Fang Yue thought alone for a long time in the room of the inn.

It was late at night, and the sea breeze outside the window brought a hint of coolness, but his heart was extremely hot.

The temptation of the Ten Thousand Monsters Secret Realm was indeed great, but he also knew that there might be huge risks behind it.


He came to the coast of the East China Sea not just for traveling.

He had been pursuing the secret treasure of the Blood Dragon Platform, so now of course he had to take it out first.

He had to improve his strength first to ensure the safety of this trip to the Ten Thousand Monsters Secret Realm.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Fang Yue had already left the town.

Fang Yue, who left the town, headed north.

He passed through the dense jungle, the branches and leaves covered the sky, and the surroundings were so quiet that only his own footsteps could be heard.

He crossed the continuous hills, and every step was solid and powerful.

The coolness brought by the sea breeze had subsided, replaced by the moisture in the jungle and the freshness in the mountains.

After several days of hard trekking, Fang Yue finally arrived at the valley shown on the map.

In the valley, ancient trees stand tall, and the sun shines through the gaps between the leaves, casting mottled light and shadows.

There is a faint fragrance in the air, which makes people feel peaceful.

However, under this peaceful appearance, there is an unspeakable mystery and danger.

"This valley gives people an uncomfortable feeling before entering. What is the Blood Dragon Platform hiding here?"

Fang Yue stood at the entrance of the valley, and ripples appeared in his heart.

He took a deep breath, calmed his excitement, and then walked into the valley.

Fang Yue walked forward cautiously, always alert to the movements around him.

He knew that the secrets of the Blood Dragon Platform were not easy to obtain, and he must be prepared to face all difficulties.

Even, maybe there are enemies ambushing in the valley at this moment.

He didn't believe that those people from the Blood Dragon Platform would really give up this secret treasure easily.

Without a map, those people might not be unable to chase here.

Fang Yue walked slowly in the valley, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, not letting go of any possible clues.

Soon they came to the depths of the valley.

"It should be here!"

At this moment, in front of Fang Yue was an ancient stone statue.

Fang Yue stared at the stone statue in front of him. Although it had experienced countless years of baptism, it still stood tall.

The carvings of the stone statue were delicate and vivid, and every part revealed the craftsman's hard work and ingenuity.

He walked around the stone statue and observed it carefully.

"According to the map, you have to move this stone statue before you can enter the underground palace."

Fang Yue looked at the stone statue in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh at the craftsman's ingenuity.

It is not easy to move this stone statue weighing more than 100,000 kilograms.

People with insufficient cultivation may only be able to sigh at the stone even if they find a place.

Fortunately, he is not one of them.

Fang Yue used his vitality, put his hands on the bottom of the stone statue, and tried to push it hard.

He felt a huge resistance, as if the stone statue was rooted in the earth.

But then, the vitality surged, and he exerted force suddenly.

The huge stone statue immediately made a crackling sound.

"Get up!"

With Fang Yue's low shout, the stone statue actually began to move slowly.

The contact between the ground and the stone statue made a dull sound due to friction, echoing in the silent valley.

As the stone statue moved, a dark cave gradually appeared in front of Fang Yue.

On the stone walls on both sides of the cave, there were complex totems carved, which looked ancient and mysterious.

Fang Yue walked into the cave carefully. The cave was pitch black and he couldn't see his hand in front of him.

He took out a night pearl from his arms, and the soft light immediately dispelled the darkness around him.

On the walls on both sides of the cave, there were various mysterious totems and words carved, which seemed to be telling an ancient and mysterious story.

As Fang Yue moved forward, he carefully observed these totems and words, trying to decipher the mystery.

After walking for an unknown period of time, a ray of light finally appeared in front of him.

Fang Yue quickened his pace, walked out of the cave, and found himself in a huge underground palace.

In the center of the underground palace, a huge stone tablet stood there, engraved with ancient words and patterns.

Around the stone tablet, various precious treasures were scattered, flashing an alluring light.

Fang Yue walked to the stone tablet and read the words on it carefully.

These words seemed to record the history of the Blood Dragon Platform and the origin of the secret treasure.

The more he read, the more shocked he was. It turned out that this secret treasure was related to the dragon clan in ancient mythology.

Fang Yue's heart was full of shock.

He had never thought that this secret treasure would be related to the dragon clan.

The true dragon clan, in ancient mythology, is a supreme existence, possessing powerful power. Even among the demon clan, it is an absolute strongman.

Fang Yue continued to explore in depth in the underground palace, and his admiration and curiosity for the true dragon clan became stronger and stronger.

He walked slowly around the stone tablet, his eyes fixed on the ancient words engraved on the stone tablet.

Suddenly, his sight was fixed on a special inscription, which recorded the name of a technique - "Nine Transformations of the True Dragon".

"Nine Transformations of the True Dragon", just hearing the name makes people feel a great majesty and power.

Fang Yue knew that this was definitely not an ordinary technique, it was probably a secret of the True Dragon Clan, containing the essence of the dragon clan's practice.

He couldn't wait to read the descriptions of "True Dragon Nine Transformations" carefully.

The stone tablet recorded in detail the key points, steps, possible difficulties and solutions for practicing this technique.

Each transformation corresponds to a powerful force, and each transformation is stronger and more complex than the previous one.

Fang Yue was very excited. He knew the preciousness and importance of this "True Dragon Nine Transformations" technique. He stood there quietly, concentrating on reading the words on the stone tablet, trying to remember every detail in his heart.

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the underground palace, breaking the silence.

"Who?" Fang Yue looked around vigilantly and shouted loudly.

"Hahaha, you are here!" A cold voice echoed in the underground palace.

Fang Yue looked in the direction of the sound and saw a figure in black slowly walking out of the darkness.

There was a strange smile on the other person's face, and his eyes revealed arrogance and domineering spirit.

"You are the King of Wucheng? Zhu Wengui!"

As the first rebel king of the Wei Dynasty, Fang Yue naturally knew the portrait and intelligence of this person very well.

"It is this king. Since you recognize me, then I will give you a chance. Surrender and be loyal to me now, and I will spare your life!"

The man in black is the King of Wucheng, Zhu Wengui. He said with a domineering look, as if the entire underground palace was under his control.

Fang Yue couldn't help but sneer when he heard it: "King of Wucheng, who do you think you are? Why should I surrender to you?"

"Hmph, you don't know how to raise me!" Zhu Wengui's face sank, "Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!"

Before he finished speaking, he moved and rushed towards Fang Yue.

Although Zhu Wengui was arrogant, he was indeed powerful. His movements were as fast as lightning, and he was in front of Fang Yue in an instant.

However, Fang Yue was not an ordinary person either.

He was well prepared. Facing Zhu Wengui's attack, he calmly dodged sideways and hit Zhu Wengui's ribs with a backhand strike.

The two fought fiercely in the underground palace.

As the vitality surged, the entire underground palace seemed to collapse.

Zhu Wengui's attack was fierce and fierce, and every move was fatal.

But Fang Yue was no ordinary person. With his extraordinary body skills and flexible tactics, he fought Zhu Wengui to a standstill.

"Humph, I didn't expect you to have some skills!" Zhu Wengui sneered, "But do you think you can beat me?"

"Whether you can win or not, you have to fight to know!"

Fang Yue responded without showing any weakness.

He knew that facing such a strong enemy, any hesitation and retreat could lead to failure.

Therefore, he had to go all out to have a chance of survival.

Because Wucheng King Zhu Wengui was indeed the strongest person Fang Yue had faced since he started practicing martial arts.

This person's cultivation has surpassed the form-changing and reached the realm of martial arts master, and he is only one step away from the legendary grandmaster.

Each blow is like a landslide and tsunami, shocking people.

Although Fang Yue is brave, he gradually feels pressure in the face of the absolute gap in cultivation.

If he hadn't practiced several magical skills, and most of them were body-refining skills, which made his physique far superior to that of martial artists of the same level, I'm afraid he would have been unable to withstand Zhu Wengui's fierce attack.

But even so, Fang Yue knew that he couldn't just passively defend like this.

He had to find a breakthrough, otherwise he would sooner or later run out of vitality and be defeated by Zhu Wengui.

So, in the fierce confrontation, Fang Yue began to try to use the moves in "True Dragon Nine Transformations" that he had just comprehended.

He imitated the attack method of the dragon clan, condensed his vitality into a dragon shape, and blasted towards Zhu Wengui fiercely.

Seeing this, Zhu Wengui's face flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that this young man could master such advanced martial arts.

But he is a martial arts master, so he will not be easily defeated.

He dodged Fang Yue's attack cleverly, and slapped Fang Yue's chest with his backhand.

Fang Yue dodged this palm flexibly, and attacked again.

He used the moves in "True Dragon Nine Changes" to continuously launch fierce attacks, trying to break Zhu Wengui's defense.

The two launched a more intense confrontation in the underground palace, and every move was full of power and majesty.

Fang Yue relied on the skills of "True Dragon Nine Changes" to continuously launch attacks, and Zhu Wengui also relied on his powerful cultivation and rich combat experience to continuously resolve Fang Yue's attacks.

Time passed by, but there was still no sign of the battle between the two.

Fang Yue could no longer remember how many times he had launched attacks, and his body was covered with sweat, but he still had no intention of giving up.

However, even if Fang Yue tried his best, the gap in strength between him and Zhu Wengui was still obvious.

Zhu Wengui had too much combat experience. He could defuse Fang Yue's attacks skillfully every time and gradually gained the upper hand.

Finally, in a fierce confrontation, Fang Yue showed a flaw.

Zhu Wengui saw the right moment and hit Fang Yue's chest with a palm.

Fang Yue felt a huge force rushing into his body, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken string, hitting the stone wall of the underground palace heavily.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Fang Yue's mouth, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Humph, kid, you are still too naive!"

Zhu Wengui said coldly, step by step towards Fang Yue who fell to the ground.

Fang Yue struggled to stand up, but the severe pain in his chest made him almost unable to move.

He sighed in his heart, knowing that he was really in trouble this time.

Zhu Wengui walked up to Fang Yue and leaned over to look at him: "Boy, tell me now, do you want to die or live?"

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and did not answer.

Seeing this, Zhu Wengui sneered: "Humph, your bones are still hard. But I have a lot of ways to make you speak."

As he said, he turned his palm, and a ball of energy condensed from Yuan Qi appeared in his hand, flashing a dangerous light.

"This is your last chance."

The body, the unyielding light flashed in his eyes.

Zhu Wengui frowned, he didn't expect Fang Yue to still have such fighting spirit under the serious injury. But as a martial arts master, he would naturally not be intimidated by this little fighting spirit.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill your wish!" Zhu Wengui said coldly, and the energy ball in his hand became brighter and brighter.

However, at this moment, Fang Yue suddenly jumped up. He endured the severe pain in his chest and rushed towards Zhu Wengui with all his strength.

This move was completely beyond Zhu Wengui's expectations. He didn't expect Fang Yue to launch such a swift attack despite being seriously injured.

The fierce vitality collided with a loud roar.

The waves shook constantly, as if they could collapse at any time.

Zhu Wengui was forced to retreat again and again by the impact, with a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't expect the young man's counterattack to be so strong, and he didn't expect that he could still burst out such power despite being seriously injured.

Fang Yue also took this opportunity to jump up and quickly disappeared into the darkness. He knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise once Zhu Wengui caught up, he would really have no chance of escape.

Zhu Wengui stabilized his body, looked at the direction where Fang Yue disappeared, and a hint of coldness flashed across his face. He was not in a hurry to catch up, because he knew that the young man was seriously injured and couldn't run far.

"Hmph, do you think you can escape from my grasp?" Zhu Wengui said coldly, turning to the exit of the underground palace, "I'll let you know the consequences of offending my King Wucheng!"

At this moment, Fang Yue had already escaped from the underground palace. He knew that he couldn't stop and had to leave this place as soon as possible. He endured the pain and ran all the way north.

He didn't know if Zhu Wengui would catch up, but he knew that he had to do everything possible to survive.

After a period of running, Fang Yue finally found a big city.

Although he is now also a wanted criminal, King Wucheng is the number one rebel king. If this person dares to appear here.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be besieged by masters sent by the Wei Dynasty. (End of this chapter)

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