"This monster is afraid of this thing!"

Fang Yue was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of surprise and joy flashed in his eyes.

Although this object cannot subdue the demon, if Zhu Linlang holds this object, the demon will not dare to attack her.

This way, he can concentrate on dealing with the demons.

"Linlang, stay away first." Fang Yue ordered calmly.

Zhu Linlang nodded, without saying anything, and quickly retreated to a safe area in the distance.

She understood that at this moment, not causing trouble to Fang Yue was the best support.

Fang Yue watched Zhu Linlang leave, then turned to face the demon.

The demon stared at him with blood-red eyes, roared and rushed towards him.

Fang Yue's body was flexible and he avoided the demon's fierce attack by turning sideways.

Then the God of War, Vajra Body, and other techniques were used one after another, and the vitality in Fang Yue's body violently rioted, as if there was an invisible force surrounding him.

He dodges and dodges another swipe from the demon at an almost incredible speed.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yue activated the Vajra Body Kung Fu, and his body instantly became as solid as a rock, and his skin seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light. No matter how much the demon's sharp claws tore at it, it was difficult to break through the defense.

The demon was obviously disrupted by Fang Yue's sudden change. It roared and tried to break Fang Yue's defense with more ferocious attacks.

However, Fang Yue was in an extremely brave state at the moment. Not only did he have an airtight defense, he was also able to launch fierce counterattacks in the gaps.

At the moment when the demon was negligent, Fang Yue seized the opportunity and unleashed a violent blow.

He gathered all his energy and swung out his sword. The sword energy was like a rainbow, and it hit the demon's vitals.

The demon tried to hide in horror, but it was too late.

Fang Yue's sword flashed, and the demon let out a shrill scream, then fell heavily and made no sound again.

Fang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, the battle was finally over.

He was about to put away his sword, but suddenly found that the sacred stone in Zhu Linlang's hand flew above the demon's body.

The sacred stone gave off a faint light and slowly absorbed the demon's corpse. Fang Yue looked at this scene in surprise, wondering what the sacred stone was doing.

As the demon's body was completely absorbed, the light of the sacred stone became brighter.

Immediately afterwards, the divine stone suddenly shot out a stream of pure power, rushing straight towards Fang Yue.

Fang Yue subconsciously caught the power and felt a warm current pouring into his body, instantly spreading to his limbs and bones.

His body seemed to be baptized by this power, and every cell was full of vitality.

When the power dissipated, Fang Yue was surprised to find that his cultivation had improved to a higher level again.

He felt the surging vitality in his body, and his heart was filled with surprises.

Fang Yue put away the sacred stone and turned towards Zhu Linlang in the distance.

"So that's it. The function of this stone actually lies here. No wonder the prairie barbarians can 'create' so many temple warriors!"

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang with a thoughtful look on his face, "This sacred stone can absorb the power of demons and then transform it into pure vitality for cultivators to absorb. This is simply a treasure for cultivators!"

Zhu Linlang also showed a shocked look after hearing this, "So, as long as we carry this sacred stone, we can continuously absorb the power of demons and improve our own cultivation?"

Fang Yue nodded, "Theoretically, this is true, but we also need to be careful. After all, this kind of power comes too easily and may be potentially harmful."

Zhu Linlang was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded seriously, "I understand, we will use it carefully. So what should we do next?"

"First let's see if there are any remnants of this evil cult in this village! When we are done with the evil, we must kill all these people!"

Fang Yue said with firm eyes. At the same time, he looked around and observed the village that was invaded by the cult.

Zhu Linlang nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's search separately and make sure to find all the hidden remnants of the cult."

The two acted quickly and began to carefully search every corner of the village. They know these cult remnants can be well hidden and need to be extra careful.

After a while, Zhu Linlang suddenly pointed to a dilapidated house and shouted: "Fang Yue, look over there!"

Fang Yue looked in the direction of Zhu Linlang's finger and saw a figure sneaking out of the broken house, holding a package in his hand, which looked very suspicious.

"Chase!" Fang Yue gave the order, and the two quickly chased the suspicious figure.

After a chase, they finally forced the suspicious figure into a blind corner. It was a middle-aged man with a haggard face and a panicked expression.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, all this money will be given to you, all of it to you?" the man begged for mercy in a panic.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and saw a hint of vigilance in each other's eyes.

I'm afraid there won't be any ordinary villagers in this village.

With so much property on his person, I'm afraid this person is not a simple character.

Just as the two of them were examining this suspicious man, a cunning light suddenly flashed in the man's eyes.

He instantly took out a small black can from the package and threw it towards the two of them, while muttering something in his mouth.

Fang Yue, with quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed Zhu Linlang and quickly backed away. At the same time, he waved a palm to knock away the small black can that was about to explode.


With a loud bang, the small black can exploded in the air, releasing a cloud of black smoke.

In the black smoke, countless tiny Gu insects flew out and attacked the two of them.

"It's a poisonous insect!" Zhu Linlang exclaimed.

Fang Yue remained calm. He had already circulated his vitality to form a protective shield to protect the two people.

The poisonous insect hit the protective shield, making a "crackling" sound, but it could not break through.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Yue quickly approached the man, pointed a sword at his throat, and asked coldly: "It is indeed the remnant of the cult! Damn it!"

The man faced the tip of Fang Yue's sword, with a look of horror on his face. He said in a trembling voice: "Spare... Spare my life! I... I was also forced!"


Fang Yue snorted coldly, "Can being forced help the tyrant and harm the innocent?"

Then, without waiting for the man to continue talking nonsense, he killed him directly.

"Linlang, search him to see if there are any other clues." Fang Yue ordered.

Zhu Linlang stepped forward to search the man and found some silver and a treasure map from him.

She handed the treasure map to Fang Yue, "Look, what is this?"

Fang Yue took the treasure map, looked at it carefully, and a solemn look appeared on his face, "This is actually a treasure map, with a location marked on it. It seems that the cult has hidden something here."

"What should we do?" Zhu Linlang asked.

"Let's go and have a look."

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a trace of determination, "The cult has hidden something here, which means that this place is very important to them. Maybe we can find more clues about the cult, and even find their lair."

Zhu Linlang nodded without hesitation, "Okay, I'll go with you."

The two took the treasure map, compared it with the surrounding terrain, and began to look for the location marked on the map.

They walked through the village and avoided those places where the remnants of the cult might still be hidden.

The location marked on the treasure map is in a dense forest outside the village.

The two came to the outside of the dense forest, only to see the fog in the forest, giving people a mysterious and gloomy feeling.

"We must be careful, there may be mechanisms or traps here." Fang Yue reminded.

Zhu Linlang nodded and followed Fang Yue closely. The two walked into the dense forest carefully, one in front and one behind.

According to the instructions of the treasure map, they kept bypassing obstacles one after another and finally came to a hidden cave.

The entrance of the cave was covered by dense vines and could not be found without careful observation.

Fang Yue stepped forward, carefully observed the vines, and then pulled them apart with force, revealing a dark cave entrance.

The two looked at each other, then nodded, and walked into the cave one after another.

The cave was damp and dark, and the air was filled with a rotten smell.

They went deeper along the passage in the cave and soon found a huge stone chamber.

The stone chamber was filled with various strange-shaped pottery jars, which were filled with colorful poisonous insects, which were creepy.

Some poisonous insects squirmed in the pottery jars, making rustling sounds, as if telling something.

The air in the stone chamber was filled with a strange and mysterious atmosphere, which made people feel chilled.

"This is actually the place where Gu worms are cultivated!" Zhu Linlang exclaimed, with a trace of horror on her face.

In the stone chamber, in addition to the Gu worms in the pottery jars, they also found a lot of human skeletons scattered on the ground, and some of the skeletons still had traces of being bitten by Gu worms.

Obviously, these people were killed by Gu worms and then eaten until only bones were left.

"These cult members actually used human flesh and blood to cultivate Gu worms!" Zhu Linlang said angrily.

Fang Yue's face was also very ugly, "These people are simply crazy!"

They carefully bypassed the pottery jars and skeletons and continued to explore deeper into the stone chamber.

The further they went in, the more dead people they found. Some corpses had not even been completely eaten by Gu worms, revealing white bones and rotten flesh, emitting a disgusting stench.

Zhu Linlang couldn't help but cover her mouth and nose. She felt her stomach rolling and she might vomit at any time.

But Fang Yue seemed unaffected. He frowned tightly and looked forward firmly.

They finally reached the end of the stone chamber, and saw a black box on a huge stone platform. The box was engraved with strange runes and exuded a mysterious and evil atmosphere.

"What is this?" Zhu Linlang asked curiously.

Fang Yue did not answer. He walked forward and carefully observed the black box.

He felt that the box seemed to contain powerful power, but at the same time it was full of deep evil.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, and then carefully reached out to open the box.

The moment Fang Yue's fingers touched the box, he felt a cold breath emanating from the box, as if something was waking up.

He was startled, but it was too late to retract his hand.

The box slowly opened, and a black light shot out from the box and rushed straight to the ceiling of the stone chamber.

The whole stone chamber was reflected by this black light like the night.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were both startled by this sudden change. They quickly stepped back and looked at the black box vigilantly.

The black light gradually dissipated, and a black phantom floated out of the box. It had a vague human figure, but its face was unclear. Only a pair of blood-red eyes flickered in the darkness.

"What the hell is this?" Zhu Linlang asked in horror.

Fang Yue frowned, and he did not answer, because he did not know what this black phantom was.

But he could feel that the evil aura emanating from this phantom was much stronger than any cult remnant he had encountered in the village before.

The black phantom slowly floated towards Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, and it opened its arms as if to hug them.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang could both feel a strong sense of oppression, as if they were being pressed down by a mountain and could not breathe.

Fang Yue knew that this black phantom was definitely not something they could deal with.

However, the black phantom disappeared again.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other, confused by the sudden disappearance of the black phantom.

They originally thought they would face a fierce battle, but they did not expect the phantom to disappear so abruptly.

"What's going on?" Zhu Linlang could not help asking.

Fang Yue shook his head, "I don't know either."

Immediately, Fang Yue looked at the box, and saw a jade cicada lying quietly in the box.

"This is..." Fang Yue looked at the jade cicada in surprise. He felt a mysterious and powerful force emanating from the jade cicada.

Zhu Linlang also came over curiously to see, "What is this? Is it because of it that the black phantom appeared?"

Fang Yue picked up the jade cicada and observed it carefully.

He found that the jade cicada was carved very beautifully and lifelike, as if it would fly away at any time.

Moreover, he could feel the powerful power contained in the jade cicada.

Fang Yue held the jade cicada carefully in his hand. He could feel the mysterious power contained in it, as if it was an ancient power in deep sleep waiting to be awakened.

He took a deep breath and tried to sense the jade cicada with his vitality.

The moment his vitality touched the jade cicada, he suddenly felt a strong vibration.

The jade cicada seemed to come alive, and a huge stream of information rushed into his mind.

Fang Yue was shocked, but then he found that this information was a very profound martial arts secret book - Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill.

This magical skill is named after Spring and Autumn, which means that it will continue to transform like a spring silkworm and make a stunning debut like an autumn cicada.

It is an extremely rare internal skill that can continuously purify the practitioner's internal strength through practice, and finally achieve an amazing transformation.

Fang Yue was ecstatic. This magical skill was undoubtedly a timely rain for him.

He originally felt that his cultivation had reached a bottleneck, and it was extremely difficult to make further progress.

But now this magical skill has opened a new door for him. (End of this chapter)

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