the mountains and forests by themselves, and no more people made a living by hunting.

He felt very strange, and now he knew that it was because the beasts in the mountains were too huge and too fierce.

Such beasts are definitely not something that ordinary people can deal with with bows and arrows or swords.

The huge body and powerful strength can make these beasts ignore most traps. If the attacking beast is not strong enough and the speed is not fast enough, I am afraid that it will not be able to break the opponent's defense.

Ordinary people have difficulty pulling a three-stone bow, and many people can't pull it.

According to the dissection of the tiger corpse just now, the three-stone bow can only cause damage to such a giant tiger unless it is close to the enemy or hits the vital point.

As for the stronger five-stone bow and six-stone bow, only warriors can pull them.

So hunting requires warriors who practice martial arts.

"Clean this place to avoid attracting other beasts."

Soon the giant tiger's body was cut up, and the tiger bones, tiger skin, and other parts of the body that can be used as medicine were cut off.

The other parts were buried in a pit on the spot, and lime was sprinkled to cover the blood and smell.

After doing all this, Fang Yue and others returned to the camp.

The bonfire was lit, and the fish caught naturally didn't need to be eaten. Today they ate tiger meat.

Tiger meat was very tough and it took half an hour to roast it.

There were naturally no seasonings such as cumin, chili, and pepper, but only some salt was sprinkled.

In the past and present lives, this was the first time Fang Yue had eaten tiger meat.

The meat was very hard and a little hard to bite.

But it tasted very good. After swallowing, Fang Yue felt a slight warm current rising from his stomach.

This warm current circulated in his body and then disappeared.

Fang Yue seemed to feel that his body had changed, but it seemed that there was no change.

Immediately, he ate a few more bites.

Then he felt it carefully. This time, after being prepared, it was much clearer.

Under the effect of that slight warm current, he felt that his body was strengthened.

"The effect of this tiger meat seems to be similar to the medicinal tea that he drinks after practicing every day."

Fang Yue could not help thinking as he sensed the changes in his body.

Then, he looked at Fang Ergou, who was eating meat without any abnormality.

Then he looked at Zhang Shu. This girl was quite gentle and ate in small bites. She also did not show any abnormality.

Neither of them showed any abnormality. Could it be that he was not experienced enough?

"Master, this tiger meat seems unusual. I feel that it is a bit, a bit... a bit similar to the medicinal tea I drink every day."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shu next to him spoke:

"What do you feel? It's just eating meat. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Is tiger meat poisonous and can't be eaten?"

In theory, etiquette prevailed in this ancient society. The elders haven't spoken yet, so it shouldn't be her turn to speak.

However, Fang Hu naturally wouldn't argue with her.

"Yes, you have a keen sense. The medicinal tea you drink every day contains tiger bones. There are also several medicinal materials in it. When combined, it is the small white tiger decoction that we must practice White Tiger Fist." Fang Hu explained.

At the same time, his eyes looking at Fang Yue became softer.

This boy's perception is really sharp. He felt the medicinal properties of tiger meat the first time he ate it.

As for his son, it has been several years, and he has eaten tiger meat more than a dozen times, but he didn't notice it at all.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to accept Fang Yue as an apprentice.

Medicine and martial arts are inseparable. There are corresponding medicines to assist in every realm of martial arts practice.

Many of them require you to adjust the dosage according to your actual practice to ensure more efficient use.

Not to mention, there will definitely be many bumps and bruises in martial arts practice.

If you are in the city, you can still find a doctor, but if you are in the countryside or in the wild, where can you find a doctor?

If you can only rely on yourself to save yourself, you naturally need to know some medical skills.

And the keen perception of the efficacy of medicinal materials is also a necessary condition for becoming a doctor.

Ergou is simple-minded and careless. He can't learn anything that requires carefulness.

Sure enough, Fang Ergou said anxiously as soon as he finished speaking:

"Dad, Little White Tiger Decoction? What is this? What's the use? Why can't I tell what the relationship is between tiger meat and tea! Can meat and tea be related?"

Fang Ergou seemed very curious, and he didn't give up until he asked clearly.

"Eat your meat, don't talk." Fang Huhu glared and immediately choked back Fang Ergou's words.

The latter muttered something like "I don't want to say it, I don't want to say it, what's the big deal."

Then he began to vent his emotions on the roasted tiger meat and ate it fiercely.

As for Zhang Shu, she was also eating tiger meat at this time.

And she looked like she was feeling it carefully, so she naturally knew about the Little White Tiger Decoction.

But at this time, no matter how she sensed, she didn't feel any connection between the tiger meat and the Little White Tiger Decoction.

"Okay, don't think about it, eat it quickly. Rest quickly, we have to travel tomorrow."

Fang Hu interrupted everyone's thoughts.

But Fang Yue and others didn't know that Fang Hu looked relaxed at the moment, but his heart was a little heavy.

But he was thinking: Why did this young tiger appear here!


Daliushu Village.

In front of Fang Yue's house.

Chen leaned against the gate and tied a net with her daughter Fang Lan.

Master Liu's family was not so busy these days, and she came back after noon.

"Why hasn't my son Zhui come back yet? How many days has he been out? It's almost ten days."

"Xiahe County is so far away, I don't know if Zhui has become thin from hunger."

Chen tied a net, her mind was on Fang Yue who was out.

"Mom, Zhui brother must be fine, he can't be thin from hunger with Uncle Fang Hu." Fang Lan advised.

"As for my brother, what did the matchmaker say that day? Will this marriage be successful? My brother is so distracted that he must have fallen in love with her."

Speaking of this, Chen sighed.

"The girl is a good girl, and your brother is also attracted to her. But the betrothal gift is too much, five taels of silver, five catties of pork, and a piece of coarse cloth, which is a bit too much."

It's not easy to get enough food in this year, and such a large betrothal gift is indeed beyond the affordability of ordinary families.

It's a bit too much.

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