Fang Yue heard this and understood immediately.

It turned out that the mansion master had learned of the conspiracy of the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform, and specially sent the imperial guards to protect him.

But the strange thing is that if he remembered correctly, the mansion master of Gunzhou Prefecture should have been infiltrated by the Shadow Society.

So, these imperial guards appeared at this time, and their intentions might not be simple!

Fang Yue's thoughts turned rapidly, and various possibilities flashed through his mind quickly.

He tried to stay calm and his face was normal, so that no one could detect his inner fluctuations.

He knew very well that at this critical moment, any panic or negligence could put himself in an irreversible situation.

"Okay, you lead the way."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, revealing a trace of unquestionable firmness in his voice.

He decided to follow these imperial guards first to see what their purpose was, and then look for an opportunity to find out the truth.

Upon hearing this, the imperial guards immediately lined up neatly to lead Fang Yue.

The group walked through the busy streets and came to a remote house.

Although the house looked ordinary, Fang Yue keenly sensed a hint of unusual atmosphere.

"Master Fang, please." A leader of the imperial guards said respectfully, pushing the door open for Fang Yue.

Fang Yue nodded and walked into the house calmly.

He looked around and found that although the house was simply decorated, it revealed an indescribable majesty and solemnity.

He knew that this was probably the base of the imperial guards in Gunzhou Prefecture.

However, he did not relax his vigilance.

On the contrary, he observed everything around him more carefully, trying to find clues from the details.

He knew that the forces of the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform had infiltrated the upper echelons of Gunzhou Prefecture, and this struggle was destined to be extremely difficult and complicated.

The atmosphere in the house was extremely tense, and everyone remained highly vigilant.

Fang Yue could feel that everyone here was an elite who had experienced hundreds of battles. Their eyes were sharp and firm, as if they could see through all hypocrisy and lies.

Fang Yue knew that he had to act carefully and not be negligent or careless.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and saw what conspiracy this mansion owner was going to play.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, a strong smell of powder came to his nose, which seemed to have a bit of affectation and deliberate concealment.

At this time, a soft, pleasant, and tempting voice sounded.

At this time, a soft, pleasant, and tempting voice sounded: "Master Fang, you are finally here, I have been waiting for a long time."

Fang Yue was slightly stunned, and then looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a woman in a gorgeous gauze skirt walking slowly. Her face was charming, and her eyes revealed a hint of cunning and teasing.

"Who are you?" Fang Yue asked in a puzzled manner, but he had already been alert in his heart.

"I am Wanyin, and I am waiting for you, Lord Fang." The woman smiled, her voice was so sweet that it made people intoxicated.

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, thinking that this woman must be extraordinary. On the surface, he remained calm and said lightly: "Oh? It turned out to be Miss Wanyin. I am sorry. I wonder why you are looking for me?"

Wanyin smiled coquettishly and said: "Lord Fang, you are a distinguished guest, and I will naturally entertain you well. Come, please follow me. I have prepared the best wine and food for you, as well as wonderful dance performances, hoping to wash away the dust on your way."

As she said that, she turned and walked deep into the mansion, her graceful figure swaying gently in the breeze, like a blooming flower.

Although Fang Yue was full of doubts and vigilance in his heart, he pretended to accept it on the surface and followed with a smile.

He decided to wait and see what the woman's intentions were.

Along the way, Wanyin kept chatting with Fang Yue, asking him about his views on the mansion and his recent experiences.

Fang Yue responded carefully, neither revealing his true thoughts nor letting the other party notice his vigilance.

Soon, they came to a gorgeously decorated banquet hall.

The hall was filled with delicacies and fine wines, and a group of dancers were dancing to the graceful music. The whole atmosphere seemed luxurious and charming.

"Master Fang, please take a seat." Wan Yin pointed to a carved sandalwood chair on the main seat and said.

Fang Yue nodded and sat down calmly.

He looked around and found that in addition to himself and Wan Yin, there were several men and women in gorgeous clothes sitting in the banquet hall.

Their eyes glanced at him from time to time, as if they were looking at something.

Wan Yin raised her glass and toasted Fang Yue: "Master Fang, I toast you a glass, and I hope you will have a pleasant time in the mansion."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, raised his glass and said in return: "Thank you Miss Wan Yin for your hospitality."

The dinner officially began, and the dancers filed in, dancing to the graceful music. Their figures were light and graceful, as if a group of fairies were dancing in the world.

Fang Yue was enjoying the dance while tasting the food. However, he did not completely relax his vigilance and kept an eye on the movements around him.

"Does Lord Fang have a girl he likes? I can help you make a match!" Wan Yin asked softly with a hint of teasing in her tone.

At the same time, she wrapped herself around Fang Yue as if she had no bones.

Fang Yue smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "Miss Wan Yin is joking."

Seeing that Fang Yue did not take the bait, Wan Yin was not discouraged. She smiled softly and sat back in her seat. Her graceful figure looked particularly attractive in the candlelight.

She didn't seem to be in a hurry to achieve her goal, but dealt with Fang Yue slowly.

"Master Fang is really calm." Wan Yin's tone showed some appreciation, "But tonight's banquet is not just for you to enjoy the dance and taste the food."

When Fang Yue heard this, his brows raised slightly, and he was secretly wary.

He knew that Wan Yin's next words would probably reveal the true purpose of this banquet.

Sure enough, Wan Yin paused and continued: "To be honest, the slave family invited Mr. Fang to come here this time because there is an important matter that they want to discuss with you."

Fang Yue pretended to be surprised and asked, "Oh? I wonder what Miss Wanyin has to do?"

Wan Yin's eyes flashed slightly, and she whispered: "The Nu family learned that the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform have recently made moves in the Gunzhou Mansion, and they seem to be plotting some big plan. Although the Nu family is not talented, they also want to contribute to Gunzhou. I will do my best to protect the safety of the government. I wonder what Mr. Fang thinks about this?”

Fang Yue sneered in his heart. He had long expected that this banquet would not be simple, and now it seemed that it was indeed the case.

On the surface, Wan Yin is a singer in the mansion, but her actual identity is far from simple!

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, but there was no trace of it on the surface.

He knew that Wan Yin's words must have a profound meaning, and that this banquet was by no means as simple as it seemed.

So he deliberately pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh? Shadow Society and Blood Dragon Platform? Aren't these two forces always against the imperial court? They have made some moves in Gunzhou Mansion. This matter is not trivial!"

Wanyin nodded and said, "What Mr. Fang said is absolutely true. These two forces are extremely ambitious and have always wanted to overthrow the rule of the imperial court. Now that they are colluding together and conspiring in the Gunzhou Mansion, they are afraid that they will cause a bloody storm. Therefore, the Nu family wants to ask Mr. Fang to take action to catch them all and bring peace to Gunzhou Prefecture! "

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart felt like a mirror.

He knew that Wanyin's words must be deceptive. It was probably a trap set by the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform, trying to lure him into the trap.

So he smiled slightly and said: "Miss Wan Yin is very righteous, and Fang should accept her with a smile. However, this matter is of great importance and requires long-term planning. Don't act rashly."

Seeing that Fang Yue didn't take the bait, Wan Yin's eyes flashed with disappointment.

But she did not give up, but continued: "What Master Fang said is absolutely true. This matter does require long-term consideration. However, the slave family believes that with Master Fang's wisdom and bravery, he will be able to come up with a sound strategy to deal with these two forces."

Fang Yue smiled and said nothing more.

He knew that this banquet had no meaning and he had to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.

So he stood up, cupped his hands to Wan Yin and said, "Thank you very much, Miss Wan Yin, for your warm hospitality. I have important matters to attend to, so I can't stay long. Today's matters will be discussed later."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out the door. However, just as he was about to walk out of the banquet room, he suddenly felt a powerful murderous aura coming from behind.

Fang Yue dodged and quickly dodged the sudden attack. At the same time, the long sword in his hand was unsheathed and he looked around cautiously. I saw a man in black jumping out of the darkness, also holding a long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword pointing directly at Fang Yue.

"What does this mean? Is this how Miss Wanyin treats guests?"

Fang Yue stared at the man in black coldly, with a chill in his tone. He had already noticed that this banquet was unusual, and now it seemed that it was indeed a trap.

Wan Yin also stood up at this time, with the charming smile still on her face, but a cunning light flashed in her eyes.

In the evening, she lightly opened her red lips, and her voice was sweet but with a hint of imperceptible sarcasm: "Master Fang, those who are righteous are those who understand the current affairs. Nowadays, the Wei Dynasty has no righteousness, and the world is in rebellion. Even the government of Gunzhou is like this. There is an undercurrent in the important town. Mr. Fang is a young and talented man, and he still doesn’t want to join us in planning something big!”

"Who are you?" Fang Yue stared closely at the delicate woman in front of him.

Wan Yin's words made Fang Yue more convinced that this woman was anything but simple, and there must be a bigger conspiracy behind her.

Maybe it's the Blood Dragon Platform, maybe it's the Shadow Society, or even some other messy forces.

He held the sword tightly and stared at Wanyin with cold eyes, trying to read more information from her expression.

Wan Yin was not afraid at all. She smiled softly, her graceful figure swaying in the candlelight.

"Master Fang, it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that Wei's destiny has come to an end, the world is in turmoil, and it only takes a moment for the dragons to rise from the ground!"

After Wan Yin's words fell, the banquet hall fell into a brief silence. There was an indescribable confidence and arrogance in her words, as if she had already seen the world in chaos in the future, with all the dragons and dragons without a leader.

Fang Yue sneered in his heart. Naturally, he would not believe Wan Yin's words easily. Although this woman looks charming on the surface, her mind is as deep as the sea and unpredictable. He knew that he had to deal with it carefully and not let her see his flaws.

"Miss Wan Yin, what you said is really shocking." Fang Yue said in a pretense of surprise, "However, I believe that the Wei Dynasty has its own destiny, and it is not something that a little girl like you can make arbitrarily. If you Knowing the current situation, we should stop as soon as possible and stop colluding with the Shadow Society, Blood Dragon Platform and other forces, otherwise we will only lead to our own destruction. "

When Wan Yin heard this, a hint of viciousness flashed in her eyes. She didn't expect Fang Yue to reject her so firmly, which made her feel a little surprised and angry. She knew that she couldn't waste time with Fang Yue anymore and had to take action as soon as possible.

So she winked at the man in black, signaling him to take action. The man in black got the order and immediately swung his sword at Fang Yue. His sword skills were fierce and fierce, and every move was a fatal killing move, as if he wanted to kill Fang Yue in one fell swoop.

However, Fang Yue was not afraid. He evaded the attack of the man in black flexibly and swung his sword to counterattack. His sword skills were superb, and every sword hit the vital points of the man in black accurately.

After several rounds, the man in black had been forced to retreat by Fang Yue.

He was terrified in his heart, and he didn't expect Fang Yue's martial arts to be so strong.

He wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Fang Yue swung his sword, and the sword light flashed through the air like lightning, instantly piercing the body of the man in black. The man in black screamed and fell to the ground, and there was no sound anymore.

Wanyin was horrified when she saw this.

"How are you okay? How could you not be poisoned!" Wanyin shouted in astonishment, her voice full of disbelief.

She had clearly lit the Dark God Incense in the entire room. The Dark God Incense was a rare poison in the world. It was invisible and invisible, and it could poison people invisibly. Even martial arts masters could hardly resist it.

Fang Yue heard this and raised a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth: "Do you think your tricks can be hidden from me? From the moment you appeared, I knew you were not simple. This banquet was just a trap set by you. As for the Dark God Incense you mentioned, it has no effect on me at all."

Wanyin's face turned pale in an instant, and she knew that she had completely failed.

She originally thought that Fang Yue would fall into her trap, fall to the ground due to poisoning, and then let her do whatever she wanted.

However, she did not expect Fang Yue to be so vigilant and smart. He not only saw through her plan, but also killed her men.

" don't want to come over?" Wanyin asked with a trembling voice, her eyes full of fear and despair.

At this time, there was no calmness as before.

Fang Yue stared at Wanyin coldly, his eyes revealed coldness and determination.

He knew that although this woman looked weak and helpless, she was actually a ruthless character.

"Miss Wanyin, tell me, who are you!" Fang Yue said, approaching Wanyin step by step.

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