After hearing this, the man in Tsing Yi's eyes flashed with admiration.

He could see that Fang Yue had not been carried away by the temptation of the Great Dragon Pill, but still remained sober and rational.

Such a mentality and determination are rare among the younger generation.

"What a chance meeting. Brother Fang is indeed extraordinary." The man in Tsing Yi said with a smile, "In that case, I will wait for Brother Fang's arrival in Shanyang Mansion City."

After that, he turned around and walked away, quickly disappearing into the woods.

Watching the man in green leave, Fang Yue couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in his heart.

The Great Dragon Pill is made from the bones and flesh of the demon dragon and the demon tiger, and contains the majestic vitality and essence of the two powerful demon beasts.

Every Great Dragon Pill is a treasure that countless warriors dream of.

Not only can it allow warriors to condense dragon tendons and tiger bones during the transformation period, but it can also give birth to various supernatural powers, allowing warriors to achieve a qualitative leap in strength.

However, precisely because of the preciousness and magic of the Great Dragon Pill, it has also become the focus of competition among countless warriors.

In order to obtain a Great Dragon Pill, warriors often do whatever it takes, even killing each other and bleeding like rivers.

Fang Yue stood there, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind. He knew that although the Great Dragon Pill was tempting, it was not easy to obtain.

This trip to Shanyang Prefecture may be a chance, but it is more likely to be a trap, so whether you go or not depends on fate.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue took a deep breath and calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

He immediately turned around and entered the woods, speeding towards the place where the caravan had been besieged.

In the woods, the branches and leaves are dense, blocking most of the sunlight, making the whole forest look a bit eerie.

Fang Yue walked carefully through it, always alert to the movements around him.

He knew that there were many dangers hidden in this forest, and he could be in danger if he was not careful.

Soon, Fang Yue arrived at the place where the caravan was besieged.

At this moment, the businessman who was held hostage by Fang Yue, as well as the rescued women, were all controlled by the black-clad soldiers. They were tied together and gathered in a small clearing, looking very embarrassed.

"Sir, please forgive me, please forgive me. This is really none of my business. I was forced to do so!" the businessman shouted begging for mercy.

The soldiers in black turned a deaf ear to the merchants' pleas for mercy. Their eyes were cold, as if the people in front of them were just their prey and allowed to be slaughtered by them.

One of the soldiers stepped forward, grabbed the businessman by the collar, and said viciously: "Who do you think you are? We have the final say here now!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand violently and threw the businessman away.

The businessman fell heavily to the ground and screamed in pain.

The soldiers around him laughed when they saw this.

They seemed to have found new fun and began to touch the tied women.

Some soldiers pulled the women's hair, some touched the women's bodies, and some even took out daggers and made gestures on the women's faces, obviously preparing to do something wrong.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a cold light.

He didn't expect that these black-clad soldiers would be so frantic and do such cruel things to these unarmed women.

"Stop!" Fang Yue shouted, his voice echoing in the woods like thunder.

When the soldiers in black heard the sound, they turned to look at Fang Yue.

There were ferocious smiles on their faces, as if they had seen new prey.

"Boy, are you here to die?" one of the soldiers said mockingly.

Fang Yue did not answer him, but flashed his body and rushed in front of the black-clothed soldiers in an instant.

He waved the long sword in his hand, and a flash of sword light flashed, instantly killing the soldier who was mocking him to the ground.

The remaining soldiers in black were horrified when they saw this, and they all raised their weapons and attacked Fang Yue.

However, their strength was far from Fang Yue. Fang Yue dodged their attacks in a flash, and at the same time, he swung out several rays of sword light from his long sword, killing the black-clothed soldiers one by one.

Soon, all the soldiers in black fell to the ground and made no sound.

Fang Yue looked at the black-clothed soldiers lying on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that these soldiers in black were all evil-doers and deserved to die.

Then he turned and walked towards the tied businessmen and women.

With a wave of his long sword, he cut off all the ropes binding them.

"Thank you so much for saving my life!" The women bowed to Fang Yue one after another and thanked him.

"Okay, it's safe here for now. You can leave quickly."

After hearing Fang Yue's words, the women nodded one after another with gratitude on their faces. They knew that meeting Fang Yue here was their luck in misfortune.

"My benefactor, you are a great benefactor, we will never forget it!" One of the women said on behalf of everyone, "If we have the opportunity, we will definitely repay your life-saving grace!"

Fang Yue smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "There is no need to repay you. As long as you are safe and sound, I will be satisfied."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the businessman, frowning slightly: "You can take care of yourself."

Although this person had betrayed him just now, he had done something in the end, and Fang Yue did not intend to argue with this person anymore.

Hearing Fang Yue's words, the businessman lowered his head in shame and did not dare to look at Fang Yue.

He knew that what he had done before had disappointed Fang Yue, and no amount of explanations and excuses at this moment seemed feeble.

But he didn't know what Fang Yue would do to him, but when he saw Fang Yue's cold tone, he thought Fang Yue wouldn't let him go, so he knelt down immediately.

"Sir, I know I was wrong."

"Sir, I know I was wrong." The businessman's voice trembled as he took out a box from the carriage behind him. "I am willing to give up all my treasures. I just ask you to spare my life."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the merchant's fearful look, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He really didn't think about dealing with this person, and he didn't expect that this person was so spineless.

However, he could also understand the businessman's fear and desire to survive in this situation.

After all, facing the threat of warriors, ordinary people often have no choice but to be slaughtered.

"Let's go!"

Fang Yue waved his hand, signaling the businessman to leave. He didn't want to embarrass this ordinary person. Although his previous behavior was disappointing, Fang Yue also understood that at a critical moment of life and death, many people would make such a choice.

As if he had been granted amnesty, the merchant kowtowed repeatedly to thank him, then hurriedly got up and left with his carriage and the remaining belongings.

After the other party walked away, Fang Yue opened the box in front of him and saw that it was filled with all kinds of treasures, including bright gems, exquisite jades, and medicinal materials with a faint fragrance.

However, his eyes were caught by a worn book.

Although the book is shabby, it exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

Fang Yue could feel the powerful energy and profound wisdom contained in the books.

His heart moved and he took out the book.

"This is...'Piaomous Step'! It's actually a unique light skill!" Fang Yue exclaimed, his eyes shining with unbelievable light.

"Ethereal Step" is a legendary and unique light skill. When practiced to the extreme, it can make a person's body look like the wind, and walk like a ghost, making it almost impossible to be caught by the enemy.

Such light skills can play a great role in fighting or escaping.

Fang Yue did not expect that there would be such a treasure in the merchant's treasure chest.

This was undoubtedly a huge surprise for him.

He carefully put the book into his arms, and his heart was filled with joy.

With this "Ethereal Step", his strength will definitely increase greatly again.

However, he also knew that such a unique light skill must be extremely difficult to practice.

He needs to spend a lot of time and energy to ponder and practice before he can truly master this light skill.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue took a deep breath to calm down his inner excitement. He knew that he couldn't let down his guard because of the momentary joy.

After all, his current situation is not safe and he may encounter danger at any time.

He immediately turned around and left the open space, heading towards Xiahe County.


Fang Yue left the open space, quickly shuttled through the woods, and galloped towards Xiahe County.

He was feeling a little excited. After all, he had just obtained a copy of the unique light skill "Piao Miao Step". This was undoubtedly a huge gain for him.

However, he also knew that now was not the time to let down his guard.

After all, his current situation is not safe and he may encounter danger at any time.

Therefore, he must stay awake and calm in order to deal with possible emergencies.

Soon, Fang Yue returned to Xiahe County.

He did not return directly to his residence, but went to a teahouse first.

The teahouse was full of people and lively. Fang Yue found a seat by the window and sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and then began to listen to the conversations of the people around him.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe came over and sat opposite Fang Yue.

He looked ordinary, nothing special, but Fang Yue knew that this man was a spy sent by the imperial court.

"Are you Fang Yue?" the middle-aged man asked.

Fang Yue nodded and replied: "Exactly." He did not show too much surprise or nervousness because he had already expected such a meeting.

The man in gray looked Fang Yue up and down, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He could feel the calmness and calmness in Fang Yue, which were essential qualities for an excellent warrior.

Although he didn't know who this person was, since he could call his name, it meant that this person might be the person he was looking for on this trip.

The man in gray nodded with satisfaction, impressed by his calmness and calmness.

He took a sip of tea and then spoke slowly: "I have been paying attention to you for some time, Fang Yue. You have performed well among the younger generation of Si Tianjian and have outstanding strength and mind."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, not showing too much pride or pride in the man in gray's praise.

He knows that in this world full of dangers and opportunities, strength and mind are equally important.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior." Fang Yue responded humbly.

The man in gray put down the tea cup in his hand, his eyes as sharp as a knife. He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, and then he whispered to the other party Yue: "A while ago, King Wu Cheng's people brought out a spirit from the demon world. Lucky treasure."

Fang Yue was shocked. The Secret Treasure of Luck was an extremely rare and precious treasure.

They usually contain powerful power of luck and can help the holder obtain great benefits in cultivation, fighting and even national luck.

Therefore, once a secret treasure of luck is released, it will often lead to crazy competition among countless warriors and forces.

For King Wucheng, this kind of secret treasure is particularly important.

Because if this person wants to succeed in his rebellion and break the dragon, he must have a huge amount of luck.

"This luck secret treasure is called 'Dragon Vein Stone'," the gray-clothed man continued, "It is said that it contains the essence and luck of a real dragon, and can sense the dragon vein energy between heaven and earth and guide it to the holder. In this way, the holder's cultivation and strength will be greatly improved, and it is even possible to take this opportunity to break through to a higher realm in one fell swoop."

Hearing the gray-clothed man's description of the "Dragon Vein Stone", Fang Yue's heart was stirred by a huge wave.

The essence and luck of a real dragon, sensing the dragon vein energy, this is an irresistible temptation for any warrior.

He knew that if he could get this luck secret treasure, then his cultivation path would become smoother and his strength would have a qualitative leap.

But at the same time, Fang Yue was also very clear about the value and importance of this luck secret treasure.

It is not only able to help warriors make breakthroughs in cultivation, but more importantly, it contains the power of luck.

In this world, luck is a very mysterious and powerful force. It can change a person's fate at a critical moment and even affect the rise and fall of an entire country.

Therefore, the "Dragon Vein Stone" will inevitably attract the competition of countless warriors and forces, and at that time it will inevitably set off a bloody storm.

To stand out in such a competition and get the "Dragon Vein Stone", you must have enough strength and wisdom.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and calmed down the waves in his heart.

But when he thought about it, this thing fell into the hands of King Wucheng, so if he wanted to snatch it from the hands of the number one rebel of the Wei Dynasty, it would be a fool's dream.

The gray-clothed man looked at Fang Yue's expression and knew that he had understood the importance of the "Dragon Vein Stone" and the difficulty of the task.

He nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Indeed, it is almost impossible to take back the 'Dragon Vein Stone' from King Wucheng. But this person will definitely leave Shanyang Prefecture next month, and there will be a chance at that time."

Hearing the gray-clothed man's words, Fang Yue's heart moved.

He knew that since the gray-clothed man said so, he must have some plans and arrangements.

Although it is extremely difficult to take back the "Dragon Vein Stone" from King Wucheng, there is a chance when King Wucheng is not here. As long as there is a slight chance, Fang Yue is willing to try.

"Senior, what is your plan?" Fang Yue asked in a low voice, his eyes flashing with determination. (End of this chapter)

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