"What, there is a reaction, just ahead!" A team of armored soldiers, led by the captain, holding special tools, searched everywhere in the city.

Suddenly, the tool had a strong reaction and pointed in a direction.

The captain's eyes condensed, and he immediately waved his hand and ordered: "Quick, follow me, we may have found it!"

The soldiers were inspired and followed the captain to move quickly in the direction of the strong reaction.

What they were looking for was the fortune treasure that had been making a lot of noise in recent days.

This treasure not only concerns the face of Wucheng Palace, but also involves huge fortune and interests.

Therefore, Wucheng Palace dispatched a large number of troops to find this treasure.

The armored team led by the captain quickly crossed several streets and finally came to the place with the strongest reaction-a seemingly ordinary house.

"This is it, everyone get ready, let's go in and search!" The captain ordered in a deep voice.

The armored soldiers immediately took action, some were responsible for vigilance, and some followed the captain into the house to search.

However, they did not know that this house was the secret base of the Shadow Society.

At this moment, the assassins of the Shadow Society had also noticed the movement outside and began to be on guard secretly.

The captain kicked open the door of the house, and the armored soldiers followed closely, quickly dispersing in the yard, looking around vigilantly.

The house seemed quiet, but there was a murderous atmosphere in the air.

Suddenly, a killer of the Shadow Society rushed out from the dark, holding a sharp blade and rushing straight to the captain.

The captain reacted quickly, dodged the fatal blow by turning sideways, and at the same time drew the long sword at his waist to fight with the assassin.

At the same time, other members of the Shadow Society also rushed out from all directions and fought fiercely with the armored soldiers.

Between the flashes of swords and shadows, blood splashed, and screams came one after another.

Although the armored soldiers were well-trained, the assassins of the Shadow Society were more cunning and fierce.

They used the buildings and terrain in the house for cover and launched continuous raids.

For a while, the armored soldiers were in a bitter battle.

The battle between the captain and the assassin of the Shadow Society also entered a white-hot stage.

The two of them fought back and forth, with swords flashing and neither giving in.

The captain gradually gained the upper hand with his rich combat experience and superb swordsmanship.

However, the assassins of the Shadow Society were not fighting alone. With their tacit cooperation, the armored soldiers retreated step by step, and the situation was precarious.

Seeing that they were defeated, the leading captain took out something from his arms, pulled the fuse, and then threw it into the air. It was a flare, and with a loud whistle that cut through the sky, the brilliant flames bloomed in the night sky, like a bright star.

"This is..." The assassins of the Shadow Society were attracted by the sudden light, and a sense of uneasiness surged in their hearts.

"Signal for help!"

The leading captain sneered, "Your good days for the Shadow Club tonight are over.

The reinforcements from Wucheng Palace will arrive soon, and none of you can escape!"

The members of the Shadow Club looked at each other in dismay. They knew that once the reinforcements from Wucheng Palace arrived, they would face a catastrophe.

However, at this time, they were surrounded by the armored soldiers, and it was extremely difficult to break through.

"Fight with them!" A member of the Shadow Club roared, waving the sharp blade in his hand and rushing towards the armored soldiers.

Others followed suit and launched the final charge.

However, under the leadership of the captain, the armored soldiers maintained a stable formation without any disorder.

With their tight defense and tacit cooperation, they successfully resisted the fierce attack of the Shadow Club members.

Soon after, the sound of hooves was like thunder in the distance, and dust was flying.

The reinforcements from Wucheng Palace finally arrived. They rushed into the battle circle like a tiger descending from the mountain, fighting side by side with the armored soldiers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the members of the Shadow Society wanted to retreat. But it was too late. The army of Wucheng Palace surrounded them like an iron wall.

After a fierce battle, the members of the Shadow Society were captured or killed one after another.

The house returned to peace, leaving only the mess and blood-stained battlefield.

The captain put away his sword, looked at the corpses and captives on the ground, and took a deep breath. He knew that although the battle was won, the things had not been found yet, and he had to find the treasure!

The captain reorganized the team and ordered the soldiers to carefully search every corner of the house for traces of the fortune treasure.

They acted in groups and did not miss any place where the treasure might be hidden.

After a careful search, they finally found clues in a remote room.

There was an ancient bookshelf in the room, which was full of books and scrolls. The captain noticed that there was a stone slab in the corner of the bookshelf, which was slightly different from the surrounding bookshelves.

He walked forward and pushed the stone slab hard, and found that the stone slab slowly moved away, revealing a hidden secret room entrance.

The captain was delighted and immediately ordered the soldiers to be on guard all around, while he walked into the secret room carefully.


The next day,

"Sure enough, the guards in the city have relaxed a lot, and now it's time to leave."

Fang Yue stood on the city wall, looking at the city that had returned to peace, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the fierce battle last night, the armored soldiers of Wucheng Palace and the members of the Shadow Society had left, and the streets returned to their former prosperity and tranquility.

"It's time to leave."

Fang Yue said to himself, he had already got what he wanted.

Now, he needs to leave this city, and leave Shanyang Prefecture as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to leave when Wucheng Wang's people react.

Fang Yue turned and went down the city wall, blending into the bustling crowd.

He changed out of the black tights he wore last night. At this time, he was wearing ordinary clothes, covering his original face, and looked like an ordinary pedestrian.

Walking out of the city gate, Fang Yue looked back at this city that was once full of dangers and opportunities, took a deep breath of fresh air, and then turned around and left quickly.


The prince of Wucheng Wang sat in the spacious study, and his face looked particularly gloomy under the dim light.

He held tightly in his hand the already dim secret treasure, which was used by his father to stabilize the luck of the army and take the opportunity to transform into a dragon, but now it has almost exhausted the luck it contains.

"The Shadow Society... The Imperial Astronomical Bureau... Who did it? I will make you pay!"

The Prince of Wucheng gritted his teeth and said the two names, his eyes flashing with fierce murderous intent.

"Let the masters of the Blood Dragon Platform go out immediately and search for them! Don't let anyone go!"

"Yes!" The guards retreated and immediately conveyed the order.

The Blood Dragon Platform of the Wucheng Palace is a secret institution for training death warriors and top masters. The warriors inside are elites who have been strictly selected and cruelly trained.

At this moment, after receiving the order from the prince, they acted quickly like tigers out of the cage.

The masters of the Blood Dragon Platform, dressed in black and wearing cold masks on their faces, quietly shuttled through the streets and alleys of Shanyang Prefecture.

They have only one goal, that is to find the traces of the Shadow Society and the Imperial Astronomical Bureau, to regain the face of the Wucheng Palace and crush all enemies.


At the same time,

In a forest in Shanyang Prefecture.

"Leader, our branch in the city was uprooted! The brothers under our command suffered heavy casualties."

A member of the Shadow Club half-knelt on the ground, reporting to a man in black in front of him.

The man in black, known as the leader, was the president of the Shadow Club. His face was covered by a black cloak, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

"What exactly is going on?" The leader's voice was cold and majestic.

"It was the armored soldiers of the Wucheng Palace. They seemed to be looking for some treasure of luck, and our branch happened to be in that house." The reporting member explained.

"Treasure of luck?" The leader frowned, "Didn't our Shadow Club get the things? Why were we besieged?"

"I don't know, but according to the brothers who escaped back, the Wucheng Palace dispatched a large number of troops, and their captains also sent a distress signal. Later, their reinforcements arrived, and our people couldn't resist."

The leader was silent for a moment, as if thinking about the whole incident.

He waved his hand, signaling the members of the Shadow Club to retreat, and then turned to look at the distant Shanyang City, his heart full of doubts and vigilance.

"The treasure of luck... This matter does not seem to be simple." The leader said to himself, and his voice revealed an inexplicable worry, "It seems that someone has framed us!"

"Check it for me, I want to see who dares to go against my Shadow Club!"

Following the order of the Shadow Club leader, the Shadow Club's intelligence network began to operate at full capacity, trying to uncover the truth of the frame-up.

At the same time, they also strengthened the surveillance of other forces in Shanyang City to prevent another unknown attack.


Shanyang Prefecture, Changshan Prefecture junction.

The rolling waves flowed eastward into the sea.

On the bank of the river, a figure stood quietly, looking at the river.

This is Fang Yue, who has successfully left Shanyang City and is now planning his next move.

He knew that he had been targeted by Wucheng Palace and the Shadow Club, so he had to act carefully.

He decided to follow the river to Changshan Prefecture, which was his next destination. He planned to find a place in Changshan Prefecture to eat the dragon pill.

Fang Yue took out a map from the package and carefully studied the route to Changshan Prefecture.

Fang Yue chose a more remote path, which would pass through some mountains and small towns, and was much safer than taking the official road.

He planned to avoid attracting attention as much as possible, so he did not choose to ride a horse or take other means of transportation, but decided to walk.

Anyway, the speed of walking is much faster than that of a car.

The scenery along the way made Fang Yue feel a little more relaxed.

He passed through lush woods, crossed clear streams, and saw some wild animals.

These natural scenery made him feel the long-lost tranquility.

However, he did not forget the danger he was in. Whenever he passed by a village or a small town, he would avoid it in advance to avoid leaving clues and being tracked by the masters of the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform.

A few days later, Fang Yue finally arrived at Changshan Prefecture.

Changshanfu, as an important city of the Daqian Dynasty, has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times due to its special geographical location.

But what people are more familiar with is the legendary Changshan Dragon Vein.

This dragon vein is known as the source of dragon veins in the world, and it is said to contain endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, over time, the legend has really become a legend.

The dragon vein has long become illusory and is regarded as a legend by most people. Despite this, Changshanfu still fascinates countless literati and poets because of its unique geographical location and ancient historical background.

After Fang Yue arrived at Changshan Mansion, he found a remote town and settled down.

In the small town, Fang Yue rented a secluded courtyard and began his retreat practice.

He knew that before taking the Great Dragon Pill, he needed to adjust his body to the best condition to ensure that he could fully absorb the effects of the pill.

As the days passed, Fang Yue practiced hard every day, constantly polishing his body and internal strength.

He felt that his strength was steadily improving, which made him very satisfied.

However, he did not forget the purpose of coming to Changshan Mansion. In addition to practicing, he often traveled through the surrounding mountains.

After all, with his appetite, he must hunt a lot of prey every day.

Finally, half a month later, Fang Yue adjusted his physical condition to its optimal state. He felt as if he was one with heaven and earth, and his body and mind were greatly improved. On this day, he stood in the small courtyard, looked up at the clear sky, took a deep breath, and decided to take the Great Dragon Pill today.

He took out the Great Dragon Pill that he had treasured for a long time, and saw that the pill was crystal clear, as if it contained endless vitality.

Fang Yue was full of expectations. He knew that this pill would bring about huge changes to him.

He sat down cross-legged, put the Great Dragon Pill into his mouth, and felt the pill melting on his tongue.

A powerful medicinal power spread quickly, filling his meridians and Dantian.

Fang Yue closed his eyes and concentrated on guiding the power of the medicine to flow in his body.

He felt as if his body was filled with a powerful force, and every cell was cheering for joy.

As time went by, the power of the medicine gradually penetrated into his limbs and bones, and his internal strength continued to increase.

Fang Yue felt as if his body had been reshaped, becoming stronger and tougher.

I don't know how long it took, but when Fang Yue opened his eyes again, he felt as if he had been reborn.

His body was full of strength, and his vitality became stronger.

He stood up and stretched his muscles, feeling as if he could break rocks with one punch.

He knew that he had successfully absorbed the efficacy of the Great Dragon Pill and his strength had been greatly improved.

Fang Yue was secretly happy, but he also knew that the improvement in strength was only the beginning. What was more important was that the Great Dragon Pill allowed the warrior to live in the shape of a dragon.

Fang Yue was so excited that he couldn't wait to test the changes brought about by the Great Dragon Pill.

He walked out of the small courtyard and came to an open field, ready to test his strength.

Fang Yue mobilized his inner strength and punched out. There was an explosion in the air, and wherever the wind of the punch passed, the vegetation on the ground was blown away.

He was overjoyed. The power of this punch was indeed extraordinary, several times more powerful than before the Dragon Pill.

Then he tried it a few more times, and each time he was pleasantly surprised.

His speed, strength and reflexes have all been significantly improved, as if he had been reborn.

However, what Fang Yue looked forward to the most was the changes in the dragon-shaped root bones brought about by the Great Dragon Pill.

He closed his eyes and looked inside, and found that some wonderful changes had occurred inside his body.

His bones seemed to become harder, his meridians became wider, and his vitality flowed more smoothly through them.

Most importantly, he felt as if his spine had turned into a giant dragon, winding around his body, exuding powerful vitality.

This is the prototype of the dragon-shaped root bone!

"Sure enough, the Great Dragon Pill is well-deserved." Fang Yue sighed inwardly, his eyes shining with excitement.

He stood up and looked up at the sky, his heart filled with pride and ambition.

Now that he has a dragon-shaped root bone, his strength has greatly increased, and his future martial arts path will be even broader.

However, Fang Yue also knew that now that the Shadow Society and the Blood Dragon Platform had found out his identity, it was time to settle the grudges with these two forces.


Shanyang Prefecture Wucheng Wangfu.

The Crown Prince's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes were like two sharp swords, directed towards the spies kneeling below.

"You mean, it was Si Tianjian's Fang Yue who actually stole the secret treasure, and that Fang Yue had already left Shanyang Mansion and went to Changshan Mansion?" His voice was cold, as if it could melt the surrounding air. freeze.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The spy lowered his head and answered cautiously, "Our people followed him until he entered Changshan Mansion and then returned."

The prince clenched his fists, and his joints made a rattling sound.

That Fang Yue not only stole their fortune treasure, but also brought disgrace to their Wucheng Palace.

He must avenge this!

"Send the order and ask the masters from the Blood Dragon Platform to go to Changshan Mansion immediately. They must find Fang Yue and capture him alive!" the prince ordered.

"Yes!" the spy responded and quickly retreated.

The prince turned around and looked out the window. His eyes were deep and cold, as if they could penetrate thousands of mountains and rivers and look directly at the person who hated him to the core.

Fang Yue, you can't escape! (End of chapter)

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