Fang Yue stayed in the mansion and continued to think about countermeasures.

He knew that this matter should not be taken lightly, but he could not act blindly and needed to be handled with caution. At the same time, he also had to consider how to send Zhu Linlang to Yujing City safely.

Fang Yue stayed in the mansion for a while, and after making sure that no one was following or monitoring him, he quietly left and returned to the inn.

When he returned to the inn, Zhu Linlang immediately greeted him and asked with concern: "Brother Fang, you are back, how is your situation?"

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang's worried face, and felt warm in his heart. He smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I have learned some things. At present, it seems that Qingshi City is relatively safe, but we have to leave here as soon as possible and go to Jade City." Capital City.”

Zhu Linlang nodded and said firmly: "Okay, I will listen to you. Brother Fang, when will we set off?"

"Tomorrow morning." Fang Yue replied, "Let's have a good rest tonight and leave for Yujing City early tomorrow morning."

That night, the two spent a quiet night in the inn.

The next morning, as soon as it was light, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang got up and prepared to set off. In order to avoid attracting attention, they chose low-key makeup and tried to attract no attention.

"Brother Fang, do we really want to leave? How about we go find my father?" Zhu Linlang asked with some reluctance, looking at the gradually brightening sky outside the window.

Fang Yue gently held Zhu Linlang's hand and said in a gentle tone: "Linlang, I know you are reluctant to leave here, but the current situation is special and we must leave as soon as possible.

As for going to your father, that is indeed an option, but we don't know what the situation is yet. Going to your father directly may bring danger to you.

Therefore, I think we go to Yujing City first, where the information is better, and we can also find out more about the situation from there. "

Now, he already knew that the King of Han might rebel.

So no matter whether it is true or false, you can no longer go to Fucheng, Gunzhou Prefecture.

Fang Yue thought to himself that even if this was just a counter-intentional plan by the enemy, they would definitely face many difficulties and dangers when they went to the capital of Gunzhou.

Moreover, their whereabouts may have been exposed now, and if they go to their original destination, they will undoubtedly fall into a trap.

He turned to look at Zhu Linlang and said firmly: "Linlang, we can't go to Fucheng in Gunzhou anymore. Besides, it was your father who asked me to take you to Yujing City."

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang was slightly stunned, then nodded and said, "I understand, Brother Fang. Then let's go directly to Yujing City."

Fang Yue couldn't help feeling a little relieved when he saw Zhu Linlang's well-behaved and sensible look.

He said: "Okay, then we will set off immediately and go to Yujing City. But we must be careful and try to avoid attracting attention."

The two quickly packed their bags and walked out of the inn.

They chose a remote path, avoiding the crowds and checkpoints on the main road, and moved forward cautiously.

Over the next few days, they traveled during the day and found secluded places to rest at night.

Although the journey was difficult, both of them persisted silently without any complaints.

A few days later, he had left Gunzhou Prefecture and arrived at Fengzhou Prefecture.

After entering Fengzhou Prefecture, both Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that the closer they were to Yujing City, the safer they would be relatively speaking. But even so, they still did not relax their vigilance and continued to choose remote roads to avoid encountering large groups of people to avoid causing complications.

Along the way, Fang Yue kept observing the surrounding environment, paying attention to whether there were any suspicious people or situations.

Zhu Linlang followed closely behind, always keeping vigilant.

Although she was born in a royal family, she was not squeamish. During the past few days, she had learned many survival skills in the wild.

After walking in Fengzhou Prefecture for a month, they finally saw the gate of Fengzhou Prefecture.

The city gate is tall and majestic and heavily guarded. People entering and exiting the city gate need to undergo strict inspection.

The two walked slowly towards the city gate, preparing to be inspected by the guards.

"There's something wrong with these two, catch them!"

At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the city gate ahead.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were shocked and immediately stopped.

They saw at the city gate in front of them, a group of soldiers were surrounding two people who were trying to enter the city. The two people looked suspicious, which aroused the vigilance of the soldiers guarding the city.

"You guys discovered the dog officer, so brothers, take action! Cangtian is dead, Xuantian should stand up, today we are rebelling!"

Following that shout, the originally quiet city gate instantly fell into chaos.

The two men surrounded by soldiers suddenly drew their swords and violently attacked the surrounding soldiers. Other companions hidden in the crowd also responded one after another. For a moment, the city gate was filled with the sound of swords and swords.

At a rough glance, there are actually thousands of people taking action.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were shocked for a moment by this sudden change, but soon Fang Yue reacted, took Zhu Linlang's hand and quickly retreated, avoiding the melee at the city gate.

"We need to get out of here!"

Fang Yue whispered, he understood that under this situation, the city gate had become extremely dangerous and it was not suitable to stay any longer.

Zhu Linlang followed Fang Yue closely, and the two quickly evacuated in the chaos.

They used the surrounding buildings and crowds as cover and carefully escaped from the city gate area.

After far away from the city gate, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang stopped to take a breath.

They looked back and saw that the city gate had become a battlefield, with shouts and shouts, flames and thick smoke.

"What should we do now?" Zhu Linlang asked worriedly.

Fang Yue frowned, thought for a moment and said, "Let's find a safe place to hide and observe the development of the situation. Now the city gate is in chaos, we can't enter the city anymore, we can only wait for an opportunity."

The two of them found a hidden place nearby and hid, while keeping a close eye on the situation at the city gate.

They saw that although the rebels were numerous, the soldiers guarding the city were not to be outdone, and the two sides engaged in a fierce battle.

Time passed by, and there was still no sign of the battle ending, but it became more and more intense.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang hid in a hidden place and witnessed the fierce process of the entire battle. As time went by, the battle became more and more tragic, and the city gate had become a battlefield of blood and fire.

Not long after, the so-called righteous army broke through the city gate and broke into the city.

"We have to leave quickly, it's not safe here anymore." Fang Yue said in a deep voice.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang witnessed the moment when the city gate was breached by the rebels, and they were shocked.

They understood that at this moment, Fengzhou Prefecture was in great danger and chaos.

"We have to leave this place quickly." Fang Yue made a quick decision, took Zhu Linlang's hand, and prepared to take a detour to leave Fengzhou Prefecture from another direction.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang acted immediately. They chose the opposite direction of the city gate, intending to bypass the battlefield and leave Fengzhou Prefecture as soon as possible.

"Brother Fang, how could the world be like this, how could it suddenly become so chaotic!" Zhu Linlang said worriedly.

"Linlang, the world is unpredictable. Although we can't control the overall situation, we can try our best to protect ourselves and the people around us."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, with firmness and determination in his eyes.

They traveled between the wilderness and the mountains, trying to avoid the crowds and the fighting areas.

Zhu Linlang followed Fang Yue closely, with a heart full of dependence and trust.

She knew that in this chaotic era, only Fang Yue could bring her a sense of security.

On the way, they met many refugees, all of whom looked panicked and eager to escape the city.

Seeing these people, Zhu Linlang couldn't help but feel pity, but also strengthened her determination to leave.

A few days later, they successfully bypassed the battlefield and left Fengzhou Prefecture.

They continued to move forward, carefully avoiding crowds and checkpoints along the way to avoid attracting attention.

As they moved forward, Zhu Linlang's mood gradually calmed down, and she began to pay more attention to the journey ahead and future plans.

She asked Fang Yue: "Brother Fang, where are we going next?"

Fang Yue replied: "We are going to continue to Yujing City, it's safe there."

After learning about Fang Yue's plan, Zhu Linlang nodded, and she was full of trust in Fang Yue's decision. So they continued their journey to Yujing City.

Along the way, they saw many people who were displaced by the war, which made Zhu Linlang feel very heavy.

She couldn't help thinking, when will the world be able to restore peace and tranquility?

Fang Yue also saw these scenes, and his heart was also full of worries.

He knew that the turmoil and war in this world had brought endless suffering to the people.

He took a deep breath and held Zhu Linlang's hand tightly, as if to give her some strength and comfort.

A few days later, the two came to a small town.

Although this small town is not big, it is still far away from here because the war has not yet affected it.

So it is very lively, with pedestrians coming and going on the street, and the hawking of various vendors one after another.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang walked into an inn and prepared to rest here for a night.

The owner of the inn was a kind old man. He warmly entertained the two and arranged a clean and comfortable room for them.

After dinner, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang took a walk in the yard of the inn, enjoying the rare quiet time.

However, this tranquility did not last too long. They accidentally heard other guests in the inn talking about the current situation.

"Have you heard? The King of Han seems to have made some moves recently. I wonder if he is planning a rebellion." A middle-aged man whispered.

"I heard about it too. The current situation is so chaotic. It's really worrying." Another person responded.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and felt a little nervous.

"Let's go back to the room and talk."

Fang Yue pulled Zhu Linlang back to the room and closed the door.

Zhu Linlang hurriedly said: "Brother Fang, is what those people said true? My father, is he planning a rebellion?"

"It is not yet certain whether the rumors are true," Fang Yue said in a deep voice, "but we must remain vigilant and prepare for the worst.

If your father really rebelled, the whole situation will become more complicated and dangerous."

Zhu Linlang heard this, and a trace of worry and confusion flashed in her eyes.

She obviously did not want to believe that her father would do such a thing, but at the same time she had to face the possibility of reality.

"Brother Fang, what should we do now?" She asked with a trembling voice.

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "The most important thing for us now is to stay calm and vigilant. No matter how the situation changes, we must rush to Yujing City as soon as possible. At that time, no matter how the world changes, it will be safer there."

Zhu Linlang nodded silently after listening, she knew that Fang Yue was right.

The current situation is indeed complicated and difficult to understand, and the only way is to remain vigilant and wait and see.

"Brother Fang, I will go to Yujing City with you,"

Zhu Linlang said firmly, "I believe in you, no matter what happens, I will stand with you."

Early the next morning, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang left the small town and continued their journey to Yujing City.

This time they chose the official road directly, because this place has penetrated deep into the heart of the Wei Dynasty, and the impact of the war has not yet reached here.

On the road, the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadows.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang walked on the official road, and occasionally a breeze blew, bringing bursts of coolness.

After walking for a long time, both of them felt a little thirsty.

Fang Yue saw a teahouse not far ahead, so he suggested going there to have a cup of tea and rest.

Zhu Linlang nodded in agreement, and the two walked towards the teahouse together.

The owner of the teahouse was a warm middle-aged man. When he saw Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang coming, he immediately greeted them and asked them to sit down.

He skillfully brewed two cups of tea and brought them to the two.

"Sir, please enjoy." The boss said with a smile.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang picked up the teacup and took a sip. They felt the fragrance of tea was overflowing and refreshing.

They closed their eyes and enjoyed this rare quiet time.

However, this tranquility did not last long.

Suddenly, a group of people in black rushed into the teahouse, holding weapons and looking aggressive.

"The court is doing business, and all the idle people should leave quickly!" The black-clothed man in the lead shouted loudly.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and felt nervous.

They didn't expect to meet someone from the Imperial Court here, and judging from their appearance, they were obviously coming for them.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that you two are wanted criminals of the Imperial Court. Come with us!" The man in black sneered.

As he said that, they swung their knives at Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

The man in black was very powerful, and he was actually a master of Yixing Dacheng. As soon as he made a move, a black wolf of Yuanqi rushed towards Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

Fang Yue was prepared, grabbed Zhu Linlang, and quickly dodged to the side.

"Bang bang bang!"

The black wolf of Yuanqi hit the ground, blowing up a cloud of dust.

Fang Yue's eyes were solemn. He didn't expect to meet such a powerful opponent here.

He knew that these men in black must be masters of the Imperial Court, and their target was obviously himself and Zhu Linlang. (End of this chapter)

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