Zhu Linlang looked at Fang Yue's pale face and scarred body, and her heart ached.

She knew that she had really caused trouble for Fang Yue this time. If it wasn't for saving her, Fang Yue might not have been so seriously injured.

Zhu Linlang's eyes showed deep apology. She stared at Fang Yue beside her, and her heart felt like being stabbed by countless needles.

Fang Yue's face was now as pale as paper, and his body was covered with scars left by protecting her.

All this was because of her.

"I'm sorry..." Zhu Linlang's voice was as thin as a mosquito's buzz, with a sob, "It's all because of me that you are so seriously injured."

Fang Yue opened his eyes weakly, and seeing Zhu Linlang's self-blaming expression, he tried to force a smile to tell her not to worry.

But the pain and fatigue of his body made his smile seem a little bitter.

"Even if you weren't there, those people would still hunt me down."

Fang Yue continued, his voice was low but full of determination, "So, you don't need to feel guilty about it."

Zhu Linlang listened to Fang Yue's words, and his heart was mixed with mixed feelings.

She understood that Fang Yue was comforting her and trying to alleviate her guilt, but this could not completely eliminate her guilt.

After all, Fang Yue was lying here because of her, seriously injured.

"But if it weren't for me, you might not be in such danger." Zhu Linlang lowered her head, with an unconcealable self-blame in her voice.

Fang Yue gently held her hand, his deep eyes staring at her, as if he could see through her inner fear and anxiety.

"Linlang, there are always some things in life that we can't predict. I chose to protect you, and I am ready to face all the consequences." Fang Yue's tone was calm and firm.

Although Fang Yue was seriously injured, most of his martial arts were body-building exercises. His body was much stronger than that of martial artists of the same level, and he also practiced several magical skills.

These exercises not only strengthened his physique, but also gave him a stronger ability to recover after being injured.

Fang Yue sat cross-legged and began to regulate his breathing and practice.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, with his hands on his knees, palms facing up, as if in a state of meditation.

His breathing gradually became long and deep, and the air around him seemed to flow with his breathing.

Zhu Linlang knew that Fang Yue needed quiet at this time, so she left the cave quietly.

She planned to find some food and water nearby in case of emergency.

After leaving the cave, Zhu Linlang took a deep breath and felt the fresh air in the mountains and forests.

She carefully shuttled through the woods, looking around for possible sources of food.

Soon, she found a wild fruit forest with wild fruits of various colors hanging on it.

Zhu Linlang ran over excitedly, carefully picked the ripe wild fruits, and carefully put them into her backpack.

After collecting some wild fruits, she found a clear stream.

She walked up the stream and found a relatively clean water source, so she took out the kettle and filled it with water.

After collecting the necessary food and water, Zhu Linlang hurried back to the cave, fearing that Fang Yue would have an accident while practicing.

When she returned to the cave, she found that Fang Yue was still in a meditative posture, but his complexion had obviously improved a lot.

Zhu Linlang was delighted, knowing that Fang Yue's injuries were gradually recovering.

She gently put down her backpack, took out some wild fruits and put them aside, and then sat quietly beside Fang Yue and waited.

Although she could not share his pain, she was willing to give him the greatest support with her company.

Time passed unknowingly, and Fang Yue's breathing gradually stabilized.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Zhu Linlang's concerned eyes and the food and water beside him.

"You're back." Fang Yue said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

"You woke up! That's great!" Zhu Linlang excitedly held Fang Yue's hand, "How do you feel? Is it still painful?"

"Much better." Fang Yue gently shook Zhu Linlang's hand back and gave her a reassuring smile, "Thank you, Linlang."

Zhu Linlang's eyes were hot, but she blinked quickly and suppressed the touch in her heart, "Don't talk nonsense, you were injured to protect me."

She took out wild fruits and a water bottle from her backpack and handed them to Fang Yue, "Eat something, you need to replenish your energy."

Fang Yue nodded and took the wild fruits and water bottle.

The next day, when the morning mist had not completely dissipated, Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue left the cave where they were healing.

Although Fang Yue was still a little weak, he was able to walk. With the care of Zhu Linlang and his own cultivation, his injuries recovered faster than expected.

They passed through the dense woods, crossed the gurgling stream, and finally came to a small border town.

This small town is located at the junction of two countries. Although it is not big, it is very lively because of its special geographical location.

Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue mixed into the crowd entering the city without attracting anyone's attention.

They found an inn that looked relatively quiet and stayed there, planning to rest here for a while before making further plans.

Although the room in the inn was simple, it was neat and clean. Zhu Linlang helped Fang Yue lie down on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

"You take a rest first, I'll make some medicine for you." Zhu Linlang said softly.

Fang Yue nodded and watched her leave the room.

He knew that with Zhu Linlang by his side, he could rest assured to recover from his injuries.

Zhu Linlang was busy in the kitchen of the inn. She carefully selected the medicinal materials according to the prescription that Fang Yue had given her before.

Although she is not a doctor, she has learned some basic medical skills during this period of care.

After boiling the medicine, Zhu Linlang carefully carried the medicine bowl back to the room. She gently woke up Fang Yue and fed him the medicine.

After Fang Yue finished drinking the medicine, he felt that his physical fatigue was slightly relieved.

At the same time, a group of Wei cavalry, led by a general, was rapidly approaching this small border town.

Their targets are Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

The general's name was Yuchi Gong, a famous general in the Wei Dynasty who was known for his bravery, skill in battle, and extraordinary wit.

At the same time, this man was also the most effective general under the King of Han. He was a master of military and martial arts, and his strength among thousands of armies surpassed that of a shape-shifter.

On the surface, he was ordered to greet Zhu Linlang this time, but in fact, he was to kill Fang Yue.

"General, according to reports from spies, Her Royal Highness the Princess is in the city ahead." A cavalryman reported to Yuchi Gong.

"Okay, here's the order. Everyone should dismount and put on civilian clothes. We will go into the city to search." Yuchi Gong ordered.

The cavalry quickly carried out the order, changed into their military uniforms, disguised themselves as ordinary travelers or traders, and entered the small town in batches.

The cavalry led by Yuchi Gong quietly entered the small town without attracting anyone's attention, and began to secretly search for traces of Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

In the inn, Zhu Linlang didn't know that danger was quietly approaching. She was preparing the second dose of medicine for Fang Yue, hoping that his injury would recover faster. Fang Yue lay on the bed, closed his eyes and rested, trying to restore his physical strength.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door, and Zhu Linlang immediately became alert.

She put down the medicine jar in her hand, walked quietly to the door, and looked out through the crack in the door.

I saw a few barbarian men in casual clothes wandering in the corridor of the inn. They had sharp eyes and looked around as if they were looking for something.

Zhu Linlang's heart tightened, realizing that these people might be pursuers.

Zhu Linlang quickly returned to the bedside and whispered to Fang Yue: "Fang Yue, get up quickly, we may have been discovered. I saw a few prairie barbarians!"

Although the two countries are now at war, there are many tribes on the grassland, and there are still some tribes that are seemingly friendly to Wei.

Therefore, there were actually some barbarians stranded in the Wei Dynasty.

When Fang Yue heard this, his eyes immediately became sharp.

He didn't panic at all, quickly stood up and dressed, and at the same time whispered to Zhu Linlang: "Don't panic, let's observe the situation first."

Zhu Linlang nodded, feeling a little more settled.

She knew that she would always feel an inexplicable peace of mind when Fang was around.

The two quickly packed their luggage and were ready to evacuate at any time.

But at this moment, there was a crackling sound of fighting downstairs.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and saw surprise and nervousness in each other's eyes.

They quickly approached the window, carefully opened it, and stuck their heads out to observe the situation downstairs.

In the courtyard of the inn, Yuchi Gong was leading a group of capable soldiers to fight fiercely with the barbarian men.

Yu Chigong is very skilled, and every shot is accurate, fast, violent and full of murderous intent.

Although those barbarian men were tall, they looked a little clumsy in front of Yuchi Gong and his soldiers.

The battle did not last long. Soon, the barbarian men were subdued by Yuchi Gong and his soldiers, tied together, and kneeling in the yard.

Yuchi Gong walked up to the bound barbarians and asked coldly: "Tell me, who sent you? Why are you wandering here?"

Although the barbarian men were captured, they looked stubborn and no one spoke.

When Yuchi Gong saw this, he sneered and said to the soldiers beside him: "Take them back and interrogate them strictly."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the inn, intending to continue searching for Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

However, he did not realize that Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were in the room upstairs, nervously observing his every move.

Seeing this, Zhu Linlang whispered: "It's General Yuchi Gong. He should be sent by my father to pick us up."

Zhu Linlang did not contact Yu Chigong immediately, but looked at Fang Yue. It was obvious that she was taking Fang Yue's lead now, and she had to look at Fang Yue's opinion first no matter what she did.

Fang Yue nodded slightly, his eyes showing deep thought, but he still said, "He should already know that we are here."

As soon as Fang Yue finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Zhu Linlang's heart tightened, but Fang Yue gave her a comforting look.

He stepped forward and opened the door carefully.

The person standing outside the door was none other than Yuchi Gong.

He was dressed in casual clothes, but the glint in his eyes revealed that he was extraordinary.

"General Yuchi." Fang Yue nodded slightly and said hello.

Yuchi Gong looked at Fang Yue, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure, "Mr. Fang, Princess, the end of the world is late, so you are shocked."

He said and saluted Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

Seeing this, Zhu Linlang hurriedly stepped forward to help Yuchi Gong, "General Yuchi, please get up quickly. We are very grateful that you can come to save us."

Yuchi Gong stood up and looked at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang with a serious expression on his face, "Princess, Mr. Fang, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. You have exposed your whereabouts. Many masters from the barbarians have sneaked into our territory of Wei Dynasty. Now Gotta get out of here as soon as possible.”

Fang Yue nodded in agreement, "General Yuchi is right, we have to leave quickly."

The three of them quickly packed their luggage and left the inn without saying anything else.

Under the leadership of Yu Chigong, they avoided the search in the city and left the small town smoothly.

Along the way, Yuchi Gong explained the situation in detail to Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

It turns out that their whereabouts have been discovered by the barbarians, and now a large number of pursuers are searching for their whereabouts.


Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang did not dare to delay, and they quickly evacuated with Yuchi Gong and his cavalry team.

In order to ensure safety, they chose a relatively concealed route. At the same time, Yuchi Gong specially sent out scouts to keep an eye on the surrounding situation in case barbarian pursuers were following.

During the march, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang witnessed the suffering caused by the war to the people.

Villages were destroyed, people were displaced, and fighting continued.

However, as they went deeper into the territory of the Wei Dynasty, they gradually saw the power and prosperity of the Wei Dynasty.

The cities are prosperous, the farmland is fertile, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, which is in sharp contrast to the vastness and war of the prairie.

However, because they were in such a hurry, few of them had time to appreciate these scenes carefully.

Soon, a month passed.

On this day, Fang Yue and his party came to a huge canyon with steep walls and a winding river running through it. The scenery was quite spectacular.

If you want to return to the current headquarters of the Han Dynasty's army, the capital of Gunzhou, you must pass through this canyon.

In the canyon, the mountain wind howls, the water flows rapidly, and the sound resounds throughout the valley.

Fang Yue and his group walked cautiously through the canyon, looking at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

Although they were eager to get on their way, they did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After all, in these war-torn times, danger can lurk anywhere.

"The scenery here is good, the scenery is just right, and the rapids are majestic. Even though the Wei Dynasty has a vast territory, this place can be regarded as a dangerous and strange scenery."

Yuchi Gong rode a horse and walked at the front of the team. Looking at the surrounding scenery, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed, if it weren't for the war, this place would be a place that men of letters would love to visit."

Fang Yue agreed, his eyes lingering on the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon, seemingly looking for something.

After a moment, he looked at Yu Chi Gong, shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, this place is not worthy of Captain Chi's status, but the burial place can be regarded as a grand burial."

Yuchi Gong was stunned when he heard this, and then burst into laughter: "Master Fang is really good at joking. I, Yuchi Gong, have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, and I have long been indifferent to life and death. However, if we really talk about the burial place, I hope to die on the battlefield and be wrapped in horse leather. , that is worthy of my martial arts." (End of this chapter)

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